12) Never again


My eyes watched Vasili as he scanned the documents I had asked him to look over. His eyebrows were furrowed together and he had his upper lip slightly bent as he pouted. His hair was in a messy man bun and I found it humorous how every few minutes a different strand would fall out making him look disheveled.

Today he decided to wear a button up shirt with jeans and sneakers. It was a better look than the hoodies he always wore and made him look like he belonged in this office.

"What am I looking at?" he frowned turning the paper around for me to see.

"You have it upside down you moron," I huffed, my hand snatched the paper out of his hand and turned it around so it was correct, "It's the floor plan for the first floor of the mall."

"Ah," he nodded before looking at the paper again. This time he took his pencil and made notes. He decided it was okay, but not Yavok okay. After three long hours, he and I redid everything. "I'm hungry," he complained climbing into my car. He had brought a car of his own a few days ago, but we both found it convenient to just travel together. Well that was what I said to him anyway.

"My place, your place or a restaurant?" I drove out the offices undercover parking onto the busy London streets.

"Restaurant you look exhausted. Can't make you cook," he smiled like the goof he was.

"Or you could cook."

"You've made me lazy," he chuckled. It was entirely true though, everyday Vasili and I left together. We ate breakfast together, went for lunch or dinner. We would always change whose house we would go to and once or twice he had slept over or I had. In separate rooms obviously get your head out of the gutters.

It was a shock I had willingly spent so much time with someone. I loved my space a lot, but around Vasili I hated being alone. He was supposed to go back to Russia a few days ago, but we were behind schedule meaning he would probably have to stay another month. Not that I was complaining, because to be honest I could not imagine how it would be without him around. Weirdly he did not seem that upset he could not leave, but pretty content.

We went to a steakhouse because he really was craving all kinds of meats. I always thought I had a passion for food, but he really took the cup. When we got to the restaurant I asked for a private area since I really did not want people staring at me the whole time and taking pictures.

"You know a few days ago I took a jog and someone asked to take a picture with me. Apparently always being seen with you is making me famous," Vasili laughed then took a gulp of his wine.

I had always worried that my fame would end up affecting Vasili as well. It worried me since I knew he was not use to all of it, "Do you want me to take care of it?"

He waved his hand in a dismissive manner, "No I think the world deserves to see my glorious face." For some reason my face heated up as he winked at me. I half chocked slash coughed before quickly looking away from his face. I tried my level best to be normal around him since what happened with Bethany, but every time his blue eyes looked at mine, I could feel my heart beat speed up.

I simply could not explain why he had captured my attention the way he did. He was such a huge headache to be around, but when he had the biggest smile on his face none of it mattered. All I wanted to do in that moment was make him smile more. It occurred to me I had never thought this way before. The only other person would be my little sister. I would do anything to see her happy, but I rather die ten times over than tell her that. Her tiny arse body would be very big headed.

"Ego much," I rolled my eyes whilst digging into the lovely T-bone I had ordered. For a few minutes Vasili was awfully quiet which was rare. He always made some sort of sounds when he ate. When I looked up I noticed he had his eyes in a deadly stare. I turned my head to try and figure out what got him all bothered, and when I did I noticed a woman staring at me with a flirtatious smile on her face.

She had blonde hair what was cut short, normal brown eyes, but a very pretty face. She sat at a different table with two other women. The area where we were seated was private, but people could still see me if they sat in a certain area.

"Does she have no shame?" Vasili growled still not tearing his eyes from the woman. She was attractive, but I had no interest in her.

"Just ignore her," I chuckled and reached across the table to put a fork in his hand so he could eat.

"How can I when she is practically eye raping you?" he muttered then shoved some food into his mouth.

"What are you jealous or something?" I wiggled my eyebrows playfully knowing how much it infuriated him.

"Of you! No! I just don't like it when people look at you like you are a piece of meat," he pouted. My heart clenched as his words hit me. After our argument a few weeks ago I really avoided sleeping with anyone; even Bethany. It just did not seem as thrilling as it used to be and I was way too busy with work to pursue any woman.

When we were done eating, Vasili decided to order another glass of wine whilst I stuck to a very delicious mocktail. I was avoiding drinking like it was the plague. Whilst we chatted we noticed a figure coming towards us. I knew exactly who it was before I could even look, just the deadly look on his face told me all I needed to know.

"Hello Mr. Coleman," a very high pitched voice said. I looked up to see the same woman was now next to me. Her dress was awfully short and it was way too revealing for my liking.

"Um hello. May I help you?" I made sure to keep my professional persona up so she could understand I was not interested.

"I could not help but notice you, and I absolutely love your movies. I was hoping we could go out for drinks sometimes," she smiled, her lips coated in a very red lipstick.

"He is not interested," Vasili snapped before I could even answer. The woman seemed to finally notice his presence as she had a shocked expression on her face.

"Excuse you," she raised her eyebrow pointedly.

Oh this was going to be interesting.

Vasili stood up and faced the woman, "I said he is not interested. Now I advise you walk away before you make yourself look any cheaper."

I was trying hard not to laugh, but a small smile had definitely formed on my lips.

"And who are you to tell me if he is interested or not?" this woman must have been stupid to mess with a six foot Russian man with more tattoos than I could count.

"I'm the one who sucks his dick every night," he shot back. The drink that was in my mouth sprayed out as I choked. I was not expecting that at all. Nobody seemed to pay attention to the fact I had nearly died. The woman simply gasped before angrily stomping away in her heels.

Once I had recovered from my coughing fit I stood up and grabbed Vasili's arm. I had already payed the bill beforehand. I pulled him out of the restaurant much to his protests and only let him go once we got to my car. "What the fuck was that?" I yelled throwing my arms up wildly.

"Look it got her away that's all that matters," he crossed his arms and leaned against the drivers side door.

"Yeah, but now she will think I'm gay and what if she takes it to the media?" I stressed running my hands through my hair easily messing up the soft curls.

"Who is going to believe her? You have a reputation in preferring pussy over dick," he laughed, but the glare I sent his way shut him up very quickly. "Look I'm sorry. You know how I get with some alcohol in my system."

I sighed and just leaned against the car next to him, "I feel like you would have done that without the alcohol."

"You know me very well Mr. Coleman," he laughed. His laugh was so toxic I found myself also bursting into a fit. For a few minutes we just stood there looking at the city. Enjoying the view till very gently I felt a small bit of warmth on my hand. I looked down to see his hand against mine. It was nothing drastic and it could be over looked as a mistake, but it had my brain going haywire. "We should probably get going," he broke me out of a trance and pushed himself off the car.

I gulped and nodded. We ended up going to my house and Vasili decided to sleep over since it was Friday. He had pretty much claimed the guestroom downstairs as his own and I even had my own little set up at his place. We went to our rooms and I took a quick shower than wore sweatpants with no shirt once again. My penthouse was always warm so it could get a bit much for me when I wore a shirt.

When I got downstairs I noticed Vasili in the kitchen rummaging through the fridge even though he had just eaten. Yet what caught my attention was what he wore. He had tight short tights on with a tank top. I could see his tattooed back and arms. I had never seen so much of his skin before and it had me feeling strange. There was no way I could describe it. His hair was loose and since he had arrived it had grown out to his shoulders.

"Ah!" he suddenly screamed when he saw me. "Dude what the fuck are you doing standing there like a freak? I thought I was getting kidnaped."

"In my house?" I rolled my eyes as he slowly stopped breathing heavily from the scare I had given him.

"Stop being a creep and help me take these things to the cinema room," he pointed to the multiple snacks on the island and fruit bowls he had prepared for us.

"What's up with the tights?" I tried to sound casual, but my voice sounded awfully strained.

"Oh I use to wear these for ballet all the time. They make my ass look great," he laughed and pointedly turned around for me to look at it then smacked it. It was like he was trying to kill me.

"Ew," I gagged, but my heart that threatened to jump out of my chest said otherwise. He rolled his eyes and we took the multiple snacks to the theatre.

Vasili had been bothering me to watch a 'Fifty shades' marathon. I had no idea why he wanted to watch a fucking bondage movie, but he told me not everything was about sex. I thought otherwise. Through the first movie I had to say I was slightly bothered. As in my downstairs area was extremely bothered.

"I'm tired," my voice was still hoarse and getting worse.

"Ed its 8pm," he rolled his eyes and started the second movie. We sat next to each other on the large couch half bed couches I had for the theatre. His long legs were stretched out and the short tights looked even shorter exposing his legs. My eyes could not help, but trail up his perfect body as he watched the screen not even bothering to acknowledge my presence.

He suddenly stood up to walk over to the tiny fridge, I watched him as he bent over to get a drink and I had to bite my lip to prevent the groan that was threatening to escape. "Ed want a drink?" he looked back at me and I quickly looked away from his arse. I shook my head no since I did not trust my voice right now. He shrugged and walked back. This time he put his legs on my lap as he leaned against the arm rest of the couch. I shifted a little so his calve did not make contact with any part of my male anatomy because I was pretty sure he would freak out if he felt it.

I tried to focus on the screen, but how was I supposed to when the male actor was literally fingering her in an elevator. "I need to go to the bathroom!" my body shot up from the couch and I ran to my room. Once I closed the door I ran to my bathroom. Now that I was standing one could easily see the bulge in my sweatpants. I always bragged about my big dick, but now I wanted nothing to do with it.

"Please just calm down," I begged looking down hoping for once it would just behave. I was not even attracted to Vasili that way. I was as straight as it could get, why was he distracting me? I splashed some water onto my face hoping it would calm me down. I thought of grandmas; a trick I learned from Marco, Amandas' husband and it only half worked. If I put my hands in my pockets you could barely see a thing.

When I felt strong enough to go back I found Vasili on the couch, now fully laying down with his knees in the air and his feet on the cushion. "You okay?" he asked propping up onto his elbows. With the way he was laying down his hair all messy and two people having sex on the screen I lost it.

Before I could process what was going on I was between Vasilis legs, my lips connecting to his in a heated passionate kiss. His body was frozen under mine and when I felt his hands gently push on my chest it snapped me out of whatever sex frenzy I was having.

"I'm sorry!" multiple apologies rushed out of my mouth when I looked at his shocked face. His mouth slightly agape and his lips lightly red. When I tried to move off him our groans rubbed against each other. A small gasp left his lips and I groaned quietly. It literally felt like I had been shocked with electricity. The next thing I knew Vasilis hands pulled on my shoulders so I was back between his legs and our chests against each others.

Both our breathing was awfully heavy as we stared at each other. His eyes seemed to be searching mine for something, but I had no idea what. Quickly our lips crashed against each others, both of us moaning into the kiss. It was desperate and heated as his hands travelled down my bareback making the hairs at the back of my neck stand up. I propped myself onto my forearms to keep me from crashing down on top of him. The slight movement caused us to rub against each other once again.

"Fuck," Vasili breathed out as I moved from his lips to plant kisses on his jaw. Leaving all kinds of bruises on his neck. He panted as I licked on his sensitive spot. Once my lips had clamped onto his skin, his hips bucked up gently grinding us against each other. My lips broke away from his neck back to his lips.

"Do something," he pleaded as he bucked his hips back onto mine. Slowly I rotated my hips so we were rubbing against each other. We both moaned into the kiss as I ground down on him faster. His hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they travelled down my chest to the band of my sweatpants.

"Vasili," I half warned him since he was dangerously close to my manhood as his lips kissed my neck.

"Shut up," he whispered connecting our lips once again. Swiftly his hand slipped into my pants and I really regretted not wearing underwear. Once his hand was wrapped around me I let out a strangled plea. He pushed my chest so I could sit on the couch with him firmly straddled on my lap. "This is wrong," though his actions did not meet his words as he slowly pumped me.

I managed to put my hand in his ridiculously tight shorts and wrapped my hand around him. He threw his head back as I pumped him with the exact same pace he did with me. "Very wrong," I moaned as I pulled his face to mine for another heated kiss. I could feel the wetness of his precum as I pumped him.

"Never again," he whispered against my lips as we both increased our speed.

"Never ever," I agreed. With a few more strokes I could feel my stomach tightening and I knew what that meant. We stared at each other as we neared our own highs. Vasili threw his head back as a loud moan left his lips, he shot up onto his lower stomach which landed on his shirt, tights and my hands. Just the sight of pure ecstasy on his face made me come as well.

Once we were done he rested his head on my shoulder as we tried to calm down. For some odd reason my arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him closer to me. He sighed fully relaxing into me as I ran my fingers up and down his back. That was probably one of the best sexual experiences I had ever had and even though I felt triumphant.

I was scared.

Extremely scared.