First Blood

Sword sounds, screams, gasps, horse neighing, and pleading echo down the forest path.

"Defend the caravan, we are taking advantage, do not separate" The soldiers poorly armed and wearing leather armor are defending themselves valiantly and against all odds are managing to push back the attackers.

This is due to the help of the refugees and using the caravans and wooden boxes as cover against the arrows and to separate the attackers.

The aggressors were armed with swords, axes, bows, and arrows; but also sticks with nails, there were even women among the aggressors, which means that they were not soldiers of the invading army.

"Bandits attacking the refugee or supply caravans, this Kingdom is destroyed both from without and from within." The commanding officer clenches his fists tightly.

"We can't do anything; supplies are getting scarcer and desperation and hunger are affecting the people's minds" A soldier comments.

The bandits repel each other momentarily generating a moment of rejoicing for the soldiers, but one of the bandits whistles, and more people come out behind the grasslands and trees with arches and stones.

"Damn it, take cover" The officer yells hastily.

Most took cover, but those who were unlucky were victims of arrows and stones, the bodies of those poor victims stained the land with blood, pieces of flesh, and eyes that came out of the sockets.

"Whoever kills more of those bastards will receive double rations" Motivated by such a statement, the bandits lash out with insane madness.

The fight that was briefly peaceful now rages with increasing violence and madness.

Two women shot arrows behind the trees until white hands gripped them tightly, holding her by the abdomen and covering their mouths.

They try to escape when they glance sideways at a pair of long, sharp fangs.

A pain invades them from the neck followed by the suction of the red liquid from their bodies. The coldness takes hold and the vision darkens.

After you finish such an act, they pierce the heart with a strong blow and the bodies are thrown to one side.

"Horrible taste" Xian spits out some blood.

"Women with cheap bodies it is obvious that their taste is disgusting." Yao Yu delicately wipes her mouth. "But we must regain strength"

Xian Yu watches the fight; despite the numerical difference the soldiers still hold positions.

"Now my Queen must experience and taste the sensation of killing, we will protect you from behind," Xian says while hiding in the trees next to Yao Yu

Xian Yu prepares with both knives and sneaks up on one of the archers.

"AGGHH" A man emits a muffled groan due to a deep cut on his neck.

One of his close companions notices something, but a knife flies deep into the eye.

"One is missing" Xian Yu locates the missing one, but he approaches a group of two people and they are close to the main group.

Xian Yu hides behind a tree and looks at her bloody hands. "Little by little I am awakening skills that I didn't know, perhaps these skills I had in my previous life or are part of my being"

Xian Yu jumped on a young man throwing stones at the soldiers, grabbed him by the neck, and yanked off his windpipe.

Xian Yu looks at her bloody little hands, her nails forming small sharp claws. Seeing the blood spilled and the sensation of killing a euphoria builds within her and her red eyes shine brighter.

"I want to kill more, I want to kill more, KKKKIIIAAAhh I must control myself; I must control myself" Xian Yu shakes her head from side to side to clear her mind.

"The Queen is losing control" Yao Yu becomes somewhat anxious.

"Calm sister, I can feel that the Queen tries to control herself" Xian reassures her, but in the distance, she feels something, however, when she checks carefully, she doesn't detect anything.

Xian Yu ends the life of one of the bandits who attacked from afar, hugs him like a koala, and bites him fiercely on the neck.

"What's going on, because the reinforcements aren't continuing to attack from a distance !?" The leader yells very angrily but sees a lying body and fresh blood still pouring out.

"Damn reinforcements have arrived, we retreat, quickly let's go" The leader yells as he runs.

The bandits flee in terror in different directions.

"Xian, Yao Yu, do not let them escape, none of them can live" Xian Yu gives an order without emitting any emotion.

Both sisters head in different directions and one by one the bandits fall dead with their bodies shattered.

"It is done, My Queen we must go" Xian says with the bloodstained suit.

"What do we do with them, My Queen?" Yao Yu asks.

"Leave them, even though we are no longer human, we are not beasts without reason; let's go back to our shelter" Xian Yu says while trying to calm down.

"I have seen a small stream next to a cliff, we are going to clean ourselves" Xian says pointing in a direction to the east.

The three of them walk away quickly.

While in the caravan.

"Officer, the bandits have fled, but we have lost more than half of the soldiers, I don't know if the caravan can be defended from other attacks" A soldier reports the consequences of the confrontation.

"These resources are vital for the nearby villages and the capital, we must hurry to avoid these ambushes" The officer says, but when he turns his gaze to the sky the horror is ours on his face.

The soldiers also look up at the sky and are also petrified.

Two people are floating several meters in the air.

One of them waves his hand and the soldiers are turned into mists of blood.

"Master, it was not necessary to use his power against these mortals" One of them speaks.

"We must not waste time nor should there be witnesses, they headed in that direction"

Both fly to the east.