XYZ Change Tactics

She sighed aloud, leaning back on her two hands as she sat on a concrete bench, hiding the slight wince that she felt from her feet that she had to constantly live through throughout the entirety of the day.

The consequence of the whole fiasco that had happened yesterday was, of course, still something that she felt. Though the physical pain that felt coming from her right foot was something that she had felt the most, the bitterness at failing to capture and interrogate Dennis was also something that had plagued her mind throughout the day.

But even after essentially getting a new deck for absolutely free, and though she was quite honestly fired up to see what the deck in question could do in actual paper play, her dueling requests to go against her new friends were met with… apprehension.

Though she had initially thought that it was because of how the duels went on yesterday with her playing True Draco and essentially floodgated every single one of them out of the game, the reason why they hadn't wanted to duel her was different from what she had thought.

The reason for their apprehension to dueling her was, apparently, their wish to first better themselves before even thinking of challenging her again. And though admirable, that meant that she essentially couldn't quite test the waters with her newly acquired deck.

It certainly didn't help that Anna also saw how she was essentially leaning on one leg the entire morning and hounded her for an answer incredibly aggressively as per the girl's style, and she had to think on the spot having not thought of an excuse before hand before showing up on her regular haunts and meeting the quartet.

She lied that she had tripped on her way here, more specifically at her apartment. She then had to further elaborate by tripping on the stairs as the apartment's elevators were full at the time and she wanted to get to the card shop as early as she could.

And so here she was. Essentially benched and banned from dueling until she got better, or at least not wince every time she moved her foot, with both Anna and Myu essentially acting as bodyguards all while she does her usual card seller shenanigans.

"That'll be around 1500DP." She told the boy in front of her, who nodded and pressed several buttons on his duel disk. And as soon as she received a ping from her own duel disk, a sign of her receiving the payment, she handed him the play set of cards.

The boy then went off with a small smile on his face, happily playing with his newly acquired playset of Bottomless Trap Hole, no doubt thinking about putting the cards into his deck or perhaps just immediately play testing it against someone, they were in a card shop after all.

She sighed as she essentially emptied the line of people who had immediately rushed towards her after she basically opened shop again, and mentally counted the amount of earnings that she had gotten today.

It was still a bit early though, so she probably still has some to possibly earn some more DP one way or the other, either somehow scamming someone into a duel or perhaps bulk selling to the card shop proper, she's done that a few times to at least appease the shopkeeper from not kicking her out or banning her from this place since she's essentially stealing customers.

She's profiting from the card sales of course, and most of the cards that she had been selling were just extra cards that she had leftover, though that pool was dwindling slowly but surely, especially with the rate that she's selling them at.

At least she could sell even the most unplayable cards to the shopkeeper, even if she usually have to haggle to at least profit a little bit for their prices, because people would pay a lot of DP for One For One, what do you mean no one plays that card!

Seriously speaking however, the amount of staples that she has on hand were dwindling, she's already sold what was more than a life times worth of Trap Holes and Effect Veilers, along with the few Ghost Ogres that she's managed to sell people on.

Though right now considering that she's gotten a good amount of DP, she might as well open a few packs that would support her newly acquired deck. Even if Anna and the others would ban her from dueling doesn't mean that she wouldn't duel after all. She'll just have to do those when they weren't around, even if her foot still stings.

Her musings were cut off suddenly however when she saw both Anna and Myu who were talking to one another turn at the same time, and saw two people make their way towards one of the empty dueling tables available.

She raised an eyebrow as she saw them sit down, and started to shuffle each other's decks. "Oh? So Allen and Sayaka are dueling then." She noted aloud as she shifted slightly in her seat to get a better view of the duel.

"Ah? Oh right, they did intend to duel against one another today." Anna said as she saw the two of them prepared for a match, of course two promising students of the Clover Branch of the Heartland Dueling School preparing to duel one another brought attention from the others too considering the crowd that gathered around them.

"Sayaka said something about testing her deck again after giving up one of her cards I think." Myu added on, and that small bit of information piqued her interest as she turned towards the silver haired girl.

"She gave out one of her cards?" She asked aloud, tilting her head slightly and furrowing her brows. "Which card did she even gave out? And at that note, who did she even give a card to?"

"Umm…" Myu hummed as she placed a hand on her chin and furrowed her brows as well, deep in thought as she tried to remember the answer to her question. "I… don't really remember… I think it was that one girl that she dueled with during the Exhibition Tournament… a purple haired girl? Or was it black?"

"Huh? You mean Ruri?" Anna interjected, and the both of them turned towards the cherry haired girl who further elaborated. "You know, tall girl. Long dark purple hair, pretty sure she wears a yellow dress or something, usually with her brother or that Yuto."

And that last bit raised some alarm bells in her head, and brought on vague memories from the day prior. "... Does she wear a… bracelet perhaps?" She asked the cannon carrying girl, and received a glance from her.

Anna frowned as she thought for a few seconds, trying to remember the detail of the clothing article that this 'Ruri' wore yesterday during the Heartland Dueling School Exhibition Tournament the day prior.

And, as if she had received a insight of a flash of remembrance, the cherry haired girl brightened up as she snapped her fingers. "Oh, yeah! I'm pretty sure she does wear one of those things! And some of those feather-like earrings or something. What, you know her or something?"

And if those weren't enough evidence that this 'Ruri' was the bracelet girl of this dimension, then they certainly did at the very least make the girl in question the most likely candidate, or suspect at least.

And they certainly were some of the largest flags too, even if they certainly didn't quite feel like they were incriminating evidence with how flimsy they were, being close with the dimension's own Yu-Boy and wearing a bracelet of all things, though honestly the only safe and guaranteed way for her to know was to at least see the girl duel. 

To find what her deck was, and if it was a deck that was released around the Pendulum era or around the time of Arc-V and wasn't a deck that was used commonly by the people in this dimension, then she's probably the girl that's she's looking for.

But for now, "Yeah. I'm pretty sure that I saw her briefly when I was at your school yesterday." She answered Anna's question, remembering that she did indeed briefly saw the girl, albeit never actually talked with her or anything of the like.

"That so?" The cherry haired girl huffed at her answer, and turned towards the twin tailed girl beside her. "Anyway, what card did she even give out to Ruri anyway?" She asked Myu, returning to the focus of the talk in the first place.

"Umm, I was pretty sure that she gave her Little Fairy. I think."  Myu said, though quite unsure of her own answer to which card Sayaka gave out to Ruri, and the choice of card itself made her raise an eyebrow.

But before she could ask for the choice of the card that the glasses-wearing girl had given, Myu pointed out back towards the girl in question. "Ah! They're starting!" She said, and ture to her words, both the poncho wearing boy and the glasses wearing girl had begun their duel.


Allen Kozuki: 4000LP

Sayaka Sasayama: 4000LP

"Alright! I'll start by going first! I'll draw!" And the one that started the game by taking the first turn was none other than Allen. The red haired poncho wearing boy glanced at the five cards that he had in his hand, and thought.

Soon enough, he decided on a play, taking out a card from his hand and revealing it. "I'll start by activating the Continuous Spell, Heavy Forward!" And starting off the play of the game, Allen activated what was essentially his archetype's own Tenki.

"Now when this Continuous Spell is activated, I can add from my deck to my hand one 'Infintrack' monster from my deck to my hand!" And with a grin Allen then decided on what card to add to his hand.

"I'll add from my deck to my hand, the monster Infinitrack Anchor Drill! And I'll summon Infinitrack Anchor Drill!" And placing the card onto the metal table, the field shone briefly before the blue and greenish yellow anchor drill monster manifested above the card that he had just added to his hand.

Infinitrack Anchor Drill - Earth/Machine/Level 4/Effect: 1800/500

"Is that a new card?"

"I've never seen Allen play a card like that before?"

She ignored the murmur of the audience that surrounded the table that the two dueled on, the regulars apparently noticing the new cards that Allen had put into his deck, and focused onto the duel proper as did Anna and Myu.

Though her mind briefly wondered at how drastically the two's deck had changed over the course of the week, and she was more than sure that the two would have already changed their decks overnight after the lesson of floodgates that she had taught them yesterday. 

"And now Anchor Drill's effect!" He declared with a grin as he waved his hand in front of his chest. "If this card is normal or special summoned, I can special summon one Earth Monster from my hand in defence position!"

The poncho wearing boy then took out another card and showed it to Sayaka. "I'll special summon my new monster! Infinitrack Brutal Dozer!" And with a grin, the boy placed the card right next to his monster, summoning a miniaturized holographic projection of the dark grey and purple dozer.

Infinitrack Brutal Dozer - Earth/Machine/Level 5/Effect: 1900/2100

"And now Brutal Dozer's effect activates!" And once more, Allen activated the effect of his monster's effect upon their summon. "If Brutal Dozer's special summoned from the hand, I can special summon a 'Infinitrack' monster from my deck in defence position other than Brutal Dozer, but it's effect is negated!"

And with that grin still on his face, the boy picked up his deck, browsing through it for several seconds before finally finding the card that he needed and took it out to show to Sayaka and all to see. 

"Now I'll special summon Infinitrack Tunneller!" And placing the monster onto the field, Allen summoned another Level 5 monster onto his side of the field, before then shuffling his deck and placing it back to its place.

Infinitrack Tuneller - Earth/Machine/Level 5/Effect: 2200/500

"Two Level 5 monsters." Sayaka murmured under her breath, no doubt already having an idea as to where Allen intended to go with his plays.

"He, you've seen nothing yet!" The red haired boy declared aloud with that smug grin still in his face, picking a card from his hand and revealing it to Sayaka. "I'll now activate the effect of Infinitrack Drag Shovel in my hand!" He declared.

"I can special summon Drag Shovel from my hand in defence position by tributing an Earth Machine monster that I control!" The boy explained the card's effect and declared what monster he would tribute for the cost of its innate summoning condition.

"I'll tribute Infinitrack Anchor Drill, and special summon Infinitrack Drag Shovel in defence position!" And tributing the monster that he had summoned for turn, he placed down the third card from his hand, and the miniaturized shovel machine appeared next to his cavalcade of monsters.

"Three Level 5 monsters!" Sayaka said with a gasp and wide eyes as she saw how Allen had managed to gather three Level 5 monsters onto his board in the first turn. She leaned forward slightly onto her seat, anxiously wondering what the boy's next play would be.

"Hehe, I'll activate the effect of Infinitrack Drag Shovel!" Allen's grin turned savage as he declared the effect of his newly summoned monster. "Now this one lets me banish a Machine monster from my graveyard to add the Trap card, Spin Turn from my deck to my hand!"

The poncho wearing boy then declared the name of the one and only Machine monster that he currently had in his graveyard. "I'll banish Infinitrack Anchor Drill from my graveyard to add the Trap card to my hand!"

And banishing the only card in his graveyard, Allen then proceeded to add the in archetype trap card that she had sold to him, or rather he had begged her to sold to him as soon as he heard her say how the archetype was of heavy construction machinery and how it goes well with his own deck.

And having added the Trap card into his hand, Allen continued on with his play. "Now I'll take all three of my monsters, and overlay every single one of them!" With his grin turning savage, the poncho wearing boy then overlayed all three of his monsters.

The three miniature sized construction machinery then turned into brown motes of lights, all three of which then circled the middle of the metal table where a dark vortex appeared. "With all three of my monsters, I'll construct an Overlay Network!" The red haired boy shouted, and the dark vortex exploded with motes of light.

"XYZ Summon! Come out! Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry!" And with smooth movements that showed experience, the boy quickly placed all three of his monsters under one another and placed the XYZ Monster on top of them in swift motion, the miniaturized holographic projection of the construction machine then appearing above the card, three brown orbs orbited the XYZ Monster.

Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry - Earth/Machine/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 3200/2000 OV: 3

And the crowd that surrounded the table went wild, having never seen Allen's newly summoned card, and she merely hummed as she awaited for what he would do next, though she probably knew what the poncho wearing boy was going to do next. 

The XYZ Monster was a strange one honestly, a generic Rank 5 that's honestly too much of an investment as it needed three Level 5 monsters. But honestly, there was no better Machine Rank 5 monster that she could have sold to the boy.

Don't get her wrong, she intended to give everyone in her current circle of friends something of the like of Drill Driver Vespenato, when she gets more copies of the card in question, but her XYZ pool was still quite bare.

She would have given him River Stormer, as it was technically the tribal XYZ Monster of the Infinitrack line that could act as a once per turn RoTA or Foolish Burial, but the second clause where it mentioned Link Monsters made her hold off of giving him copies of the card.

It wasn't like her and how she handled Inspector Boarder, simply by omitting that card's effect where it mentioned the existence of Link Monsters all together, the problem was if he started asking questions about it.

She could always lie and feign ignorance, but she's still indecisive about that, even knowing that if she gives the card to Allen then his deck would undoubtedly become incredibly stronger along with the other XYZ Monsters that the archetype has.

Not that Allen was a blabber mouth or anything of the sort, she simply… needed time to trust him with something that was essentially her secret weapon that she was holding against the Academia.

Even if she technically still couldn't use said secret weapon as she was still locked into XYZ Summoning for the moment.

Though she did technically compensate for it by splurging on some different packs with Machine XYZ Monsters, more specifically the one with Mecha Phantom Beast, but even when she offered them to the red haired boy, even at a generous discount, he refused them.

His argument at the time was that they didn't mesh well with the theme of his deck, what with the Infinitracks being heavy construction machinery with a splash of trains, and all of them being Earth Machines, something that his deck's philosophy works around to differentiate his deck and Anna's.

She would surely get him to buy them for her, both because they genetically work well with his deck as high ranked XYZ Monsters that he could easily access through Infinitracks level modulation, and because she already bought them when she was already tight on DP, and she was going to make him buy them off from her because she's stubborn like that.

"Now I'll activate Digvorzhak's effect!" He declared. "Once per turn, by using an XYZ Material from this card, I can send the top three cards of your deck to the graveyard! Then if any monsters were sent by this effect, I get to destroy cards you control up to their number! Though since you don't have any cards that part doesn't matter." He declared the monster's effect, and the crowd cheered.

She, however, merely blinked a few times before sighing as she put her head in her hand, and did her best to keep herself from sighing. She knows what the XYZ Monster that Allen has summoned does, but simply using its effect to essentially mill 3 cards is… quite bad, even if it technically did give him an upside of getting information of what kind of deck exactly Sayka was playing.

Not that she thinks that Sayaka's deck has monsters with graveyard effects, as far as she remembered she hasn't sold any cards of the sort to the glasses wearing girl, but still, blindly milling itself was quite bad with how many modern decks have cards with graveyard effects.

Still, the miniaturized XYZ Monster used one of its three Overlay Materials just as Allen had ordered it to, taking one of the floating brown orbs that it had.

Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry - Earth/Machine/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 3200/2000 OV: 2

And then Sayaka milled the top three cards of her deck, revealing several Spells and monsters, or more specifically the Quick-Play Spell, Photon Lead, a Shining Angel and last but not least a Hecatrice.

"So she's still playing recruiters." It wasn't that recruiters themselves were bad, especially with how the format still relied heavily on battle as the prime way of removing monsters, though from the looks of it the format itself was starting to change slowly but surely changing, and Sayaka should know it too simply by the effect of Allen's XYZ Monster.

Though the choice of still running recruiters was quite a strange choice, she knew that Sayaka's new deck was capable of XYZ Summoning, especially with the cards that she had given the girl being extremely XYZ oriented, or at least should help swarm the field, even if the milled cards hadn't shown them.

"I'll set two cards face-down." The red haired boy said,  "and I'll end my turn." And simply proceeded to end his turn with that, ending his turn with a relatively large XYZ monster on his field, two set cards that was more than likely Spin Turn and an unknown, and a single card remaining in his hand.

Essentially it was relatively a simple board of a single disruption, mostly a monster pop in the form of Spin Turn, and an XYZ Monster that doesn't quite do anything on the opponent's turn other than being large.

"Then it's my turn. I'll draw!" And having gone second, Sayaka started her turn by drawing a card during her Draw Phase, and starting out with six cards in her hand to try and crack Allen's board.

The glasses wearing girl briefly glanced at the card that she had just drawn for the turn, she saw her narrowing her blue eyes behind her glasses before finally deciding on a play to start her turn.

"I'll start by activating the effect of Hecatrice in my hand!" And Sayaka started out her turn by activating the effect of a monster in her hand, revealing the card in question in her starting hand.

"Hecatrice's effect allows me to discard this card to the graveyard, to add one 'Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen' from my deck to my hand." And the girl did exactly just that, taking the card from her deck and adding it to her hand.

"And I'll activate it!" She said, as she immediately activated the card that she had just added, and the small box where she placed the card shone. "Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen lets me special summon a Fairy monster from my hand once per turn! But I must control no monsters to activate and resolve this effect."

And she then proceeded to take another card from her hand, and revealed it. "I'll special summon Master Hyperion in attack position!" And placing the monster card onto the table, the holographic projection of the Light Fairy monster appeared onto the field, its form of course miniaturized, with its flaming wings taking most of the space of the card box.

Master Hyperion - Light/Fairy/Level 8/Effect: 2700/2100

"Wha-a Level 8 monster?!" Allen shouted in alarm as he saw Sayaka summon her own new monster, one that simply threatened his XYZ Monster as it had made its way onto the field. But having not known that the card threatened his board, Allen did nothing in response to the summon of Master Hyperion, perhaps wary of what it would do and held his known form of interaction.

That, of course, was immediately punished as Sayaka activated her monster's effect. "Master Hyperion effect!" She declared, "Once per turn, I can banish one Light Fairy monster from my graveyard to target one card on the field and destroy it!"

Hearing what the card does, Allen's eyes went as wide as dinner plates, finally figuring out Sayaka's initial plan. "I'll banish the Hecatrice in my graveyard, and target your Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry!" She declared so, pointing a finger towards the only monster on Allen's field.

"Che! Then I'll activate the Trap, Spin Turn! And the Continuous Trap, Crusher Run!" And in response to the activation of Sayaka's Master Hyperion's effect, Allen chained the two set cards that he had, one being the already known Spin Turn, while revealing the unknown to be the Continuous Trap, Crusher Run.

Forgoing the explanation of the Continuous Trap as it would essentially do nothing at the current chain, Allen instead started the explanation of the Trap card that he had searched with Infinitrack Drag Shovel in his turn. "Spin Turn lets me target an Earth Machine XYZ Monster that I control in attack position and one monster you control, change the battle position of my monster, and destroy yours!"

The red haired boy then pointed towards the one monster that Sayaka had currently on her field. "I'll switch Digvorzhak to defence position to target your Master Hyperion and destroy it!"

And with the chain resolving, what twitch the third card in the chain link, Crusher Run, being essentially a dud that resolved without effect with the current state of the board, Spin Turn's effect resolved as the second card in the chain.

Allen switched his XYZ Monster into defence position, and then with Spin Turn's effect resolving, destroying Sayaka's monster. But even with it no longer being on the field, the effect of Master Hyperion still continued to resolve, destroying Allen's own XYZ Monster.

Allen scowled as he saw that his monster was destroyed and leaving his field bare, but as the chain finished resolving, he activated the effect of the Continuous Trap that he had just activated. "Then Crusher Run's effect!" He declared.

"If a face-up Earth Machine monster I control is destroyed by battle or card effect, I can target one card on the field, and destroy it!" He explained the Continuous Trap's effect, and pointed towards the one card that remained on Sayaka's field.

"I'll destroy your Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen!" And then the card's effect resolved, destroying the Continuous Spell that Sayaka had on her side of the field and clearing her side of the board.

"Wah! Their monsters are both destroyed now!" Myu exclaimed as she saw the whole exchange, but sadly missed the big picture.

"Yes, but." She started to say, "In contrast to Allen who had basically wasted all his recourses on a monster that, well, it didn't do nothing since he had Spin Turn technically and it did mill three cards, but it was easily outed by Master Hyperion."

Anna nodded, a look of concentration on her face as she watched the two's duel intensely. "And Sayaka hasn't normal summoned yet, and she still has four cards in her hand too." The cherry haired girl pointed out, and she nodded.

And just as Anna had pointed out, Sayaka then proceeded to use her normal summon for the turn. "I'll normal summon The Agent of Miracle - Jupiter!" And proceeded to normal summon a monster onto her field, the Jupiter based Fairy monster appeared, its miniaturized holographic projection appearing above the card.

The Agent of Miracle - Jupiter - Light/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 1800/1000

"And now I'll play the Quick-Play Spell, Celestial Transformation!" Sayaka said as she played another card from her hand, placing it onto the box table. "This card allows me to special summon one Fairy monster from my hand!" She said as she started explaining the card's effect. "But its attack is halved and it is destroyed during the End Phase."

And done with explaining the card's effect, the glasses wearing girl then revealed another card in her hand. "I will special summon Hecatrice from my hand." And she special summoned the third and last copy of the monster from her hand.

Hecatrice - Light/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 1500/1100

And then as the monster was summoned with the effect of Celestial Transformation, the golden Fairy's attack was then halved, a golden light enveloped the miniaturized holographic projection of the monster.

Hecatrice - Light/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 750/1100

"Battle!" And Sayaka then went in into the Battle Phase immediately, and with Allen's board being empty of monsters and no usable cards in his spell and trap zone, she could easily deal quite a good amount of damage, though sadly not enough to push for game.

"I'll attack you directly with The Agent of Miracle - Jupiter!" The glasses wearing girl declared aloud, and with a wave of her hand the brown winged monster struck Allen directly, taking a good chunk of his Life Points with the attack.


Allen Kozuki: 2200LP

"And then I'll attack you with Hecatrice!" And with another command, Sayaka's second monster attacked, though it's attack was halved, it still dealt damage and lowered Allen's Life Points to lethal range.

"Guh!" The boy in question winced as he saw his Life Point count lower ever more from the attack.

Allen Kozuki: 1450LP

With her two monsters now finished attacking, the lilac haired girl moved on towards her second Main Phase, and continued on with her turn. "Now I'll overlay the Level 4 The Agent of Miracle - Jupiter, and the Level 4 Hecatrice!"

And just with that declaration, the two monsters that she controlled and called turned into golden motes of light, and in the middle of the table just like with Allen earlier, a black and gold spiralling vortex appeared in the middle of the table.

I will construct an overlay network with these two monsters!" And with that following declaration, the spiral which both motes of gold entered exploded into light, filling the whole table.

"XYZ Summon! Appear! Fairy Cheer Girl!" And from the dark vortex of energy came Sayaka's signature XYZ Monster, the golden pom pom wielding Fairy flapped her giant blue butterfly wings as she appeared, her miniaturized from floating slightly above her card, and two golden orbs of light rotated around the small monster.

Fairy Cheer Girl - Light/Fairy/XYZ/Rank 4/Effect: 1900/1500 OV: 2

"Fairy Cheer Girl's effect!" And immediately Sayaka activated the monster's effects right after she summoned the XYZ Monster. "I can detach one XYZ Material from this card, to draw one card!" 

And with that declaration, one of the two XYZ Materials that orbited around Sayaka's XYZ Monster disappeared, the one overlay unit being detached as the cost to activating the monster's effect.

Fairy Cheer Girl - Light/Fairy/XYZ/Rank 4/Effect: 1900/1500 OV: 1

And the effect then resolved without issue with no sort of interaction coming from Allen, and Sayaka drew an extra card with the monster's effect, now being up to two cards in her hand and easily getting a plus one.  

She saw the girl's eyes widened slightly under her glasses, before she quickly recomposed herself and ending her turn. "I'll end my turn." She said as she passed the turn's control back to Allen, managing to more or less wipe his entire board clear, while also leaving a single XYZ Monster and two cards remaining in her hand.

"Then it's my turn! I'll draw!" And Allen drew his card for the turn with his eyebrows creased and a bit of frustration in his tone, and now with two cards in his hand, he began his turn to try and crack the board. 

"I'll start by activating another copy of the Continuous Spell, Heavy Forward!" And starting off his second turn of the game, he played the second copy of the card

"You already know what it does! I'll add from my deck to my hand, another Infinitrack Anchor Drill! And I'll summon it!" And placing the card onto the metal table, the field shone briefly before the blue and greenish yellow anchor drill monster manifested above the card that he had just added to his hand, once more appearing onto the field.

Infinitrack Anchor Drill - Earth/Machine/Level 4/Effect: 1800/500

"And you already know what this one does too! So I'll special summon one Machine monster from my hand! So I'll special summon Ruffian Railcar!" And he took the last card from his hand and summoned it, and as soon as he placed the card onto the metal table, the holographic projection of the red and gold miniaturized railcar appeared on Allen's side of the field in defence position.

Ruffian Railcar - Earth/Machine/Level 4/Effect: 1800/1000

"And I'll activate its effects!" The red haired poncho wearing boy declared. "Once per turn I can inflict 500 damage to you!" And with that declaration, the miniaturized red and golden railcar shot out golden beams from its headlights.

"Kya!" And of course the beams hit Sayaka. And though they certainly didn't deal any real physical damage unlike what actual solid vision would feel, the beams themselves made the lilac haired girl wince, along with her losing Life Points from the burn damage.

Sayaka Sasayama: 3500LP

"If I activate this effect, Ruffian Railcar can't attack this turn, but it doesn't matter!" Allen added the clause of the monster's effect that stopped it from attacking after using its effects, and continued on with his turn.

"Now I'll overlay the Level 4 Ruffian Railcar, and the Level 4 Infinitrack Anchor Drill!" And with the red haired boy's declaration, both the miniaturized heavy construction machinery and the golden and red railcar turned into brown motes of lights, and both entered the dark spiral that appeared in the middle of the table.

"I'll make an overlay network with these two monsters! XYZ Summon!" He chanted out, and the black and golden vortex exploded in light. "Appear! Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf!" And for the second time of the game he summoned an XYZ Monster, this one being a blue train with fire-like highlights around the side, along with a golden wolf head in the front with glowing green lights acting as eyes.

Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf - Earth/Machine/XYZ/Rank 4/Effect: 2200/2200 OV: 2

"Now Ironwolf's effect! Once per turn, I can detach one material from it, to target a Machine-Type monster that I control to make it so that it can attack directly!" He explained, omitting the fact that it also locked other monsters he controlled from attacking, though Sayaka would most certainly already know the clause, and it doesn't quite matter with Allen's current board.

"I'll detach an Overlay Material, to target itself!" And with that declaration, his XYZ Monster absorbed one of the two brown orbs that orbited it as cost, allowing it to attack directly for the duration of the turn.

Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf - Earth/Machine/XYZ/Rank 4/Effect: 2200/2200 OV: 1

And now essentially without any cards that she could play, Allen moved on directly into the Battle Phase. "Battle! I'll have my Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf attack your Fairy Cheer Girl!" And with that declaration, golden rails began to form under the XYZ Monster, directing it directly into the butterfly winged Fairy monster on Sayaka's side of the field.

"Huh? He's not attacking directly even though he used his monster's effect?" Myu asked, surprised that Allen wouldn't attack directly even though he had already used his XYZ Monster's effect that would allow it to do so.

"Ho? He's actually just setting up for a long game then." She said with a hint of amusement as she knew exactly where Allen was going with his plays. "You should note the card that Allen detached from Ironwolf for starters."

And as she pointed it out, Myu took note of the Overlay Material that Allen had detached off from his XYZ Monster. And her eyes widened ever so slightly. "Ah! That's Ruffian Railcar! It's a monster that has a graveyard effect right?"

And she nodded, smiling softly at the twin tailed girl's observation. "That's right. Though honestly I don't know what Level 10 monster that he could add from his deck to his hand that would save him from this situation." 

With how low on cards he was he might probably add something that would generically plus him, or maybe put a body onto the board. Perhaps Super Express Bullet Train? That would certainly fit the bill, or maybe even Snow Plow Hustle Rustle since it could possibly save him with how low his Life Points are while also triggering the graveyard effect of Crusher Run. 

"Wait, that still doesn't answer why he isn't attacking directly though. Wouldn't that deal more damage to Sayaka if he did that?" Anna asked, and that would technically be correct. Attacking directly would certainly put Sayaka on lethal range.

But most likely it could also cost him the game. "But if he doesn't destroy the Fairy Cheer Girl now, then he might also lose you know?" She pointed it out.

"Huh? How? Fairy Cheer Girl has less attack than Ironwolf?" The silver haired girl said and Anna nodded along, and she couldn't hold the sigh that escaped her lips as her head fell to her hands. It might have been a full week of trying to teach them all how exactly meta gaming would work, but the way of thinking that they had of high attack point monsters being outs still stuck to some extent.

"It's card advantage." She pointed out. "If Allen left the Fairy Cheer Girl on the field, then Sayaka could draw two cards next turn, and the chances of those cards being able to out his Heavy Train Ironwolf just like she did earlier with Master Hyperion."

She didn't doubt that the girl would run more than one Master Hyperion for that matter too, especially as she sold most of her cards as three offs since she wasn't running a pure Agent deck, as doing so wouldn't quite support her Rank 4 XYZ Fairy deck. 

That and paying along the lines of 1000 to 1500 Life Points just to get a Rank 2 monster onto the field in a 4000 Life Point format was quite suicidal, not that there are bad Rank 2 monsters or anything, she's read the blatantly stupid archetype that was Sprights, and Toadally Awesome was also a thing after all.

And as the attacked closed in and they started to enter the Damage Step, Sayaka revealed a card in her hand. "From my hand, I'll activate the effect of Honest in my hand!" She declared so as she showed the monster in her hand.

"During the Damage Step, when a Light monster that I control battles, I can send Honest from my hand to the graveyard to give that monster equal attack to the attack of the opponent's monster it is battling until the end of the turn!" The glasses wearing girl explained the hand trap's effect, and Allen's eyes widened.

"Wha-!" The teal eyed train duelist's eyes widened as he essentially heard, his mind understanding what the battle hand trap would essentially do with him already having a relatively low amount of Life Point and what it would entail.  

"This makes it so that my Fairy Cheer Girl would gain 2200 attack!" And thanks to the effect of Honest, the translucent ghostly figure of the white winged angel appeared behind of the pom pom wielding XYZ Monster, and with its effect Fairy Cheer Girl received the same amount of attack points that the attacking monster, Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf, had.

Fairy Cheer Girl - Light/Fairy/XYZ/Rank 4/Effect: 4100/1500 OV: 1

And now that Fairy Cheer Girl having more attack that Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf, they soon entered Damage Step proper, or rather the Damage Calculation, and the now powered up pom pom wielding butterfly winged XYZ Monster easily punched through the ramming train, pushing through and immediately striking Allen with the residue battle damage

"GAAAH!" The red haired boy shouted dramatically as he had been defeated on his own turn, the residue battle damage from the Honest boosted Fairy Cheer Girl drained what remained of his Life Points.

Allen Kozuki: 0LP

"Darn it!" Allen shouted in frustration as he threw his hands upwards, before then slamming his hands back down towards the table and glaring towards Sayaka, raising his index finger. "One more! One more game! This time I won't lose!"

Sayaka merely smiled slightly, but nodded nonetheless. The two then shuffled back their cards, preparing for a second game while the audience watching the two muffled as they chattered with one another about the game that they had just watched.

"Wow… I didn't think that Sayaka would have cards like that." Myu said in astonishment and wonder, mouth slightly agape as she stared towards the glasses wearing lilac haired girl. "And she managed to easily beat Allen too! Amazing!"

"Yeah… I'm guessing that you're the one that gave her that card? That Honest or something?" Anna asked as she turned towards her, and she nodded in confirmation.

"Well, yes. Along with some other cards of course that helps her go into her Ace Monster more consistently." And by that she meant that she gave the girl a good amount of Fairy and Light support cards, Honest of course being one of them.

Anna whistled at that. "So there's cards like that huh? You have anything like that Honest thingie for my deck?" She asked as she scooched closer towards her, and she shook her head.

"No, there's nothing like Honest for other archetypes really. Barring its Dark counterpart, Dark Honest that only works with Dark monsters and lowers attack instead." She informed the cherry haired girl.

Though the girl was disappointed by her answer, she continued. "I mean, you're playing Earth Machines aren't you?" She pointed out. "You're already playing monsters with high original attacks, and you can even run Limiter Removal to boost those too during the Damage Step."

"Oh." Anna said as she blinked several times and looked sheepish as realization fell on her. "I guess that makes sense. My monsters are big and all, and Gustav Max can deal 2000 points of damage and all." 

"Yeah… Anna-san's deck is really strong already. And I guess a card like Limiter Removal works just the same as Sayaka's Honest." Myu muttered aloud, before turning towards her. "But still, she also has new cards that are quite strong themselves."

She nodded to Myu's observation. "That's correct. Master Hyperion being one of them." She had to waste a few thousands DP just to unlock a pack filled with Fairy monsters, with The Agent archetype being the most prominent cards next to Heralds, but both weren't quite XYZ focused.

Still, generic support cards like Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen along with its searcher Hecatrice were common enough. And Master Hyperion was a good enough card to play even without playing pure Agents.

Well, it wasn't like she could have given Sayaka the base for an Agent deck in good conscience considering how her deck's philosophy was to turbo out Fairy Cheer Girl. And with how modern Agent decks being more Link and Synchro focused, it wouldn't quite work well.

That, and though The Agent of Creation - Venus could easily be a one card Rank 2, the Rank 2 pool of monsters that could be accessed with those weren't quite the best, the Fairy ones at least, considering how Sayaka sticks to Fairy monsters.

And then she saw from her peripheral a black figure slowly stalking towards the table, and saw said figure push through the crowd forcefully, and people slowly turned their attention towards the interloper.

"If you want another game I won't mind driving you into the ground again."


Allen and Sayaka turned towards the one who had said that, and turned to see a familiar figure. She saw the poncho wearing boy's eyes widened as he stood up from his seat. "You're-!"

"Yes, it is I! Yuusha Kuroi!" The black jacket wearing boy declared so as he puffed up his chest, receiving looks from many others surrounding them.

"Well, game on! I have a bone to pick with you anyway!" Allen said as he stepped forward to glare at the black haired boy in extremely close distance, basically growling at the black haired boy who smiled smugly.

"So you want to duel against Allen instead of getting a revenge match against me?" And she suddenly saw that Anna-san had made her way towards the table, the crowd parting towards her as the unofficial strongest duelist of the Diamond Branch of the Heartland Dueling School entered the fray.

She blinked as she hurriedly turned to look beside her, and saw that Yuuna-san was also doing the same, and lo and behold the spot where Anna-san had once stood was empty. The transformable cannon-carrying girl had moved ahead towards the dueling table.

"How about I duel you instead?" She said with a feral grin on her face, cracking her knuckles as she stared directly towards the boy's coal eyes. "Allen's not the only one that has a grudge against you, you know? I still haven't forgiven you for what you said after all." 

She saw the black haired boy visibly gulp and step backwards as he frantically looked away from Anna-san and back towards Allen, losing all of his bravado in front of Anna-san whom he had boldly challenged previously and lost against.

She then heard a sigh from beside her, and saw that her red haired mentor was slowly stood from her seat, rising to her full height as she seemed to crack her joints. She turned towards her, and gestured towards the commotion. "Might as well go."

And with that said the tallest girl in their group made her way towards the dueling table that was now the place where Allen, Sayaka, Yuusha, and now Anna-san, limping all the wall. With her hastily following in suit of course.

"Now, now. Why don't we all calm down?" Yuuna-san said as her voice cut through the muttering of the crowd, and everyone turned their focus towards her red haired mentor who slowly made her way towards the table, being careful so that she doesn't put too much pressure on her foot.

And with just those few words, Yuuna-san had the attention of everyone in the venue. It certainly helped that Yuuna-san is a relatively famous figure around these parts after all, or rather Red Hat was, with how good the cards that she sells were.

"I'm sure that everyone would want to duel. Myself included of course. So why don't we all just calm down and take turn? There's enough people to host a small tournament after all." She red hat wearing girl said calmly, attempting to defuse the whole situation.

Anna-san and Allen, both being the most confrontational of their group, slowly backed down at Yuuna-san's words. The siblings having shared a brief glance between one another and complied, much to the relief of Sayaka who had let out a sigh of relief.

What none of them did expect however, was the absolute look of rage that appeared onto the black jacket wearing boy's face. "You!" The boy spat with venom as he locked eyes with Yuuna-san's own.

That seemed to take them all aback, and that moment was all that Yuusha seemed to need as he closed the distance. "You're that Red Hat!" He spat out as he angrily pointed towards her.

"You're that one guy that sold her those rare cards weren't you! The card that let her win the game against me!" He shouted angrily as he pointed back and forth from her and Anna, and she tried to make sense of his words.

"First off." Yuuna-san said slowly, pushing the boy's hand away from her. "It is quite rude to point at someone. Secondly." And she saw her mentor narrow her grey eyes towards Yuusha. 

"I am a girl. And you should be polite to card traders. We are who you need to get new cards after all." And at her third statement several local card traders around the card shop glared daggers towards Yuusha, clearly making him uncomfortable by how he fidgeted under their gazes.

"Bah! That doesn't matter!" He shouted as he seemed to have enough of the stares and lashed out, waving his arm out wildly and making Yuuna, along with everyone around the black haired boy, take a step back.

"You have those rare cards, yeah? Give em!" He shouted loudly as he extended his arms forwards towards the red hat wearing girl in front of her, who stared back at the boy silently with her mouth slightly agape.

"... what?" She finally mustered a response, though apparently not one that the black haired boy had wanted to hear with how his scowl dug deeper and his anger seemed to fume even harder.

"Well? Give them to me already! You're that darned Red Hat aren't you? The one with rare cards and all that. You made her beat me with those rare cards of yours, so give me some since you made me lose!" He boldly said aloud in the middle of a crowd with a huge scowl while he repeatedly waved his arms out.

"I… goodness. I never expected that I would meet someone of your… caliber, ever. No actually, I am quite sure that I've seen someone level before." Yuuna-san mumbled to herself, her eyes slightly glossy as if she wasn't truly looking at the boy in front of her.

Even Anna and Allen were giving him looks, both clearly, just like everyone else in the shop front, stared at the black haired boy not with silent anger that they had before but with a look that seemed to be a mixture of exasperation and pity, something that fueled Yuusha's rage even more.

"AAGH! FINE!" The black haired boy shouted loudly as he waved his arms wildly once more, before settling to angrily point at Yuuna-san once again much to her displeasure. "If you don't want to give them to me then I'll take them! I challenge you to a duel! If I win, I'll get all of your cards!"

It was an outragoeusly stupid condition to start a duel with, something that a literal child would thought of, something that no sane duelist would ever agree on. And of course, that kind of condition was met with indignation from every single person in the card shop, many began shouting towards the black haired boy, herself included, at how absolutely stupid that condition was.

But apparently, there was someone even more stupider, if that was even a word, that the current stupidest person in the venue. "Alright." Yuuna-san's voice cut through the garbled mess that was the shouting of the masses like a hot knife through butter, and everyone went silent, Yuusha included.

"You… what?" The black haired boy looked at her incredulously, looking at the red hat wearing girl with wide eyes as if he hadn't truly believed what she had just said. Everyone else did too,even Anna-san was left jaw dropped at the simple reply that Yuuna-san shot back.

It took her a few moments to truly fully contemplate what it was that had just left her red hat wearing mentor's mouth, but as soon as she snapped back with a startle she immediately hissed. "Yuuna-san! What are you doing!?"

"Idiot! You don't do something as stupid as that!" Anna-san joined in as she also rushed towards the red haired girl's side. "I know that you're crazy-" She ignored the whine that left Yuuna-san's mouth. "But not this crazy! You're betting everything you have here! I thought I was the one who made stupid impulsive decisions!"

"P-please think this clearly Yuuna-san!" Sayaka also begged her, followed suit by the crowd, drowning whatever it was that Yuusha and Allen were shouting against one another in the background. 

"I know that you're confident with your deck and all, but even doing something like this is idiotic!" Anna-san shouted right at Yuuna-san's face. "And not to mention, you're still injured you dimwit! "

But still, her red haired mentor only gave them a smile as she simply waved off their worries. "Oh no it's fine, it's fine. I know what I'm doing." She said as she tried to assure them, which truly only brought them even more worry for them all no doubt.

"I have some rules of course." She stated out, and that seemed to at least gave the impression that she at least had given some thought to this. "For one, we won't be using duel disks, but instead the local Dueling Tables, that at least wouldn't be as taxing as dueling normally with duel disks yes?"

She chewed on her lip and shared a glance with Anna-san, who shared her look, both of them were the ones who were the most worried for the red haired girl's apparent injury, Sayaka of course, having studied a bit of first aid, was also incredibly worried for her health of course.

So really it fell to the both of them, and wasn't it a weird matchup, the debatably best duelist of the Diamond Branch, and herself, the rising star of the Heart Branch of the Heartland Dueling School to care for the one who had taught them to be better duelists overall and prevent her from aggravating her injury as suggested by Sayaka.

Which meant of course, no hard exercises or anything of the sort, it's why they basically banned her from dueling, since dueling with a duel disk does technically count as one. But dueling with normal dueling tables, without actual solid vision holograms however, and since she would only need to sit down and play her cards, it wouldn't aggravate her injury.

Leave it to her ever resourceful mentor who could find cards that she's never heard or seen before that pairs well with any deck under the sun to find a loophole to duel against someone.

"And it goes both ways of course." The red haired girl's voice cut through her train of thought, and she refocused back on her. "It won't be quite fair if there is only a reward for if you were to win after all. So, what would you be willing to offer if I were to win?" 

He huffed smugly. "Fine then. In the off chance that you were to win, then I'll give you my deck! But remember! When I win, I'll get every single card that you have!" He said as he strode towards the now empty table, and sat down.

"Well? Hurry up then!" He shouted towards Yuuna-san, and the person in question sighed aloud as she shook her head, and slowly made her way towards the seat opposite to the black haired boy.  

"Yuuna-san! You could still just back out from this!" She begged as she held the older girl's hand and held her, stopping her. Giving her the best pleading gaze that she could muster, she hoped that she could stop her mentor from falling to this utterly ridiculous ploy that Yuusha had started.

"Is your faith in me so low?" The red haired girl said wryly, ruffling her hair in an endearing manner. "Well, I do admit that I am a bit confident. Overconfident even. Chances are it's the painkillers talking, God knows I spent a good chunk of DP to get those." She mumbled out, before shaking her head.

"It isn't like I'm not being careful though. I also have something that I wanted to know from him as well." She said quietly, almost a whisper, and she could see Anna-san perk up from the corner of her vision, clearly also listening to the conversation even with a permanent frown on her face ever since Yuusha appeared.

"Anyway, I'll be fine. I'll be giving my utmost after all. I wouldn't mind letting loose a little bit against someone without politeness like him after all." Yuuna-san said with narrowed eyes and a small smile, one that sent chills down her spine.

She gulped as she saw the red haired girl walk slowly towards the dueling table, the crowd parting as she walked. She briefly looked back and shared a glance to Anna-san, who, just like her, seemed to have frozen in place.

The thought of Yuuna-san, the Yuuna-san who had been teaching them, the same Yuuna-san who had managed to easily dismantle every single strategy that they had thought of yesterday methodically, would let loose of all things?

It sent shivers down her spine. And yet the thought of seeing what her mentor could possibly do also gave her incredible excitement. One that no doubt was shared by Anna-san with how she looked.

"Let's get closer." The cherry haired girl said quietly, even as she basically bulldozed her way through the crowd before her, with her, of course, following suit without even a second thought.

"Heh. Let's start then." Yuusha said as he took out his deck of cards from inside his jacket, and started to shuffle them. Yuuna-san followed suit, taking out her own deck and shuffling them as well.

"Before we do though, a question if you will." The long red haired girl said all the while she shuffled her deck, placing it down and cutting it to two as she equally divided the deck of cards, shuffling them independently before mixing them again.

The coal eyed duelist in front of her glanced upwards towards her for a brief moment, before huffing and giving her a slight nod, a sign for her to continue. "When we first… met, shall we say, you mentioned of having heard of me, of Red Hat before. Pray tell whom you heard it from?"

He seemed to scoff at her question, perhaps thinking that her long haired mentor would have asked something else. "Some street goof named Dennis or whatever. Heard him mumble something about Red Hat and rare cards. So I knew that you were the reason she won." He said, sending a glare at Anna-san, who matched him with her own.

For the briefest of moment, she saw Yuuna-san completely freeze while she shuffled her deck, only to continue on with closed eyes and a smile. "I see." She said cooly.

It was a tense few seconds, as the crowd gathered around the two to watch. And soon enough they placed their deck onto the slot allotted on the dueling table, and Yuusha was the first to do so as he took five cards to his hand, with Yuuna-san following suit.

And the duel began.


Yuuna: 4000LP

Yuusha Kuroi: 4000LP

"I'll go first!" Yuusha said, intending to no doubt set up his board before her mentor could. She didn't know how well his Evilswarm deck would do against Yuuna-san's own, since as far as she knew Yuuna-san's own deck doesn't instantly lose against Evilswarm Ophion just like how Allen's or Anna-san's would, but she was sure that her red haired mentor would prevail someway or the other.

"I'll start by normal summoning Rescue Rabbit!" And he began the game by summoning a monster that she knew quite well, placing the card onto the metal table as it shone, and the miniaturized holographic projection of the hard hat and goggles wearing rabbit appeared above the card that the black haired boy had just placed on.

Rescue Rabbit - Earth/Beast/Level 4/Effect: 300/100 

Yuuna-san hummed as she saw him summon the monster that was essentially an instant Rank 4, but she apparently had something to stop his incoming play. "Then in response to the summon of Rescue Rabbit, I will activate the effect of Effect Veiler in my hand."

"That-!" It was a card that she knew, one of the cards that Yuuna-san had sold, or at least tries to sell to almost everyone, and given its effects, it was a wonder why she would give such a strong card to others. Or how she got her hands on so many copies to essentially fill a warehouse with.

They all just chalked it up as her quirk, another pile of mystery to the one known as Yuuna after all.

"During your Main Phase, as a Quick Effect, I can send this card from my hand to the graveyard, and target one Effect Monster you control and negate the effects of that face-up monster you control until the end of this turn." The red haired girl explained the card's effect.

"I will target your Rescue Rabbit, to negate its effects." And she did just so, discarding the card from her hand to the graveyard and with that his monster's effects were negated. The black leather jacket wearing boy clicked his tongue, knowing that his opponent had essentially invalidated his normal summon for the turn.

Because though Rescue Rabbit would banish itself off from the field as a cost to activate its effects, Yuuna-san had explained before that it activates its effects on the field, and that the only window of time to respond to Rescue Rabbit before it could banish itself for cost with something like Effect Veiler was right as it was summoned.

"Che, then I'll set three cards face-down." He said as he set two cards on her spell and trap zone. "And I'll end my turn." And with simply that, he ended his turn. Passing with a negated Rescue Rabbit on his field, three face-down set cards, and a single card remaining in his hand.

It didn't look like much, the board certainly wasn't a terrifying one in mere hindsight, but the mere reminder that any one of those set cards possibly being a floodgate of the sorts sent shivers down her spine.

"My turn then, I'll draw." Five cards in hand, Yuuna-san started her turn going in an attempt to break her opponent's board, which mostly consisted of set cards if anything. If she opens with any form of backrow removal then she could essentially win this easily.

She briefly glancing at the cards in her hand and a play already seemingly in her mind. 

"I'll start by special summoning ZS - Ascended Sage from my hand." And with that she special summoned the monster with its innate summoning condition, summoning the monster in defence position as the miniaturized projection of the floating staff wielding Warrior appeared on her side of the field.

ZS - Ascended Sage - Light/Warrior/Level 4/Effect: 900/300

Anna raised an eyebrow at the card that she played. "That's not a True Draco card." She murmured aloud as she eyed the card that Yuuna had just played, which was indeed as she noted, was not a True Draco card.

"That's because it isn't." The red haired girl smiled wryly, apparently hearing her comment as she eyed the cherry haired girl. "ZS- Ascended Sage can be special summoned if I control no cards." She explained, apparently the monster that she had summoned had an innate summoning condition as she would call it.

And that by itself showed that Yuuna-san wasn't playing the deck that she had used yesterday. It wasn't the deck that she used to implant the fear of floodgates and the importance of backrow removal, something that Yuuna-san herself seemed to not have drawn for her starting hand, but was perhaps just a seemingly normal XYZ deck.

Though there probably was nothing 'normal' for an XYZ deck that Yuuna-san of all people would use now that she thinks about it.

"Well then, I'll continue by activating the Continuous Spell, Onomatopickup." And Yuuna-san continued on with her turn as she activated another card from the hand. Placing the Continuous Spell onto 

"When Onomatopickup is activated, I can add one 'Onomat' card from my deck to my hand except another copy of 'Onomatopickup.'" She said, explaining the Continuous Spell's activated effect.

"I'll add the Spell, Onomatopaira from my deck to my hand." She said, adding the Spell card from her deck to her hand before shuffling them. "And I'll activate it." And she deftly dropped the card onto her side of the table, the box where the Spell card landed shining as it hit said box, all while she continued to shuffle the cards in her hand.

"Onomatipaira lets me send one card from my hand to the graveyard, and lets me choose two of the category of 'Zubaba', 'Gagaga', 'Gogogo', or 'Dododo', and add one monster from the category from my deck to my hand." She said, explaining the card's effect.

"I'll discard Dododo Driver from my hand to choose the categories 'Zubaba' and 'Gagaga', and add from my deck to my hand, Zubababancho Gagagacoat and Utopic Onomatopoeia from my deck to my hand." She said as she picked up her deck, quickly riffled through it, and dropped both of the cards onto the table for her to see.

"Hold it! That second one doesn't make sense!" The black haired boy pointed out with furrowed brows, pointing towards the second card that the red hat wearing girl took out from her deck. "That isn't a Gagaga card!"

"Well, it is." The grey eyed duelist said with a small smile as she flipped the cards to allow her to read its effects. "Utopic Onomatopoeia is always treated as a 'Zubaba', 'Gagaga', 'Gogogo', and 'Dododo' card, which includes while its inside the deck. So it is a legal target to search with Onomatopaira."

"Wha-but-!." The black haired boy growled before huffing. "Fine. Continue with your pathetic turn." He said with a scowl as he allowed Yuuna-san to continue with her turn, and she did continue to do so, albeit the smile on her face fell and turned into a frown.

"Then I will normal summon Utopic Onomatopoeia." She said coldly as she placed another card onto the field, and she summoned the monster that she had added with her spell earlier, and the small white and gold armoured Warrior monster appeared onto the field as it wielded its sword.

Utopic Onomatopoeia - Light/Warrior/Level 4/Effect: 1500/1500

"Two Level 4 monsters." She noted, muttering under her breath, her assumptions proving correct as the red haired girl was indeed playing an XYZ focused deck of some sort instead of her True Draco deck.

No doubt that she would be using those two monsters to overlay and XYZ Summon, but she apparently didn't do so right away. "I'll activate the effect of Utopic Onomatopoeia." She declared, activating the effect of the monster that she normal summoned.

"During my Main Phase, I can special summon up to one each of 'Zubaba', 'Gagaga', 'Gogogo', and or 'Dododo' monsters except 'Utopic Onomatopoeia' from my hand in defence position." She explained the monster's effect, explaining how its effects essentially special summons up to two monsters from her hand.

Yuusha clicked his tongue, but responded with his own card. "Then I'll use my own Effect Veiler!" And Yuusha revealed the last card in his hand, showing that it was the same card that Yuuna-san had used during his own Main Phase, Effect Veiler.

The black haired boy smirked as he discarded the monster for its cost while Yuuna's eyes widened ever so slightly. "He, with the effect of Effect Veiler I'll discard it and negate the effect of your Utopic Ono-whatever! See how you like it! Ha!" He said as he ended with a small laugh.

"An Effect Veiler. I didn't think that you of all people would have that card." She heard the red haired girl mutter with a small frown, before she continued with her turn. "I'll reveal the Zubababancho Gagagacoat in my hand and activate its effect." She said, doing so as she threw the card that she had added onto the table instead of just showing the card in her hand like people normally would.

A strange quirk to be sure, but it's not like it messed up the old system that the dueling table. "If I control a 'Zubaba' or 'Gagaga' monster except 'Zubababancho Gagagacoat' while this card is in my hand, I can special summon it."

"And since That Utopic Onomato-whatever is treated as a 'Zubaba' and 'Gagaga' you can do that huh." The black haired Evilswarm duelist said with a large scowl on his face, allowing his opponent to activate the monster's effect.

And she did, the single card chain resolving, she special summoned the monster onto her side of the field by simply correcting the card's placement on the table, and the small hologram of the teeth bladed, coat wearing monster appeared on Yuuna-san's side of the field.

Zubababancho Gagagacoat - Earth/Warrior/Level 4/Effect: 1800/100

"I'll activate the other effect of Zubababancho Gagagacoat." Her red haired mentor declared. "It allows me to target one 'Gogogo' or 'Dododo' monster in my graveyard, and special summon it."

"I'll special summon Dododo Driver in defence position." She said as she placed back the monster from her graveyard onto the field, and the cart carrying viking-like warrior appeared on the red haired girl's side of the field, his form of course miniaturized to fit the dueling table that the two dueled on.

Dododo Driver - Earth/Warrior/Level 4/Effect: 1800/2000

"Well, it's not like I'm going to Overlay all of them though." She said wryly with a smile on her face, one which quickly fell back into a neutral look. "I'll continue first by activating the Continuous Spell, XYZ Change Tactics."

The red haired girl placed the Continuous Spell onto her side of her field, and the small box where the card was placed shone, but the Continuous Spell itself apparently has no effects right upon activation and Yuuna-san continued her turn. "Then I will overlay both the Level 4 ZS - Ascended Sage and the Level 4 Dododo Driver."

And with her declaration, the two monsters that she named turned into a gold and brown motes of lights respectively, and a black and gold spiral of energy appeared into the middle of the metal table.

"I'll construct an Overlay Network with the two monsters, XYZ Summon!" She simply chanted, and snapped her fingers as the dark spiral in the middle of the table exploded into light.

"Appear! Number 39: Utopia Double!" And in a blinding flash of light, an XYZ Monster appeared on the long haired girl's side of the field, the first ever XYZ Summon that she's ever seen her do so.

And though the monster was miniaturized to fit the small boxes of the dueling table, and what seemed to be a ghostly figure of what appeared to ba an enlarged version of one of her monsters, its form translucent and seemingly had afterimagges with his fast the monster moved around before it settled to floating above its card, two golden orbs of light orbiting it.

Number 39: Utopia Double - Light/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 4/Effect: 0/2500 OV: 2

"A… Number?" She heard Yuusha said aloud, having never heard of an XYZ Monster like the one that Yuuna-san had summoned, and that confusion was shared by more or less every single member in the audience who watched the duel.

"Ah, it's a whole archetype of XYZ monsters I guess." The red haired girl said as she seemed to avoided eye contact with the black haired boy, before coughing in her hand and continued.

"Anyway, ZS - Ascended Sage's effect!" The red haired girl declared. "A 'Utopia' XYZ Monster that was summoned using this card on the field as material gains the effect that if it was XYZ Summoned, I can add one 'Rank-Up-Magic' normal Spell from my deck to my hand."

"Wha-it can search a Rank-Up-Magic just like that?!" He shouted aloud with wide eyes, and she along with the others also shared the same sentiment, she was a bit surprised that there was a deck that could so easily search for a Rank-Up-Magic just like that, but she wasn't quite surprised that her red haired mentor of all people had something like that.

"I guess it is relatively easy since it's what the archetype does." Yuuna-san said with a shrug, nonchalant  "And I will chain the effect of the Continuous Spell, XYZ Change Tactics." She declared as she chained the effect of the card that she had activated previously.

"When a 'Utopia' monster is XYZ Summoned to my side of the field, I can pay 500 Life Points to draw one card." And she did do so, reducing her Life Points by 500 to use the effects of XYZ Change tactics to draw one card. 

Yuuna: 3500LP

"Then I'll flip my own face-down card!" And Yuusha declared, flipping one of his face-down card face-up. "Floodgate Trap Hole!" He said, responding to the chain which started on the summon of the red hat wearing girl's XYZ Monster.

Yuuna-san's eyes narrowed as she saw him activate the trap that she knew the red haired girl sold. "So you have that card too." She frowned, but nonetheless allowed the black haired boy to continue on with the card's explanation even when she already knew what it does exactly.

"When you summon a monster, I can change that monster to face-down defence position! And monsters changed to face-down with the effect of Floodgate Trap Hole can't change their battle positions!" He declared with a huge grin.

"Which means that I get to change your XYZ Monster to face-down defence position!" He said, pointing towards Yuuna-san's one and only XYZ Monster, intending to permanently turn it to face-down defence position.

"Then I'll chain the effect of Utopia Double." She followed suit, chaining the effect of her own newly summoned XYZ Monster in response to her Trap card. "As a Quick Effect, Number 39: Utopia Double lets me detach one material from itself to add one 'Double or Nothing!' from my deck to my hand, then special summon from my Extra Deck one 'Utopia' XYZ Monster except another copy of itself by using this face-up card I control as material." She explained the XYZ Monster's effect, and it took one of its two overlay units as cost to activate said effect.

Number 39: Utopia Double - Light/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 4/Effect: 0/2500 OV: 1

"Wha-! It can instantly Rank Up using itself just like that?!" The black jacket-wearing boy exclaimed aloud with shock at the XYZ Monster's effect, and it truly was mind boggling that there was just a card that could do something like that, and on a Quick Effect no less! 

"Face-up?" She heard Yuusha's murmuring that little tidbit and saw his eyes widened. "Then I'll activate my other set card! The Quick-Play Spell, Book of Moon!" And he further the chain by activating his second set card, revealing it to be a set Quick-Play Spell, Book of Moon.

"Ah, so that's what the other set was then." The hat wearing girl muttered with a hand on her chin. "There's realistically only one target for that." And there certainly was, as her red haired mentor had pointed out, only one target that Yuusha would most certainly use the Quick-Play Spell on,

"I'll target your XYZ Monster and change it to face-down defence position!" The black haired boy declared his target, and intended to fizzle the effect of Number 39: Utopia Double by flipping it face-down, or at least that's how she thinks that the chain would resolve.

And it did, with the effect of Book of Moon which was the fifth and last card in the chain resolving first, it flipped the XYZ Monster to face-down defence position, and it was quite strange to see an XYZ Monster with materials being face-down.

"But the effect of Utopia Double still resolves, I will add from my deck to my hand the Quick-Play Spell, Double or Nothing! Though I won't get to special summon a 'Utopia' XYZ Monster on top of my Utopia Double as it was flipped face-down with Book of Moon." Yuuna-san noted aloud as she took out the Quick-Play Spell in question and showed it before adding it to her hand.

"But unlike with Floodgate Trap Hole it can still just be flipped back face-up in the next turn." The red haired girl noted aloud as Yuusha's trap resolves without effect, and the chain of effects continued to resolve backwards.

"And I will draw with the effect of XYZ Change Tactics." Yuuna-san said as she drew a card after paying Life Points for the Continuous Spell's effect, finally resolving it after the long chain of effects and getting up to three cards in hand, and an already known Quick-Play Spell that was Double or Nothing!

"Then I'll add the Spell, Rank-Up-Magic, Zexal Force from my deck to my hand." And the last card in the chain of effects then resolved, and Yuuna-san added another card from her deck, easily going back up to four cards in her hand.

"I'll overlay the Level 4 Zubababancho Gagagacoat and the Level 4 Utopic Onomatopoeia." And without even missing a beat, the two remaining face-up monsters that the red hat wearing girl had turned into a brown and gold motes of lights, both circling one another before joining into the spiral of darkness that appeared in the middle of the dueling table. 

"I'll construct an Overlay Network with the two monsters, XYZ Summon!" She simply chanted, and snapped her fingers as the dark spiral in the middle of the table exploded into light, XYZ Summoning for the second time this turn.

"Rise! Number 39: Utopia!" And the monster that appeared from the vortex of darkness was a strange white and gold object, which then slowly transformed into the same white and gold Warrior that the previous XYZ Monster, Utopia Double, looked like, only not transparent nor did it leave an afterimage. The red marking on its left pauldron marking the number 39 shone in bright red as two golden orbs orbited around the newly summoned XYZ Monster.

Number 39: Utopia - Light/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 4/Effect: 2500/2000 OV: 2

"A second copy?!" Yuusha exclaimed aloud, seeing the likeness of the two XYZ Monsters that Yuuna-san had summoned just in this one turn alone, and received a shake of the head from the boy's opponent.

"It's a completely different card. You could certainly tell so by the name and card at." She pointed out, before huffing. "And there isn't even a reason to summon another copy of Number 39: Utopia Double as its effects are a hard once per turn. And for some reason there's only one copy of every Number monster in the Shop." She explained, the last part being a mere whisper.

"That and running more than one Double or Nothing is useless." She heard the red haired duelist mutter under her breath before she returned her full focus back onto the game. "Then I'll activate the effect of XYZ Change Tactics once again, I'll pay another 500 Life Points to draw another card."

And she did just that, reducing her Life Points by a total of 1000 points at this point thanks to the Continuous Spell to draw an additional card.

Yuuna: 3000LP

"No response to its summon then?" She asked, and she reluctantly nodded her head as she allowed her red haired mentor to continue on, drawing another card thanks to the Continuous Spell's effect, getting a fifth card into her grip.

"Then I will overlay  Number 39: Utopia once more." And saying so, the newly summoned XYZ Monster changed back as it folded itself into its wings, and under it the black vortex and spiral of gold and darkness where it came from consumed it once again.

"Reconstruct the overlay network?!" Yuusha shouted, alarmed and confused at what exactly his opponent was doing.

And she ignored him as she instead continued with the summoning chant for what was to come. "With it, I will reconstruct the overlay network. Chaos XYZ Change." And the dark vortex exploded into blinding light, filling the entire table and making the audience gasp.

"Arise, protector who changes chaos into light. Number C39: Utopia Ray." And just like the XYZ Monster before, what came was a sleek strange thing floating in Yuuna-san's side of the field, this time coloured black grey and gold.

Bofere said monster then morphed, the wings that covered it unfolding and opening, revealing with it the miniaturized grey black and golden armoured warrior along with its two blades and large claymore, the number 39 glowed in the upper left pauldrons that spread into wings, and three golden orbs of lights orbited the newly summoned XYZ Monster.

Number C39: Utopia Ray - Light/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 4/Effect: 2500/2000 OV: 3

"Number C?! What the hell is that card?!" Yuusha shouted as he saw the newly summoned XYZ Monster, a monster that the red hat wearing girl could apparently just summon using her previous XYZ Summoned monster.

"That's… an evolved form?" She muttered aloud as she saw the monster being XYZ Summoned on top of the XYZ Monster, something that she hadn't quite known could even be done before.

"Number C39: Utopia Ray can be XYZ Summoned by using 'Number 39: Utopia' that I control as material." The red haired girl explained, reading out what the XYZ Monster's alternate summoning condition was.

"Again, the effect of the Continuous Spell, XYZ Change Tactics activates." And Yuuna-san activated the effect of her Continuous Spell for the third time of the game, paying another 500 Life Points to draw another card.

Yuuna: 2500LP

"Then I will activate the Spell, Rank-Up-Magic, Zexal Force." And she played one of those six cards, the normal Rank-Up-Magic Spell card that she had added in what felt like far earlier in the turn.


"Rank-Up-Magic, Zexal Force allows me to target one XYZ Monster that I control, and special summon from my Extra Deck, one 'Utopia' or 'ZW -' monster that is one Rank higher than that monster by using it as a material." The red haired girl explained the Spell's effect.

"I'll target my Number C39: Utopia Ray." She declared her target calmly, of course choosing the one and only face-up XYZ Monster that she has face-up on the field, and herself along with the audience watch in bated breath as the XYZ Monster shone.

"Roaring thunder cloaked in fighting spirit, shake the earth and crush the even the divine." She chanted, and the blinding light slowly receded. "Rank Up. XYZ Change." And with her signature snap, a giant red gold and white lion appeared onto Yuuna-san's side of the field, one who roared and turned into bits and pieces of armour that the XYZ Monster started to attach onto itself piece by piece.

"Beast Combination. Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray." And what a monster it was. Though its form was miniaturized as the two weren't dueling with duel disk, the monster itself quite easily towered every single monster that she's seen so far, barring Allen's own XYZ Monster.

The monster's red and white armour shone, the many golden spikes along its body also shone as it reflected light. In both of its hands were shining silver blades, and it carried an even larger claymore with the two other hands that it had coming out of its giant pauldrons, three golden orbs of light orbited the XYZ Monster to show the amount of overlay materials that it had.

Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray - Light/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 2500/2000 OV: 4

"Then, if I did do so, Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force lets me take one 'ZW -' or 'ZS -' monster from my deck and place it on top of my deck." And the red haired girl picked up her deck again, shuffling through them before taking out a card and placing it on top of the table for them to see.

"I'll place ZW -Tornado Bringer at the top of my deck." She said, placing the card on the top of her deck in quick succession, all before continuing with her turn. "And of course, as Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray is a 'Utopia' monster, one that is always treated as a Number C39: Utopia Ray at that, I will activate the effect of XYZ Change Tactics."

"Wha-that card again?!" Yuusha exclaimed aloud. "You know what, just keep summoning why don't you! That'll make it easier for me when I beat you with how low your Life Points are getting!"

Yuuna-san blatantly ignored the black haired boy's bicker, and instead lowered her Life Points count to pay for the effect of the Continuous Spell, already drawing three cards at this point with its effects.

Yuuna: 2000LP

She went back up to six cards in her hand, and her eyes widened slightly in realization. "Wait! Isn't what she drew-"

"That one card that she set up at the top of her deck yeah?" Anna-san huffed aloud as she crossed her arms in front of her chest, a neutral look in her face as she narrowed her eyes. "I didn't think that there's a Rank-Up-Magic that did something like that, and it was searched too."

"But her Life Points are like, really low now though right?" Allen pointed out, and indeed the red hat wearing girl had already paid almost half of her Life Points just to draw three cards, which while incredibly impressive, was also concerning.

"Right. If Yuusha somehow has a way to attack directly like with your Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf or someway to get a monster with an attack higher than Yuuna-san's Ultimate Utopia Ray, or just destroy it somehow, then the game is more or less over." Sayaka nodded along as she muttered a long winded explanation.

"But." She heard the glasses wearing girl stopped as she fixed her round glasses. "With how many cards she has in hand… I wouldn't doubt that she could somehow just win from this position."

"Then I'll activate the effect of ZW - Tornado Bringer in my hand." Yuuna-san said aloud, catching their attention back into the duel as they saw her reveal the card that she had put at the top of her deck and drew. 

"ZW - Tornado Bringer allows me to target one 'Utopia' monster that I control and equip it from my hand or my side of the field to that target." She explained the monster's effect, and placed it onto the table.

"I'll equip it to Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray from my hand of course." And just as she said that, a miniaturized mechanical red dragon appeared onto her field, before roaring and slowly morphing into a sleek silver sword with its head decorating as its hand guard, one which was then taken by the red and white XYZ Monster and wielded in his left hand, replacing one of its normal blades.

"And while ZW -Tornado Bringer is equipped, Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray would gain 1300 points of attack." The red garbed girl explained further, and Yuusha's eyes widened as he saw her monster getting stronger thanks to the monster acting as an equip spell boosting its attack. 

Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray - Light/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 3800/2000 OV: 4

"And I'll activate the effect of Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray." She declared, only now activating the effect of the XYZ Monster. "Once per turn, I can detach one material from this card to equip a 'ZW -' monster from my deck or Extra Deck to this card as if it was equipped by that monster's effect."

And though he gulped, Yuusha allowed the effect to resolve. With Yuuna-san first of course taking one of the XYZ Monster's three overlay material as cost to activate the effect in the fist place.

Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray - Light/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 3800/2000 OV: 3

And the red haired duelist then picked up her deck once again, briefly shuffling through it before throwing the card that she searched onto the table. "I'll take ZW - Pegasus Twin Saber and equip it to Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray."

And this time, just like the previous monster, a majestic white and gold winged pegasus appeared on Yuuna-san's side of the field, before it slowly morphed into a pair of pristine white sabers, or rather turned into a double bladed saber, which then Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray wielded with his right hand.

"And with Pegasus Twin Saber equipped, Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray gains 1000 points of attack." And though its attack increase wasn't as high as the other monster that was equipped to it, it still brought Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray into an incredibly high number of attack points.

Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray - Light/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 4800/2000 OV: 3

Visibly the black haired boy paled, knowing that this was more or less over 4000 damage on board with but a single attack, easily capable of simply draining all of his Life Points with but a single attack.

"Battle." The red hat wearing girl declared as she moved onwards towards the Battle Phase, intending to end this battle quickly with her one monster. "I will attack your Rescue Rabbit with Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray. Hope sword, triple chaos slash."  

And with that declaration the monster prepared to attack, brandishing both the twin bladed white and gold saber in one hand and the shining silver and red blade in the other, along with the two sub arms coming from the XYZ Monster's back hefting his large claymore, all weapons poised to strike and attack the small hard hat wearing rabbit on Yuusha's side of the field.

"T-then I'll activate my last set card! The Counter Trap, Negate Attack!" But before the attack could even connect, Yuusha flipped up his last set card, revealing it to be the legendary Counter Trap, Negate Attack.

"Oh?" Yuuna raised an eyebrow as she saw the card that Yuusha activated, not quite shocked at the card but she certainly seemed that she didn't expect for the black haired boy to have a card like that. 

"When an opponent's monster declares an attack, I can target the attacking monster, and negate the attack then end the Battle Phase!" He said with a large grin on his face, a vortex seemingly appearing in front of the only XYZ Monster on the field, ready to block and absorb its attacks. "Which means that I can negate your attack! And on the next turn-!"

"Which you will sadly not get then." The red haired girl said, stopping whatever tirade that the black haired boy would have gone with those simple words. 


"ZW - Tornado Bringer's effect." She said simply, cutting Yuusha from whatever he was going to say again as she started to explain. "While ZW -Tornado Bringer is equipped, Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray would gain 1300 points of attack."

And she narrowed her eyes at the black haired boy in front of her. "And you cannot target that monster with card effects. Which means that you cannot target it with Negate Attack." And Yuusha's eyes widened.

"That means-"

"That the Negate Attack is technically an illegal activation, but more importantly the attack would still go through." And with that, the vortex that the Counter Trap had summoned was easily sliced apart by Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray's baldes, and the monster continued to swing its many blades towards Yuusha's own Rescue Rabbit.

"GYAAA!" Yuusha shouted aloud as the attack connects, and with how low the attack of Rescue Rabbit was, the residue battle damage that he received was enough to put his Life Point count hits zero with but a single attack.

Yuusha Kuroi: 0LP

And understandably, the crowd fell silent as they processed what exactly it was that they had just witnessed with their own two eyes. It wasn't hard to say that Yuusha Kuroi, though they had only seen him once or twice at most, was a strong duelist, after all most of the people here only knew him as the person who beat Allen handily, and if they managed to picked up on context clues, lost against Anna-san, though who hasn't really?

But still, the honestly simple display of easily not only stopping him and his plays, and the honest skills to essentially play through three set unknown backrow and a hand trap wasn't something to scoff at. But coming from the same person who honestly had even given them said backrow and hand traps.

Though it did make her wonder slightly as to where exactly Yuusha had gotten those exact cards. Because as far as she knows, Yuusha didn't have those card when she had seen him duel the first time, on that fateful day when she met with Yuuna-san, and his consequent match the day after against Anna-san.

So where did he get those cards from? Or more specifically, who? Because she was quite sure that Yuuna-san had never sold cards to him, though she could be wrong about that.

"A-a One Turn Kill…" She heard someone mutter aloud, the voice cutting through the silence and eventually similar mutterings filled the entire card shop venue, amazement and astonishment clear in their words.

"N-no way… for me to lose… I--" The black haired boy, just like before when she had seen him defeated in the hands of Anna-san, the boy's head hung low, slumped down onto the table. 

"Ah right, it is a 4000 Life Point format…" She heard Yuuna-san mutter in… disappointment? As if she expected the game would have been longer. She sighed before scratching the back of her head.

"Ah, there's no need to give me your cards or anything of the like. It's not like I would have a need for it and all." The red haired girl said as she began to stand up from her seat, but stopped for a moment.

"Oh. and also." She said as she turned briefly, sending the black haired boy a look. "Bottom dealing isn't quite something that you can really do with duel disks. So I suggest that you don't get too reliant on that."

And he froze, everyone turned to focus their stare towards him, before Yuuna-san slowly made her way away from the table, with her and the others following suit as the black haired boy was slowly being surrounded by the other duelists that watched them.

They easily caught up, herself, Anna-san, Allen, and Sayaka that is, with Yuuna-san. It certainly helped that the red haired girl was relatively going slow what with her injured foot and all.

"Hey. What'd you mean by that last thing? Bottom drawing or whatever the heck you said." Anna-san said to the red hat wearing girl, occasionally shooting glances back towards the black haired boy and the crowd surrounding him.

The long haired girl hummed. "Well, technically speaking, it's a cheat." She said nonchalantly as if speaking about the weather without a care in the world, even shrugging as the words left her mouth.

""A WHAT?!"" And they all exploded, or rather both the Kozuki shouted atop their lungs while both she and Sayaka merely gasp, with the glasses wearing even raising a hand to cover her mouth in shock.

"That little-he cheated in that match?!" Allen shouted atop of his lungs again as he turned and glared daggers towards the black haired boy who was currently receiving shouts from the crowd that they left behind.

"Why I ought to give him a piece of-!" But before Allen could go and do anything to Yuusha who was at this point being confronted by even the shopkeeper himself who had gone out due to the commotion, Sayaka stopped him by holding his hand.

The red haired boy scowled as he turned to looked at his friend, who merely shook her head with a tight indecisive frown as she briefly glanced at the boy who was, by the looks of it, was shaking under the many frown and shouting that he received, before he eventually lashed out.

The boy stormed off, pushing his way through the crowd and running away, much to the anger of many others of course, their own group included. Allen huffed out as Sayaka lets his hand go, and he turned to look towards Yuuna-san.

"If you know that he was cheating in the first place then why didn't you say anything!" The poncho wearing boy said in frustration as he glared at the red garbed girl. "What if you had lost! You would've lost everything!"

Yuuna-san sighed as she closed her eyes, tapping the tip of her hat with her finger. "Well… I certainly had my reasons." She started vaguely as she turned away from Allen to the now dispersing crowd.

"For one, just pointing out his cheating wouldn't really show him what is quite honestly the most important part of the game, skill. And simply just calling him out wouldn't prevent him from cheating in all, most likely he would just get away from this card shop or cheat in a different manner. That or try and be more careful to not get caught." She started to explain herself, and much as she loathed it, it was pretty believable.

"Darn it! So he must've cheated when he dueled against me too!" The red haired boy hissed, as he angrily kicked the air in frustration. "And he probably cheated when he fought against nee-san too didn't he!"

"No actually. The chances of him actually cheating while using a duel disk is quite low."  Yuuna-san said aloud, making them turn their heads towards her. "The duel disk is quite the sophisticated tool after all. Stopping any forms of cheating of course, being one of its most important functions."

She waved her hand and tapped the purple duel disk in her left hand. "The only way for him to have somehow cheated with it is if he could have fiddled with one of the most base system of the duel disk."

Anna-san snorted at hearing that, crossing her arms under her chest and smirked. "Yeah I certainly don't see him being someone that can do computer stuff like that. At least not at that level. I do see him being one of those people who would sit in front of his computer the whole day though."

They giggled a bit at the cherry haired girl's comment, at least finding humour at that. "But still, you did all that just so you can… what? Show him up? Teach him that cheating is wrong or something like that?" Anna-san said.

"More or less." Yuuna-said with a shrug. "There were of course, other reasons for that of course. Like testing this deck for example." She said, holding out the deck of cards in her hand. "And quite honestly, a little bit of venting. Certainly helps that the boy wasn't likeable in every inch of the word." 

"Like that thing that you want to ask him?" She asked her red haired mentor. "Something about that… Dennis person?"And at that question, Yuuna-san seemed to stop for a short second.

But she eventually continued, nodding her head in confirmation. "You can say that he's someone that I'm looking for." The red hat wearing girl said with a small smile, one that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"He owes me something, you see. And I want to take it back in full."