Another Memory From The Past

Remembering the kid from a decade ago, the couple seemed rather amused.

"But don't the kids usually grow taller than their parents these days, I heard a report about it?"

Uncle Fu muttered, giving it a thought.

"Ahh no, the kid's parents were about 5 feet, I know them well since they used to come every week."

"And the boy also said that if it was not for our soup then he would never have gotten taller."

"Haha, he is still weird."

Uncle Fu shook his head while Aunt Qin continued.

"At that time I thought that he was merely joking since he used to drink our soup a lot, but now that he said it, could it really be that?"

Aunt Qin muttered, staring at Ye Qian.

"It's true."

Ye Qian nodded before pointing at the other side dish that looked like a stir fry of meat.

"As for this stir-fried duck, you have used birch wood fungus and also hairy green fruit."

Ye Qian then rubbed his chin before adding.