137) The Billionaires Fiancé


"I'd do anything for you Vassy baby! Anything! Ask to go to the moon I'll make it happen! You want a unicorn I'll see what I can do," he held my face in front of his. I could tell he was dead serious but I could not keep a straight face with how he was slurring his words. 

"I want a dog," I was just playing around but the look of determination on his face told me he absorbed my words. 

"First thing tomorrow morning I will get you a dog," he slurred half falling asleep. 

"I'm just kidding," I tried to poke his head but he was out. His mouth wide open probably open to making a new home for all kinds of insects. I closed his mouth and with the help of Marco we managed to drag him to the bedroom into bed where he fell sound asleep. 

The next morning Edward woke up with a massive hangover but none the less got ready for work. As he dressed in his suit I lay on the bed and stared up at him. "So where's my dog?"