A Capable Newcomer!

"So what do you specialize in?"

Unlike what almost everyone had thought as they looked at the young newcomer named Yin Hua, Professor Zhang asked him a completely different question.

Meanwhile, the two scientists who were standing right in front of Professor Zhang all this long also had a change of light in their eyes as they glanced at Yin Hua with a different gaze this time.

Before they had seen that there were some obvious disputes between the senior scientist and this newcomer, but they had not paid any attention since they were already occupied with something much more serious and could not care to pay any heed to such things.

Although they knew that this senior scientist and was quite a bad-mouthed guy but he was someone who was quite good at his work, so for all this long no one would try to get on his bad side either, but they just didn't know what this newcomer might have done with this senior in order for him to have such a squabble.