Round Blaze

Quite frankly, he doesn't understand what was happening.

The day had started off great, with him finishing what last minute changes to his deck and testing them, meeting up with Shun for an attempt to simply have fun and enjoy the last few days before the World Duel Carnival, though the fact that Ruri and the others couldn't join did lower his spirits, Shun did his best to lift them up, along with giving him more encouragement along the way.

And yet he somehow found himself chasing someone that he vaguely recognized, after leaving his friend to fight Kaito, who for some reason had defeated someone in a duel and injured them, yet was uncaring of their state unlike the one that he was chasing.

He didn't understand what was happening, this was all happening too fast for him to think clearly and understand. One moment he was rounding off of a corner to follow the Kaito's red garbed friend as they hefted the unconscious teen on their shoulder, and the next that same teen was placed to rest right on a bench.

"This place should be… public enough. Really wanted to drop you off somewhere better but-darn you caught up." He heard the hat wearing teen said, glancing back towards him and clicking their tongue, all while he himself stopped and gasped for breath.

Only for them to immediately bolt away once again, "Wait!" He shouted between breaths as he groaned and continued running. "I said wait!"

And surprisingly enough, rather than disappear into another alley where he'd have to chase after, or disappear into a crowd of people like he'd expect them too, the hat wearing teen stopped in their tracks, their backs to him as he stopped as well, still breathing roughly while they looked as fit as a fiddle.

And they sighed, a hand on the tip of their hat as they shook their head. "Geez, why am I even doing this?" He heard them mutter before they then turned towards him, glancing down at him with their deep purple eyes. "So? What is it?"

He was taken aback by their sudden change, but he took the chance that was given as he took a deep breath after catching his breath and stood straighter. "You're that person-the girl who was looking for directions on the Heartland Dueling School showcase tournament aren't you?" He asked, no, accused the red hat wearing girl.

He was sure that he had seen them, no, seen her before. Though he couldn't quite remember their features well since just like right now, they were hidden under that red hat of her's, but he remembered meeting someone just like her on his way to his match against Shun, right as he was meeting with Ruri.

The only reason that he even remembered meeting with the girl in front of him was because of their… feel. For some reason, he felt like that girl was somehow different from everyone else, as if she had a different aura of some sort, making their short meeting memorable for him.

Something that came in handy as he could somewhat recognize her, for all the good that it does him in the current situation here.

"Oh wow, you actually remembered me." The girl said, surprise clear in the tone of their voice as she crossed their arms in front of them. "Well now I feel a bit flattered. So, why exactly did you chase me instead of staying with that friend of yours? I'd like to say that you left him with the more dangerous task to deal with, you know. I'm sure that you could have definitely won if it was a 2 on 1."

"I trust Shun." He replied in a heartbeat, much to her surprise. "And I know how strong Kaito is. I don't doubt that it's going to be hard, but with all the training that he's been doing, I know that Shun would be able to give a good fight."

Then narrowed his eyes as he glared at the red themed girl before him. "And I don't think that doing something like dueling someone with a number advantage like that would be fair at all."

And she held up both her hands. "Alright, that part's understandable. And I do agree with you on that." And lowered them as she continued. "So you have trust in him that he'll win huh… I see. How quaint." She mumbled with her eyes closed, only opening them after a brief second to stare straight towards him.

"Then? For what reason is it that you followed me then? If you believe that that friend of yours would win his duel?" She asked again, a hand on her hip, waiting for him to answer her question.

"I-we just want to ask, on what is happening here." He stumbled out after a short deliberation with himself, thinking on what he needed to say. "I know that Shun would get something from Kaito, but I want to know what his relationship is with you. Why are you with him? Why were you helping him? What were you two doing? And what happened to that boy earlier too!"

Because he didn't understand what was happening. At all.

Why was Kaito dueling a random boy until he passed out? Why did he steal his cards after he defeated him? Who was the girl that he was face to face with? What's her relation to Kaito? How is she caught up in all of this?

There were too many questions that he wanted, needed to ask, and not enough time to ask them, let alone not knowing the possibility of them all being answered.

"Well now, that's a lot of questions to ask someone right on their first meeting." She said with a small smile. "You almost sound like an overbearing parent at this rate you know?" She said with a teasing smile, and the comment made him fumble.

"Wah-! No! I meant that-"

"Ha! Well aren't you easy to make fun of. I'm just joking, don't worry. I quite needed that I'll admit." She said between giggles, holding a hand in front of their lips as they enjoyed riling the reaction from him, something that made his cheeks redden slightly.

"But I see, so you just want to know what is happening then?" She continued, nodding slightly as the small smile that she had disappeared instantly as his back straightened. "And? What would I get in return then?"


"Oh? Did you think that I would simply give whatever information that you want for free? Then it would seem that I would have to disappoint you, as I wont. I'm a trader you see, I don't give things for free… most of the time." She said, only muttering the last part.

"I… see…" He said slowly with a nod, glancing towards his own duel disk. A trader? So the girl was a card trader then, he guessed there were reasons for a card trader to watch the Heartland Exhibition Matches, and it would make sense for Kaito to know one as well.

But if she sells the information… then he would be out of luck. With the recent changes in his deck and his own preparations for the WDC, he doesn't have much DP to share. Especially if she were to sell it for an absurd price.

"I… don't think that I have much to trade for." And he would never ever dare the thought of selling cards that he used. No matter what.

"A shame. Then it would seem that you would be getting the information that you want from when that friend of yours comes after his victory." She said with a tilt of her head, starting to turn away and leave.

He bit his lips as he saw so, he couldn't let her leave now, not when he hadn't gained anything substantial from this, and glanced down to his left hand, or rather, to his duel disk, and took a deep breath.

"Then I'll duel you." He said aloud, swiping his left hand out as he activated his duel blade. "And I won't leave until I get the answers that I want." He said.

He didn't like what he was doing, what with him basically acting like a thug of all things. In truth, he was bluffing. In that he didn't want to duel her at all that is. If possible he wants to solve this problem without needing to do so, and hopes that she'll decline or would just give him the information without any further hurdle.

"Haah. Fine then. I guess I should have expected something like this would happen." She sighed as she turned to fully face the teen that had chased her all the way here, much to his relief.

Only for whatever glimmer of hope that they could resolve this easily to be dashed as the red garbed girl raised her left hand, and with a flick of her wrist activated her purple bladed duel disk. "I guess it can't be helped can it? And I am quite curious how you would hold up."

He felt a jolt of something run through him as he stood up straighter, his eyes meeting the mysterious Red Hat's own through the rim of their hat as their form seemed to loom over him. He grit his teeth and shouted, "Then if it's a duel that you want, then it's a duel that you'll get!"

With that declaration he deactivated his own duel disk, and the two of them faced each other as they shouted in unison.


Yuto: 4000LP

Red Hat: 4000LP

"I will go first!." He declared, taking the first turn as he glanced down towards the five cards in his hand, and grabbed one immediately. "I will start by normal summoning The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves!" He declared, placing the monster card onto his duel blade.

The ghostly figure of the possessed piece of armory then appeared on the field, the pair of ghostly gloves connected to a ghastly chestplate positioned in front of him, ready to pounce towards the opponent.

The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves - Dark/Warrior/Level 3/Effect: 1000/500

"And since I control a 'The Phantom Knights' monster, I can special summon The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots from my hand!" He declared, immediately summoning the monster in his hand, the ghostly figure silently appearing right next to his Ragged Gloves in attack position.

The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots - Dark/Warrior/Level 3/Effect: 200/1200

"So the usual combo then. Of course he'd have them." His opponent muttered loud enough for him to overhear, and he immediately raised his guard even higher than before. He had expected that she had known him, if he remembered correctly that she was the girl that he had helped, then it wouldn't be strange for her to have seen his deck in action.

But the 'usual combo'? Does that mean that she's been watching him duel more than he'd expected? The thought sent chills down his spine, and he ignored them for now in favor of focusing on the duel he was in.

He raised his right hand and shouted. "I will use the Level 3 The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves, and the Level 3 The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots and overlay them!"

Both monsters then turned to purple pillars of light that crisscrossed one another, and he continued his chant. "With these two monsters, I will construct an Overlay Network!" And both lights eventually convened in the dark gold and black spiral that appeared between the two of them.

"O soul of knights felled in battle, stand once more with light that cuts through darkness!" He chanted as he swung his hand down, and the spiral exploded in light. "XYZ Summon! Appear! The Phantom Knights of Break Sword!"

And theXYZ Monster then appeared, the monster itself being a ghostly apparition that seemed to be a combination of a knight and its trusty steed, wielding in its right hand a broken and chipped greatsword, as its two dark purple overlay materials orbited it.

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword - Dark/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 3/Effect: 2000/1000 OV: 2

"Ragged Gloves' effect then activates!" He declared as he waved his hand forwards. "If this card is used for the XYZ Summon of a Dark XYZ Monster, then it gains an additional 1000 attack points!"

A veil of purple energy then enveloped the dark knight, and he let out a cry as he raised his broken blade, his attack power raising even higher thanks to the effect of Ragged Gloves that was used for his summon.

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword - Dark/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 3/Effect: 3000/1000 OV: 2

"Then I will set two cards face-down. And I will end my turn." So he said as he then passed the turn to his opponent. Ending his turn with a boosted XYZ Monster and two set cards on his backrow. Along with one singular card left in his hand.

"Hm. That's certainly an endboard if I've ever seen one." His opponent muttered as she placed her right hand on the rim of her hat. "Ah, well, I'll just have to do my best to break it then. My turn! I draw!"

So she says as she drew for turn, starting out her turn with six cards in her hand. "Since I control no face-up cards on the field, I can special summon ZS - Ascended Sage from my hand."

His opponent swiftly placed a card onto their duel blade, and a blue armored futuristic cane wielding warrior then appeared on her side of the field, floating slightly above the ground as he wielded its weapon.

ZS - Ascended Sage - Light/Warrior/Level 4/Effect: 900/300

"Then as the only monster that I control is one Level 4 monster, I can special summon ZS - Armed Sage." She declared once again, and once more summoned a monster with its innate effect, this one mirroring the blue warrior beside it with its crimson armor.

ZS - Armed Sage - Light/Warrior/Level 4/Effect: 300/900

"Two Level 4s! And without even a normal summon too!" He muttered under his breath as he saw his opponent assemble the two monsters on their field with ease. He knew that someone with connections to Kaito would be strong, but to this extent-

"I will take the Level 4 ZS - Ascended Sage, and the Level 4 ZS - Armed Sage, and overlay them." She declared, and the two monsters raised their canes as they became beams of light that crisscrossed one another.

"With these two monsters, I'll construct an overlay network. XYZ Summon." And exploded into a bright ray of light. "Appear. Number 39: Utopia Double." And from the galactical vortex came an ethereal monster.

It was one that took the form of a strange white and golden see-through contraption, before said contraption unfolded itself into an armored warrior, one with white mechanical wings and a pair of golden blades, crossed before him as he floated to defend his master in defence position. All while two golden overlay units orbited around the XYZ Monster.

Number 39: Utopia Double - Light/XYZ/Warrior/Rank 4/Effect: 0/2500 OV: 2

"Numbers? What?" He sounded out, confused and awed at the monster's ethereal appearance, before he shook his head and refocused himself once more. Experience has taught him that most monsters, especially ones summoned from the Extra Deck, with low attack numbers would have devastating effects.

And he doesn't doubt that the monster in front of him had one as well.

"Then I'll activate the effect of Utopia Double, or rather the effect of ZS - Ascended Sage and ZS - Armed Sage that I used as materials." His opponent declared casually, waving her hand towards the XYZ Monster, chaining both effects at once as soon as she summoned her XYZ Monster.

"If ZS - Armed Sage that was on the field is used for the XYZ Summon of a 'Utopia' XYZ Monster, it gains the additional effect of adding one 'ZW' monster from my deck to my hand." So she said, first resolving the last card on the chain when she saw that he had allowed her to, and continued with a prompt from him without interruption.

"I will add ZW - Tornado Bringer from my deck to my hand." The red garbed duelist said as she added the monster card to her hand, and shuffled the now five card hand. "And then the chain continues to ZS - Ascended Sage's effect." She said, continuing with resolving the chain of effects.

"Like Armed Sage, If ZS - Ascended Sage that was on the field is used for the XYZ Summon of a 'Utopia' XYZ Monster, it gains the additional effect of adding one 'Rank-Up-Magic' Normal Spell from my deck to my hand." She said, and his eyes went wide.

"A Rank-Up-Magic!" He shouted with wide eyes, already seeing where exactly this play was going as soon as she explained the monster's effect. His mind was already thinking of scenarios on what was going to happen soon.

All while his opponent added and revealed a card that she was adding from her deck to her hand. "I will add Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force from my deck to my hand." She said, and shuffled the card with the rest of her hand, which had restored itself back to six.

It was, quite frankly, terrifyingly strong, those cards that she had just activated. The lessons that he had learnt under Sakaki-sensei had taught him about the card advantage already showing fruits as he could tell how utterly amazing those cards are.

The fact that not only do they allow her to summon a Rank 4 monster without the need of using her normal summon, but also the fact that they replace themselves too with other cards as they are used, was utterly baffling to him.

"Well, I certainly didn't expect to get this far." His opponent muttered, her eyes fixated on the zone behind his monsters where he had set his two set cards the turn prior. "Then it's possible that those two aren't…"

Briefly, the red garbed duelist closed her eyes as she seemed to be deep in thought, for what he didn't know, but in a matter of seconds she opened her eyes again and declared aloud with a wave of her hand. "I will activate the effect of Utopia Double!"

With that declaration, the astral warrior before her prepared its weapons, the two overlay materials that surrounded it shone brighter. "Once per turn, as a Quick Effect, I can detach one material from this card, and add one 'Double or Nothing!' from my deck to my hand."

Then continued, for the card's effect was nowhere near done. "Then I can special summon one 'Utopia' XYZ Monster from my Extra Deck except 'Number 39: Utopia Double', using this face-up card that I control as material, and if I do, its attack would be doubled, but it cannot attack directly."

The command heard, the Light Warrior then cut one of its two XYZ Materials. Paying the cost for the activation of its effect, even as his eyes went wide as he heard its effect.

Number 39: Utopia Double - Light/XYZ/Warrior/Rank 4/Effect: 0/2500 OV: 1

"An XYZ summon- no, a Rank Up without a Rank-Up-Magic?!" He shouted with shock as he heard the XYZ Monster's effect. He'd certainly expected a strong effect from an Extra Deck monster with 0 attack, but certainly not this.

And yet, once more, she was met with no opposition as he allowed the effect to resolve, and she added the Quick-Play Spell to her hand and revealed it to him as he kept the bafflement from being shown at the notion of her having seven cards now in hand.

No, not only did his opponent now have seven cards in her hand, because before him the ethereal XYZ Monster shone brighter, its form becoming clearer by the second. "XYZ Change. Rise. Number 39: Utopia." She declared, as the newly minted monster let out a war cry as it raised the singular blade that it now had.

Number 39: Utopia - Light/XYZ/Warrior/Rank 4/Effect: 2500/2000 OV: 2

Then said monster glowed with a powerful aura as its attack was raised through the effect of Utopia Double, doubling its original attack of 2500.

Number 39: Utopia - Light/XYZ/Warrior/Rank 4/Effect: 5000/2000 OV: 2

"A second Number 39?!" He said as his eyes trailed the now fully formed monster, who slowly floats towards the ground with two glowing yellow orbs orbiting it, then his eyes went wide.

"5000 attack!" He balked at the monster's large attack power. One that dwarfed even his Break Sword even as it was boosted with the effect of Ragged Gloves.

But she was not done with her Main Phase, as she then revealed a card that was in her hand. "I will then activate the effect of ZW - Tornado Bringer in my hand." She declared, revealing the card that she had added earlier.

"ZW - Tornado Bringer allows me to target one 'Utopia' monster that I control, and equip it from my hand or face-up field." She explained, and as she placed the monster card on her duel blade, the dragon appeared onto her side of the field, and letting out a roar before it coiled itself onto the warrior of light.

"And while it is equipped, that monster gains 1300 attack, and it cannot be targeted by your card effects." She explained, as the dragon's body then morphed into a singular blade, one that the XYZ Monster swung with grace.

Number 39: Utopia - Light/XYZ/Warrior/Rank 4/Effect: 6300/2000 OV: 2

"Well now, I'd have expected for something to happen at this point. What exactly are those set cards?" His opponent grumbled, the red hat wearing duelist placed a hand on the rim of her hat, and then declared. "Battle." She declared.

"She's not using the Rank-Up-Magic that she added?!" He hissed under his breath, clearly not expecting this outcome to happen. No, that's not quite true. He'd expected something like this would happen as soon as that XYZ Monster with the absurd attack points had gotten onto the field, but the fact that she did not use the Rank-Up-Magic Spell still shook him.

"I will attack The Phantom Knights of Break Sword with Utopia. Hope Sword, Slash." She declared with a casual wave, and sent the dragonic blade wielding XYZ Monster to face his fallen knight.

He snapped out of his shock and shook his head, giving out a common as he shouted. "Then I'll activate the Trap Card!" And flipped one of the two set cards that he possessed, the Trap card's holographic projection shining brightly on the field as it was activated. "The Phantom Knights of Dark Gauntlets!"

The red cap wearing duelist blinked twice as she saw the card that he activated. "The Phantom Knights of what now?" She muttered, unheard to him.

"The Phantom Knights of Dark Gauntlets allows me to send one 'Phantom Knights' Spell or Trap from my deck to the graveyard!" He declared, swiftly explaining the Trap card's effect as he took out a card from his deck to send to the graveyard.

"I will send the Trap, The Phantom Knights of Shadow Veil from my deck to the graveyard!" He said as he revealed the Trap card to his opponent, and sent it to the graveyard. And with its effects resolved, so did his Dark Gauntlets.

"I see… but that doesn't stop my attack. Continue, Utopia!" She continued on, and the sword wielding XYZ Monster whose attacks briefly halted thanks to his Trap continued its assault, targeting his own sword wielding XYZ Monster for its attack.

"But it does! I'll activate the Quick-Play Spell, The Phantom Knights' Round Blaze!" He shouted out, once more flipping another set card, and revealing the Quick-Play Spell that he had also sent the turn prior.

"During the Battle Phase, I can banish 2 'The Phantom Knights' cards from my graveyard, to destroy as many monsters on the field as possible, then end the Battle Phase!" He declared aloud as his opponent's eyes went wide.


"I will banish both The Phantom Knight of Dark Gauntlets and The Phantom Knights of Shadow Veil from my graveyard, and destroy all the monsters on the field!" He shouted aloud as a ring made of purple cards appeared in the middle of the field, the forms of both Dark Gauntlets and Shadow Veil briefly manifesting inside it before the ring exploded.



Both of them grunted as they held their hands up as their monsters were both destroyed by the Quick-Play Spell's effect, leaving a cloud of black smoke that slowly disappears as the field was then cleared of monsters.

But it didn't end there of course, for as good as it saves him from receiving over 3000 damage from the attack. "Then at the end of the Battle Phase, each player takes damage equal to the number of their monsters that were sent to the graveyard during the Battle Phase of this turn times 800." He said through gritted teeth.

"It counts monsters sent to the graveyard?! Then since they're XYZ-"

"I will take 2400 damage, and you will take 3200!" He said with closed eyes, with both XYZ Monsters on the field having two materials, a total of three monster cards were sent from their field to the graveyards at the Battle Phase,

Then the forms of their destroyed monsters, and the overlay materials that they once had, appeared onto the field and turned into beams of energy that struck them, making him wince as they impacted him.

"Guh!" He winced as the ring of his duel disk informed of his Life Points decreasing substantially as he buckled from the shock.

Yuto: 1600LP

"Gah!" The same happened to his opponent of course, as she received an even higher amount of damage that he had from the effects of The Phantom Knights' Round Blaze.

Red Hat: 800LP

"Kh! Then I'll activate the effect of The Phantom Knights of Break Sword!" He declared aloud, waving his right hand outwards as he stood up straight once more. "If this XYZ Summoned card is destroyed, I can target two 'The Phantom Knights' monsters with the same Level in my graveyard, special summon them, and increase their Levels by one!"

And as he finished with explaining his XYZ Monster's graveyard effect, he then took out its two viable targets for his opponent to see. "I will special summon back The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves and The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots in defence position!"

With that, both ghostly warriors returned onto his field, both summoned in defence position to protect him from any incoming attacks and preserve his Life Points.

The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves - Dark/Warrior/Level 3/Effect: 1000/500

The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots - Dark/Warrior/Level 3/Effect: 200/1200

Then a purple glow surrounded them, as the effect of The Phantom Knights of Break Sword also increased the two monsters' Level by one.

The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves - Dark/Warrior/Level 4/Effect: 1000/500

The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots - Dark/Warrior/Level 4/Effect: 200/1200

And in response to all of that, his opponent merely sighed, placing a hand at the top of her cap as their eyes became shadowed by its rim. "Honestly, I did not expect that. And here I was prepared for that card to show up only for a whole other thing to have, there goes the quick win."

Again, she let out a sigh as she turned her head upwards. "That's what I get for not being careful and trying to just rush this huh. Even though I could've finished it just as quickly."

That one line, the last thing that his opponent said, sent shivers down his spine.

It was not said out of arrogance, not like some of the other duelists in the other branches who were quite frankly too confident in themselves, but a statement. A fact.

A fact that, even through the 3000 attack Break Sword and the two set cards that he had, she could have then and there defeated him in a single turn. And had she just played it slowly, that win would have been a one hundred percent guarantee.

He gulped as he gripped the card in his hand tighter, swallowing his fear. Preparing himself more than even before.

With a wave, she continued, unperturbed by how she had had her field wiped and her Life Points more or less halved. "I'll move on to Main Phase 2, and activate the Spell, Zexal Construction." She declared as she placed the Spell card onto her duel disk, and its holographic counterpart shone.

"Zexal Construction lets me reveal one card in my hand, and add either one 'ZW -' monster, 'ZS -' monster, 'Zexal' Spell or Trap, 'Rank-Up-Magic' Spell, or a 'Rank-Down-Magic' Spell, then shuffle the revealed card into the deck." She said, explaining the Spell card's effect.

"W-what?!" He shouted at the top of his lungs as his eyes went as wide as they could as he heard the Spell card's explanation, not even fully comprehending its effects as he heard it.

Yet his opponent ignored his shock once more as he revealed a card that he had already seen earlier this turn. "I will chose the second option, reveal Double or Nothing!, and add another copy of ZS - Ascended Sage from my deck to my hand, and shuffle it back into the deck." She said, adding the second copy of the monster in question then shuffled back the revealed card into her deck.

"And I'll special summon it once more." She said as she placed the monster card on her duel disk, and as she controlled no cards, the staff holding, blue armored monster made it onto the field once again.

ZS - Ascended Sage - Light/Warrior/Level 4/Effect: 900/300

"So the summon effect isn't a once per turn!" He said with a click of his tongue. He'd thought that he'd had enough to stop her with The Phantom Knights' Round Blaze, but since she hadn't even used her normal summon then-

"Then I will normal summon Dodododwarf Gogogoglove." And just as the thought crosses his mind, his opponent then performs their normal summon. The gigantic rock gloved viking appearing onto the field as he let out a war cry.

Dodododwarf Gogogoglove - Earth/Rock/Level 4/Effect: 0/1800

"And Dodododwarf Gogogoglove's effect. I will special summon one 'Zubaba' or 'Gagaga' monster from my hand." The red hat wearing duelist explained, as she revealed yet another card that was in her hand.

"I will special summon Zubababancho Gagagacoat in defence position." She said, placing the monster card onto her duel blade, and with a roar from the viking-like monster, a cloaked warrior then appeared beside him, clad in dark blue armor and wielding a toothed blade that he hefted on his shoulder.

Zubababancho Gagagacoat - Earth/Warrior/Level 4/Effect: 1800/100

Of course, with this many monsters of the same Level there was only one move that she could be doing. "I'll take the Level 4 ZS - Ascended Sage and the Level 4 Dodododwarf Gogogogloves, and overlay them."

Again, the two monsters let out their respective war cry as they both shone and turned into a golden and brown beams of light respectively, and the ever familiar galactical vortex appeared before her.

"With these two monsters, I will once more construct an Overlay Network." She said with a wave as the two differing pillars of energy entered the vortex, and exploded into a blinding light. "XYZ Summon."

Then before his opponent appeared a different yet familiar monster, and he couldn't help but see the pattern for her deck. "Appear, Number 39: Utopia Rising." And the new XYZ Monster that she summoned took the exact same form as the previous two, with this one shining with an almost rainbow-like aura as it appeared on the field with its wings spread wide.

Number 39: Utopia Rising - Light/XYZ/Warrior/Rank 4/Effect: 0/2000 OV: 2

"Utopia Rising's effect." His red garbed opponent declared without missing a beat. "If this card is special summoned, I can target one 'Number' XYZ Monster in my graveyard except another copy of Rising, and special summon it in defence position."

The slot on her duel disk opened, and she took out one of the two Number Monsters that was sent there this turn and revealed it to him. "I will target Number 39: Utopia Double. Return, Utopia Double."

And with a flick, the astral warrior reappeared onto the field, standing right next to its rainbow coloured counterpart and Zubababancho Gagagacoat.

Number 39: Utopia Double - Light/XYZ/Warrior/Rank 4/Effect: 0/2500 OV: 0

But it didn't end there of course. "Then, I can detach all materials from this card and attach them to that monster." She continued on, finishing the newly summoned XYZ Monster effect as it raised its right hand, and the two shining yellow materials that it once had was then transferred to the newly revived Utopia Double.

Number 39: Utopia Rising - Light/XYZ/Warrior/Rank 4/Effect: 0/2000 OV: 0

Number 39: Utopia Double - Light/XYZ/Warrior/Rank 4/Effect: 0/2500 OV: 2

It was only after he saw that happened did his eyes widened in realization. "That's-! Utopia Double effect was a Quick-Play!" He said, remembering that the effect of Utopia Double, which lets it Rank-Up into another Utopia and doubles its attack, was a Quick Effect.

"So she's planning to do something like that in my turn." He muttered in amazement, awed at the plays that his opponent had done. "And she could've done all of this earlier too…"

But that was of course, the least of his worries.

"Then I will activate the Spell, Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force." She declared once more, and activated the Spell card that she had added earlier in the turn, leaving her hand with only one remaining card left.

And as the Rank-Up-Magic's holographic projection appeared and shone in front of her, she explained its effect. "Zexal Force allows me to target one XYZ Monster that I control, and special summon from my Extra Deck one 'Utopia' or 'ZW -' monster that is one Rank higher than that monster I control by using it as material. And if I do, I can take one 'ZW -' or 'ZS -' monster from my deck and place it on the top of my deck."

With the Rank-Up-Magic's explanation done, the red hat wearing duelist then waved her right hand towards her chosen XYZ Monster. "I will target Utopia Rising." She declared, and the XYZ Monster raised its hand with a cry, and was engulfed in blinding light.

"Roaring thunder cloaked in fighting spirit, shake the earth and crush even the divine." His opponent chanted, and the blinding light slowly receded. "Rank Up. XYZ Change." And with her signature snap, a giant red gold and white lion appeared onto her side of the field, one who roared and turned into bits and pieces of armour that the XYZ Monster started to attach onto itself piece by piece.

"Beast Combination. Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray." And with the chant complete, the monster's combination finished. Red and white armour shone, the many golden spikes along its body also shone as it reflected light.

In both of its hands were shining silver blades, and it carried an even larger claymore with the two other hands that it had coming out of its giant pauldrons, a singular yellow orb orbiting it as it showed its XYZ Material.

Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray - Light/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 2500/2000 OV: 1

"Then, I will activate Leo Utopia Ray's effect." She declared, not even leaving him a moment to stare in awe at the newly summoned XYZ Monster. "Once per turn, I can detach one material from this card to equip one 'ZW -' monster from my deck, or Extra Deck to this card as if it were equipped by that monster's effect. This effect's activation and effect cannot be negated."

With the explanation done, the red clad warrior grasped the one overlay material that it had, absorbing it into itself as it was used for its effect. And with the last clause of its effect, he could do nothing to prevent it, though he had nothing to affect it from the start.

Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray - Light/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 2500/2000 OV: 0

Finished with explaining the monster's effect, a card ejected from her deck slot, and she took it and revealed it for him to see. "I will equip ZW - Pegasus Twin Saber from my deck to Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray."

Following the declaration was the appearance of a majestic bright white pegasus right in front of the crimson armored XYZ Monster, and with a neigh its form transformed into a pair of shining white blades that the Light Warrior then wielded in both hands.

"While equipped, Pegasus Twin Saber grants Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray an additional 1000 attack points." And with its new weapons in hand, a golden glow surrounded the monster as its attack rose, empowered by the blades that he now wielded.

Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray - Light/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 3500/2000 OV: 0

"Then I will set a card face-down, and end my turn." So his opponent said with a casual wave, their expression not at all changing throughout the entire turn as she had somehow ended with a board of two XYZ Monsters along with an unknown set card even after a failed attempt at going to the Battle Phase. No cards left remaining in her hand as she passed the turn control to him.

It was daunting, he'll honestly admit. He had no doubts that whoever this girl was, she was someone with the dueling capabilities of a pro duelist, no, maybe she herself is one. With the plays that she had done, he wouldn't argue on the claim.

A part of him felt excited about that notion, and he suppressed the urge to smile as he placed his hand over his duel disk's deck holder. "Then it's my turn! I draw!" And with two cards now in hand, he then began his own turn.

And with two Level 4 monsters on his side of the field, there was one play that would get him the most results.

He raised his right hand towards the sky, and shouted aloud. "I will take my now Level 4 The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves, and the Level 4 The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots, and overlay them!"

The declaration was followed by both ghostly warriors glowing and becoming dark purple beams of light, and the ever familiar vortex of black and gold appeared before him. "With these two monsters, I will construct an overlay network!" He began.

"Cloaked in shadows and relentless in its objective, descend, here and now!" He continued, finishing the summoning chant and the spiral then exploded into darkness, and the silhouette of the monster appeared ever so briefly beneath the dark clouds, the dark purple orbs and bright molten gold eyes shining and seen even through the dark thunderous clouds that clad it upon its summon.

"XYZ Summon! Arise! Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon!" The dragon let out a roar that sent chills down to her spine, and flapped its wings and pushed away the darkness that cloaked it to reveal its full form.

And with its full form revealed, the dragon's molten gold eyes started directly onto the galaxy-like eyes of its gigantic opponent, sparks of electricity traveling its body as the dark dragon growled ominously.

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon - Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 4/Effect: 2500/2000 OV: 2

With the appearance of his own Ace Monster, he immediately declared its effect. "Now Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon's effect! I can detach 2 materials from this card, then target one face-up monster that you control, and halve its current attack! And if I do, this card will then gain that lost attack!"

Raising his right hand along with his own dragon raising its head for a roar, the black and purple haired duelist shouted his target. "I will target your Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray! Treason Discharge!" And the dark dragon roared, its wings morphing and releasing purple electricity.

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon - Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 4/Effect: 2500/2000 OV: 0

"Then I will chain the effect of Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray." His red garbed opponent declared with a wave of her hand, and the red clad XYZ Monster raised one of its blades. "Once per turn, while Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray is equipped with a 'ZW -' monster card, as a Quick Effect, I can target one effect monster that you control, negate its effects, and halve its attack."

The explanation was quick and concise, and he froze as soon as he heard it as the two card chain then began to resolve, with him being unable to stop it. With a swing of its white and golden blade, Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray shot a ray of light towards his Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon, one that hit the dark dragon right in its chest as it negated its ability, the sparks of electricity disappearing from its wings as its power was taken away.

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon - Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 4/Effect: 1250/2000 OV: 0

"Thats-! That kind of effect without even needing to detach overlay materials as cost!?" He shouted through gritted teeth, his mind still reeling from the resolving chain of effects.

He had thought that with the Rank 5 monster having used its lone overlay material then he only needed to deal with the Utopia Double and the fact that it would double the attack of any monster that it would summon, but he hadn't expected that Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray would have such a strong ability.

No, if anything even as a Rank 5 monster, its effects were still too strong. Especially with how easily it could be accessed with the Rank-Up-Magic that was searchable in multiple ways, and the fact that Utopia Double would have let her Rank-Up into it even without using one.

A shiver went past his spine at the thought of that monster being summoned that way. He was, somewhat, glad that he did not need to face a monster of that caliber while it had 6000 attack instead of the 3500 that it had now.

And wasn't that something that he hadn't thought he'd think today.

But he wasn't giving up, not when he still had options to choose. Cards to play. "I will activate the graveyard effect of The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves!" He declared, waving his hand outwards.

"I can banish this card from my graveyard, to send one 'Phantom Knights' card from my deck to the graveyard!" He shouted, explaining the monster's effect as he banished it from his graveyard, and with no reaction from his opponent, he resolved the effect.

He took out a card straight from his deck and revealed it to his opponent, "I will send The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak from my deck to my graveyard!" Then sent it to the graveyard.

"Then I will activate its effect!" He shouted once more, immediately activating the monster's effect as soon as he could. "I can banish The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak from my graveyard, and add one 'The Phantom Knights' card from my deck to my hand, except 'The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak'!"

With that, the effect resolved without his opponent activating any form of effects, much to his relief, and took out the card that he needed to get out of this situation. "I will add the Quick-Play Spell, The Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Launch!" He declared, adding his own Rank-Up-Magic Spell to his hand.

"So you have it huh…" His opponent muttered, their face hidden under the rim of their red hat as he immediately placed the card onto his duel blade.

"And I will activate it!" He shouted as the card's projection appeared before him. "During the Main Phase, The Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Launch lets me target one Dark XYZ Monster that I control with no material, and special summon from my Extra Deck, one Dark XYZ Monster that is one Rank higher than that monster I control, by using it as the XYZ Material!" He exclaimed, and motioned towards his one and only monster.

"I will target Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon!" He shouted, and the dark dragon let out a roar as it was called.

"Then I will respond with the Counter Trap, Numbers Protection." His opponent declared as she motioned towards the set card on her field, flipping it up and revealing the Counter Trap in question which shone bright with power.

"When a Spell, Trap, or a monster effect is activated while I control a 'Number' XYZ Monster, I can negate its activation, and if I do, destroy that card." The red hat wearing duelist proclaimed simply, and he saw as his Rank-Up-Magic's projection stopped shining, the card's colors fading into grey, before it shattered into motes of light.

"Tch! Another one!" He groaned, more irritated than shocked as his opponent managed to stop him from activating the Rank-Up-Magic that he had added.

But at the same time, he was quite glad. Because that meant that he did not need to worry about the unknown backrow that she had set, what with her having used it already.

"I will activate the effect of The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots in my graveyard!" He shouted aloud again, activating the graveyard effect of his monsters for the third time this turn.

"Jeez, maybe I should have extended further and gone for Dweller instead." His opponent muttered, unheard to him, as he began to explain his monster's effect.

"I can banish The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots from my graveyard, to add one 'Phantom Knights' Spell or Trap from my deck to my hand!" He declared, and soon the monster's effect resolved.

He reached out towards his deck and took out a card that he had used mere moments ago. "I will add another copy of the Quick-Play Spell, The Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Launch!"

For the first time in their duel, his opponent showed a response to his plays. A genuine surprise that was clear in her tone. "Ho, I guess there isn't a hard once per turn on that card huh."

"And I will activate it once more!" So he declared, as he immediately placed the Quick-Play Spell on his duel blade. "And I will target Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon!" And again, the pitch black dragon roared, its red markings glowing with power.

This time, the effect resolved, his partner was engulfed in a pillar of darkness, and slowly, its form began to change. "From the depths of purgatory, dedicate to the unsinking souls your song of rebellion! Appear and echo forevermore!" He chanted, waving his right hand down, and then outwards.

"Rank-Up Xyz Change! Appear! Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon!" the dragon's form crystalized, and changed. The sleek scales of his dark dragon grew rough, its body now covered in by a bone-like outer skeleton, and its wings spread longer and wider than it had once been.

This was the fruit of his hard work, of the training that he'd done in preparation for the World Duel Festival. He'd never have imagined that he'd use it before the entire tournament even began.

The dragon sent an earth shaking roar as it fully manifested, spreading its skeletal wings as wide as it could as it arched its head upwards, only lowering it as it glared towards his opponent. A single purple or orb orbiting the monster with its appearance.

Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon - Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 3000/2500 OV: 1

"But that's not all!" He continued loudly, "Since I used The Phantom Knights; Rank-Up-Magic Launch to Rank Up, I can attach this card to it as an additional material as well!" He shouted, as the projection of the Quick-Play Spell ahead of him was compressed itself into a sphere, before flying towards the Dark XYZ Monster, turning into another xyz material that it could use as it saw fit.

Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon - Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 3000/2500 OV: 2

"Two materials…" The red hat wearing duelist hummed, glancing upwards towards the towering dragon while its focus was on the crimson clad, dual wielding warrior on her side of the field. "So it can do both then."

But he hadn't heard her, and he waved his right hand out as he declared aloud. "And I will activate Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon's effect!" And the dark dragon beside him roared with strength.

"If Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon has 'Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon' as material, it gains the effect to once per turn, detach one material from this card, then target one face-up monster that you control, change its attack to zero, and if I do, this card gains attack equal to that monster's original attack!" So he said, explaining the XYZ Monster's effect.

And the dragon beside him then started to growl, the colorful orbs that were in its wings glowing and pulsing with power before the dragon roared, spreading its arms and wings as it shot tendrils of darkness from the orbs

Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon - Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 3000/2500 OV: 1

"I will target Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray! Requiem Salvation!" He shouted, sending the dark tendrils of energy towards the twin blade wielding XYZ Monster on his opponent's side of the field.

"Then the effect will go through." His opponent replied back casually without wasting a single beat, and the dark tendrils then reached and contrasted the crimson clad XYZ Monster as the effect's target was hit.

He clenched his fist in success as a grin slowly formed. Even if Dark Requiem were to only gain the original attack of Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray and not the entire 3500 which came with the additional effect of that Pegasus Twin Saber, he'd still gain a way to win the duel from here, all that he'd needed to do was just to attack the now weakened XYZ Monster.

But that thought brought him into a short halt. If he remembered correctly, that other monster that his opponent equipped to her second XYZ Monster had an effect in addition to its attack increasing ability.

If so, then what exactly was Pegasus Twin Saber's additional effect while it was equipped?

Right as the thought passed him, the red hat wearing duelist waved her arm outwards once more. "Then as it resolves, I will use the effect of ZW - Pegasus Twin Saber and negate it."

"Huh-?" And to his surprise, the restricted crimson armored XYZ Monster crossed its blades even with its limited movement, and from it a wave of energy washed the field, blinding him for a brief moment before its light receded.

And as soon as he could open his eyes once again, he saw the red clad Utopia to be free of its bindings, as if the effect of his own monster had never been activated.

He frantically looked towards his duel disk's screen, and saw that the effect of his Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon had, indeed, been negated. "But how?!" He said in shock as he snapped his head to look at his opponent, the red clad duelist still standing relaxed.

"You didn't chain that, whatever effect that was to Dark Requiem's effect! How did you-"

"Once per turn, while Pegasus Twin Saber is equipped to a monster, I can negate a monster effect that is activated on your field. It's an effect that activates upon resolution, so there wasn't a need to chain it really." the red hat wearing duelist explained, fixing the rim of her hat with her right hand.

"Really, why they gave this card a spell speed 5 negation I won't understand." She muttered, and the term flew over his head with his shock.

Not only did that XYZ Monster have an effect that was unable to be interacted with, an additional effect that would negate the effect of a monster on the field while halving its attack, but the equip monster itself has an effect as absurdly strong as that!? Just who exactly is this person!?

One that, again, he'd have to set aside in order to think of a way to win this duel. Now that he thinks he knows what all of his opponent's cards do, he can plan around them in order to win.

And the center of that strategy was by continuing with his turn. "Battle!" He shouted as he waved his hand forwards, towards the one monster on the field that was left in defence position.

"I will attack your Utopia Double! Disaster Disobey of Requiem!" The skeletal armored dragon then flew into the sky with that command, its skeletal wings spread as the once empty space of its wings' membrane now filled by colorful yet mournful stained glass.

The sharp blade under the dragon's jaw shone with energy as it then dived towards the astral warrior, swiftly slicing him in half as the XYZ Monster exploded, turning back into motes of golden light.

Yet even as her monster was destroyed, his opponent still remained composed. Glancing down towards her duel disk and grumbling. "Ah, so it's one effect per turn huh. It would've been nice if it wasn't."

But as his dragon once more returned to his side, he could not help but feel that he's in a worse situation than he had been. He'd have thought that he could have at least made his opponent use Utopia Double's effect like before, having remembered that it was a Quick Effect, in order for him to chain the second effect of his own XYZ Monster.

After all, Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon could detach another material from itself, and negate the activation of an opponent's monster effect, destroy it, then special summon an XYZ Monster from his own graveyard.

He would of course, then summon back The Phantom Knights of Break Sword, and then use the graveyard effect of his Rank-Up-Magic, allowing him to attach one of the two The Phantom Knight cards to that particular Dark XYZ Monster, set his other card, and then use Break Sword's own effect to destroy said set card and Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray.

But now, it seemed like that plan would not come into fruition, as seen by how his opponent had simply allowed the monster to be destroyed by battle.

With nothing else that he could do in the Battle Phase, he moved on towards the Main Phase 2, and shouted with spirits still willing to fight and not surrender. "I will activate the effect of The Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Launch!"

And then he proceeded to explain its effects. "I can banish it from my graveyard, to target one Dark XYZ Monster that I control, and attach one 'The Phantom Knights' monster from my hand to that monster as material!" He declared, explaining the Quick-Play Rank-Up-Magic's graveyard effect.

Then he showed one of the two cards that he had in his hand, the monster card that he had not used for this exact reason. "I will target my Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon, and attach The Phantom Knights of Cloven Helm from my hand as XYZ Material!"

Following his declaration, the silhouette of the helmet residing spirit appeared briefly onto the field, before it was then assimilated into the gigantic skeletal XYZ Dragon who absorbed it as another overlay unit.

Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon - Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 3000/2500 OV: 2

"I'll set a monster. Then I'll end my turn." So he said, ending his turn with dismay and caution with his evolved XYZ Monster along with a set monster on his side of the field.

"Then I guess I'll start my turn, I'll draw." His opponent said lazily, but the glint in their eyes was as sharp as a blade as she took the top card of her deck, starting out this turn with that lone singular card in her hand.

"Hmm, I guess I'll have to deal with that one first then." She muttered, glancing towards the card that he had set at the end of the turn, and then towards his Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon. "I will activate the effect of Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray, to target your Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon and negate its effects, and halve its attack."

"Tch! Then I will respond with Dark Requiem's effect!" He shouted as he motioned towards his Dragon XYZ Monster. "If this card has 'Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon' as material, when you activate a monster effect, as a Quick Effect, I can detach one material from this card, negate the activation, and if I do, destroy that card! "

And with a roar the XYZ Monster absorbed one of its two overlay materials, leaving one left which was of course the Dark Rebellion that was used to summon it in the first place, as it was the requirement to activate its effects.

Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon - Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 3000/2500 OV: 1

"Then as it resolves, I'll use the effect of Pegasus Twin Saber and negate it." His opponent answered back simply, and used the equipped monster's effect to negate his one form of interaction, and unlike with Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray, it was one that he could not do anything about.

After all, it wasn't a monster's activated effect, something that he couldn't negate with his own Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon.

He grit his teeth as the twin blade wielding XYZ Monster sent another beam of light from its blades, this time towards his XYZ Monster as it roared in pain, negating its effects and halving what attack power it had. "Dark Requiem…!"

Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon - Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 1500/2500 OV: 1

"Well then, Battle." His opponent declared with a wave of her hand, intending to finish the duel here and now, with the way for a victory clear right in front of her. "I will attack your Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon. Hope Sword, Triple Chaos Slash."

The red armored XYZ Monster brandished both of its glistening white swords, and the from its giant pauldrons unfurled additional two arms, both of which then took on the gigantic golden blade that was strapped on the warrior's back, ready to face against the weakened dark dragon.

And face off they did, with the warrior's war cry as a sign of their battle's beginning, the evolved rebellious dragon spread its wings as formation of stained glass began to form between its skeletal wings, but before it could fully charge and let out its own attack, the warrior had already landed its decisive blow.

He watched at his XYZ Monster was cut into two in a clean slice, transfixed as it kept floating in the air as the armored warrior jumped back to its master's side, and the dragon's remains then exploded into light.

And of course, dealing battle damage to himself.

"GUAAAAAH!" He screamed as the residual battle damage hit him, the unusual force of the explosion throwing him from his feet and launching him into the air, making him land harshly on the ground below with a thud.

His ears were ringing from the resulting attack, but even so, he could hear the ever so familiar chime that came from his duel disk. Of his Life Points reaching the losing threshold.

Yuto: 0LP

"Kuh! Gah!" He grunted as he struggled to get up from the ground, his body groaning in response to his commands as a wave of pain washed over him. He felt that his energy was… drained. Like he ran for a marathon all around the city, and in addition to that, getting thrown into the ground like a ball. "What… did you…"

"Ah, darn. That's definitely too much huh. Geez, I will never actually get the hang of this shadow game-like quality that this thing has. Solid holograms for a children's card game as a way of entertainment is a great concept but using it like this is definitely off the mark." He heard the girl say as his hearing became clearer, and raised his head to see that she was now standing right before him.

Dread slowly filled him as she crouched down, and the image of Kaito stealing that boy's card flashed to the forefront of his mind. The fear of losing his cards, of losing the cards that he had ever since… ever since he was a little boy, of losing his partner, evoked a feeling of dread inside of him.

He grit his teeth as he pushed through the pain, his right hand moving through his strained muscles to place his palm over his duel disk's deck holder, glaring towards the girl before him, daring her to take his cards, even if it was futile with how weak he currently was.

Only for her to raise both of her hands, as if in a surrender. "Whoa, whoa, easy there. I'm not here to steal your cards." She said in defense, before lowering her hands and letting out a sigh.

She glanced away from him as she stayed silent, and he lowered his guard slightly, easing his hand as he kept his eyes on the red hat wearing duelist before him.

"You know, you and that boy really did went and got into the deep end." the girl said, her clear features still hidden under her cap, but her purple eyes focused onto his own. "That Kaito is quite tied in with all the things that's happening in the WDC's background. You're both basically jumping right in the middle of it too."

"What..?" He sounded out.

"If it wasn't obvious, there's something more happening behind this World Duel Carnival. Something darker that is. And you all just got involved in it." She said, as she slowly began to stand. "And if you want to… save, or well, help Kaito, that friend of yours, then you'll have to burrow deeper into the darkness." She said with a smirk, and he only stared at her confused.

"Why… are you…"

"Well, I did promise that I'd tell you all about… this, If you win. But since you lost, I'm only telling you some of it okay?" She said as she then turned around.

"I do hope that we won't meet each other again, but since that's probably impossible, I do hope that you can achieve whatever goal you have. See you later." So she said, finishing it off with a wave as she walked away slowly disappearing as she left the grounds.

Leaving him lying there on the ground, staring at the sky. Letting out a loud sigh of his own. "I hope that Shun did better than me."


"Humu, so he won huh. But not without difficulties it seems." She mused, scrolling through the text on her duel disk that the blond boy had sent to her after finishing his own duel. Though he only stated that he won, and won't be continuing his 'hunt' tonight, she could read between the lines to see that he had quite a rough time against Shun.

Or was at least shook at being found out by his two friends, and needed time to re-center himself once more before continuing on this Numbers Hunt. Who no doubts would be entering the board once they themselves gathered their bearings as well.

"And it seems that Myu and the others are fine too. Even if they got in a bit of a scuffle apparently." She said as she let out a sigh, unhappy that the trio of her, Allen, and Sayaka had gotten themself into trouble with a Numbers Holder, a literal ninja dojo at the top of the mountain at the city's edge? Really? But glad that they're safe.

And extremely happy to hear that they managed to pick up the supposedly 'cursed' card without themselves getting possessed by the 'Numbers Spirit' residing in it. Especially since it also meant that people like Yuto and Shun would be able to gather them without getting possessed. Less problems that she'll have to solve.

Anna on the other hand… "Nothing huh?" She sighed as she glanced at the contact that the pink haired girl had, and saw that there were no messages whatsoever from her. She remembered that the girl was getting an earful from her parents over the sudden 'sleepover' that they had.

But she also doubted that that girl wouldn't be flying across the city to find the nearest person who was possessed by a Number right about now. Something like that would be right in her alley after all.

"Knowing her she's probably somehow stumbled her way into getting Dora…" The card that she was referring to was of course the Rank 10s signature XYZ Monster that isn't a spider or a Dragon, Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora, the Rank 10 Machine XYZ that not only makes one card on the field a towers for the turn, but does it on instants speeds as well.

And with something like Heavy Freight Train Derricrane being one of its XYZ Material, it also means that it's an interaction on the opponent's turn as well. A targeting spot removal.

"If she doesn't get it at one point I might have to buy it from the Shop… not that I hadn't planned on doing it earlier." As soon as she was getting enough DPs, the DP that she had gotten back from Kaito notwithstanding, she planned on giving support cards for her friends.

Because as much as Myu likes the new Evol cards that she had given her, and as good as they are, they still pale in comparison to the Dinosaur core that is Souleating Oviraptor, Miscellaneousaurus, and Animadorned Archosaur. Along with the other baby cards and a pay off in Overtex Qoatlus and Ultimate Conductor Tyranno.

Allen's own deck of Earth Machines, though mostly focused on the Infinitrack core unlike his sister, would sadly never be complete. What with her system not allowing her to give the combo piece that was Infinitrack Goliath, and the payoff that was Infinitrack Fortress Megaclops, but even then there were other Rank 5s, 7s, and 9s that she could give him to extend his repertoire. Phantom Fortress Enterblathnir immediately comes to mind.

Sayaka's deck would need some work as well, even if most of her cards were 'modern' the archetype itself was incredibly middling, and in truth might need an additional engine to support it for it to reach its fullest potential. The fact that Starry Night Ceremony could add Sauvaris was something that could add to the deck's ceiling. And Protecting Spirit Loagaeth is a good staple for Fairy decks.

Anna's own deck was quite honestly as good as it could be, with the only cards that were missing being only a handful of choice cards or Extra Deck options that she hadn't bought and given to her.

Which then brings to the question of, of course, herself.

Because even now, her own Utopia deck was still incomplete. She'd already given away, or sold generously rather, a generic monster negate that Number 99: Utopia Dragonar could cheat out from her Extra Deck, though she had an inkling that if Kaito had pushed further, then she might have spent more DP to even get Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy.

Not that she even had Number 99: Utopic Dragonar. Because as much as the card was a cornerstone to the modern Utopia decks, it seems to be avoiding her all the same.

And as much as good as Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray is, being essentially a targeting monster negation that halves attack and a Spell Speed 4 on field monster effect negation, along with the possibility of drawing an omni negation in the form of Numbers Protection, and an instant way to end the game with Utopia Double… the deck was incredibly stale.

It was consistent, incredibly so. And serviceable as well, if anything it could carry her far even in its current unfinished state.

In truth, there were certainly far more competent XYZ decks out there, and certainly ones whose packs she had opened over the last few years courtesy of branching out her fares for the orphanage, and for buying support cards for her friends.

One of them, specifically caught her eye.

"I guess that one would work huh. " She muttered as she headed to the next card shop, one of the last few that she was going to sell in bulk in hopes of spreading 'staples' as much as she could as fast as she could.

She only hoped that what she was doing could help in the coming days.


Eventually the day came to an end, with a promise of her friends to meet each other and convene. For her to make sure that they are fine after their encounter, and for them to give their acquired Number cards to her, for safekeeping.

The days towards the World Duel Carnival were slowly, but surely, counting down.