40) First Dates


It made so much sense why women were obsessed with Edward. This was such a unique and thoughtful idea that it had me smiling the entire journey through the forest to an open meadow. The horses had another station where we could leave them so they would not go running off. I had not even noticed that Edward had a woven straw basket with him till we picked a spot under a large oak tree. 

He pulled out a red and white checkered blanket and laid it down on the grass. Followed by two wine glasses and a bottle of sweet red wine since that was one of my favorites. Two long rectangular plates with different fingers foods on them and fruits. "You like?" He smiled as he lay down on his side and probed himself up on his elbow. 

"Absolutely. You pull out all the tricks when you want to impress," I sat down next to him as he opened up the wine bottle and poured for each of us in our glasses. 

"Only for you," he handed me my glass and gave me a gentle peck before popping a grape in his mouth. "What do people do on first dates anyway?" 

My head snapped to his direction in shock. "Haven't you been on multiple first dates?"

He shrugged and cheekily smiled at me. "I don't normally consider them as dates. This is my first serious one."

"What about Selena didn't you go on a first date with her?" I was the only one who could ask about Selena without getting an irritated glare.

"We met in a club whilst I was with Pablo and Amanda in Spain. The next time I saw here I invited her to London so we could attend a party together and we just sort of moved on from there," Edward really did move fast. 

"So am I the first person you've actually taken on a date?" I teasingly gasped. 

He nodded and smiled, "I guess in a way you're the first person I've cared for so much. I just wanted to make you happy."

"You've done a good job at that Mr. Coleman," I gave him a gentle kiss and lay down next to him as we watched the sky. "We could ask each other fun questions you know. To get to know each other more."

"Vasili I'm pretty sure I know you better than I know my own business," he chuckled as I glared at him. 

"What's my favorite colour?" 


"Favorite food?"

"Burgers if you're hungry, croissants with jam and cheese if you've had a rough day and ice cream or frozen yogurt when your stressed. But other than that food in general," he laughed. It was true. I would eat anything as long as it looked presentable. 

"Mmm favorite band?"

"The Frey, Coldplay and Arctic monkeys," he childishly stuck his tongue out. 

"Well that's unfair. I barely know what you like," I pouted feeling a bit bad now. 

"I barely talk about such things so I don't blame you."

"Okay. Well then I'm going to ask questions and you'll answer them. No lies," I squinted knowing how secretive he was. He would lie about his biggest fear just so I would not scare him later on. He nodded and told me proceed. "What's you're favorite colour?"

"I think that's pretty obvious. Black and gold," he smirked. It was extremely obvious, his offices, cars, houses had those colours including his yacht. 

"Fine. Umm you're favorite band?"

"Queen," he smiled shyly. 

"Ah bisexual man to bisexual man makes sense now doesn't it?" I laughed as he rolled his eyes at my stupid joke. "What did you want to be when you were younger?"

He pursued his lips and thought for a few seconds, "I wanted to be in the army, but my father thought I'd die in the first week."

"I don't blame him. You nearly blew up the microwave once," I had no idea how he had forgotten a spoon in the plate. 

"You were distracting me with your body," he waved his hand dismissively. "Next question."

"Umm what was the highest moment in your life?"

"Meeting you," he knew he was being cheesy by how he quickly covered up with his chuckle. "Fine I think when my dad told me he wanted to leave the company to me. I know it seems obvious, but when I was younger I was a bit irresponsible you know. I was a good kid, but I didn't take school that seriously till I was in my third year of high school. I came home one day and he sat me down. He gave me a long speech about responsibility then handed me an envelope. In the envelope was a contract. That when I turned twenty five and if I got my PhD in engineering then finished business school my dad would retire and leave the company to me." 

"So the myth that you just got the company was a lie?" I looked up to him. 

"Yeah. People don't know how much I had to work to get here. I didn't even know I wanted it till he offered it to me. It felt like I had a purpose you know. Plus my dad just doesn't give Amanda and I anything unless we have earned it. So to know he trusted me so much was amazing," the smile on his face was of absolute pride and honor. 

I knew their family business was worth billions before, but once Edward took over he catapulted it into something greater. He was honestly a true inspiration even if you did not know him. The parties and the women were just a facade in my opinion. He worked harder than anyone I knew and I wished more people knew that. They probably did, but not the full extent of it. 

"You're amazing you know that."

"Don't get soft on me Vasili," he teased and ruffled my hair. 

I sat up and faced him, "I'm serious. You're the most caring man I've ever met. You've done so much for me in the past three months and you have such a big heart. I know I don't say it enough, but I appreciate you Ed. More than you'll ever know."

He promptly sat up and held my hand. The look on his face was of pure adoration and something else I just could not put my finger on. "We've only known each other for a short time but you're everything to me Vas," he gently kissed my forehead and held the back of my neck, "I don't know if I'm moving too fast but hopefully I'm not. I can't imagine another day without having you as mine even if you don't want the world to know it would make me the happiest man alive. Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes," I breathed and tackled him into a hug. We both collapsed onto the floor and rolled about as we burst out in laughter. We eventually stopped with me laying on my back and Edward above me. He stared down at me with a bright smile and kissed me. The moment felt absolutely perfect in my books and I wished we could stay there forever. In the middle of a meadow with two horses and food. The food was very important. 

After another two hours of gentle kisses and talking we rode back to the stable. I wished we could stay for another night, but Edward unfortunately had an emergency meeting tomorrow so we had to leave. I was too happy to even feel sad about leaving since Edward said I could spend the night with him. 

Even though I wanted to think pure thoughts the way he kissed me when we got back to the farmhouse told me something was definitely in store tonight and I was more than excited. It had been a while since I had felt this happy and I was praying nothing would ruin it even if it was just for a few days I would be forever grateful. 

"Are you done packing?" Edward popped his head into the bedroom now changed into black jeans and a long sleeve matching shirt. We had both showered and changed since the smell of horses had seeped into our clothes. I was dressed in another navy tracksuit since that seemed to be my uniform these days. 

"Yep. I'm probably going to need to go to my place tomorrow. I need more clothes," I smiled as he took my duffel bag. 

"You should just buy more to leave in my house. The back and forth thing is not working," he seemed to mean something else by his statement and I felt my cheeks flush. Spending more time at his would indicate that we were together. Like together together. I sounded like a teenager. 

"Will do," I put my hand in his as we walked to the garage. He squeezed my hand and opened the car door for me. He would be driving back since I was too tired to even try. Plus I was already a fast driver and being tired was not the safest option. Before long we were on our way back to London.