Dueling School: Academia

A lot of things happened right after the tournament ended. No, not the actual Academia Yearly tournament, sure it was interesting for her to watch and see some of this dimension's so called 'pro duelist' whose strategies is get big beatsticks or do incompetent OTK strategies, the tournament that she refers to was the one that she joined in, the Junior League one or whatever it's name was.

Because apparently, like a famous yugituber that made a combo that's basically splashable in every deck under the sun that can make the dreaded Halq and uses the soft garnet known as Deskbot 001 to go the the synchro line which is Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon, she had unknowingly shaped the meta.

And by meta she meant that having a big beater sitting behind a floodgate that stops your opponent.

Not that they were using it correctly mind you, most of the kids that she saw duel around the island basically started jamming Summon Limit on their deck, even when their own would be punished from using the floodgate themself.

Even one of those pro duelists that went to the Academia yearly tournament ran it, not that it gave him much help since he was facing a pro duelist who was unironically playing Worms, with his Boss Monster being a six mat Worm Zero, which was… honestly crazy if she was being honest.

She's actually scared if these people actually go and use other good floodgates. Like Kaiser Colosseum, a card that isn't banned in this world since banlist doesn't exist here for some reason, or Imperial Order that would kill spell heavy decks and Skill Drain, since those cards aren't limited nor banned.

And seeing that she could actually impact the cards that are used by the people of this dimension, it might be best if she doesn't use Anti Spell Fragrance since it would basically kill the XYZ people that use Rank Up Magic, something that she remembers the Arc-V introduced.

Of course she knows about that, Quick Launch did get banned for Azathoth shenanigans, and Ultimate Falcon is still one of, if not the best target to get out from Waking the Dragon which would punish backrow removal.

And God forbid if they actually start main decking Royal Oppression. Either way, she'll have to start putting on more backrow removal. Maybe three copies of Twin Twisters would be enough to do that.

Also! Another thing that she actually popularized in this world and made a format based around it, field spells are popular now! Most of the field spells are still bad though! For goodness sake, they are using cards like Umi and Wetlands unironically!

Shout out to that one guy that did Wetlands beatdown though. The good old format has never left us after all. That and the guy that ran Centrifugal Field unironically, which was a niche field spell that she forgot existed since it was basically never used, too bad that he lost since he didn't know that it also plused his opponent.

She swears to God if they start running Summon Breaker then she was going to flip, not that anyone is going to run it anyway since not many people actually run competent combo decks in this world other than the rare few 'talented' duelists.

But she digress, while them actually started using field spells and floodgates meant that the XYZ invasion that is going to happen a few more years is going to be harder, or she imagines that it would be, she was kind of glad that the dueling meta was growing, albeit she had to be the one who popularized it first.

But anyway, a few months had passed since the tournament, almost a year at that, and now she and Mei were finally going to be attending the Academia. It was theJunior Division, but it was still good enough for her.

She really hoped that there would be no mind controlling involved with the Junior Division of the school. Don't get her wrong, her current deck was undoubtedly a meta deck, disregarding the Monarchs starter deck that she got, but she doubts that she could beat a whole school of duelists without getting tired and start performing misplays.

But she'll be good as long as no one runs Nobleman of Crossout though. And even if she does, she could easily pivot her deck into the other engine that she runs with it, or rely on the trap goodstuff that she has since the deck wasn't… fully complete.

Well, at least she had another deck that was still incredibly competent. And it's not like she was going to be using her actual meta deck since it would basically steamroll every other duelist that she meets that isn't Mei or Sister Claire who knows what it does, or is an exact counter to it.

Listen, she had to waste a lot of DP so that she could make a full deck for Mei alright. And also a full deck for Sister Claire too who accidentally overheard their conversation and wanted to get stronger too.

Which almost gave her a heart attack when the blonde nun casually walked into the room while she was explaining to the violet haired girl about her shop and missions. Though at least she unlocked another card pack from that though , The Magician Girls pack that!

It also helped that she unlocked that since apparently the card packs that they sell in the local shops in the island were… not that great. Sure she found a Lose 1 Turn, which was a Secret Rare! What the actual heck! But it's mostly that most of the cards sold there are just terrible!

Most of them were filled with Normal Monsters! Normal Monsters! That and crappy spells or traps too! Who uses Mystical Wind Typhoon unironically! Let alone a card like Snake Fang or Driving Snow!

And worst of all, some of the packs that she knows actually have some good cards were packs that only pro duelists, or dueling academy students could buy, what with the need to show their duel disk identity number to the shopkeeper to actually buy them. Which kind of explains why there were a lot of children playing Normal Monsters Beatdown or just crappy Structure Decks that were sold.

Sadly, it did not contain the card that made her broke in her last life, which was Magician Souls, but it did contain enough Magician support that made Sister Claire's deck changed into a somewhat competent one.

Also, most of the 'good packs' that non pro duelists or academy students could buy were incredibly overpriced, even though she was a tournament winner that was basically well known in the island, the shopkeeper instead raised the price!

She challenged him on that, and in anime fashion, beat him in a duel to let her get a discount. It still wasn't much of a discount however, the old man only lowered the price of the pack by 10DP! 10DP! From a pack that was with 300DP for

But thankfully, after buying a certain amount of overpriced packs that were actually filled with some mediocre cards that were basically cards that were printed in the GX era, she unlocked a pack that basically made her two newest decks.

And boy were they strong, they aren't fully complete right now, but boy were both of them nearing actual meta levels of strong. And they were some pure fusion based decks too! Which was a plus really.

That at least assured her that her Shop was still superior, even though currently the number of actual different packs that she could buy could be counted by hand. But back to the deck that Sister Claire has now, she still left the Dark Magician Girl and its fusion counterpart in. Even though the deck has at this point, turned into a competent Witchcrafters deck, at the cost of her precious, precious DP.

And boy, was she strong now, she forgot how competent Witchcrafters were in just generic grind games. Madame Verre can do one sided Skill Drain once per turn, Haine can pop cards on spell speed two like Drident, and piled with generic floodgates like Secret Village and Summon Limit, her deck was incredibly scary.

And to make her even scarier, she also gave her some good stuff too. Like Pot of Extravagance, a card that for some reason never banishes Sister Claire's Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight, she calls anime bull on that, and Karma Cut since that deck can generate a lot of discard fodder.

Sister Claire managed to score some wins against her too with that new deck, making her lose her DP. Though thankfully it was during the point where she was quite broke so she didn't really lose that much DP.

Should she also talk about Mei's deck? Ah, there's no need for that since she's going to duel right now, so might as well watch her whoop the poor senior who was trying to assert his dominance against the Junior League's students.

Geez, this was their first day and there's already a random encounter.

"You're that girl that got second at the Junior League Tournament right?" The boy wearing a Ra Yellow jacket said as he looked down towards Mei, who blankly looked up towards him with confusion.

"Yes?" She answered in more of a confused tone more than anything. Seemingly quite confused as to why the senior was even at this part of the Academia. Now mind you, this school was incredibly large, it was basically it's own island after all, and there was no way that he was lost.

Which meant that he was here for a reason, and that reason was to seemingly challenge Mei for a duel.

Which he does, with a smile the Ra Yellow boy challenges her to a duel. "Then I challenge you to a duel!" He said, pointing towards her as he brandished his duel disk towards the violet haired girl.

"If I win, I'll get your cards! So let's go!" He said with a grin as he waited for the violet haired girl to prepare herself.

And just like a logical girl that she was, Mei stared at the Ra Yellow jacket wearing boy who was making the people in the courtyard where they were started looking at them, stared at the boy like he was an idiot and asked. "And if I win, what do I get?"

The boy scoffed, looking down at the violet haired girl like she was an idiot. "Heh, since I'm feeling generous, I'll give you my whole deck! Not that you're ever going to win though!" He then laughed at her.

The violet haired girl glanced at her, looking for permission to duel against the boy and possibly losing her cards. Not like she was going to lose though, but the possibility still exists.

Undoubtedly the boy was using anti machine cards like System Down, or maybe some anti trap cards. Jinzo probably? Maybe Simorgh? Who knows what this boy will be running to beat Mei's trap goodstuff.

Too bad that her deck has changed though, it's still a machine based deck which leaves it vulnerable to cards like System Down, but it wasn't as bricky as her previous Machina Ancient Gear deck.

And boy, was this deck an actual good one. She had no doubt that Mei would win, even if the boy runs an anti machine deck.

So she shrugged her shoulders and answered the violet haired girl's silent question. "Do what you want, it is your cards after all." Then she smiled encouragingly. "If you think that you would win, then go for it. I'll support whatever choice you make."

"Heh, don't get cocky just because you won a tournament!" The Ra Yellow boy shouted, gaining their attention once again. He pointed towards her with a grin. "After I'm done with her, I'll go for you! And I'll take your cards too!"

Listening to his boast, she let out a shy chuckle as she scratched the back of her head. "Is that so? Is this some sort of Academia tradition to challenge newcomers?" She asked as she glanced at the other Ra Yellow students that were around in the courtyard.

The boy grinned. "Of course! Since the Ra Yellow's class is closer to the Junior Division, it's just our duty to educate you all after all!" He laughed aloud once again, followed by the chuckle of the other Ra Yellow students around the courtyard.

She let out a sigh. She thought that bullying or something similar wouldn't happen to them since they actually asserted some fame for being tournament finalists who placed first and second, but instead that apparently made them become bigger targets for the seniors to assert their dominance.

She thought that these kinds of shenanigans would be done by Obelisk Blue rather than Ra Yellow. But it seemed that her GX knowledge of Ra Yellow being filled with just the chill kids was a lie in this world.

The violet haired girl closed her eyes for a bit, seemingly thinking, before opening them again and nodding with determination. She then turned towards the Ra Yellow boy, activating her own duel disk in a sign of accepting the given challenge.


Mei: 4000LP

Shiryo Kusa: 4000LP

"I'll let you go first!" The boy told the small girl, grinning as he looked at the cards in his hands. "Since you're a newcomer to this place and all, as you senior I'll show you how it's done around here!"

Mei didn't reply, and instead she simply focused on the cards that she had on hand. And after nodding to herself, the violet haired girl started her turn. "Then I'll start with the spell card, Fusion Dispatch."

"Fusion Dispatch?" The boy muttered. "I didn't see that during her match in the tournament… did she changed her deck?" The boy muttered as he narrowed his eyes at his violet haired opponent.

The small girl placed the card on her duel disk, and activated its effect. "This card lets me reveal one Fusion Monster in my Extra Deck and special summon from my hand or deck one of those Fusion Materials whose name is specifically listed on that card."

She explained the spell's effect, though not mentioning the restriction of it locking her into Fusion Monsters for the rest of the turn. The violet haired girl showed the monster that she would no doubt summon in this duel. "I'll reveal ABC-Dragon Buster, and special summon from my deck B-Buster Drake in defence position!"

Placing the card on the field, a drake based light green machine with a pair of cannons on its back appeared on Mei's side of the field in defence position, pointing its two cannons on its master's opponents, prepared to shoot it's weapons in retaliation.

B-Buster Drake - Light/Machine/Union/Level 4/Effect: 1500/1800

"W-what!?" The Ra Yellow students shouted as he screamed, stopping Mei who was about to continue her turn to focus on him, a sentiment that the violet haired girl showed by the small tilt of her head.

"What kind of card is that!? That's just broken!" He bemoaned as he pointed towards his opponents. "How come I've never heard of that card before!? And how come a random orphan like you have it!?"

Well, the card certainly was quite strong, but it wasn't that strong to be a staple in most decks anyway, only a few decks could use it to its fullest potential after all. First of all locking you to Fusion Monsters only is an incredible downside for meta decks, and not many generic Fusion Monsters use specific materials since they're… well, generic.

Really, only a handful of good Fusion Monsters use a specific monster. And certainly ABC was one of the decks that could benefit from a card like that. But yeah, she guessed in a slow format like the one that this world has, something like that card would be incredibly strong.

Mei frowned, but answered with an answer that she and Sister Claire had decided on, an answer that was helped with her selling cards on her free days under Academia's noses by disguising herself with a red hat and jacket that Sister Claire had customized for her.

"I bought it." The violet haired girl said. "With the prize that I got from the tournament." She added as she narrowed her eyes at the Ra Yellow student whose face changed from anger, to irritation, to a condescending grin.

"W-well that's fine! I'll just take it when I win anyway!" The boy declared, seemingly already assured that he would win the duel. The violet haired girl shrugged, seemingly uncaring of the boy's boasting.

"I'll activate the Quick-Play Spell, Unauthorized Reactivation!" She said, placing the spell card on her duel disk's sword projection to activate it. "I can target one Machine monster that I control and equip one appropriate Machine Union monster from my hand or deck to that monster, but the Union monster that I equipped cannot be special summoned this turn!"

The violet haired girl showed a card from her deck to her opponent once more. "I'll equip the Union Monster, Union Driver and equip it to B-Buster Drake." Saying so, Mei then equipped the card that she had shown to the only monster on her field.

A futuristic looking car appeared behind the orange scorpion drake-like Union Monster, and as the cockpit of the car opened revealing a humanoid robot, the violet girl declared the Union Monster's effect. "Union Driver's effect!" She declared.

"Although I can't activate its effect to special summon itself due to the effect of Unauthorized Reactivation, I can activate its effect while it's equipped to a monster." The violet haired girl said. "I can banish this Equip Card to equip one Level 4 or lower appropriate Union Monster from my deck to the monster that this card was equipped to!"

Saying so, the violet haired girl did the usual Union combo of banishing driver for another of the ABC cards to perform it's combo. "I'll equip C-Crush Wyvern from my deck to my B-Buster Drake!" She said, placing the card from her deck to her duel disk's projection.

Saying so, a wide purple wings and a pair of missile launchers were then placed onto Mei's mechanical drake, and the green machine monster let out a mechanical roar as it was now unaffected by Trap effects.

It was a nice start, but there were certainly problems for the violet haired girl to actually pop off. ABC was certainly the most used Union deck, it was meta at one point to the point where it's Boss Monster was limited to one, but there was also a reason as to why the deck was strong.

And that reason was none other than Link Monsters, that or XYZ Monsters like Bujin Tsukuyomi or Gear Gigant X and other generic Rank 4, a way of putting all those Union Monsters that were summoned into the graveyard or at least using them as material and activating their effects and plusing them to start a good recourse loop.

She certainly can't use those cards in this dimension, even though she does have a few of them. She doesn't even put them in her Extra Deck just as a precaution too, just filled them with some generic Fusions.

Which leads to the problem that the violet haired girl faced, that she had no way to send the monsters that she had on the field to the graveyard and trigger their effects, heck, she didn't even start with the field spell that would allow her to pop off even more than she had.

But Mei was resourceful, far more than she was apparently. Because the violet haired girl had found a way to actually use the deck to its fullest potential with an additional engine. "Now I'll normal summon Keeper of Dragon Magic!"

A magic circle appeared on Mei's side of the field, and through it a humanoid dragon appeared, garbed in teal spiked armor and carrying with him a sharp spear that was pointed to the Ra Yellow boy.

Keeper of Dragon Magic - Dark/Dragon/Level 4/Effect: 1800/1300

"Keeper of Dragon Magic's effect! If this card is normal or special summoned, I can discard one card to add one 'Polymerization' normal spell or 'Fusion' normal spell from my deck to my hand." The violet haired girl explained the monster's effect.

She then showed the card in her hand that she would discard. "I'll discard A-Assault Core to add one Polymerization from my deck to my hand." She said as she added the spell card to her hand.

"And I'll activate it!" The violet haired girl said as she activated the spell to fusion her monsters. "I'll fuse my B-Buster Drake and Keeper of Dragon Magic!" She said as the two monsters were enveloped by a spiral of orange and blue, and turned into a single monster that was her tech option to trigger the effect of her Union Monster's graveyard effect.

"Fusion Summon! Appear! Panzer Dragon!" The mechanical dragon let out a roar, it's silver body glistening under the sun as its tank lower body moved to defend the small girl, pointing its cannon maw onto the Ra Yellow boy.

Panzer Dragon - Light/Machine/Fusion/Level 5/Effect: 1000/2600

Yep, you got that right. Mei was running Keeper of Dragon Magic and some other dragon monsters and a Polymerization to go into Panzer Dragon, a card that she had not seen for… a long time, and using it as a combo piece.

You know, like when Thunder Dragon Colossus was banned, Thunder Dragon decks ran Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon unironically before they found out that there are actually better cards to use other than that.

Seriously, who thought of hard summoning the monster anyway?! If anything she would only see the machine monster whenever someone uses Instant Fusion, and if anything Instant Fusion would more likely be used to go to Relinquished and then Linkuriboh.

But it was a generic Light Machine Fusion Monster that required one Machine Monster and one Dragon Monster, a requirement that her ABC Union Monsters met and the other requirement being met by the Keeper of Dragon Magic himself.

"I'll activate the effect of B-Buster Drake in the graveyard! " The violet haired girl said, activating the graveyard effect of only one of her Union Monster which was sent from the field to the graveyard.

"If B-Buster Drake is sent from the field to the graveyard, I can add one Union Monster from my deck to my hand." The small girl said as she added a monster from her deck, and showed it to her opponent. "I'll add another A-Assault Core to my hand."

Certainly she could have activated the effect of C-Crush Wyvern in the graveyard too to summon the added A-Assault Core, but that wouldn't do much really. Getting another body on the field was fine, but having a monster at hand as discard fodder for ABC-Dragon Buster was always better, but of course the possibility of her opponent running an anti machine strategy is always possible.

"Now from the graveyard, I'll banish A-Assault Core, B-Buster Drake, and C-Crush Wyvern to special summon ABC-Dragon Buster from my Extra Deck!" Declaring so, the three Union Monsters appeared from the graveyard, and each interlocking with one another.

With A-Assault Core as the base of the monster, and B-Buster Drake and C-Crush Wyvern each combining with the scorpion based tank-like monster's tail, the two headed monster with a pair of laser cannons and missile launchers released electricity, standing menacingly against its master's opponents, protecting her in defence position.

ABC-Dragon Buster - Light/Machine/Fusion/Level 8/Effect: 3000/2800

Why defence position? Well, she did tell the violet haired girl of the existence of Lightning Storm, and certainly saving Life Points on a 4000 Life Points format was important so… yeah she kind of taught her to do that.

"W-What!?" The Ra Yellow boy shouted, followed by gasps from the spectators that were around the courtyard. "I thought that Fusion Monsters that require Union Monsters have to be banished from the field!? And one with 3000 attack too!"

And to his whine Mei simply explained the Fusion Monster's card text. "ABC-Dragon Buster must first be special summoned from the Extra Deck by banishing its materials that I control and or from my graveyard without using Polymerization." She said to the Ra Yellow boy.

"I'll set one card face down, and end my turn." Mei said, ending her turn with two Fusion Monsters, one which is a spell speed two disruption that can tag out to three monsters that were used as it's summon materials, while the other could destroy one card on the field when it is destroyed, and one set card.

"Kuh! W-well no matter! My turn!" The Ra Yellow boy declared, starting his turn. "I'll draw!" Saying so the boy drew another card, making him start with six cards at hand and he grinned as he saw them.

"I'll summon Batteryman 9-Volt!" He said as he slammed the card on his duel disk, and a Thunder Monster based on a large battery with limbs along with a head that was surrounded by electricity appeared on his side of the field.

Batteryman 9-Volt - Light/Thunder/Effect: 1000/1000

Batteryman? That's… actually a somewhat competent archetype. They have a pretty good Boss Monster in the form of Industrial Strength and Fuel Cell. But if anything the most famous of them would be Batteryman Solar who was used as a walking Foolish Burial for Thunder Dragons.

"9-Volt's effect activates!" He declared. "When this card is summoned, I can add one 'Batteryman' monster from my deck to my hand, and if I do, this card's attack and defence become double its original attack and defence!"

The yellow jacket wearing boy then took a card from his deck to add to his hand. "I'll add Batteryman Industrial Strength from my deck to my hand! And 9-Volt's attack and defence becomes double! But it is destroyed at the end of the turn."

The thunder monster on the field released a burst of electricity, and his strength became doubled of what it was before.

Batteryman 9-Volt - Light/Thunder/Effect: 2000/2000

"Kuku! Now I'll activate the effect of Thunder Dragon in my hand! Discarding it to add one Thunder Dragon from my deck to my hand!" The boy said as he discarded the card to add another copy of itself.

"And I'll do it again! I'll discard the Thunder Dragon that I added to add another Thunder Dragon from my deck to my hand!" He then discarded the Thunder monster again, in order to put a total of two Thunder Monsters in the graveyard.

"Now, I'll activate Double Summon!" The boy said as he activated the spell. "Now I can do another normal summon this turn! And I'll tribute my Batteryman 9-Volt to tribute summon Batteryman Charger!"

The orange and blue Batteryman then disappeared in a jolt of lightning, and replacing it was a smaller monster with purple which excluded stronger electricity than the previous monster that the Ra Yellow student had summoned.

Batteryman Charger - Light/Thunder/Level 5/Effect: 1800/1200

"Charger's effect! When this card is normal summoned, I can special summon one 'Batteryman' monster except Batteryman Charger from my hand or deck!" After he explained the monster's effects, he showed the card that he would summon.

"I'll summon Batteryman Fuel Cell!" Placing the monster card on his duel disk, and a giant fuel tank based pink Thunder Monster appeared beside Batteryman Charger, it's body discharging electricity.

Batteryman Fuel Cell - Light/Thunder/Level 6/Effect: 2100/0

Mei's eyes narrowed, perhaps realizing what the card could possibly do or perhaps not intending to even find out, and she responded. "I'll activate the effect of ABC-Dragon Buster!" She declared activating the Fusion Monster's quick effect.

"Once per turn, as a quick effect, I can discard one card, and target one card on the field and banish it!" She then discarded the only card in her hand. "I'll discard the A-Assault Core in my hand to banish your Batteryman Fuel Cell!"

The combined Union Monster then let out a mechanical screech and aimed its cannons towards the pink Thunder Monster, intending to remove it from play and not letting it activate its effects.

The Ra Yellow boy however, had apparently predicted something like this would happen. "I knew you'd do that!" He said with a large grin. "I'll activate the Quick-Play spell, Short Circuit!"

The Ra Yellow boy chained the Quick-Play spell to the activation of ABC-Dragon Buster's effect activation. "This card changes all defence position Machine-type monsters you control to attack position and until the end of your next turn, those monsters cannot change their battle positions, declare an attack, or activate their effects!"

Hold up, wait a minute, something's not right here. Her eyes widened at the card that the boy had just activated, and he laughed at the look that she and Mei shared. That's a one sided Quick-Play Skill Drain! Sure it only works on Machines, but that's still useful enough for this matchup!

And she thought that he would run cards like System Down. Well, he probably does run it. But she sure as heck didn't know that a card like that existed, must have been one of those anime only cards that she had ignored and never knew existed.

Wait, doesn't the name overlap with the Batteryman native Raigeki? No wait, she reread the card again, it was kind of meh. It's Skill Drain effects only works on monsters that were changed from defence position to attack position, and so it wasn't really a one sided Skill Drain against Machine monsters.

But it would still work for Mei's current field however, since both of her monsters, Panzer Dragon and ABC-Dragon Buster were all in defence position.

Mei however overcame her shock quickly, and showed why ABC-Dragon Buster a Boss Monster that was extremely strong in its own right. "I'll activate the other effect of ABC-Dragon Buster!" She declared.

"During your turn, I can tribute this card, then target three of my banished Light Machine Union Monsters with different names and special summon them!" The Fusion Monster let out a roar, before disassembling itself and turning into three separate monsters.

"What!?" Her opponent shouted in disbelief, as the three monsters that were banished to summon the Fusion Monster were returned onto the field, all summoned in attack position.

A-Assault Core - Light/Machine/Union/Level 4/Effect: 1900/200

B-Buster Drake - Light/Machine/Union/Level 4/Effect: 1500/1800

C-Crush Wyvern - Light/Machine/Union/Level 4/Effect: 1200/2000

"Now the chain resolves, starting with Short Circuit turning all Defence Position Machine-Type Monsters that I control into attack position, though it is only Panzer Dragon." The silver and gold tank dragon was then turned into attack position, and immediately it's glowing red eyes dimmed and it ceased to move, as if it was a sign that it had its effects negated.

"And since ABC-Dragon Buster is no longer on the field, it's effect activation is not negated by the effect of Short Circuit." Mei said as she pointed towards Batteryman Fuel Cell. "And so, Batteryman Fuel Cell is banished!"

"Fuel Cell!" The boy shouted his monster's name as it was still removed from play as the chain resolved. And along with that, probably his whole game plan. He was, of course, filling his graveyard with Thunder Monster to activate Industrial Strength after all.

But to summon it he has to banish two Batteryman from the graveyard, which was why he had summoned Fuel Cell through the effect of Charger, because Fuel Cell could then tribute Charger to bounce one card from the field, while also setting the graveyard to summon Industrial Strength, who could then banish one of the Thunder Dragons to pop Mei's face down and her remaining monster.

But now with Fuel Cell banished, and it never even managing to activate its effect, the Ra Yellow boy was only left with a single Batteryman Charger and no way to summon the Industrial Strength in his hand. "That-Kuh! Charger's effect! This card gains 300 attack and defence for each Thunder-Type Monster I control!"

The small batteryman shot out more electricity, increasing its attack and defence by 300 points because it counts itself as well.

Batteryman Charger - Light/Thunder/Level 5/Effect: 2100/1500

"Battle! I'll attack your Panzer Dragon with my Batteryman Charger!" The one and only remaining Batteryman charged towards the de-powered silver mechanical dragon. And when it got closer, it shot a charge of electricity and destroyed it.

Mei received damage, what with the explosion of the monster in her side creating a gust of wind. But the violet haired girl was unfazed even as her monster was destroyed by battle leaving a cloud of dust.

Mei: 2900LP

"Since Panzer Dragon was destroyed and sent to the graveyard it's effect activates." The violet haired girl said. "The effect of Short Circuit only activates while it is in the field, and now that Panzer Dragon is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, I can target and destroy one card on the field."

She then of course, pointed towards the one and only monster that was currently on her opponent's side of the field. "I'll destroy your Batteryman Charger." The cloud of dust dispersed, revealing an incredibly damaged Panzer Dragon, one who opened its maw to reveal its cannon and shot towards the only monster on the Ra Yellow student's side of the field.

Ah, that makes enough material for Batteryman Industrial Strength to hit the field right? Now there's two Batteryman in the graveyard, and that's the exact number to banish to summon Industrial Strength.

Seemingly understanding this, the Ra Yellow jacket wearing duelist widened his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face. "I'll activate the effect of Batteryman Industrial!" He declared, showing the card in his hand. "I can special summon this card by removing from play two 'Batteryman' monsters from my graveyard!"

The boy took two cards from his graveyard, and showed it to the violet haired duelist. "I'll banish Batteryman 9-Volt and Batteryman Charger from my graveyard to summon Batteryman Industrial Strength in attack position!"

The large Thunder Monster appeared, along with the silhouette of the orange and light pink Batteryman appeared on his side of the field, before turning into sparks of electricity that entered the monster's body, and imbuing it with electricity, making it's eye sockets glow.

Batteryman Industrial Strength - Light/Thunder/Level 8/Effect: 2600/0

But before it could activate its effects to destroy one monster and one spell or trap card on the field however, Mei activates her set card. "I'll activate the Trap, Bottomless Trap Hole!" She said, activating the Trap card and flipping it up.

"Bottomless Trap Hole you said?!" Her opponent shouted, his eyes as wide as dinner plates as he recognized the card and its effects.

Oh, so that was her set card. Did she get greedy and not activate it when he summoned Batteryman Charger? Or did she not realize what the deck was capable of in the first place? Probably the latter if she was being honest, she did teach Mei the existence of meta knowledge, but it doesn't mean that she told Mei all the cards that exist in the history of the game.

They only have so much time after all, and she uses most of those times to duel in Free Duel to get some extra DP or helping Mei or Sister Claire with their deck building to boost their consistency, or just teaching Mei in general.

"When you summon a monster with 1500 or more attack, I can destroy that monster and banish it!" A hole then appeared under the giant Thunder Monster, which then destroyed the monster and removed it from play.

"I-!" The boy opened his mouth, but no sounds were let out as he was flabbergasted as to how his whole field was cleared. He then closed it however, and stared blankly at his opponents board as he ended his turn. "I-I end my turn."

"Then I'll start my turn, draw." Mei said as she drew a card for her turn during her draw phase. She has three monsters on field, and all that she needs is just to go for lethal, and in a 4000LP format, those three monsters are already lethal aren't they?

"Battle." Sure enough, Mei immediately went into the battle phase, and her three monsters stood at the ready as they prepared to attack their master's opponent. "I'll attack with my monsters directy!"

The three Union Monsters each released their own attacks. A-Assault Core releasing a beam of light from its tail-like cannon, B-Buster Drake shooting it's two laser cannons, and C-Crush Wyvern releasing missiles from its two missile pods.

"Gyaaaa!" The Ra Yellow shouted out as he held up both of his arms to guard himself against the barrage of attacks that was let out by the group of Union Monsters. His duel disk sparking with electricity as his Life Points was reduced to zero.

Shiryo Kusa: 0LP

Mei then lowered her duel disk and deactivated it, before turning towards her with her eyes glittering. Chuckling a bit, she pat the violet haired girl's head as a way of congratulating her for winning the duel.

"Congrats." She said. "That was well played, though you could have probably activated Bottomless Trap Hole a bit earlier." She advised the girl, who nodded her head in response to the advice.

"Un, I should have used it on Batteryman Charger, or maybe on Batteryman Fuel Cell instead of using ABC-Dragon Buster's effect." The smaller girl said, agreeing with her. "I just didn't know what their effects were, so I acted kind of rashly." She muttered the last part as she fiddled her thumbs.

As expected, Mei actually recognizes her mistake. Well, as long as she actually knows that and learns from it then all is fine. It wasn't a real big mistake anyway, and she did win the game, so that's fine.

"N-no way. She won against Kusa."

"Wasn't he the best student of our class for the year?"

"I didn't think that she would be that strong..."

She glanced at the remaining Ra Yellow students who were muttering to themselves as they were left stunned at how Mei had apparently beaten the student who was apparently the top of Ra Yellow.

"-ore." The Ra Yellow student said, as he stood up after recovering himself.

"Hm?" She let out a sound as she glanced back to the Ra Yellow boy who was pointing towards them once again.

"One more time! I'll definitely beat you this time so one more time!" He cried out as he activated his duel disk again. And to this she sighed as she shook her head at the boy's reaction.

From the reaction of his peers and the way that the kid doesn't take well from losing, then it could only mean that he's one of those kinds of duelists that has pride over not losing or something like that.

She's seen a lot of them lately, ever since she won that tournament a lot of people has been coming to the orphanage and challenging them, mostly students from the Academia that has some free time or was just looking for some quick DP probably, and thinking that their study at the Academia basically makes them better than most duelist.

She beat them of course. Some came to challenge Mei instead, and they too were promptly defeated like the Ra Yellow boy was. And at one point Sister Claire was the one who dueled because she wanted to try out her newly modified deck.

"You want to duel again huh." She said, walking forward to meet the boy face to face. The boy might be a few years older than her, but she was already his height too, a good thing to know that God kept his promise on not making her a midget this time around.

"With what deck?" She asked with an impish grin as she tilted her head a little. The boy froze, as if he was shocked by a jolt of electricity, and she continued. "You said that if you lose you'll give your deck to Mei, so I'll ask again. With what deck do you intend to duel?"

"That- I-" The Ra Yellow jacket wearing boy kept stuttering as he started to walk backwards, seemingly shocked that she remembered his one sided bet before the duel started.

She giggled and waved her arms. "I'm joking, I'm joking." She said lightheartedly. Not like any of his cards would prove to be of use for her pool of cards. If anything the only useful and meta relevant Batteryman card was Batteryman Solar in Thunder Dragon decks, but she doubted that the boy had that card, it was released after the show ended after all.

"If you want to duel again, I'll gladly oblige." She said, turning on her own duel disk and brandishing, much to the boy's shock. She pretty much knows how the duel would probably end up, she has a competent rogue deck that was once a backbone of a pretty infamous meta deck against his not even rogue deck? It wasn't even really a competition.

Really all that she wanted was to have some peace and quiet while they built up their decks and card pool. She certainly can't have that if every student comes and challenges them every single day.

She'll make them bet that they won't bother them for a while. Yup, that'll definitely work! It'll kinda feel bad since she was basically bullying them, but if this is what she needs to do to set for the future then she's fine with it!

And if she makes some DP along the way then it's even better, she's been eyeing that play set of Infib after all. She had to give some of her copies to both Sister Claire and Mei after all.

Not to mention that his deck was specifically made to run counter strategies against machines, cards which would prove useless against her deck which wasn't using any of those cards.

"Well you're on!" The one who shouted that was one of the Ra Yellow students in the crowd, who walked forward and activated his duel disk. Huh? A two versus one huh, well she's never had one of those so that might actually be interesting.

"Yeah! Count me in!" A girl wearing the Ra Yellow jacket said as he walked forward into the clearing. "If there's three of us, then even if she's THE Yuuna then she'll definitely lose!" She then promptly activated her duel disk.

Eh? EEEEH?! A three on one!? How does that even work?! Does she start with 12000LP or something? Isn't that a bit one sided? Would they share a field and Life Points? She doesn't actually know how this will work!

"You guys..." The Ra Yellow kid that Mei beat said, looking at them. He then huffed, and stared down at her with a determined look. "You're on! We'll definitely beat you!" With that said, he brandished his duel disk.

Umm, wait. Classes are supposed to start at like, a few more minutes you know? Aren't the teachers going to be mad or something? Ah, there's a teacher! In the crowd there's a teacher watching the upcoming duel with a glint in his eyes! It doesn't seem like she could ask them for help to stop this from happening!

Darn you dueling addicted adults! Where's the responsible Sister Claire when you need her!

"Uwoo!" The crowd cheered. "It's the Junior League Champion Yuuna against the Ra Yellow top three! I wonder who would win this duel?" One of the many people in the crowd said that she managed to pick up.

Huh? Wait, they're the whole top three?! "Isn't it obvious!" Another voice sounded from the crowd. "It's definitely going to be the top three right!"

"No, no! It'll definitely be Yuuna! I heard that she beat the top students from Osiris Red!"

"Bah, it's just Osiris Red! The top three will show her where her place is!"

Ah she had enough of listening to the crowd banter, might as well get this over with. "So, how will this work then?" She asked them, intending to hopefully get an explanation as to how the three v one will go.

"Hmph, we'll all have 4000 Life Points and only the first duelist can't attack just like usual.." The only girl in their group said, explaining how the duel would go. Yikes, that kind of gives them an advantage doesn't it?

"And we'll all have our own fields, and we can attack anyone else." The other boy said, though the added explanation doesn't really help since they're basically going to only attack her.

It was at this point that she felt a hand pull at her jacket sleeve. It was of course none other than Mei, who seemed to want to join the duel, looking at her with enthusiasm. She probably just wants to duel again, and with a different format, or wanting to duel with her.

She giggled, but shook her head. "You've already dueled already haven't you? I'll take care of it this time." She said with a smile on her face. She's getting excited, she basically just has to output 12000 damage in total then right? It wouldn't be easy since the deck she was using isn't really a beatdown deck, but she can definitely do something like that.

And just as she thought that, a notification came up, because of course it does that.


Urgent Mission!

[Ra yellow Top Three Battle Royal]

Defeat the Ra Yellow top three in a battle royal duel

Rewards: 250000DP, Reputation (Ra Yellow) Up, Reputation (Academia) Up, Instant Fusion x1

Failure: Reputation (Ra Yellow) Down, Reputation (Academia) Down,


"Alright then." She said, looking at her three opponents with a grin. A good amount of Dp that she could waste to get a lot of Booster Packs and Instant Fusion? She's definitely going all out for that. "Let's start!"