Soul Explosion (1)

On the road whose condition was not as good as it was just about an hour ago.

Someone seemed to be spasming in great pain, but there was not even a flinch of painful groan coming from the person's mouth.

If one looked carefully, then it was hard for that person to be considered as a human.

It was because the part of his body below the torso was completely missing and even then there was not even the slightest drop of blood which was coming from his body.

Other than that, there was a small fire which burned in his chest as it slowly burned upwards as if wanting to completely burn the person.

Three figures stood right in front of the said person.

One was a woman in her 30s while the other two were men, one looked in his mind 40s while the other looks astonishingly young as if he was just close to 25 or so years old.