
"See, Tisiphone agrees and to take three of the Furies, my trials will not be short of impossibility." Hades said, making Tisiphone look at him and mutter-

"Three of the Furies?"

"Yeah, the Lord plans to marry us all with the same man." Megaera simply explained.

"Isn't that what you want?" Hades asked. He knew that these three sisters are inseparable so he assumed. Furthermore, it's no issue at all. The only issue is-

"Lord, you really think this lesser undead has what it takes to get all three of us? What are his trials? I want to hear it."

Tisiphone said with a calm voice.

Joren's face became solemn as he was about to hear his trials. From what he had been hearing, the difficulty should be the same as stopping an asteroid from hitting the Earth if it's on its way.

"Alright, the first trial. I've decided to call it- the Trial of Blood."

Hades said with his heavy voice.

'The Trial of Blood. It seemed that this wouldn't be so easy.' Joren's heart pumped.