[Bonus chapter]The Letter

"It's good that we have you."

Jack forced out the words from his mouth. He felt his hard work was for naught. But, not necessarily. What could a few days in the office give?

"Just for confirmation, how much did you actually get?"

"I don't know how big this is, but I got a thousand dollars after I resigned."


Kidrith shrugged her shoulders. She didn't want to tell that she didn't learn anything even a few days in that office. What she did learn, though, was where the bathroom was and how to play minesweeper to pass the time.

It was still hard work for her to be in a new environment with so many flirting men… sort of. Oh, also, she learned how to use social media. She can't wait to tell Joren about it.

"Hello, Jack, Kidrith."

A familiar voice suddenly took both' attention as they didn't notice that three people had already arrived.