Awakening and Separation - Part 4

The soldiers continue to kill the remaining villagers in the center of the village, no matter what they kill everyone they find.

The sergeant who commands the squad walks observing the massacre that was orchestrated while holding by the neck the mutilated and bloody body of the resistance leader, who was still breathing with great difficulty.

The corpses spread everywhere while pools of blood formed.

Corpses of men, women, and children. There were even corpses of babies whose bodies were crushed by kicking.

"Ahh, what a beautiful landscape. There is no better day than seeing your enemies dead at my feet. "The sergeant comments as he walks and occasionally kicks a person's head as if it were a ball.

"Bastard" The tortured man speaks languidly "Enemies? This is a civil town. You have killed civilians, genocidal, coward ... AHHH! "

The man's neck was pierced with a dagger and he was brutally pulled from the side almost beheading him.

"How boring" The sergeant throws the body aside "Soldier, report the situation"

A young and somewhat fearful soldier approaches performs a formal salute and says "Sir, the enemies have entrenched themselves in the house of the town's commander and because it has been built with stone it is impossible to burn it AH"

The young soldier suffers a thrust to the stomach and falls trying to stop the bleeding.

"You useless bastard, you know perfectly well that I don't like excuses" The sergeant continues walking and talks to another soldier.

"Assemble a battering ram and break the windows. We have orders not to leave anyone alive and I intend to comply "

"Understood" The soldier runs in terror and when the sergeant continues on his way, another soldier crosses.

"I apologize a thousand sergeant, but you have been lost with a patrol in the west and two soldiers who have been sent have not returned for several minutes" The soldier says taking great breaths of air.

"Send the two neighboring patrols to that direction and kill the waste, it seems that there are still rats around"

The sergeant advances with a large detachment of men to end this massacre.

"Let a few stay to bring valuables, the rest follow me"

On the borders of the village

"One more" Long Xian Yu ends up abhorring the blood of another soldier as two Ghouls devour two other soldiers.

After a few seconds, they turn into ghouls

"In total, there are five Ghouls, with I think I can face the reinforcements that come and it seems there are six"

Long Xian Yu hides with the Ghouls in a nearby house and waits.

After a few minutes, six soldiers with their swords already drawn walked cautiously, exploring every corner of the area.

They find many bloodstains, but the corpses of the villagers are far away and it is not their blood.

"Watch out soldiers, those bastards are hiding. COWARDS COME OUT! "

"I will fulfill your wish." Long Xian Yu's voice rings out in the dark and the Ghouls rush out.

"What the hell are those things? AGGHHH! " A soldier is brutally killed in the neck and tearing off a piece of meat still pulsing and fresh.

The Ghouls advance quickly and in a few seconds they leap like cheetahs to catch the remaining soldiers, the impact was so strong that they were sent back from the group, distancing themselves 3 or 4 meters.

The soldiers used their swords to stab in the stomach, and although they were pierced the Ghouls only emitted a loud growl, they opened their mouths showing their sharp fangs and rows of pointed teeth.


Ghouls bite on the necks while using their claws to rip apart the abdomen. Their metal armor is ripped apart like paper, and pieces of metal mixed with flesh fly through the air to end up littering the already bloodstained earth.

The last soldier falls on his rear completely paralyzed with fear until a pair of soft white spleens grab his face.

"Just like you killed people, you will also die. A murderer must prepare to be killed "

The soldier's neck is bitten while a short sword pierces his stomach.

One more ghoul in the service of darkness.

"With this amount, I can fight the main troops near the center of town"

Long Xian Yu approaches through the corridors killing that unfortunate soldier who was nearby by adding her to her forces.

Running on the road, she recognizes a body dying in a well-known inn.

Long Xian Yu is quickly approaching, pushing the Ghouls away to guard the perimeter.

"Old Ye" Long Xian Yu immediately recognizes the old man who took care of his granddaughter Ye Qi, now his body has a deep cut on his stomach which is only covered with a small cloth. His face is swollen from the blows and his breathing is slow and short.

"Little Yu, you are still alive" Old Ye speaks languidly.

Long Xian Yu quickly approaches and says "I will not lie to Old Ye, but I cannot heal his wounds"

Long Xian Yu was not lying. Converting into Ghouls is not a cure and if you get him to drink his blood it will only be a poison due to his Yang nature.

Even so, she changes the cloth and tries to bandage it, but Old Ye stops her.

"Leave it like this little one, you know about my current situation so don't waste your time here" Old Ye holds Long Xian Yu's arm staining it with blood "I only ask you, this old and dying man implores you, to rescue my granddaughter. . She is in the young nobleman's house. She went with the cook and a few colleagues "

"Please save her" Old Ye holds her with all her strength and tears come to her eyes.

How can you have faith in me? I'm just a 10-year-old girl just a few days from my 11th birthday" Long Xian Yu says.

Old Ye smiles a little "In the past, I was a child soldier and I fully recognize the killing intent in her eyes. It seems that those two young women taught you to fight, to kill "

"Yes, they taught me well" Long Xian Yu says in a slightly hurt voice.

Old Ye pats him a little, he had a somewhat true idea that they were both no longer with her and that something had happened to them. But she didn't think they were dead, so she took a few deep breaths and said "Easy girl, always stay strong and calm so that you can act smart. There is always light even in the depths of darkness "

"Don't lose faith" Old Ye closes her eyes and her arms fall to the ground.

Long Xian Yu wipes his face and throws a cloth at him to cover his battered body.

"There is always light even in the depths of darkness. Have I heard that phrase before?" Long Xian Yu ponders for a few moments but quickly shakes his head.

"Let's save that for later." Long Xian Yu looks around and leaves.

In a few minutes, they arrive at a house in ruins where the siege of the commander's house is observed.

"Ye Qi's blood scent is in the deepest part of the house, but I can also feel the strong blood essence, a delicious and powerful blood essence."

Long Xian Yu shines her eyes brightly.

"I will not allow both of them to die, the others will die"