Their Friend Ran Away OR Flew Away?

1242 Their Friend Ran Away OR Flew Away?

Meanwhile, in Turle Primary school.

"Feifei, do you want more?"

A little girl called out while sitting on a bench at a corner of the garden while a few tiny bits of dumplings were torn onto a tiffin lid.


A sparrow the size of an adult's palm chirped and nodded her head as if understanding and also delighted for being given more to eat.

"Jia, how can Feifei understand everything that you say?"

A chubby little girl beside her who was also munching on the dumpling in her hand asked in confusion.

But it had affected her eating in the least as she continued to chew while the dumpling filling was stuck right at the corner of her lips and also some on her chin.

"Umm, I don't really know, Feifei always understands what we say."

Little Jia tilted her head and said while looking at Feifei.