8 San Andreas

Dhaka packs up the van and puts Morocco and Luca in their cages. They lay down, and she got in the van and drive out of the gates and head down the road to pick up her parents, she cut her earphone on and called her parents. "(i was about to call you and see if you were on your way,) Said. Karla, " she coming? Asked. Howard, " (I'll be there soon mom. Be ready outside waiting,) said. Dhaka, " ( we are already outside waiting,) she on the way dear, they hang up the phone. Have a safe trip to San Andreas Dhaka, Take lots of pictures. " I will be good, she pulled up at their house. She got out of the car and opening the sliding door, Howard and Karla walked up to the van. "morning so when do you gt up early? Asked. Karla, " only on the weekends. we are on a preset time, Said, Dhaka. They load up in the car, and went to pick up Eliott, "Dhaka stop by the shop first, I have breakfast sandwiches made for us, said. Karla, Elliott. walked out of his door, and Dhaka, they pulled up at the shop. she walked out and got the sandwiches and now they pulled up at Elliott's house. He got inside of the car and shut the door, They got on the road, To the airport, " how long will they wait for Dhaka? Asked, Karla. As she passes out their sandwiches, " yes, they will wait. And they not far said. Dhaka, they just finishing eat when they pulled up at the airport, "let's go. we have to fly out to Fiji to get on the charter to San Andreas. Said, Dhaka. They got out of the car and got on the plane. They fly down the air to Fiji, Happy flying my friend. Howard was drunk some Scottish and relaxing. , Karla is reading a book, Dhaka is playing some music so Morocco and Luca will stay calm during the flight, and resting her eyes, Elliott is on edge. " Elliot relaxes, did you bring anything to do? Asked. Dhaka, "no, how long is the flight down to Fiji? Asked. Elliott, " we be there under two hours of air time, here is a travel guide, by the time you get through we would have landed at the airport. Said, Dhaka, Two hours, have you never been on a plane that long?" two hours is nothing, you both need to relax. Said, Dhaka. she lay back in the seat and went to sleep. " din in at the Rivera of Andreas, he turned the page, " Elliott trying to find something to do for you, this trip will bring that out of anyone. Said, Karla. " that what the commercials say, said. Howard, it is the evening now as you have been planing a night out for us, said. Dhaka, " is that okay? He asked her. " of course it is, they kissed each other, " they are a beautiful couple don't you think? Asked. Karla, " if you say so, said. Howard, they arrived at San Andreas and got off the ship. " This place is so magical, said. Elliott, they walked into the hotel and up to the desk, " we have reservations here under Portsmith, said. Dhaka, "yes here are your keys Ms. Portsmith and enjoy your stay, " thank you, your keys, we met here for dinner, so unwind, get washed and dressed and see you three in a few hours, dad your phone. Said. Dhaka, " what? said, Howard. " that goes for you to mom, no business or offices calls, your anniversary is tomorrow, this is time you focus on each other. not calls or the shops, they give her their cell phone and went into their rooms to get clean up for dinner tonight. " they are not sharing a room are they!? said. Howard, Karla, wrapped her arms around him, " you are a tease Karla, stop it. Said, Howard. Your parents are on a trip to Dhaka, she is in the shower, and Morocco and Luca are laying down on the floor asleep, Drake and Kava appeared, and Elliot is in the shower washing up. " I do not want them to share room Karla, said. Howard, " oh Howard, I sure he got a room of his own. I going to take a shower, she walked into the bathroom l, he walks out of the room and knocked on the door. Kava answers it, " who is it, Kava? Asked. Dhaka, " me, tell me he got a room and not shared a room with him. Said, Howard. " no, dad he got a room, you can relax and get ready. Said, Dhaka. " Drake take them out to the bathroom and vaporize the remains, he put their leeches on them and they walked out of the hotel and into the woods, "okay. Can I get my phone?" You know the answer to that question dad, go get fresh up. I want you to enjoy yourself, " you do know that I am your father right. Said, Howard. " okay we will, see you in a few minutes baby girl. He walked out and back into his room, Karla is dressed and walked up as he got into the shower to wash. He walked back into the room, " did they went to the bathroom? You get a treat later, that if you lay down, don't bark. You were great on the plane and ship. Let's see can you do that here, go ahead give them their dinner, as she starts to walk out, they begin to whimpering and howling, " Morocco and Luca lay, shush. Momma will be back, dad starts the disc now. "lay sleep mom will see you in a few minutes. She walked out of the door, and he starts to play the music. They calm down in lay down on the floor while they went out to dinner after eating, talking, and drinking. They returned to the hotel and walked into their room. "Dhaka do you got a few minutes? Asked, Elliott. " yeah, what up? Asked. Dhaka, " thank you for bringing me, I am sorry about my mother yesterday, said. Elliott, " you are welcome, tell me if I didn't get you a ticket how miserable you be without me? Asked. Dhaka, " very miserable, I go nuts without you there, I will call you every day, night, evening, and afternoon. So I am grateful that I am here with you. They kissed each other, Howard looked out of the door. " Howard Portsmith, will you give them some privacy! she yelled at him, " no, Karla closed the door on him. " I get it you want her to be pure until the day she gets married, she understands that. if you do not stop with the leech you are going to push her away she is going to leave, we are going to lose Dhaka, in you are going to lose a lab tech, is that what you want? Asked. Karla, " no that is not what I want, I officially said keep it professional, this crap happens, maybe he needs to be back in the Beau, she needs to stay up in the lab from now on. stated Howard, he is not for them seeing each other, I told her this was not a good idea, " Howard portsmith Dhaka is a grown woman, locking her up in some lab to keep her out of man view, is not the right answer. if you are uncomfortable about her dating him, and unsettled about this tell her. As her father not boss, Said. Karla, Howard walked out in the hallway up to them, " we talk soon Walker in your room now, Dhaka Kava Portsmith in the room! Snapped out Howard, h walked inside of his room. They walked inside the room he closed the door. " I didn't mean now! Howard, I mean when we are back home, said. Karla, " Dad what is with all three, what I did this time!?" cool your tone when you talk with me, I did put you two together to date, I put you together as partners that is it! said, Howard. " what are you say dad? you don't want me to be with him? she looked at him with her blue eyes. I sorry Dhaka, " Howard. He put his hand up and walked up to her lift her hand and point to the ring and said, I Howard Portsmith will move this off the finger of my daughter until I say you are ready to marry, until a suitable man that will love you, respect you, honor you, all I ask is that you wait, be patient, for him, for that day. Said, Howard. "I do not say he is not the one, you are leaping too fast and too soon, Dhaka you are not giving yourself any time to think. " Dad, I Dhaka portsmith will honor my father wishes, I have I not, I haven't been with anyone, or anywhere. I have been here at the lab, I love him, dad. Elliott is different I wish you will see that and give this a chance, Said. Dhaka, "I love you, baby girl, I give you the world. But this is the one I can not let happen, a course you see him that way. He is the first man you see, the first man that spots you, but sooner or later it is going to cave. It already did, his mother doesn't like you right? " huh, she doesn't approve of us. I can not compete against his mother I shouldn't have to. Just like he shouldn't have to compete against you. Mom please, said. Dhaka. Karla sees what he is talking about. " I almost had to throw her out.