50) Security Reasons


"That was fucking depressing," Vasili whispered as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Like I knew it was bad but my gosh Ed. You sounded like a whole different person."

It had seemed that whilst I was working I had fallen asleep to only dream that Vasili came back home. When in reality he was still out. It felt like a wake up call for me and I ended up asking John to drop me off at the cafe slash bookstore Vasili was at. We were now at a private beach, sitting on a beach towel and watching the waves slowly creep up the sand before recoiling. I had never fully told anyone about the last day I had shared with Selena. Especially like this. Amanda was the only who one who had read the letter and I preferred it that way. 

"I know," I sighed. The soft sea breeze helped calm down my nerves. 

"How did Joe react when he found out she had left?"