Taking Hand

Joren could already feel that he was about to sweat bullets.

'I thought we were friends?'

He inwardly cried. But to his surprise, Megaera shook her head.

"No, this is the first time I've seen this man in my life."


Thanatos could only slowly nod. Meanwhile, Joren wanted to cry tears of joy.

Seeing that the little exchange from the three had finished, Hades reinitiated the conversation.

"Earlier, you said you have some personal matters to speak with Allecto."

"Yes," Joren replied and nothing else.

This made the others look at each other thinking-

'Does he not understand the Lord wants him to speak that matter with everyone or does he prioritize his privacy rather than obeying the Lord?'

They are thinking if either Joren is dense, disobeying, or has really some private matters to say.

But what could that private matter be when Allecto doesn't even know him?
