Will He Harm Her?

Not much further away Bo, Jhao and others had their eyes fixated upon Ye Qian as he held Yuan Meng's palms in his hand.

They were unable to see anything that Ye Qian was doing in order to heal Yuan Meng's burns, but from the change in Yuan Meng's expression, they were able to see the relief and lessening of the pain that she might be feeling.

It would not be wrong to say that they were not shocked seeing Yuan Meng's eyes suddenly open as soon as Ye Qian held her hands within his.

But then, thinking that this was nothing but a coincidence or maybe the fact that Ye Qian might have some knowledge of accupoints which he might have used in order to wake Yuan Meng.

Of course, that was also the reason why he was asked by Wang Jin to help his father.

They knew that Ye Qian had some knowledge of medicine and he could at most stop the burning sensation and increase the healing of Yuan Meng's palm greatly.