Dark Joy





After receiving the three blood essences, the bodies of both old women do not undergo any immediate changes.

After 3 minutes a halo of darkness covers little by little until completely covering the body of both, not even the moonlight can penetrate that strange darkness, and all life around them was consumed.

A deathly silence lasted for a while.

Gradually the dark cluster was dissipating from below, revealing a true modification.

What was previously emaciated old women are now beauties of the universe

All the wounds healed quickly, with the naked eye you could see how the wounds closed without leaving marks; the blood simply disappeared on her skin, leaving only the stains on her clothing. The grayish, wrinkled skin is full of calluses and spots peeled off, as if the skin were shedding, replacing it with a white, smooth, and shiny skin.

Both sisters became absolute beauties that could cause entire kingdoms to fall. Beautiful pale, ripe, and composed faces, cherry-colored lips, delicate and tender. The shape of her face radiated a classic aura.

She possessed a fine and detailed body, tall and slim; Such a slender body could even ignite the lustful passion of men. Her breasts were large, but not so disgustingly; a slim and flexible waist was the sexiest and most attractive part of her body, straight and long legs.

Both sisters looked the same as if they were the very reflection of each other.

All beauties in their greatest splendor, Goddesses or fairies in a mortal world; though their eyes were still closed.

After 9 minutes both sisters wake up reflecting the difference between them.

Xian, which previously had one eye closed, now has a black color, one eye is black without pupils, the other has a reddish hue.

Yao Yu's eyes are a dull gray-crimson combination.

Both sisters wake up confused and are greatly surprised by the change themselves.

They both touch their bodies and even give each other panelists to verify that it is reality and not a dream.

But the joy was fleeting, they both saw Xian Yu completely pale and her breathing slow and short of her, both were dismayed and quickly Yao Yu took her in her arms and didn't hesitate to bite her wrist and feed her with blood

Yao Yu takes a big mouthful of fresh blood and brings her beautiful pink lips together with Xian Yu's pale lips.

A trickle of blood ran down Xian Yu's tender cheeks.

After a few seconds, Xian also did the same, joining her fleshy lips with Xian Yu's lips that little by little regained her color.

This method was spoken by a mysterious voice that spoke to them in their minds while they were unconscious.

Such a mysterious voice spoke to them about the qualities and benefits that the transformation would bring, which is called True Vampire-Initial Phase.

The result of the conversion of a virgin woman who received the essence of blood from the progenitor this receives a significant increase in the abilities that she possesses, in addition to the senses, intelligence, and other attributes that the person possesses; unlocks the innate abilities and bloodline that the user possesses.

The Initial Phase is the result of not having developed the Dantian and therefore the martial skills will not receive increase when it is developed; unless they absorb a drop of blood essence when it is developed

Also, the mysterious voice told both sisters to feed Xian Yu blood every day for a quick recovery, reducing the waiting time from 4 to 3 months.

"Big Sister is enough" Yao Yu stops Xian whose mouth is still covered in blood.

Both sisters observe Xian Yu that she has recovered her color from her and is breathing normally.

"Now I'm calmer" Yao Yu calmly knew and carried the sleeping Xian Yu.

Xian looks at both of them and gives them a big hug.

Yao Yu is surprised by such a gesture and when she tries to ask why she is surprised that Xian is crying.

Yao Yu accommodated Xian Yu and patted her sword, she also started crying.

The three people have united again, but are now dark inhabitants.

"I'm sorry I stained your clothes." Xian looked up, her right eye was red and swollen, but her left was unchanged.

Yao Yu cleaned her older sister's twins regardless of the large wet stain on her clothes.

"I thought it would be the end of us, I thought that the gods abandoned us, I even had hateful thoughts about our destiny"

"But now we have a second life, the Queen and her magnificent lineage allowed us to stay alive and now we must serve and protect her for all eternity"

"The arrogant gods don't care about us; the wealthy rulers only limit themselves to watching how people die in their golden seats"

"The powerful make the law and the weak obey it with their heads bowed"

"That is why sister that we must become stronger, to fulfill the objectives of the Queen and never be humiliated"

"There is no mercy for those who offend us, we will pay ten or a hundred times more the damage that someone does us, without doubts or remorse"

Xian says those words with firmness and a resolution never seen before in her previous life.

The previous Yao Yu had rejected or persuaded Xian by saying those ideas, but she now accepts them wholeheartedly and she does not feel any kind of rejection or moral transgression.

The desire to never be belittled and trampled on was already born deep in her heart.

Yao Yu is deep in thought until she feels something hot, wet, and rough brushing her cheeks and approaching her lips.

"What are you doing?" Yao Yu is shocked, her cheeks are flushed red.

"The truth, when I see you like this, in that state, I was tempted and it's nice, don't you like it, my little younger sister?" Xian delicately caresses Yao Yu's seductive face.

When they were human and bathed together, they sometimes touched each other in a playful way or sexual exploration, but now Yao Yu's feelings for Xian are more than sisterly feelings.

Xian admires the beauty in her arms and her lips get closer and closer until some screams in the distance are heard and she interrupts her.

Xian directs her gaze towards the screams and manages to observe a young woman being brutally raped, all of this is seen due to her mysterious black eye.

"Three soldiers are abusing a girl," Xian tells of the situation, but such a thing is happening far away; Yao Yu cannot watch despite her reincarnation.

"Sister, this is your power? That eye allows you to see from afar, right?" Yao Yu asks.

"It seems so, I thought this eye was blind because when I used it bled, but now I can use it without complications" Xian is excited to discover that this was her innate power.

"Let us go to that direction to test our new powers, but be careful, we must not endanger the Queen.