Found Something In Her Ear!


After the shrill screech from Feifei, all the birds that were flying in the sky above the kindergarten's ground started to scatter as if they were given command.

But even after seeing all the birds start to scatter, the parents, guards, and teachers could not take their eyes off the sky.

It was only after the sunlight started to sting their eyes did everyone took their eyes off the sky.

"Alright, that should be enough with the magic, and your class would also be starting soon."

Ye Qian laughed seeing the stars in the eyes of all the little ones which were fixed at him.


They released a sigh of disappointment upon hearing Ye Qian's words.

"Thank you, Uncle Ye."

Little Mei beamed as she thanked him, the little girl seemed to have gotten her biggest dream come true.

"Haha, of course, since you asked I had to do that."

Ye Qian smiled feeling contended deep in his heart.