80) The Bed


It was a quiet Wednesday morning as I worked in my office. Vasili was still asleep and I had a mountain of paper work to complete. Therefore I decided to wake up a few hours earlier so I could complete it and have the rest of the day off. 

Even though I tried to pay attention as much as possible on the work in front of me. I could not stop thinking about Vasili. It had been four days since he took me and I would be lying if I said I could not stop thinking about it. 

I closed my eyes and leaned back against my chair as I tried to rid myself of the things we did. That did not last long as the very person who seemed to be running around in my head entered my office. He was dressed in my sweatpants with a white tight tank top. His hair was wet probably from the shower and I just wanted him close to me. 

"Morning hun," he smiled and walked over to me. 

"Morning love."