Universe Council


In the central galaxy of the explorer universe, the symbol of the union of the exploring universe and the galaxy that controls almost everything within it, as well as the location of the most mysterious and powerful organization within the universe, the Universe Council.

This council is a gathering of the global elite from every powerful civilization that won the war of domination.

These elites gather to decide the fate of countless living beings within the universe.

There is nothing the council doesn't interfere with, even the cosmic black-market the council has a hand or a two-hand in it.

But the most important role of the Universe Council is to ensure the security, safety, and stability of the universe always, and this role is divided into two main parts, ensuring internal stability, the least important role (A/N: Of course, it is very important as it is considered a fundamental role on the universe to ensure its existence), and the most important role ensuring protection from the dangers of the outer universe (the unexplored universe) and the dangers of the outer universe are also divided into two:

First, the invasion of an external advanced civilization or civilizations.

And secondly, a powerful void beast Invaded in the classification of supernova, or cosmic beast tide which is the most troublesome to deal with and according to varies to the size of the beast tide and the classification of the void beasts within the group beasts.

A cosmic beast tide is a group of lower and middle-level berserk void beasts led by high-level monsters or worse led by supernova level monsters, the number of monsters must reach a certain level to be considered a cosmic tide, monsters can't irritate and cause waves tide for no reason, they are either affected by a higher level void monster or a cosmic phenomenon a specific, called *information field disturbance* (1) It is rare for such a phenomenon to appear, but in the universe, there are many phenomena, which have not been explained yet.

The current explored universe has suffered from many crises of maximum global emergency level, whether it is an outside invasion by relatively powerful civilizations, a cosmic savage tide, or powerful void monsters of the supernova classification, but the greatest and most dangerous of them all is the invasion of a certain supernova monster, but it is not on the same level at all with the above because it is the only the Void Beast of the (Apocalypse) level that has been explored in the entire history of the universe, and it has likely reached its peak level, with one step of unlocking a new level of power that is not yet known, and this according to the scholars of cosmic the explorer universe over the cosmic ages, and the truth is known only to himself, the end of the world, forgetting, the eater of fate.

The fate eater has a very broken ability that wiped out many advanced and extremely powerful civilizations from the explorer universe, over hundreds of thousands of cosmic years no one knows exactly how many there are but they know full well that their number is very large. this ability is his ability to devour the fate of anything of any kind even a non-material entity like the fate of a civilization can prey on it, despite the difficulty of swallowing something like the fate of a civilization.

Even if it takes a relatively long time to swallow and digest, but it is possible!

Imagine having an ability like this that could erase the history, present, and future of civilization just by swallowing it up, whatever the level of that civilization...It's scary, very scary.

Therefore, and for all of the above, the Universe Council needed to take action as soon as possible, or else they would suffer a very bad loss against the monster.


In a very large room that contains darkness everywhere, only one area is luminous in the form of a circular table as a government parliament but its shape is more modern, the council table is divided into three main areas facing each other in the circle, an area designated for the seats of the members of the Celestial Empires colored in blue Heavenly, the Divine Sects area is jade white, and the last of the Galactic Confederations area is pitch black.

But if you observe carefully you will find that there are seats in two areas that have a color that is less intense or can be considered as a completely different color, in the Celestial Empires area in addition to the seats of azure there is the normal blue, and for the Divine Sects there are white seats that are somewhat matte.

It can be said that it pales in comparison to the seats above, only the galaxies federations do not have such distinctions but there are still higher and lower seats.

These are exactly the forces of the ninth level and the first are the forces of the tenth level.

They are all members of the Council of the Universe, each seat seemed to represent a particular civilization, sect, or union, but now they are all empty, but in the next moment, the silhouettes began to fill the darkroom.

Different races and forms were formed in digital images on each seat.

Only a few seats seemed empty, and it seemed that the owners were late or simply did not care to attend.

When a group of people meets, the noise begins, no matter how their high condition. This habit cannot be removed from living creatures of any kind if they are social creatures, and that is exactly what happened, but not as sharply as public areas such as the market, only friends talking here and there, but they were all boycotted after a few moments as someone knocked on the table with a kind of sledgehammer like a judge, there are only three people with a judge's gavel in this council and he is one of them, yes, you guessed it correctly, each of the three dominant organizations in the universe has one representative.

And the one who hammered his gavel to start a serious discussion is the representative of the Galactic Federations, the President of the Hungarian Tora Federation, and the third great Hungarian saint in the Tora clan that rules the federation Alphonse Tora, also nicknamed the Hammer of Justice, Alphonse.

The Tora Clan, astral type, type has a more perfect life form than most astral life forms, the Tora Clan is the only type that can form a physical body in maturity because they have a special ability that allows them to create contracts with the stars and planets that give them the existence of a physical body among other benefits perhaps more massive than just a physical body in return for contributing to the protection of the life force of the star or planet, and thus the Tora clan is considered one of the most protective races of planets and stars in the entire universe explored and also one of the most powerful and most authority also, the Tora race can be considered as existing to serve life.

The conversations here and there seemed to have fallen completely silent after hearing the knock, Alphonse Toura sighed and said, "Everyone, I think you are all aware of the crisis our beautiful world is facing now, am I right?"

The sound of saliva swallowing seemed to be heard from several silhouettes.

Due to the intensity of the majestic Great Saint's speech and the aura that despite being just a digital image did not prevent it from appearing.

This stifling aura did not affect the next person who used the hammer who was the representative of the Divine Sects.

Dragon Divine Sect Patriarch, Long Ren banged his gavel to dissipate the pressure being the same level as the Tora Union's leader. "We definitely know, that's why we have to take action right away."

He didn't feel it but it made it worse than Alphonse Tora and didn't hold back the pressure of his mental strength at all as the intensity of his sounds of ingestion was more intense than the first time.

Sensing the stifling atmosphere, the Heavenly Void Emperor, "Seventh Void", hurriedly knocked down the pressure on the lower level Saints and then added, "I've already made all the preparations on my part, I just need to hear everyone's opinions regarding the current situation ."

His voice seemed to make the void around him twist with every word, this couldn't be considered an aura pressure anymore.

Maybe the three of them didn't realize it or maybe they did but they didn't care, they only made the stifling atmosphere get more stifled after each knock with the hammer.

One of the great saints present in the council thought inwardly, "It seems that we need a vote to remove *the Hammer of Authority* (2) from now on."


*Information field disturbance*:

Information field disturbance is an anomaly that rarely occurs when a black hole opens that connects information dimensions with the main universe, information dimensions are like secondary dimensions in (the legendary mechanic) with some differences. Where information dimensions are formed after the death of a star whose mental strength has reached the Saint stage.

And often the star reincarnates again within the information dimension with everyone who died with it, even living creatures. Compared to secondary dimensions, information dimensions are more simple, representing a re-enactment of a dead star or field of stars.

The state of turmoil occurs when the negative mental energy spreads from the information dimension to the main universe, for the Void monsters, the information dimension open, like the honey for the bees so it attracts many of them and when they indulge in the negative mental energy for a certain period it triggers a rampage and then the tide of rampaging monsters.

*Hammer of Authority*:

Just a symbol representing the authority to declare the decision over one of the three main camps in the explored universe but it does not represent the full authority because the symbol's owner can be exchanged by ballot.