A God Or Like One?

As they entered the room, nothing happened as Bo had warned.

In fact, things in this room were even calmer and quiet than the room just next to it.

Everything was the same, even the decoration except for a few details, but the person on the bed was different.

It was a woman, one who appeared to be in her mid-30s.

She was staring out of the large window with a perplexed look on her face.

And if one looked at the large balcony windows carefully, one would notice that the windows appeared to be locked and even the keys were not left there.

"The doctor said that she tried to rush towards the windows, fearing that she would jump off but our men quickly acted and stopped her from doing anything further."

Ye Qian gave a light nod before taking a step ahead.

Just as Bo was about to follow him, Ye Qian raised his hand and said without turning to him.

"Stay here, you don't have to come ahead."

"Yes sir."