Mr Fu's Son-in-law!

The guards stared at the two men who had just walked hand in hand like some brothers.

He had been working here for more than 15 years and until today he had never seen Uncle Fu so close to someone.

In fact, even with the friends who came to meet him sometimes he didn't seem as close as he was with this young man.

They just could not help but wonder who this young man really was.

"Although he did say that his wife is Uncle Fu's relative, but I don't think that I have ever seen him all these years."

The one who had been with Ye Qian shook his head.

"What really happened?"

He turned to his colleague and asked.

"Umm, I just went in and Uncle Fu and madam were attending to some really important guests I think, I just went to him and then informed him that there was someone who said that their wife was his relative."

The guy smiled wryly before saying.