The Girls Will Learn To Fly On Swords!

After reaching a few meters away from the gate of the Turtle Primary School.

"Here, come here, I have some accessories, we will get your hair and face better."

Mrs Ji said to Little Jia and then turned to Yuan Meng.

"Can Mrs Ye get the box behind your head?"


Yuan Meng nodded and turned around and saw that at the back of her head was a box which was about the size of a laptop, she didn't understand what was in it, but since Mrs Ji said that there was something that would help to get Little Jia's face to be cleaned, she thought that there would be some wet paper towels.

"Sister Wei will also need them I think."

Yuan Meng turned to her right and saw Ning Wei's face which also had tear marks on her cheeks and some of her hair had been dishevelled.

"Don't worry, I have enough for the two of them."

Mrs Ji nodded and opening the box got a few things from within.