There Is More Threat!

Of course, Le Zheng was clearly aware that the injuries that Ran had sustained after being his nerves ripped by the glass shrapnels.

It was already shocking that it was studied that none of Ran's nerves had been injured and all of those were just superficial injuries.

And injuries like such were something that they being the shadow guards didn't care of.

"That is what I should do, he stood in front of Mengmeng, while keeping his life on the line and didn't even waver for a moment when fighting against someone who had the ability to kill him in an instant, even I would not have done something like that, this is the least that I could help him with."


"Alright, you all should rest, it was a tiring day for everyone."

Ye Qian said while he walked to the gate where Yuan Meng stood by the door waiting for Ye Qian to come.