Tournament Arc: Semi Finals: Part 1

"W-wow, I don't really know what to say." The brown haired duelist let out as he was left flabbergasted at the spectacle that he had just watched on the screen. In response to all their stunned and shocked faces, she merely had a smug and proud smile plastered on her face.

"That… was not how I had expected the duel would go." The grey haired duelist said, as his eyes were still locked at the screen before him. "I had at least thought that Sarah Dolly of all people would give her a run for her money, but to think that the outcome would be like this…"

"It was a one sided beatdown." Ryo commented, but siand nothing else other than narrowing his eyes and showing an excited smile. While the reaction of the last duelist in the room was to merely scoff while scowling.

"She was only lucky." The black haired boy commented. "I also finished my duel without taking any damage! Everyone can do something like what that midget did!" He shouted, but she ignored most of it anyway in favor of focusing on the praises that her student got.

"I know right~ Mei is a great duelist isn't she~" She boasted proudly at seeing the achievement that her violet haired companion had managed to perform. Though sadly with the current plethora of cards that they have at their disposal, the ceiling of the deck that Mei uses is quite low.

If she had some XYZ monsters on her deck she could have gone for more on that turn. Like going to Ding or Aegaion with her Air Raider and Irradiator and maybe go into Gear Gigant X or Tin Archduke because she has more than two Level 4 monsters on field.

That might not seem quite strong in first hand, but since Machina Defence Perimeter was on the field, it meant that Tin Archduke who can flip a monster face down will be protected by targeting destruction, and if she does go to Ding then that means that there's double protection.

Also a thing to note, there are cards that are different from the counterparts that she remembers. Like Orochi whose each effect was a hard once per turn for only one of them now could activate both at the same turn.

It did make her wonder what other cards had their effects changed. She did search out other cards in her shop to see what other cards had changed their effect, and the only one that she had found was Number 99: Utopic Dragon who got buffed too.

Like, it has its anime effects and everything. Giving it a full board wipe on top of burn damage without changing its summoning conditions. She didn't really find any other cards with changes though, or maybe she just wasn't looking deep enough.

Soon enough, Mei walked through the door, followed by the pink haired girl behind her. The violet haired girl of course saw her and made a bee line for her. And as soon as she sat next to her, she patted the violet haired girl's head.

"Good job." She praised the smaller girl with a smile, and the girl beamed at the praise that she gave. She heard a sound of annoyance from the corner of the room, but ignored it in order to talk to the girl sitting next to her instead.

"You did well in the duel. Withdrawing when you realized that they would mill when they have Lightsworn Barrier on was correct, although your timing with Citadel was a miss." In response the violet haired girl merely nodded.

"Un. I had instead activated Citadel's effects in the end phase then I wouldn't have had my entire board wiped. " The violet haired girl reflected, and she nodded her head with a smile.

"Now ladies and gentlemen! We will begin the next round of duel!" The blond haired dueling instructor informed everyone through the screen. "We will proceed to the next match, a duel between Signora Yuuna and Signore Marufuji!" With the crowd cheering at the call of their names, the two duelists rose from their seats.

"Welp, time to go I guess." She said as she gave the violet haired girl another pat on the head before leaving the premise alongside the blue haired duelist. The walk was silent, with both of them not letting out any sound other than the clinking of their shoes with the marble floor.

Said silence began to be filled slowly but surely with the ever loudening sound of the cheering crowd, unable to contain their excitement at the upcoming duel between the two duelists who were known to be unbeatable in their own right.

They made it onto the platform, with her standing on one side, while Ryo standing on the other. "Hey." She called out to the blue haired duelist with a disarming smile. "Good luck. and don't forget to have fun." She said as she activated her duel disk.

All the while ignoring the blue screen in the corner of her vision.


Urgent Mission!

[Otherworlder's First Tournament Part 2]

Defeat Ryo Marufuji at the first round of semi finals

Rewards: 250000DP, Reputation (Fusion Dimension) Up, Cyber Dragon Infinity, Cyber Evolution Booster Pack Unlocked, Reputation (Ryo Marufuji) Up

Failure: Reputation (Fusion Dimension) Down, Reputation (Ryo Marufuji) Down


The blue haired duelist scoffed good naturedly. Nodding his head with a smile and activated his duel disk as well.

"Both duelists are ready! Who do you think is more favored in this duel, Signore Sanders?" Professor Cronos asked his grey haired co-commentator who hummed while grooming his moustache in response.

"The duel will be quite hard to decide." The other dueling instructor commented. "Young Yuuna's deck is quite strong, and certainly capable of performing feats to disrupt young Marufuji's monsters. However, young Marufuji himself is a talented duelist, and the deck that he uses is certainly strong as well, so the duel can go either way."

She had a shaky grin at her face as she heard the commentators commenting about her deck that she wasn't going to be using. She certainly was using a certain loophole that the staff and everyone who set this tournament up would never expect.


Yuuna: 4000LP

Ryo Marufuji: 4000LP

"I'll go first if you don't mind." She said. Of course she wants to go first, the point of being a control deck with a lock was going first and setting it up first after all. Checking up the cards at her hand, she couldn't help but click her tongue as she didn't start with the field spell.

But she basically also has it anyway. Tenacity was quite the search card, even if people don't really run it because it's a brick at most times. Thankfully she has Big-G's system that helps her start with not a brick in her starting hand.

"Let's start with this one. I'll activate the spell, Pantheism of the Monarchs! This card allows me to send one 'Monarch' spell or trap from my hand to draw two cards. I'll discard Frost Blast of the Monarchs to draw two."

She heard some gasps from the crowd, along with some confused noises, though her focus was her opponents raised eyebrows along with the gasps of the commentators.

"What's this! It seems that Signora Yuuna has changed her deck for this duel!" The blond haired Obelisk Blue dueling instructor exclaimed looking quite shocked. "I did not think that someone would be bringing two decks to this tournament!"

"To the audience who were wondering, bringing more than one deck is of course allowed." The military outfit wearing dueling instructor commented as he watched the duel unfold. "Of course, such a thing is usually not done, after all mastering one deck is already quite a task."

"Inceed." The blond commentator agreed to the comment given by his companion. "But to think that Signora Yuuna would use Monarchs… it certainly is quite a strong deck, but will Signora Yuuna be able to defeat Signore Ryo with said deck?"

She glanced at the two cards that she drew, and a combo was being formed in her mind, a quite annoying one at that. "I'll activate the effect of Pantheism of the Monarchs! I can banish this card from my graveyard to reveal three 'Monarch' spell or trap cards from my deck, for you to choose one for me to add to my hand while I shuffle the rest to my deck."

With that said, she showed three of the same cards to add the card that she needs. "I'll show three copies of Tenacity of the Monarchs. So I'll add the card." She saw her opponent narrowing his eyes at the play that she had done, and she could only smile shyly in response.

"Now then, I'll be activating Tenacity of the Monarchs. This card lets me reveal a monster with 2400 attack and 1000 defence, or 2800 attack and 1000 defence to add one 'Monarch' spell or trap card from my deck to my hand." She activated the card that she had just added.

With the explanation done, she showed the monster that she will be summoning at one point of this turn. "I'll reveal Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch, to add the field spell, Domain of the Monarchs." Adding the lock to her hand, she shuffled the cards that she held out of habit.

"Now I'll activate the effect of Mithra the Thunder Vassal!" She said as she showed the light thunder monster in her hand. "If this card is in my hand, I can activate this effect. I cannot special summon from the Extra Deck for the rest of the turn, to special summon this card. I'll summon her in defence position."

Placing the card on her duel disk's materialized light sword. The thunder monster appeared on her field in all her glory. Dressed in her light purple skin tight armor and tiger striped long side skirt along with her head gear and back gear. Lightning and thunder pulsating in her hands

Mithra the Thunder Vassal - Light/Thunder/Level 2/Effect: 800/1000

"Preventing herself from special summoning from the Extra Deck?" The moustached dueling instructor mused as he played with his moustache. "So it seems that young Yuuna is playing a full Monarch deck then."

"Since Mithra was summoned this way, I also summon one 'Vassal Token' on your side of the field in defence position." Mirroring her only monster on the field, a clone made out of lightning appeared on her opponent's side of the field.

Vassal Token - Light/Thunder/Level 1/Token/Normal: 800/1000

"I'll activate the continuous spell, Return of the Monarchs, which prevents me from special summoning from the extra deck." She said as he activated the next part of her combo, setting up so that she could do the play that she had planned.

"Now to start." She said, a smile forming on her features. "I'll be tributing my Mithra, to tribute summon Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch!" The thunder monster disappeared in a flash of fire, and the monster that replaced her was the gleaming silver armor of Thestalos who was surrounded by raging fire.

Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch - Fire/Pyro/Level 6/Effect: 2400/1000

"Thestalos' effect! You'll have to randomly discard a card and deal burn damage if it was a monster, and I'll chain the effect of Return of the Monarchs!" She chained the activation of the two cards.

The monarch of fire shot out balls of flames from his hand, hitting one of the cards on the hand of the blue haired duelist that was her opponent, leading him to discarding said card from his hand.

The blue haired boy randomly discarded a card from his hand, and the card that he had discarded was none other than Emergency Cyber, making him nor receive any burn damage.

"The effect of Return of the Monarchs lets me add one monster with 2800 attack and 1000 defence with a different name from that tribute summoned monster." She showed the monster that she was going to add to the hand, and added her combo piece.

"I'll be adding Thestalos the Mega Monarch to my hand." She added the Firestorm Monarch's evolved counterpart and proceeded to summon said monster. "Since Mithra was tributed for a tribute summon, I can tribute summon one monster in addition to my normal summon and set this turn."

Preparing for what it is to come, the blue haired duelist narrowed his eyes. "I'll be tribute summoning Thestalos the Mega Monarch! Which can be tribute summoned with only one tribute summoned monster."

The Firestorm Monarch let out a warcry, before being engulfed in a pillar of raging flames. The pillar of flames then exploded outwards, revealing the evolved form of the Firestorm Monarch in all his fiery glory, with his sharper and fiercee looking armor.

Thestalos the Mega Monarch - Fire/Pyro/Level 8/Effect: 2800/1000

"Thestalos' effect!" She declared the monster's effect, activating it. "This one lets me look at the card in your hand and discard one card from your hand, and inflict burn damage if said card was a monster."

The evolved form of the Firestorm Monarch shot out a burst of flames from his hand, but instead of hitting her opponent immediately, the ball of flames stayed in the air beside the Mega Monarch as a screen appeared on her duel disk, revealing the four cards remaining in her opponents hand.

He has the titular Cyber Dragon in his hand, along with Cyber Phoenix which was quite the tech option for a fusion based Cyber Dragon deck and Machine Dupe in his hand, with the last card being Cyber Eltanin.

Well, unless her opponent draws Cyber Dragon Core, that Machine Dupe is dead. As was the Cyber Dragon really since he had a Vassal Token in his field. And though she was incredibly tempted to make him discard his Cyber Phoenix, she doesn't really like leaving him with a walking Raigeki in hand.

"I'll be making you discard your Cyber Eltanin, and dealing burn damage equal to the monster's original Level times 200!" The gigantic Mega Monarch of fire shot out the floating orbs of fire towards her opponent, making him grimace and let out a small shout as it reached him.

"GAH!" The blue haired boy let out as he was dealt a hefty amount of damage from the flames shot out by the Mega Monarch.

Ryo Marufuji: 2000LP

"And since Thestalos the Mega Monarch was tribute summoned with a fire monster, I get to deal an extra 1000 points of damage." She continued as the Meg aMonarch of flames shot out another blaze of flames towards her opponent.

Said opponent could do nothing but raise both of his hands in a defensive position as he was hit once more by the fires of the Mega Monarch. "Guh!" He grunted.

Ryo Marufuji: 1000LP

"Mamma Mia!" The blond dueling instructor exclaimed in shock as his eyes were as wide as plates as he saw what had just happened. "S-Signora Yuuna has dealt an incredible amount of damage in the first turn! Leaving Signore Marufuji with only 1000 Life Points remaining!"

"Incredible!" His fellow commentator exclaimed, looking quite shocked at the development that had happened himself. "Not only has young Yuuna dealt an incredible amount of damage, young Marufuji now has to start with only three cards at hand! Will he be able to turn this situation around?"

She cringed at seeing how much damage she had accidentally dealt with that play. She didn't imagine that she would be able to deal that much damage with burn alone. Especially not with a Monarch deck of all things.

She would understand if she dealt around 3000 points of damage with something like Trickstars, but Monarchs?! A deck whose single point of being was to lock the opponent from the Extra Deck with Domain or Erupt?!

And she even got to see the cards in his hands! And even discard one card after doing so! It might have taken a bit of recourse to do, but that was quite strong.

She definitely got them all in the first half, even herself, if she's being honest.

She glanced at the remaining cards at hand, seeing that she couldn't probably set up any other interaction other than setting up Domain, she let out a small sigh. "Last but not least, I'll activate the field spell, Domain of the Monarchs!"

With the field spell being played, the area around the platform changed to be surrounded with that of gigantic pillars of darkness. "While this card is on the field, while I have no cards in my Extra Deck and I am the only player that controls a tribute summoned monster, you cannot special summon monsters from the extra deck."

The declaration of the effect of Domain made her opponents eyes go wide, though he showed no other reaction unlike the commentators and audience who were watching the ongoing match.

"W-WHAT?! It seems that Signora Yuuna has changed into a deck which is going to prevent Signore Marufuji from summoning monsters from his Extra Deck!" The blond commentator exclaimed, shocked at her choice of deck.

"Oh! How will young Marufuji go through this situation?" The moustached commentator asked, looking quite invested on the outcome of the match and what play her blue haired competitor would do.

"I'll set one card face down, and I'll end my turn." A face down card appeared behind the gigantic Mega Monarch, and she ended her turn with one card in her hand in contrast to her opponent's three cards.

Her opponent had a frown in his face as he stared at the monster on her field, and the pillars of darkness that surrounded them, signaling that he could not special summon monsters from the Extra Deck.

"My turn." He declared as he placed his hand over his deck to draw a card. "I draw." He said as he drew a card from his deck. He then took the time to see the cards in his hands, seemingly thinking on what he should do in his position.

"I'll set one monster face down. And end my turn." Beside the Vassal Token which was made out of electricity, a face down monster appeared in Ryo's side of the field, and as though she thinks that the monster was the Cyber Phoenix that she has seen, there's also other monsters that he could possibly set from his draw.

But it was probably Cyber Phoenix though, which means that the blue haired boy was currently trying to stall the game so that he could amass resources to do a comeback.

Now if only she draws her lord and savior Raiza the Storm Monarch, then she could possibly end this game. Or at least get close to a more advantageous game state since she could spin the Cyber Phoenix that he probably set to be on top of the deck and fade his next draw.

"My turn then, I'll draw." She said as she drew a card from her deck. She saw the card that she had drawn, but sadly the card wouldn't exactly get her out of this situation."Battle." She declared, moving onwards to the battle phase immediately. "I'll attack your Vassal Token with Thestalos."

The Mega Monarch let out another warcry as he shot out another blast of fire towards her opponent's monster. "Domain's effect! If a tribute summoned monster I control attacks an opponent's monster, it gains 800 points of attack during the damage calculation."

Thestalos the Mega Monarch - Fire/Pyro/Level 8/Effect: 3600/1000

The ball of flame grew larger as it was thrown, and the ball of fire hit and annihilates the token made out of lightning. As soon as the monster finished attacking, the attack boost given by the Domain disappeared and Thestalos' attack returned to normal.

"I'll set one card face down, and end my turn." She said as she ended her lackluster turn and passed. Monarchs doesn't do much anyway in actuality, the point of playing the deck was to win with the absolute advantage engine that was the card that she had just set after all.

"My turn then. I'll draw." Her blue haired opponent said as he drew another card.

"I'll be activating my continuous trap card, The Prime Monarch." She flipped up the trap card that she had just set, and started the absolute advantage engine that Monarchs has evolved into. "Once per turn, I can target two 'Monarchs' spells or traps in my graveyard and shuffle them into the deck, then I draw one card."

Done with the explanation of the card's effect, she chose the only two Monarch spells that she has on the graveyard. "I will shuffle back both Tenacity of the Monarchs and Frost Blast of the Monarchs to draw one card."

Seeing that he would get no more interaction, the blue haired boy continued his turn after glancing at the cards in his hands. "I'll tribute my set monster to tribute summon Cyber Dragon!"

The set monster disappeared, and in its place the titular Cyber Dragon appeared in its place in all its mechanical glory, appearing on Ryo's field with a magnificent mechanical roar.

Cyber Dragon - Light/Machine/Level 5/Effect: 2100/1600

She narrowed her eyes at the monster's appearance, and she couldn't help but notice the fact that it was hard summoned with a tribute and everything. Which means that it would gain the attack boost from Domain.

This might be a problem.

It seems that her opponent had figured out the out to the board that she had set up, and proceeded to the battle phase. "Battle! Cyber Dragon attacksThestalos the Mega Monarch! Evolution Burst!"

The mechanical dragon let out another mechanical roar, before shooting out a burst of white laser from its maw, in response her gigantic Mega Monarch defended himself with a blast of fire which met the machine's white beam.

"During the damage step the effect of Domain activates!" The blue haired duelist declared. "When a tribute summoned monster attacks, it gains 800 attack during the damage step!"

The white beam of the Cyber Dragon became more intense as it was boosted by the black pillars of Domain, and soon enough overpowered the flames of her Thestalos by an incredibly small margin.

Cyber Dragon - Light/Machine/Level 5/Effect: 2900/1600

Ah, she had forgotten the tidbit that while the Master Rule that they were playing with was not MR5 that she was used to, but MR 2 where there can only be one field spell that affects both players. Which means that both players can activate Domain's attack boosting effect.

The white beam from the machine's maw overpowered her Thestalos' flames, and hit the Mega Monarch directly in the chest, and destroying him in a giant explosion of flames. She clicked her tongue as she was hit with the miniscule of damage that had passed through, but couldn't help but have a smile on her face as she faced her opponent.

Yuuna: 3900LP

"Bellissimo! Signore Marufuji has managed to defeat Signora Yuuna's monster with his own!" The blond dueling instructor exclaimed, supported by the shouts and cheers of the audience.

His co-commentator nodded with a grin of his own as he watched the battle unfold. "A brilliant play by young Marufuji!" He said. "Tribute summoning his Cyber Dragon in order to gain the effects of young Yuuna's field spell was an incredible strategy!"

"And since Signora Yuuna no longer controls a tribute summoned monster." The blond commentator started. "Now Signore Marufuji can special summon fusion monsters!" He exclaimed.

"Not bad." She said with a smile to her opponent. "Got to admit, I had thought that you would do something like that at your first turn instead of the second if I was being honest." Saying that, she narrowed her eyes at the opponent before her.

"I had thought of that." Her blue haired opponent said with a grin. "But the timing simply was not right. I will set one card face down, and end my turn." With one monster and a face down card in his field, the blue haired duelist ended his turn.

For him to be brave enough to hard summon his Cyber Dragon after a turn where he could have done the exact same play has to do with that face down card that he had set. "My turn, I'll draw." She said as she drew a card.

Now what is a trap card that would be useful for Cyber Dragons in this situation? Cybernetic Hidden Technology is only active when he controls a Cyber Dragon or a fusion monster that lists the monster, so that's a possibility. But even generic traps could also work like trap hole or the like.

And in the format where people still uses battle traps, and with Cyber Dragons having one that revolves on battle, albeit an incredibly bad one that Ryo plays for some reason. The best time to remove monsters was out of the battle phase.

"I'll activate the spell card Tenacity of the Monarchs!" She declared as she drew another copy of the spell. "I'll reveal one monster with 2400 attack and 1000 defence, or 2800 attack and 1000 defence, to add one 'Monarch' spell or trap card from my deck to my hand."

Saying so, she revealed the only monster that she has on hand. "I will reveal Delg the Dark Monarch to add the quick-play spell card, The Monarchs Stormforth from my deck to my hand!" She said as she added the spell card to her hand.

"And I'll activate it!" She said as she placed the card excitedly on her duel disk's projected sword. "The Monarch Stormforth allows me to tribute summon using one monster that you control even though I do not control it. So I'll be tributing your Cyber Dragon to tribute summon Delg the Dark Monarch!"

As she said so, a tornado formed from the skies above and swallowed up Ryo's one and only monster that he had on the field. "Cyber Dragon!" He exclaimed loudly followed by the gasps of the audience as he saw his monster disappear into the storm, as it let out a mechanical cry.

The storm soon dissipates, and in the place of the mechanical dragon that was Cyber Dragon now was a fog of darkness, and as it dissipates now stood a Monarch who was grabbed in black armor and a dark grey cape, surrounded with malicious energy.

Delg the Dark Monarch - Dark/Spellcaster/Level 6/Effect: 2400/1000

"Delg's effect!" She declared on the monster's summon. "Then this card is normal or special summoned, I can target up to two cards in your graveyard, and banish those targets, then send the same number of cards from the top of your deck to the graveyard." She explained the Monarch's abilities.

Looking at her opponent's graveyard through her duel disk, she chose the cards that she would banish. "I will banish your Cyber Phoenix and Cyber Dragon, and mill two cards from your deck."

She saw that the two monsters that she had called were banished from the graveyard, and two new cards were then milled from the blue haired duelist's deck. Said two cards were Cyber Repair Plant and a Cyber Valley.

Seeing the first card that she had milled made her let out a grin, knowing that he could have possibly used the card to add any light monster from his deck to his hand since he had a Cyber Dragon in the graveyard, and seeing as Edo plays two Destiny HERO - Dynatag, what are the chances that the blue haired boy runs two Eltanin?

Not high if she was being honest, but the chances are not zero either so she was quite glad that she milled that card.

"The effect of Return of the Monarchs activates!" She declared, continuing the Monarch's engine of getting advantage. "SInce I tribute summoned a monster, I can add from my deck to my hand, one monster with 2800 attack and 1000 defence. I'll add Ehther the Heavenly Monarch to my hand."

She saw that her opponent looked incredibly worried as she added another card from the deck to her hand, and she merely smiled wryly in response. "Delg cannot attack during the turn he is normal or special summoned, so sadly it seems that I cannot end the game this turn. So I'll set one card face down and pass it back to you."

A face down card appeared beside the continuous trap that the Monarch deck revolves out of, and the turn controller was passed back to the blue haired duelist who was struggling to get out of his predicament.

"My turn. I'll draw!" He said as he drew his card, looking quite bothered as he faced down the singular monster on her field.

Looking at the card that he had drawn however, made his eyes widen, and a grin made it onto his face. "I'll normal summon Cyber Dragon Core!" As he placed the card on his duel disk's projection, a holographic skeletal frame of a Cyber Dragon appeared on his field, with a single red orb on the dragon's chest glowing red.

Cyber Dragon Core - Light/Machine/Level 2/Effect: 400/1500

"Cyber Dragon Core's effect! When this card is normal summoned, I can add one 'Cyber' spell or trap from my deck to my hand!" Saying so, he took a card out from his deck and showed it to her.

"I'll add the spell card, Emergency Cyber to my hand. And I'll activate it!" He said as he immediately activated the spell card that he had added to his hand. "This card lets me add one light monster that cannot be normal summoned or set, or one 'Cyber Dragon' monster from my deck to my hand."

As he finished the spell card 's explanation, the boy of course chose to add a 'Cyber Dragon' monster from his deck to his hand. "I'll add one Cyber Dragon Zwei from my deck to my hand."

He sees the boy added the second iteration of the Cyber Dragon from his deck to his hand, though she was pretty sure that he wouldn't be summoning the card anytime soon. But that at least assured her that the blue haired boy doesn't run more than one copy of Cyber Eltanin, as he could have added the monster with the search spell.

So at least she won't be seeing the monster that could wipe her board anytime soon. That was reassuring at least.

But she could at least tell where this play is heading

"I'll activate the spell, Machine Duplication!" The blue haired duelist declared as he activated the spell that would cheat out two Cyber Dragons to his side of his field. "This card allows me to target one machine monster with 500 or less attack, and special summon up to two monsters from my deck with the same name as that face up monster."

Saying so, he showed two monsters from his deck "Because Cyber Dragon Core is treated as 'Cyber Dragon' while it is on the field or in the graveyard, I can special summon two Cyber Dragon from my deck in attack position!"

In a blinding flash of light, two pairs of the gigantic silver mechanical dragon appeared on her opponent's side of the field. Each letting out their respective mechanical roars that made the crowd cheer on as they appeared.

Cyber Dragon - Light/Machine/Level 5/EffectL 2100/1600

Cyber Dragon - Light/Machine/Level 5/EffectL 2100/1600

"Bellissimo! It seems that Signore Marufuji has managed to special summon two of his signature monsters!" The ponytailed dueling instructor exclaimed, looking extremely excited at the two monster's appearance.

"But what will he do with the two monsters on his field?" His fellow dueling instructor commented. "He now possesses two incredibly strong monsters, but their attacks still doesn't surpass young Yuuna's monster."

No, no, no. If anything, him summoning the two monsters clearly meant that he has an out to her board. And since he hard draws it an out for her 2400 attack beater that was Delg, and as far as she knows the only one main deck out that the Cyber Dragons has for a monster with a higher attack.

Said card was either the Raigeki that he has shown in his last match, or the generic machine monster's out for any monster with big numbers and number one OTK enabler, Limiter Removal.

And seeing as the card was a quick-play spell which can act as a battle trap, she should remove the monsters on the field before they become a problem.

"From my hand, I'll activate the effect of Ehther the Heavenly Monarch!" She declared the monster's effect as she showed it to her opponent. "During your main phase, if this card is in my hand, I can banish one 'Monarch' spell or trap from my graveyard to immediately tribute summon this card!"

Declaring so, she waved her hand towards the only monster on her field. "Although Ehther is a Level 8 monster, I can tribute summon this card by tributing one tribute summoned monster, I will tribute my Delg the Dark Monarch to tribute summon Ehther the Heavenly Monarch!"

In a flash of heavenly light, the Dark Monarch disappeared, and descending from the heavens above to take his place was a heavenly figure armored with pure white and gold armor, holding a large golden staff in her left hand.

Ehther the Heavenly Monarch - Light/Fairy/Level 8/Effect: 2800/1000

"Tribute summoning during my turn?!" His opponent declared, shocked as he stared at the monster that she had summoned.

"Now, Ether's effect activates!" She declared, as the Heavenly Monarch waed her staff with grace. "When this card is tribute summoned, I can send two 'Monarch' spell or trap cards from my deck to the graveyard, and if I do, I can special summon one monster with 2400 or more attack and 1000 defence from my deck, but return it to the hand during the end phase."

Finished with the card's explanation, she showed the two cards that she would send to the graveyard, along with a monster that she would special summon from the deck to disrupt her opponents play.

"I'll send the continuous spell card, March of the Monarchs, and the quick-play spell, Strike of the Monarchs to the graveyard to special summon Kuraz the Light Monarch from my deck in attack position!"

Taking the card from her deck and placing it on her duel disk's projected sword, the Heavenly Monarch waved her golden staff with poise to summon a rain of light. From the golden light that was from the heavens, a Monarch garbed in a full golden plate of armor descended from the heavens to stand beside the Heavenly Monarch.

Kuraz the Light Monarch - Light/Warrior/Level 6/Effect: 2400/1000

Leaving her blue haired opponent stunned by the appearance of the fully golden monster, she continued her play on her opponent's turn."Now Kuraz's effect activates! And of course I'll chain it with Return of the Monarchs" She declared the monster's effect activation first so as to not miss its timing.

"Since I tribute summoned a monster, I'll add one monster with 2400 attack and 1000 defence with a different name than the tribute summoned monster, I'll add Mobius the Frost Monarch to my hand." She said as she added the monster to her hand.

"Now Kuraz's effect! When this card is normal or special summoned, I can target up to two cards on the field, and destroy those targets!" She declared with a grin. "Though each player gets to draw one card for each card in their control that was destroyed by this effect."

Saying so, she pointed towards the two cards that she would destroy with Kuraz's effect, even though it will still give her opponent's resources back. "I'll be destroying the two special summoned Cyber Dragons!"

With her orders given, the Light Monarch raised both of his hands which began to be shining with blinding sparks of light. Waving his hands down, sparks of light flew down from the heavens towards the two cybernetic dragons, destroying them.

"Kuh!" The blue haired duelist grunted as his two monsters were destroyed.

"Well, since two of your monsters were destroyed with Kuraz's effect you get to draw two cards." She said as she gestured towards him, and he drew two more cards to add to his hand.

"Ah, while we're at it, I'll trigger the effect of The Prime Monarch." She said nonchalantly as she activated the continuous trap card one again. "I'll shuffle back the two cards send to the graveyard by Ehther's effect to draw one card." With that said, she dre another card to her hand after shuffling the aforementioned cards back to the deck.

Glancing at the cards that were added to his hands, the blue haired duelist frowned before continuing his turn. "I'll set two cards face down, and end my turn." He said, closing his eyes as two more face down cards appeared behind his Cyber Dragon Core.

"With that Kuraz returns to my hand." Saying so, the Light Monarch shone, and in a flash of blinding light, the monster had disappeared from the field and was added to her hand.

"M-M-MAMMA MIA! Signora Yuuna keeps getting more and more cards with each card that she activates! And not only that, she even managed to destroy the Cyber Dragons that Signore Marufuji had special summoned!"

"My turn then." She said as she started her turn. "I'll draw." Drawing another card, she saw the card that she had drawn, and could not help but marvel at the luck that she has. And just like that, she has lethal.

"I'll activate the effect of Lucius the Shadow Vassal from my hand!" She said as she showed the dark monster in her hand. "I can banish one Level 5 or higher monster from my graveyard to special summon this card from my hand, also I cannot special summon monsters from my Extra Deck for the rest of this turn."

Saying so, she placed the card onto her duel disk, and a ball of darkness appeared on the field beside the Heavenly Monarch. Said ball of darkness began to form into a monster, a fiend to be exact, and from that Lucius the Shadow Vassal appeared on her field.

Lucius the Shadow Vassal - Dark/Fiend/Level 1/Effect: 800/1000

"Now then, I will be tributing Lucius the Shadow Vassal to tribute summon Mobius the Frost Monarch!" The vassal of shadows was then surrounded in a torrent of water that soon froze to become a pillar of ice. Said pillar of ice shattered, and from there appeared the water monarch with his silvery light blue armor and dark blue cape, releasing a breath of cold air around him.

Mobius the Frost Monarch - Water/Aqua/Level 6/Effect: 2400/1000

"And here, a bunch of effects triggers." She said wryly. "First off will be Mobius' effect! Which lets me target and destroy up to two spells or traps in the field, and then Lucius' effect that allows me to see set cards that you control, and last but not least Return of the Monarchs!"

She declared the three card chain that would assure her what was possibly victory. "First off, I'll add Erebus the Underworld Monarch to my hand with the effect of Return of the Monarchs." She says as she added a monster with 2800 attack and 1000 defence.

"Next, then, I'll activate the effect of Lucius! When this card is tributed for a tribute summon, I can look at the set cards that you control." With that said, a window appeared on her duel disk, revealing the face down set cards that her opponent has set.

She saw the card that he had set first was indeed Cybernetic Hidden Technology, while the two new cards that he had set on the previous trun were Cyber Network and Mirror Force.

Oh~ she's quite glad that she had Lucius now since with that she could avoid destroying Cyber Network who would have gotten the blue haired boy a Cyber Dragon or another light machine monster on field to stall since he could trigger the trap and banish another light machine if it was going to be destroyed.

"Humu, humu. I see." And she really does, it seems that the blue haired boy had placed the card in the middle in hopes of actually gaining advantage if she had accidentally destroyed the middle card.

"Then, for the first card in the chain to resolve its effect, I'll destroy two of your set trap cards with Mobius! I'll destroy the two cards on the left and right of your field." Saying so, the Frost Monarch shot out shards of ice towards the two designated trap cards and destroyed them.

Seeing that he practically could do nothing in order to prevent his board from being dismantled, the blue haired duelist let out a sigh with a smile. "I see, to think that a duelist like you has been hiding for such a long time."

"Hey, you make it sound like I'm a hermit or something." She complained with a pout, which made the blue haired duelist laugh softly. "Well then, let's end this shall we?" She said to her opponent with a smile.

"Let's." He said with a smile of his own.

"Then, I'll attack your Cyber Dragon Core with Ehther the Heavenly Monarch!" Saying so, the Heavenly Monarch swung her golden staff, creating a beam of light that was shot towards the skeletal Cyber Dragon who tried to fight back by shooting its own beam, though its resistance was futile in the end.

The skeletal Cyber Dragon's beam was soon overpowered by the attack of the Heavenly Monarch, and the monster was destroyed, creating a small explosion that also hit the blue haired duelist and ending the game.

Ryo Marufuji: 0LP

"The match is finished!" The blond pony tailed dueling instructor exclaimed. "What an incredible duel! The two duelists truly showed incredible strategies during the match!" He commented with a broad smile.

"Though it might have seemed so, young Yuuna truly did seem to have controlled the match exceedingly well." The grey haired commentator said with an intense look in his face. "Not only was she able to lock young Marufuji out of the Extra Deck, she was also able to completely control the flow of the duel."

"Indeed!" The ponytailed commentator said, nodding to the words of his partner. She paid no heed to the talk between the commentators and the cheer of the crowd and walked towards her opponent.

"That was a good game." She said as she extended her hand for a handshake, a gesture that he accepted with a smile of his own.

"Indeed, it was indeed an experience." The blue haired duelist said. "I think I understand how Fubuki feels now," he said with a chuckle, one that she returned with a wry smile as she scratched the back of her head.

"Now then, let us move on towards the next match then! And whoever wins this one will have to then face Signora Yuuna!" The blond dueling instructor of the Obelisk Blue exclaimed as the two duelists walked down from the platform.

"The next match is between the winner of the previous two matches, young Haru Harule and young Mei!" The grey haired military outfitted dueling instructor said as the crowd cheered on.

As the two of them chatted and made their way back to the room where they once came from, the chatter of the crowd lessened and was muted by the walls around them, and in their walk they saw the two duelists who were going to be dueling.

She saw both Mei and Haru walking towards them, with a wide berth between the two of them. The violet haired girl pered as she saw her, and sped towards her to hide behind her to glare at the black haired boy that was her soon to be opponent who glared back.

Ah, no, the black haired boy wasn't glaring at the violet girl hiding behind her, but was just straight up glaring at her now.

Ah, please don't glare at her that much, she has quite the problem with attention. She's fine if it's one or two people having her attention, but glaring at her is a bit… Ah now the blue haired boy beside her was also glaring at the black haired duelist along with Mei.

She ignored the glaring contest that the black haired boy was having with the other occupants of the hallway in favor of focusing towards the small violet haired girl hiding behind her.

"Well then, good luck on your duel, Mei. I'm going to be cheering for you." She said as she ruffled the violet haired girl's hair. The violet haired girl beamed at her, a blinding smile on her face.

Said smile then turned into a frown when she heard a scoff coming from the black haired boy who walked past them. The violet haired girl growled as she glared at the black haired boy who walked past them, and then turned back towards her and nodded with a determined look in her eyes.

Mei then rushed towards the exit, making her heave a sigh with a smile on her face.

"That boy." She heard her blue haired companion say, and she turned towards him. She saw him with narrowed eyes, looking towards the back of the black haired duelist that had passed them.

"Though this might seem intrusive to ask, but do you perhaps know him?" The follower of the Cyber style asked her, and she could only respond with a nervous laugh while scratching her cheek.

"Haha, well… we do know each other, yes." She said, answering his question. "We're from the same orphanage and all, so we know each other. And he used to be such a good kid too..." She said as she thought back to the antics that the black haired boy had done from before.

From the start he would make trouble for a lot of people, especially for Mei and Sister Claire, and she has to usually be the one to actually clean the messes that he made. Not to mention that in the week before he went with that Harule person he and his cronies would always skip their responsibilities and play hookie.

"Ah, now that I think about it, he's been like that all the time huh." She said looking quite disappointed at how the black haired boy had turned out, and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Ah whatever!" She exclaimed, as she did her usual way of dealing with things, not dealing with them, and turned towards her blue haired companion. "Let's go back and watch the duel! I'm sure that it'll be an interesting one to watch!"