Special Class

Apparently she had made quite a name for herself, and she wasn't talking about the fame that she has from winning that one tournament. Of course she's talking about that one time she beat the three top Ra Yellow duelists in a battle royal.

And as someone like a delinquent, what with her basically skipping the first day in class and all.

Ah, you might also add loner at this point too. Everyone in class was distancing themselves from her and even one of them was glaring holes at the back of her head all during class. "This is the worst…" She muttered.

She was sure that the image that she wanted as a normal and average yet diligent and smart school student was now gone, at least that's what she thought as she flopped on her desk during break.

Mei was sitting at the deck next to her, and she was messing with her deck. And as much as she wanted to help the violet haired girl on editing her deck, she also needed the experience of doing it herself.

And besides, messing with your deck and checking its card ratio is always fun when you do it yourself. She already helped the girl with the initial deck building anyway, she could certainly figure out how to mess with her side deck option cards from here on her own.

She didn't even try to socialize at this point, everyone was already making their own group, and from the looks of it most of them were rich kids who managed to buy their way into the class.

She did notice a few of the kids here though. The pink haired girl from the championship was here, though she didn't remember her name she did remember that she used Lightsworn though, and Edo and Ryo, even Fubuki were also here, and they nodded at her when she entered the class and her gaze fell on them, though in Fubuki's case it was an energetic wave.

But now the two of them were also socializing with others, talking from what she could hear from her seat here was about the recent rise of floodgates, of which she was at fault. They're pretty busy children aren't they?

And suddenly, out of nowhere, she heard the sound of a chair scraping and footsteps. And even though she had basically planted her face down at her deck, she could see that someone was standing right in front of her desk.

She looked up, and saw an indigo haired girl with two blue fringes posed as a ponytail tied by a large yellow ribbon, she also had green eyes she noted. She wore casual clothing, like everyone else was in the class.

Her clothing of choice was a magenta short-sleeved shirt with purple lining and pointed shoulders over a peach shirt with three yellow stars in the middle and a white collar, magenta and white shorts also with purple lining with black shorts underneath and white boots with peach soles, magenta toes and yellow stars on the toes.

Huh, she noted a lot about the ponytailed girl, and why does she feel somewhat familiar? But before she could piece together who the girl had pointed her hand towards her and boldly declared something.

"I challenge you to a duel!" She said loudly, making the heads of everyone in the class who were talking in their own cliques to turn towards them. Immediately the focus of the whole class was around them, and she could feel all their eyes on her.

"U-umm… what was that again?" She asked the indigo haired girl with a shaky smile. She's kind of burned out of dueling for the day, she didn't think that doing that battle royal duel thing would have drained her of her single brain cell's energy that much, but lo and behold she's incredibly tired and drained of energy.

She could probably still duel, but she doesn't think that she has the mental energy to do it again, especially right after the battle royal with all those three Ra Yellow duelists.

The small girl, even smaller than Mei, frowned at her question and reaffirmed her intentions once again. "I watched your duel against the Ra Yellow top three! How you managed to beat all three of them, so I want to prove my strength!" She declared once again.

Whispers started to erupt in the class, ranging from how they themselves saw the duel, how it was rigged and no random orphaned kid like her could have beaten the top three of the Ra Yellow

"That girl dueled against the Ra Yellow top three? Even if she is this year's Champion that's a bit..." A girl said with doubt littered in her words.

"Yeah! There's no way she can beat Thunder Kusa! I doubt that she could even beat The Dark Mistress Oshino!" A boy said.

"And it's impossible for her to beat all three of them at once! Hasn't she ever seen how strong Tomo's Gishki deck is?" Another one said, also disbelieving what the violet haired girl said.

Their whispers were random and filled with things that she didn't really care about, but there was a certain information that she caught.

"Isn't that Serena? The girl that the Professor picked up?" Someone in the many cliques that formed whispered.

"I heard that she's a strong duelist that managed to beat an instructor..." Another one said, retelling the story that they heard of how she won against an instructor.

"Seriously?! How did she even manage to do that!?" Someone said, seemingly shocked and disbelieved that the indigo haired girl managed such a feat.

How the girl was apparently, the Professor's favourite, though she doesn't know who exactly this Professor's guy was. Wasn't he like, and important Academia person? Does that mean that she got in with nepotism?

Mei looked up from side decking, and glared at the indigo haired girl, who in turn glared back at the violet haired girl. The two small girls glared at each other, creating tension between the two, she could even see sparks shooting between the glaring contest of the two girls.

"Umm..." She said weakly to the girl, trying to divert her attention from her violet haired pupil. If possible she just wants to rest right now and make the girl go away, her sanity level is quite low, and a nap might be real nice.

"What's this about dueling against the Ra Yellow best three?" She heard a voice say, and she turned to see the brown eyes of one Tenjoin Fubuki, smiling just like he did back in the tournament last time she met him.

He was followed silently by Ryo, and Edo too was silently behind him as the three of her duelists stood beside her table. And the whispers started once again, this time revolving around the three boys.

"T-that's Kaiser Ryo!" One of the students in the cliques whispered the blue haired boy's nickname.

"That's the dueling genius Edo… I heard that he won a tournament before he came here." Another boy said his name with awe.

"And the Blizzard Prince Fubuki! How is that girl connected to all three of them!" Someone said clicking their tongue and gritting their teeth.

Oh, they all got their nicknames while they were on that one year period huh. And uh, what's with that last one? Isn't that last one kind of strange?

"You three are-!" The indigo haired girl started as she looked towards them, but was cut off by Fubuki who began another conversation with her.

"So! What's this about a duel against the top three of Ra Yellow?" He asked as he planted his hands on her deck, seemingly ignorant of the deadly stares of the many children in the class that were pointed towards him.

"Umm..." She mumbled once again, hopefully if she answered the brown haired boy's question correctly then she could diffuse this situation and let her actually take a break and rest.

But before she could answer however, the indigo haired girl answered for her. "She defeated the top three of Ra Yellow, I saw it myself." She said matter of factly, and glared at her once again. "So duel with me! I'll prove that I'm a strong duelist!"

"E-eh..." She let out as another bead of sweat fell from her head. This girl is…quite a character isn't she? Was she a person like this normally, her enormous energy and bluntness made her old lady soul feel really old, especially since she was really tired right now.

Can't she have a break? She really doesn't want to duel right now…

"Oh! Well, if you want to duel then how about a duel with me?" The brown haired boy said with a smile as he pointed to himself. "I'm quite strong you know? And Yuuna seemed to be a little under the weather right now." He said as he glanced at her and winked.

Fubuki! You're a bro! A real bro! Thank you Fubuki! Yuuna will remember this favourably!

"I recently went to Academy Island to find the elusive card trader you see." He said, and her ears perked up. The elusive card trader at Academy Island? Isn't that… her? Did she meet him recently?

Uh, she didn't think that she had seen the boy recently. Did he really find her randomly selling cards or did she just forget meeting the brown haired boy and selling him some cards?

The indigo haired girl seemed to think about what the brown haired boy said, and frowned but nodded, accepting his challenge. "Fine." She said, before turning to her. "But I will duel against you soon enough!"

"Alrighty then! Let's head out to dueling arena!" He said before heading out of the room, followed by the indigo haired girl. She saw that Edo was shaking his head but followed him nonetheless, and Ryo also let out a sigh before following.

Ah, finally, peace and quie-

"Seriously!? That Blizzard Prince Fubuki is going to duel that Serena!?" Someone in the class said excitedly.

"Oh boy, we have to check that out! It's definitely going to be an incredible duel!" A girl said, rising from their seat.

"Come on! Let's follow them!" Someone said, and everyone agreed with them, and students started to one by one flood out of the class one by one and followed the group. Oh! The class is empty now! She can finally have her well deserved rest!

But just as she was about to lay her head on her deck and sleep for a good few minutes however, she felt someone's hands on her sleeves. And of course that someone who was pulling her sleeve was none other than Mei whose eyes were sparkling with interest.

"Yuuna! Let's go watch! Let's go!" The violet haired girl said excitedly, all the while she tried to pull her off of her chair. And though all that she wanted was to do nothing else but have a short nap, the violet haired girl's puppy eyes made her sigh.

"Fine… I guess we'll have to watch them then..." She said as she slowly stood up and cracked her neck before following the small girl who zoomed towards the door. She stifled a yawn as she walked down the halway.

She glanced at the many groups around that were talking to each other in the courtyard, some of them simply talking and eating some snacks and others even dueling against each other.

And then she saw a wall of humans blocking her and Mei's way to the dueling arena. She managed to weasel her way in, with Mei in tow of course, and just in time to watch the brown haired boy's duel against the smaller indigo haired girl.

Both were standing on a heightened platform, one of many in this area of the school where many could duel, but most of the eyes of the students were all focused on the two who were quite well known.


Fubuki Tenjoin : 4000LP

Serena: 4000LP

"Well I'll go first then." The brown haired boy said with a smile, and winked at the indigo haired girl, who scowled in response. "I'll start by setting one monster face down! And set one card face down!"

The two cards appeared on his side of the field, a face down monster card, and a face down card in the spell and trap zone. "Well, I'll end my turn." He said with a smile, ending his turn with only two cards on the field and three cards in hand.

She raised her eyebrows at the play that the audience all watched with intrigue. That wasn't as explosive as he did last time in the tournament, but then again she didn't really expect much from his… what was it again? Atmosphere deck or something.

Did he change his deck? It was an interesting one that could make a battle lock, and a big number boss monster that was watered down Relinquished, so what did he change it into?

"Hmph! So is that all that you're going to play?! Are you looking down on me?!" The small girl siad, looking quite enraged at the seemingly weak play that the brown haired boy had done. "My turn! I draw!"

Drawing a card from her deck, the girl then played her first card of the duel. "I'll normal summon Lunalight Emerald Bird!" She placed the card on her duel disk, and a monster appeared on her field.

It's skin was light green, and it had green feather making a wing-like appendage on her hand, and it was dressed in a orange one piece and dark blue frills. Half of her face was masked by a crescent shaped mask, and she had a smile on her face.

Lunalight Emerald Bird - Dark/Beast-Warrior/Level 4/Effect: 1200/1000

Umu? Lunalight? She did remember that this was an anime archetype that was released in ARC-V. Though it was far more known for being a deck that could do degenerate stuff with Kaleido Chick and Tiger, what with looping Tiger with Zephros the Elite and reviving Kaleido Chick over and over again to mill Yellow Marten and setting up Rank 4 plays.

And on the crack back they could just bust out big number cards with Lunalight Fusion and deal lethal with cards like Leo Dancer or Cat Dancer that can deal a lot of damage and attack more than once.

Wait, wait, wait, wait- does that mean that this girl is an actual genuine anime character?! Like, she knows that Ryo, Edo, and Fubuki were also anime characters, but she didn't know that they were actual characters that appeared in the anime so…

Does that mean that this girl was the first actual anime character of the show that she was supposed to be in? Was she an important character, or was she just a side character? She never really watched the show, but seeing as to how the deck got quite the support then doesn't that mean that she's an actually important character?

Her train of thought was derailed for a while as she focused back on the duel. "If this card is normal or special summoned, I can send one 'Lunalight' card from my hand to the graveyard, and if I do, I can draw one card!"

She then showed the card that she would discard to activate the monster's on summon effect. "I'll discard Lunalight Blue Cat to draw one card!" She discarded the Lunalight monster to draw one card, then continued her turn.

"I'll now activate Polymerization!" The girl declared the spell's activation as she placed the card on her duel disk. "I'll fuse Lunalight Purple Butterfly and another copy of Lunalight Blue Cat in my hand!"

The two monsters mentioned by the indigo haired girl appeared floating in the air, as a blue and orange spiral appeared as she raised both of her hands and began to chant. "O cat of darkness of blue! Together with the poisonous purple butterfly, become one in the whirlpool of power and be reborn and reveal your power!"

She shouted as she brought her hands down and completed her chant."Fusion Summon! Appear! Wild beast that dances on moonlight! Lunalight Cat Dancer!" The Fusion Monster appeared on the field, with the sound of tingling bells as it danced on the indigo haired girl's side of the field.

On her head was a jester-like hat, it's light green dress fluttering in the wind along with her long orange hair as she danced. Her face was masked by a crescent moon-like mask, and that changed into purple on one side. Her many bracelets clinked as she danced carrying her two daggers.

Lunalight Cat Dancer - Dark/Beast-Warrior/Fusion/Level 7/Effect: 2400/2000

"Battle! I'll attack your monster with Cat Dancer!" The girl ordered pointing her hand towards the only monster on Fubuki's side of the field. And her monster obliged, giggling as she danced towards the face down card, intending to attack it.

"Cat Dancer's effect!" The girl declared. "If this card declares an attack, I can inflict 100 damage to you!" The Fusion Monster then threw one of her daggers towards the brown haired boy, and he faked a wince as he got hit by the small burn damage that the monster dealt.

"Aiya~ That hurts~" He said with a smile as he faked being hurt, even as electricity seemingly coursed through his duel disk.

Fubuki Tenjoin: 3900LP

The battle phase continued, and the face down monster that was on his field was flipped face up as it met the monster's attack head on. It was revealed to be a black baby dragon, its eyes shining red as it faced its opponent.

Red-Eyes Baby Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Level 3/Effect: 1200/700

Eh, wasn't that a newer Red-Eyes support? Eh, wasn't that a card that she managed to pull in one of her Dragon based Packs but she never used since she doesn't have the titular red eyed dragon?

She glanced at the violet haired girl sitting beside her, who, seeing that she was glancing towards her, tilted her head slightly as if asking what she was doing. "Hey Mei, isn't that card..." She trailed off as she watched the small dragon be destroyed by the Fusion Monster's dagger.

"Un?" She asked as she focused back on the monster that was destroyed and triggered its floating effect that lets it float into the ferocious dragon with a deadly attack, the titular Red-Eyes Black Dragon as shown by Fubuki who placed the monster onto his duel disk directly from his deck.

Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Level 7/Normal: 2400/2000

"N-no way! It's Red-Eyes!" One of the people in the seat near her shout in excitement at the ferocious looking Normal Monster in the field.

"Isn't that a super rare card! How did he get his hands on it!" Another one said looking in awe at the holographic projection. Well, for a Normal Monster it certainly was rare wasn't it? It did appear on the lists of cards that she could pull in her Dragon Pack but… she pulled none.

And a silhouette of the small baby dragon even appeared behind him, letting out a roar as it was equipped to the dark black dragon and increasing its attack by a small 300 points of attack.

Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Level 7/Normal: 2700/2000

"Oh! That's the card that Yu-that the elusive card seller sold right?" Mei said, cutting herself off. "Ah, uhm, that's. Ah! Yuuna! Do you know what that uh… that brown haired boy's deck does?" She asked, trying to divert her attention.

She narrowed her eyes, realizing that she definitely was definitely hiding something, but she let out a sigh and complied nonetheless. Whatever she was hiding probably wasn't that important, probably.

"Well, I guess I'm quite familiar with its gameplan." She said as she returned her focus onto the match, watching the indigo haired girl set one card facedown and end her turn. "There's quite a lot of varieties to the deck, but their play would mostly sum up to put that monster on the field."

She said as she pointed towards the titular black dragon on the field. "It has a lot of way to get that monster on field too, be it reviving it constantly from the graveyard or just sending the card from her hand to the grave and milling it from the deck too."

Red-Eyes… wasn't really a good deck if she was being honest. It has some good cards of course, it did have one of the game's strongest monsters in the form of the ever annoying ever played Dragoon after all, but it also does have some other cards.

Well, the strategy that the deck was mostly infamous for was for its ability to deal an incredible amount of burn, what with it having the Rank 7 Flare Metal that would deal 500 damage to the opponent for just playing the game.

And if you have two copy of the monster on field, then it burns for a whopping 1000 points for activating card effects. And then if you used the archetypal fusion spell, that turns all of their Fusion Monster into Red-Eyes Black Dragon, then the deck could deal even more burn damage with Inferno Fire Blast, at least 2800 points and at most 3500!

Which, in this format, is basically game. Huh, maybe she should try and go for burn decks. Competent ones at least, those would definitely work especially in a format with 4000 Life Points, though not the degenerate FTK ones probably since those are quite unreliable.

Thoughts for later, she shelved those thoughts as she watched Fubuki activate the Dragon deck staple which was Dragon Shrine, using the spell card to send the titular Red-Eyes Black Dragon, and one Black Stone of Legend since he sent a normal monster with its effect.

"It does have some Fusion Monsters, and some… Gemini Monsters with varying levels of playability though I don't know if he plays those cards or not." Because apparently, someone had the great idea of making Red-Eyes support Gemini Monsters, and most of them were bad.

Then again they were Gemini Monsters, they were made to be bad.

"Then what about Lunalight? What do they do?" The violet haired girl asked as they watched the brown haired boy activate The Black Stone of Legend's effect in the graveyard, shuffling the Red-Eyes in his grave to add the Level 1 monster to his hand.

He then proceeded to summon a monster, and it was none other than another copy of Red-Eyes Baby Dragon, and the small baby dragon let out a roar as it made its way onto the field.

Red-Eyes Baby Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Level 3/Effect: 1200/700

Oh he can probably trade that for Emerald Bird. "Lunalight is mostly a beatdown deck." She told the violet haired girl as she watched the duel move onto the battle phase. "It does have a few good cards, some broken ones that." She said as she remembered how Kaleido Chick was a soft once per turn that mills for cost.

"Their Fusion Monsters are quite strong too, what with one being immune to battle, destruction, targeting, and a combination of the two. And they can certainly hit easily for game." She informed her pupil as she watched Cat Dancer being attacked by the strengthened Red-Eyes, only to find it still standing after the attack as it was immune to battle destruction.

Though she still took damage, as indicated by how the indigo haired girl raised both of her arms in a protective stance as the gust made out by the solid hologram hit her.

Serena: 3700LP

The brown haired boy then traded his Red-Eyes Baby Dragon with the indigo haired girl's Emerald Bird, both monsters destroying each other as they achieved mutual destruction. Which activated the dark dragon's floating effect, and the girl activated her trap which was Lunalight Reincarnation Dance.

The brown haired boy's monster floated onto another copy of the red eyed dragon, while the emerald beast-warrior changed into two searches from the deck, those being a Lunalight Yellow Marten and a Crimson Fox.

Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Level 7/Normal: 2400/2000

The black dragon let out a roar as it glowed red ominously, gaining a boost of power as it was boosted by being equipped with Red-Eyes Baby Dragon.

Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Level 7/Normal: 2700/2000

The boy attacked again, with his newly floated Red-Eyes Black Dragon, attacking the Lunalight Fusion Monster once again, and once more it was not destroyed by battle. She did take another 300 damage though, her Life Points slowly being chipped away.

Serena: 3400LP

And seeing that his other monster could not attack, Fubuki laughed as he scratched the back of his head. "Haha, that's quite a problematic monster there." He said with a smile. "I'll set a card face down, and end my turn."

The brown haired boy ended his turn with a strengthened Red-Eyes, a Baby, and two face down cards on his spell and trap zone as he gave the turn to the indigo haired girl. Ah, she could deal a lot of damage this turn, possibly even ending it here.

"Hmph! My turn! Draw!" The girl said drawing her card for the turn. "I'll activate the spell, Luna Light Perfume!" She said activating the spell card from her hand, making it appear in the field and shine.

"This card lets me target one 'Lunalight' monster in my graveyard and special summon it!" The indigo haired girl said as she chose the monster that she would special summon from the graveyard.

"I'll special summon Lunalight Blue Cat in attack position!" She said as she summoned another beast-warrior onto her field, this one having a blue color palette one piece and yellow frills, with the left side of her face covered by the arcthype's titular crescent-like mask, her blue tail swinging as she appeared on the field.

Lunalight Blue Cat - Dark/Beast-Warrior/Level 4/Effect: 1600/1200

"Now! Blue Cat's effect!" She declared activating the monster effect. "If this card is special summoned, I can target one 'Lunalight' monster I control except Blue Cat and its attack becomes double its original attack until the end of this turn!"

Explaining the monster's effect, she then pointed towards the other monster on her field. "I'll target Lunalight Cat Dancer, and double her attack!" The blue cat beast-warrior danced around the orange haired cat monster and her attack was raised into an incredible amount.

Lunalight Cat Dancer - Dark/Beast-Warrior/Fusion/Level 7/Effect: 4800/2000

Oh, she can go for lethal here. If she activates Cat Dancer's effect and tribute Blue Cat to attack twice then she could definitely hit for over lethal. But then again, that does depend on what Fubuki has as his face downs.

"Ah, that's quite bad isn't it?" The brown haired boy says with a carefree smile, but even from here she could see a glint in his eyes. "Then in response, I'll activate the trap card, Red-Eyes Fang With Chain!"

Declaring so, Fubuki flipped up one of his face down cards, revealing one of the actually good Red-Eyes support cards that she had also pulled on her Dragon Pack. Not that she uses it since she doesn't have the actually good targets for the card.

"This card lets me target one 'Red-Eyes' monster I control, and equip this card to it. Making it capable of attacking twice on monsters during each battle phase! I'll target my first Red-Eyes!" He said explaining the card's effect and his monster let out a roar as it glowed.

The indigo haired girl however didn't seem too miffed by the trap's activation. "So what if it can attack twice! I'll activate the effect of Cat Dancer!" She said as she waved towards the Fusion Monster.

"I can tribute one other 'Lunalight ' monster that I control and for the rest of this turn, the first time each monster your opponent controls would be destroyed by battle, it is not destroyed, and this card can attack all monsters you control this turn!" She explained the monster's main effect.

Oh, that's certainly lethal. Since it can attack all monsters twice each and with the boost from Blue Cat, that Serena girl could finish it here. But since the trap card that Fubuki flipped was Red-Eyes Fang With Chain then…

That monster certainly won't last long. But not knowing that,the indigo haired girl continued her turn. "Battle! I'll attack your Red-Eyes Black Dragon with my Lunalight Cat Dancer!" The dancing Fusion Monster then leapt high into the air, and pounced towards one of the dragons on Fubuki's side of the field.

"I'll activate the second effect of Red-Eyes Fang With Chain!" The brown haired duelist declared with a broad grin. "I can send this equip card to the graveyard, then target one effect monster on the field, and if I do, while a monster is equipped to it by this effect, its attack and defence become equal to the original attack and defence of that equipped monster!"

The brown haired smiling duelist then dramatically waved his hands towards the Fusion Monster. "I'll target Lunalight Cat Dancer! And equip it to my Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Chains then sprout off of the flipped up trap card, wrapping themselves around the Lunalight monster.

Said monster was then pulled in, and absorbed into the trap card, and said card then changed into the picture of the absorbed Fusion Monster, signaling that it was absorbed by the trap's effect. And since the stats of the original monster and the target were the same, nothing of significance changed.

Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Level 7/Normal: 2700/2000

"Kuh!" The small girl grunted as she saw her strengthened Fusion Monster get absorbed by the trap card that her opponent set, and her scowl only deepened when she saw that grin on Fubuki's face.

"I'll set one monster face down." She said bitterly as a face down defence position monster was set on her side of the field. "And one card face down. And end my turn." She then ended her turn with one card in hand and a T-set.

"Then I guess it's my turn again right!" Fubuki said with a broad smile. "My turn! I draw!" The brown haired duelist then drew a card in his draw step, and started his turn. "Battle!" He said immediately, moving on directly to the battle phase without making any other plays.

"I'll attack you monster with one of my Red-Eyes! Dark Flame Shot!" The dark dragon let out a roar, and opened its maw and shot a ball of burning darkness towards his opponent's monster.

Said monster was then flipped face up, revealing another beast-warrior wearing red and white one piece with pink frills, her long orange tail swung as she was flipped face up, along with her long yellow hair. And just like her fellow archetype sisters, her face was masked by a golden crescent like mask with emerald orbs.

Lunalight Yellow Marten - Dark/Beast-Warrior/Level 4/Effect: 800/2000

The monster was then destroyed by the attack of the dark dragon however, but because it was in defence position, the indigo haired girl did not receive any damage. But she still held up both of her hands to defend against the gust made from the attack.

"I'll activate the trap, Lunalight Reincarnation!" The girl flipped up the face down, revealing that it was another copy of the same trap that she had used in the previous turn. "Since a monster that I control was destroyed by battle, I can add two Lunalight monsters from my deck to my hand!"

The girl showed the two cards that she would add to her hand. "I'll add my last Lunalight Blue Cat and Lunalight White Rabbit to my hand!" She said as she added the two monsters to her hand.

"And now I'll attack you directly with my other Red-Eyes! Dark Flame Shot!" The brown haired boy said with a smile, and his other dragon let out a roar, and shot out a ball of darkness directly towards his opponent.

The girl raised both of her hands once again, to defend herself from the attack of the red eyed dragon. "Kuh!" She grunted as she received a lot of damage from the brown haired duelist's attack.

Serena: 900LP

The audience cheered, excited that the direct attack went through and that the game state has now extremely favoured the brown haired Blizzard Prince. As seen by the fact that most of the people who were cheering were young girls.

Wait, isn't he like, eight or nine or something? D-does fangirling really start that early for all of these girls? That's a bit scary if she was being honest…

"Well, I'll end my turn!" He said as he kept that smile of his, ending his turn with two strengthened Red-Eyes Black Dragon, one equipped with Lunalight Cat Dancer, and a single facedown.

"Kuh! Don't look down on me!" The small girl shouted as she glared angrily at the brown haired boy. "My turn! Draw!" She drew a card, and started her turn with no cards in her field and four cards in hand.

She took a look at the card that she had just drawn, and her eyes widened, and a grin formed on her face. "I'll activate the spell, Polymerization!" The girl shouted, activating the spell card by placing it in her duel disk's sword projection.

"I'll fuse Lunalight Blue Cat and Lunalight Crimson Fox in my hand!" She declared the name of the fusion materials, and the two monsters appeared in the field with a spiral of orange and blue behind them.

The blue cat based beast-warrior danced, and accompanying her was a dark red outfitted fox girl, wearing a crescent golden mask on the right side of her face and a large bushy red tail.

The indigo haired girl raised both of her hands and began to chant. "O cat of darkness of blue! Together with the crimson fox, become one in the whirlpool of power and be reborn and reveal your power!"

She then brought down her hand and completed her chant. "Fusion Summon! Appear! Wild beast that dances on moonlight! Lunalight Cat Dancer!" Another copy of the Fusion Monster appeared on the field, with the sound of tingling bells as it danced on the indigo haired girl's side of the field, her reddish orange hair swaying along with the wind as she danced.

Lunalight Cat Dancer - Dark/Beast-Warrior/Fusion/Level 7/Effect: 2400/2000

"Oh, she's going for lethal again." She muttered, loud enough so that only Mei could hear. Though that didn't really matter as anything that she would say would be drowned by the cheer of the audience.

"Oh? Summoning that monster again?" Fubuki asked, raising an eyebrow at the same monster being summoned once again. "My Red-Eyes' attack is still higher you know? Attacking it with your Cat Dancer wouldn't do you any good."

The brown haired boy said that good naturedly, probably intedning to say that bit of information as an advice.but to the small indigo haired girl, it only served to rile her up even further. "If it's that then I already know!" She shouted as she glared at him.

"I'll activate the effect of Lunalight Crimson Fox!" She declared the monster's effect. "If this card is sent to the graveyard by a card effect, I can target one face up monster you control and change its attack to 0 until the end of this turn!"

She then pointed towards the red eyed dragon who was equipped with the first copy of Lunalight Cat Dancer. "I'll reduce that Red-Eyes' attack to zero!" The red tailed fox girl appeared briefly once again, this time dancing around the red eyed dragon, and making it let out a weakened roar.

Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Level 7/Normal: 0/2000

Seeing the monster become weakened, the indigo haired girl had a grin. "Now I'll normal summon Lunalight White Rabbit!" She said, placing the monster card on her duel disk, and the monster appeared on her side of the field.

It was another beast-warrior, this one dressed in a black and white skin tight suit with green lines and on her head was a pair of white rabbit ears and a long flappy-mochi-like hair. On her hand was an usu pestle made out of crystals, her whole face was masked by a crescent shaped mask.

Lunalight White Rabbit - Dark/Beast-Warrior/Level 2/Effect: 800/800

Yep, yep, that was certainly the play. "I'll activate the effect of Lunalight White Rabbit!" The small indigo haired girl declared the monster's on summon effect. "When this card is normal summoned I can target one 'Lunalight' monster in my graveyard except Lunalight White Rabbit and special summon it in defence position!"

"The summon target would be Blue cat." She murmured aloud, and the indigo haired girl did just that, using the revival effect of White Rabbit to resummon Lunalight Blue Cat in defence position.

Lunalight Blue Cat - Dark/Beast-Warrior/Level 4/Effect: 1600/1200

"Ah! And then Blue Cat's effect triggers!" Mei said excitedly watching the combo resolve, and it continues as the blue cat based Lunalight monster dances around the Lunalight Fusion Monster and has her attack doubled.

Lunalight Cat Dancer - Dark/Beast-Warrior/Fusion/Level 7/Effect: 4800/2000

"Oh! It's the same combo as last time!" One of the boys in the audience said, recognizing that while it was done with different cards, it was essentially the same combo line as the one she did just a few turns before.

"Then she only needs to activate that cat monster's effect again right? The one that tributes or something!" Someone said, looking quite excited to actually see the combo resolve.

But with the cards on the field, then there would be another step on the combo. "I'll activate the other effect of Lunalight White Rabbit!" She declared. "Once per turn, I can target spell or trap cards you control up to the number of other 'Lunalight' cards I control and return them to the hand!"

The girl then pointed towards her targets. "Since I control two other 'Lunalight' monsters, I can target two spells or traps that you control! I target your face down card and the equipped Lunalight Cat Dancer!"

The white rabbit girl then swung her weapon, intending to sent back the two targets to the hand, or in Lunalight Cat Dancer's case, back to the Extra Deck. But before the effect resolves however, Fubuki chains a card of his own. "I'll activate the trap, Waboku!"

Activating the face down card, the trap was flipped up, and shone in the field as it activates. "With this trap's effect, this turn I take no battle damage and my monsters can't be destroyed by battle!" A golden light enveloped the brown haired duelist and his monsters, and the trap was then sent to the graveyard.

"Tch!" The small girl clicked her tongue, her brow creased in annoyance. The chain resolves, and though one of the two targets had disappeared, the second target was still returned to the hand, that being the equipped Lunalight Cat Dancer.

"Ngh! I'll activate the effect of Cat Dancer!" She declared, "I can tribute one other 'Lunalight ' monster that I control and for the rest of this turn, the first time each monster your opponent controls would be destroyed by battle, it is not destroyed, and this card can attack all monsters you control this turn!"

"Huh? Why would she activate that?" Someone in the crowd asked, sounding confused.

"She can't deal damage this turn. Doesn't she know that? " Another one asked, before giggling at the girl's apparent missplay.

That certainly shows the level of competency of the duelist watching the duel at least. The tribute target will of course be Lunalight White Rabbit, just so that the monster will be out of the field and to avoid immediate lethal damage if any of the Red-Eyes attacks it.

Which was incredibly basic really, like leaving Verte Anaconda on the field after using its effects and not doing anything with it, leaving an incredibly squishy target which the opponent could OTK through if they play their cards correctly.

But now that she thinks about it, if these other kids who are older didn't notice about that, and the small indigo haired girl does, doesn't that mean that she's a… pretty smart duelist in this world? Well, she'll probably be a mediocre one back where she came from, but that's a bit biased on her side really.

"I'll tribute Lunalight White Rabbit!" Saying the name of the target, the white rabbit beast-warrior then danced around the Fusion Monster, and said Fusion Monster then gained her second ability.

"Battle! I'll attack your first Red-Eyes Black Dragon with Lunalight Cat Dancer!" She declared the attack, and the Lunalight Fusion Monster then leapt and attacked the red eyed black dragon.

"Well, even if you attacked I won't get any battle damage though." The brown haired duelist said, reminding the indigo haired girl of the fact. "And my monsters also win't be detsroyed by battle."

"I already know that! Cat Dancer's effect!" The girl declared angrily. "If this card declares an attack, I can inflict 100 damage to you!" The Fusion Monster then threw one of her daggers towards the brown haired boy, and though she managed to attacked the red eyes dragon, it dealt no other damage.

Fubuki Tenjoin: 3800LP

"Now Cat Dancer attack the same Red-Eyes again!" The indigo haired girl declared, and the twin dagger wielding beast-warrior struck the same monster once again. "Cat Dancer's effect! I inflict 100 points of damage!"

The masked Fusion Monster struck once more at the red eyed dragon, and though it dealt no battle damage and did not destroy the monster it was battling, it still dealt damage from its burn effect.

Fubuki Tenjoin: 3700LP

"Cat Dancer! Attack the other Red-Eyes!" With its owner's command, the Fusion Monster leapt once again and threw her daggers towards the monster. "And Cat Dancer's effect! I inflict 100 points of damage!"

As with the other monster that she had battled, the red eyed dragon was not destroyed, and she did not deal any battle damage, but she still dealt a miniscule burn damage from its effect.

Fubuki Tenjoin: 3600LP

"Once more! Cat Dancer!" The small girl shouted, and the Lunalight Fusion Monster obliged, attacking once again. "Cat Dancer's effect!" She said, inflicting the burn damage once again, and just like the other battle, the monster that the FUsion Monster battled was not destroyed, and the brown haired duelist did not receive any battle damage.

Fubuki Tenjoin: 3500LP

"I'll end my turn." The indigo haired girl said, ending her turn with two monster on field, failing to end the duel in that one turn and not managing to destroy any of the monsters on her opponents field.

"In the end phase, Red-Eyes Black Dragon's attack returns to normal." Fubuki said as he watched his weakened monster let out a roar as it was revitalized as the effect of Crimson Fox faded.

Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Level 7/Normal: 2700/2000

"Well then, it's my turn right?" The brown haired boy said with a small smile. "My turn! I draw!" Saying so the brown haired boy drew a card, and started his turn. He grinned at seeing the card that he drew.

"Well then! It seems that its about time that we end this duel!" He said, making the audience cheer as he then started his play. "From my hand, I'll activate the spell card, Polymerization!" Fubuki said as he placed the card on his duel disk.

"I'll Fuse Red-Eyes Black Dragon in my field, and Gearfried the Iron Knight in my hand!" The brown haired duelist declared the two fusion targets, and the red eyed dragon let out a roar as the black armored knight swung its blade arm.

"O black dragon with eyes of red! Together with the black knight of iron, combine your powers and reborn anew!" He completed the chant as he swung his arms down. "Fusion Summon! Descend! Red-Eyes Slash Dragon!"

The moment the summoning chant was completed, a roar emanated in the dueling arena, and a armored dark dragon descended from the sky, its body garbed in sleek black armor with red orbs and a pair of extremely sharp blades in its arms, its wings spread wide, creating an incredibly ferocious look.

Red-Eyes Slash Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Fusion/Level 7/Effect: 2800/2400

Gasps and cheers came from the audience at the appearance of the Red-Eyes Fusion Monster, and even the indigo haired girl widened her eyes a bit at the monster's appearance.

She however merely narrowed her eyes, knowing that that too, was a card that definitely released after the show was released. And a card that she had pulled too. Which meant that either someone was somehow printing cards, or Mei and Sister Claire who had access to her card pool were selling them behind her back.

And judging by Mei's earlier reaction, it was definitely the latter rather than the former.

"Battle! I'll attack your Lunalight Cat Dancer with my remaining Red-Eyes Black Dragon! Dark Flame Shot!" The red eyed dragon's eyes shone ominously, and it shot out a ferocious blast of dark fire on the monster.

Serena could do nothing but hold up her arms, awaiting the damage that was sure to come. "But Lunalight Cat Dancer can't be destroyed by battle!" She said.

"But you still take the damage!" Her brown haired opponent countered, and the attack hits, making the indigo haired girl grunt at receiving the lessened impact from the solid holograms attack, along with the sparks of electricity running from her duel disk.

Serena: 600LP

"Now the finale! Go! Red-Eyes Slash Dragon! Dark Flame Slash!" The armored Red-Eyes Fusion Monster let out a roar and flew high onto the roof before descending towards the Lunalight Fusion Monster with its blades

"But I'll still have some Life Points!" The indigo haired girl shouted. "In the next turn I'l-"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" The brown haired duelist said, wiggling his index finger at the girl. "Too bad for you, this duel ends here! Red-Eyes Slash Dragon's effect! When a 'Red-Eyes' monster declares an attack, I can target one Warrior monster in my graveyard and equip it to this card as an Equip Spell that gives this card 200 attack!"

The boy then added the only valid target from his graveyard. "I'll equip Gearfried the Iron Knight to my Red-Eyes Slash Dragon! Raising its attack by 200 points!" The flying dragon let out a roar as it shone, its attack rising by an amount that was exactly lethal.

Red-Eyes Slash Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Fusion/Level 7/Effect: 3000/2400

The attack then connected, and though the Lunalight Fusion Monster tried to defend herself with her twin daggers, the damage still went through, dealing an exact damage to end the match.

"Kyaa!" The small girl shouted as she was hit with the blast made from the attack, and the electrical shock given from her duel disk.

Serena: 0LP

The duel then ended, the holographic projections all disappearing, leaving the two duelists being the only ones to stand on the slightly elevated platform. Cheers then emanated all around the room, with a lot of them being excited fangirling.

Yikes, let's leave before this gets too out of hand. Thinking so, she dragged Mei out of the dueling arena and back to the classroom. Of course she didn't forget to buy a snack and eat it on the way back of course.

Who knew that she would get the infamous eggwich too, at least there's something good that came out of this day.


Her spirits has been lifted up, the eggwich was actually pretty good.

"That was tiring..." She said as she laid on her bed, it was fluffier than the one that she had back at the orphanage, but this is Academia after all, it was guaranteed to have something high class here and there.

She was glad that her dorm room was shared with Mei at least, and supposedly that Serena girl was in the room next to her, as evident by the fact that the she saw the girl galre at her from the door. She hoped dearly that she wouldn't come barging in challenging her to a duel.

She glanced at the violet haired girl who was sitting on her bed, still fiddling with the cards in her deck. She doesn't really have any problems with her's, so she was just lazing on top of her own bed with a random school book in hand.

If possible she wanted to ask the smaller girl about how Fubuki managed to get his Red-Eyes support cards, most of which were cards that she knew she had pulled in her most recent pack openings.

Which led her to the conclusion that either Mei or Sister Claire were selling her cards, since she did basically give her card pool to the two of them. But she could probably tell that it was Sister Claire's idea, Mei wasn't the girl that would part with cards that easily.

And she could tell where Sister Claire was coming from too, she was probably making an alibi for her and the Red Hat card seller. Probably asking some of the more obedient kids in the orphanage to do so, while also giving them some of the DP that they sold probably.

Well, the cards sold are probably only the mediocre Ancient Gear support cards that she pulled a lot of. And since she also kind of restricted the actually good cards, it shouldn't flood the market too much.

Or at least if it does, she hopes that Sister Claire would sell those cards at extremely high prices. Profit is profit after all.

This was only the first day, and already a bunch of stuff has happened. She apparently beat the top three Ra Yellow duelists and made a name for herself, apparently she gained a rival in the form of an indigo haired girl who may be a main anime character, and that Fubuki, Ryo, and Edo were all in the same class.

Classes were at least normal, other than the laughably easy dueling quiz that asked, which form of summoning requires a tribute? And some history which she had troubles with since this world was extremely weird since the world did revolve around card games.

That one class about card designing was kind of fun though, that and the class that talked about the tech behind the solid vision hologram and the duel disk, albeit most of the information probably went over the children's heads.

The place might be blatantly brainwashing children to play card games for evil purposes, but their facilities and teaching were top notch. Most of the materials were extremely boring though.

Ah well, that's all fine too. Interesting things would be interesting, but peace and quiet are fine as well. Hopefully her remaining school year would continue being peaceful and without any random strangers challenging her out of nowhere.