Like Little Girls Making New Friends

After coming out of her thoughts, after bumping into someone and apologizing for her lack of attention, Ning Wei heard a feminine voice.

"Ohh, teacher Ning is it?"

The figure before her turned around and smiled before waving her hand as if Ning Wei didn't need to apologize for this simple matter.

"Yes." Although she nodded, Wei didn't recognize the woman before her.

The woman seemed to have known her but since she didn't know the other person, Wei felt somewhat embarrassed.

"Aiya, I am so foolish, I didn't realize that you don't know me, I am Jhang Yin, teacher of 5th class."

The woman said before tapping her forehead as if it was obvious.

"Jhang... are you somehow related to Jhang Feng?"

Ning Wei muttered, realizing that this name was somewhat familiar and in fact belonged to one of the students of her class.