26) Morning After


My body was sticky with what seemed to be chocolate sauce and caramel on my chest, arms and somehow in my hair as well. The obvious taste of caramel was still in my mouth and I wondered how I had gotten so drunk in such a short span of three hours. Normally I handled my alcohol well, but my last memory was of Arsenio pouring tequila straight from the bottle into my mouth whilst the rest of men cheered around us. 

Normally Edward was the more responsible one out of the group, but he woke up half emerged from the pool so I knew there was no hope there. I was pretty sure if the crew was not there one of us would have jumped off the boat and woke up floating in the sea. 

I was standing in my room waiting for the shower to steam up since I was too afraid to sit anywhere with the condition I was in. A crippling headache hit my head as the bright sun flooded the room. Quickly I pressed the button that would close the curtains so I was submerged in darkness. Well not full darkness since I had the lights dimmed so I could get around the room. Luckily I had packed some pain killers in my bag and was pretty quick to down them. I felt like utter shit. 

After my shower as I brushed my teeth I instantly felt the rise of bile up my throat and quickly rushed to the toilet to vomit my insides out. After ten minutes I felt like I was just dry heaving there for eternity. Suddenly the door burst open and there stood Edward looking awfully concerned. I could tell he had also just climbed out the shower since his hair was wet and he was dressed in jeans with one sock on. I was grateful I had decided to dress in a pair of joggers and a hoodie because finding me naked vomiting my guts out would have not been a good look. 

He instantly rushed to my side and massaged my back, "should I get a doctor? I could take you to a hospital we are pretty close to france." He helped me stand up and I resumed brushing my teeth. 

"No no. I think I just had too much last night I think I'll be fine," I sighed leaning over the sink as I spat out my mouth wash. "How did you know I was sick?"

"One of the crew members walked past your room and notified me," he helped me to the bed and sat down next to me as he gently brushed my hair away from my face. I knew I looked like shit, my already pale skin looked worse and had a weird discoloration to it. My body was covered in a cold sweat and I felt terribly weak. "Do you want me to get you something to eat or some more water? I could get the chef to make you something healthy."

"No I think I'll just puke it all out," I groaned and turned over on my side. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to get a doctor? I could get one flown in, just give me an hour," the obvious worry on Edwards face made my heart flutter. It had been a while since someone cared so much that I was feeling unwell. I was definitely greedy and it seemed he was willing to do anything for me at the moment. 

"Could you just get me some lavender tea?" My mother would always give me some lavender tea whenever one of us felt unwell. I had no idea what it helped with, but whenever I felt like I needed her, I would have a cup just to feel close to her again. 

"Of course I'll be right back," he quickly left the room leaving me laying on the bed. 

A part of me was worried over what could have possibly happened last night. I woke up covered in chocolate sauce that definitely meant something suspicious happened and I was not prepared to see it all. There was an obvious hickey on my neck that I noticed in the mirror and a few down my chest that was covered by the sauce. They were not there yesterday after Edward and I had our... moment before we went out for water sports so that only meant it was from last night. 

Even though I had openly told Edward I wanted to be with him. I was not ready for the rest of the world to know. The fact of matter was I was not ready for his friends to know. I had no idea where Edward stood when it came to the public knowing about us, but I knew that we both wanted to keep it between us for now till we figured everything out. If he was comfortable, he would have long flaunted it in front his friends, but so far he has been reserved. He shared the normal amount of contact two friends were suppose to have and so far no one had questioned it. Besides Sasha for whatever reason. He was flipping weird. 

Edward soon came back with a China kettle, a teacup and honey on a silver tray. "I had no idea we even had this on board," he chuckled as I sat up and gingerly poured myself a cup. He was now wearing a brown knitted jersey and both his feet were covered in socks. 

"Where is everyone else?" I took a sip of my tea and closed my eyes as the warmth enveloped me. 

"Everyone is dead asleep in their rooms besides Pablo. He is busy doing yoga on the lower deck," he laughed. Who the hell exercised after drinking themselves to a near coma?

"Are you okay?" I chuckled as I noticed the obvious bags under his eyes. 

"Surprisingly I've been through worse," he smiled showing me his traffic stopping smile. The man was gorgeous. I found myself blushing and quickly looked away before he noticed. The small smirk on his face definitely told me he noticed. "I'll be on my way then to give you some space to rest," he gently kissed my forehead. 

"Wait," I held onto his wrist, "do you mind Umm just laying with me a bit?" He looked at me with a blank expression. What the hell was I thinking! Abort the mission! Abort the mission! At that point I was just praying he would say yes. 

He simply smiled and put the tray on the coffee table, "scoot over." I wasted no time as I made space for him on the large king size bed. Why I occupied the whole space was beyond me. He lay down next to me and very gently put his arm around me as if he was testing the water. Trying to be subtle I moved close to him so he was spooning me. His large body warmed me up immediately and I could not help, but smile to myself. His fingers played with my hair as I fully relaxed into the bed. "What do you think happened last night?" He asked with a slight chuckle. 

"I have no idea, but I have hickeys on my chest," I laughed softly. 

"That explains why I woke up with so much chocolate in my mouth," even though I could not see his face I knew he was smiling. 

"Do you think we did something in front of everyone else?" Anyone could hear the slight fear in my voice as I thought about it. What if he got upset if something did happen? 

He sighed before responding, "I think we will take it as it goes when we see the footage. Just know all of them are the most accepting people I know so none of them will ridicule us for it. Maybe Arsenio, but he would just be teasing about sex or something."

"Would you mind if something did happen?" My voice sounded weakly small and I hated it. Edward always made me feel so vulnerable. 

"Vasili as long as it happened with you I wouldn't mind. I've wanted you for weeks now I don't think I would be derailed just because we made out in front of everyone whilst we were drunk. We've come to far for that," his lips kissed the side of my head as he wrapped his arms around me tighter. 

His words allowed the butterflies in my stomach to calm down and my anxiety levels to die down. "Do you want people to know about us?" 

"I wouldn't mind if someone found out we were figuring things out, but I think when we make the decision we want our family to know we should be sure about it. There should be no hesitation about it," even though Edward was literally one of the biggest laughs I had met, he was pretty wise. Even though I wanted to be with him, I knew I was in uncharted territory. My past was still very fresh in my mind and even though Edward had no clue, I was not fully healed from everything that had happened to me or if I would even say anything about it to him anytime soon. 

Everything was still so fragile for me dip my toe in those memories again. "Come on now stop with the serious questions. I don't know about you, but I literally feel like I've been hit by a train," he turned me around so I was facing him. 

Without much thought I pressed my lips against his. He instantly melted into the kiss and pulled me even closer. "More?" I whispered as I gently bit onto his lower lip which earned me a lovely groan. 

"Have you no shame sir?" He smiled down at me and squeezed my ass. 

"No," I blushed and ran my hand down his chest. 

"Well I guess I will have to do something about that?" He pressed his lips against mine again and I could not help, but moan. Just as he deepened the kiss a knock resonated from the door. Grumpily he stood up from the bed and slightly opened the door so that only he was visible. I could not exactly make out who he was talking to, but I knew it was one of the crew members. I had no idea how many people were on this boat since I literally saw a new person every day. He stood there softly speaking to the person for a few hours before closing the door. 

"Is everything okay?" I asked fully sitting up. 

"One of the docks we were suppose to stop by is suddenly full. I have to go speak to the captain quickly and organise everything," he sighed massaging his temples. 

"Oh okay. Well go sort it out and come back quickly," I smiled and pulled him down by his jersey to plant my lips against his. 

"I'll be back in a flash," he winked and kissed my neck. With that he left the room leaving me hot and bothered.