
Here We Are

The night sky was bright as the spears were falling. It was beautiful to look at as these spears were akin to meteor showers but because most people did not know what these were. They were afraid, anxious, and curious.

They knew which one was meteor showers and which one was not! Although the spears were far, not enough for the human eyes could perceive, human instinct said otherwise.

Those at home and had telescopes used it out of curiosity and were shocked by the findings. They then posted it on the net and it went viral faster than the speed of light.

It spread to every social media app like wildfire.

Due to these posts, cops were instantly deployed as they vacated the citizens in case of something awful that might happen. It was better to play safe than sorry, right?

Cops' sirens could be heard from every corner of the city. Panic and tense surrounded the city. Everyone wore a worried look on their faces.