The Earth And Rafael Ryo


A world far from the explored universe, in the dark outer space, there is a transparent black wall that looks like crystal glass, at first sight, you will be convinced that it is impossible to break such a thing, the wall was immeasurably huge forming a spherical bubble like a small universe swimming in the big universe, inside in this bubble there is a whole world of galaxies, nebulae and stars with a mysterious energy that seems to be burning everywhere, only the ordinary mortal eye can't see it, it was a mental power, so much mental power that the exploring universe would roar with enthusiasm.

It happens that the Milky Way is one of the few galaxies out there, in this beautiful spiral galaxy and the most remote region of it, there is a blue planet with green in some of its rocky regions, it was a small and beautiful planet orbiting a young sun with rocky and other gaseous planets that could Consider only planets of cosmic resources, it was the only planet in this poor solar system that is fit for life, yes, it is the planet Earth.


Earth on January 01, 2021

It was the first day of the new year, this year the atmosphere is still not good if not bad for the whole world, the world was still suffering from the infamous virus the covid 19, nothing is like before, no fun birthday party, no travel holidays, no studies, no work.

Just one virus that has caused Earth's civilization into disarray is enough to delay civilization by at least five years from progress.

In addition to global warming that continues to simmer the planet on a calm fire, the sheer number of humankind that is close to breaking the eight-billion barrier, and the lack of resources pushing the world to the edge, political problems among the world's leading major countries which are rushing to the arms race above all else.

All these problems portend danger and tell the humans of the earth that they must hurry to penetrate the limits of physics and fly away to explore the unknown space, or else they will not have a good fate.

This is the state of the current planet Earth, in short, the world is dying and needs to change.

At the beginning of this year, many countries of the world witnessed an easing of preventive measures against the virus, and it also witnessed a decrease in the severity of its risks as well. Among these countries, China was the first to do so. China, or the Chinese mainland, here is where Rafael Rio, the hero of this story (missing for ten chapters😂) lives.

Coak Coak Coak~...

...~It's time~ ...


A hand from under the thick cover grabbed the smartphone that was ringing like that annoying sound and it was finally silenced, two seconds later ahead with messy hair out from the same place, with dark tiredness under his eyes clearly he didn't sleep his right, it was Rafael Rio, last night he was reading his favorite novel and did not sleep early, so he is in a bad mood this morning.

Ryo yawned and got up from the little bed, it was seven in the morning and he couldn't be late for work, or else he might be fired again, it was just a worker at a mall after all and he couldn't be late.

His room was a mess because apparently it wasn't taken care of, but Ryo didn't care, he wasn't used to being organized in his life It's good that he's still alive and kicking even now, why would a lonely person like him need to take care of something like organizing.

Ryo's thinking was still a little chaotic and a little cloudy, he went to the bathroom and took a shower before coming out feeling refreshed.

"Ah~ it's good that the water is warm today or I will catch a cold again." He was pondering why there was warm water in the bathroom today, a rare thing in this apartment building he lives in, he was renting a cheap apartment for 1500 yuan after all.

He used to live in Wuhan city, Hubei province, here in such a big city which is the capital of an entire province it's rare to have such a relatively cheap apartment, but he liked it, he could get all the mangas he wanted and he could eat and drink as he wanted and his rent money is left intact, he has been living a self-sufficient and carefree life now, much better than ever.

Ryo is a handsome 20-year-old with blond hair with slightly narrow blue eyes, he's 1.70 tall, rather short, but a healthy and muscular body without fat, he has only a few Chinese characteristics, he's from a British father and a Chinese mother, now he can't remember who They are and he doesn't bother to remember anyway, he has a cruel grudge against them for being born him and then ignored him, he has a grudge against everything since he grew up fighting to earn what he eats, Ryo has a really bad past he has lived alone for 15 years, He knows nothing about the luxury of life, no one accepts him, he suffers from bullying wherever he goes, he suffers from theft, provocation, injustice, violence, homelessness, and fraud, in his life he has never met a good person, whether Chinese or foreign, it is his bad fate or Maybe someone is playing with the strings of his destiny behind his back, he always thought like this, he numb for that, he didn't care anymore.

Currently, Rafael Ryo, with a sweet smile that could drop any girl, he was walking down the street to his workplace.

Don't be fooled by his cute and secular look behind his spectacles, because behind this peaceful mask is a crooked expression that can make you shiver.

Ryo arrived in front of the supermarket, before entering, he raised his head to look at the bright blue sky, at that moment he had a strange feeling as if everything would change soon, it was an indescribable feeling that came from the bottom of his being, something there was screaming for liberation and breaking the hard shell that he has been imprisoned since he was there.

He bowed his head and continued walking towards the entrance, unaware that there was a blazing black mist completely enveloping him, no one could see this black mist, no one know what it was, Ryu it looked like a death knight who came out from the depths of hell waiting for the opportunity to pounce on every living creature.