Ning Wei's Thoughts!

"Hehe, thank you, aunty."

Hearing that she was going to drop them off by her school, the little girl thanked her with a wide smile on her face as she jumped off the bench.

"Come Feifei, you also want to meet Huang right?"

"There is nothing to thank me, it's because of me that you are so late, so this is the least I can do."

Mrs Ji shook her head and turned to the two ladies giving the same apologetic look.

"It's alright, it wouldn't have changed much."

Yuan Meng waved her hand while standing up along with Ye Qian.

Under much persuasion from him, she had finally taken chocolate and bit into it, although she felt that it was not the right time for her to eat chocolate right now, but after Little Jia also asked her to eat, Yuan Meng had no other choice but to accept.

Indeed, the chocolate was very much delightful and was not like anything which she had with Little Qiqi all this long.