Happy Birthday!

While Guo Yulao and Wang Xie were talking about things here and there and also discussing what would they do now that they had recognized who was behind old man Wang's previous illness, Ye Qian walked into the old age home gate, holding his eldest daughter in one arm, the little girl's bag on his back, and carrying a plastic bag in his other free arm.

If one looked at it, one would notice that there seemed to be some box in the bag.

But if there was someone who knew about the third being with them, they would clearly understand what was within the box.

Of course, the third being was Feifei, the little girls' friend, and the reason why someone knowing her would understand what was inside the box.

Well, the little thing had her eyes glued on the box as if she was simply yearning for it to be opened and she would be greeted with the contents within.