The trembling of demons and Support request !


After that, the Fate eater caused bloody chaos in the planets of this solar system.

It destroyed every planet in its path, whether it was inhabited or desolate, because he was simply angry, he almost lost his reasons, what keeps him conscious is the burning smell that came back to tickle the pores of his nose again.

But the mysterious signal was completely cut off.

The Fate eater continued swimming in the space beside the edge of the southern region, intensely focused his attention on the scorching smell, didn't think the chaos he left behind, so far he had destroyed a total of 45 star systems from a relatively prosperous galaxy within the demon star belt.

The news of the arrival of a terrifying beast that could destroy star systems as if they were just pebbles on the side of the road had already spread to the southern region and all the way to the entire Explorer Universe.

There are even more dangerous rumors saying that it is the legendary apocalypse-class terrifying beast, the Fate eater. This made the ordinary inhabitants of the explorer universe frightened to their core for the first time in nearly 5,000 cosmic years, and the people of the Southern Region and the Star Demon Belt, in particular, felt pure terror.

To the point of shivering, no matter how wild the demons' desire for battle, they still had to shiver like any ordinary being in front of such a power.

News has arrived from the Demon Soul Galaxy that a supernova level void beast has gone on a rampage destroying all things, the green and the dry, the death toll has reached an astronomical figure in trillions, this news was like ice water, falling on the Demons hot's bodies made them unable not to shiver.

In every planet merging with star civilization, receiving news of the rampaging beast attack, there is a sight seldom seen in this kind of flourishing world, all city streets are empty only the wind and unintelligent beings move within those planets.

The Demon Saints hurriedly moved towards the Demon Soul Galaxy from all of the Southern Region, even some rogue demons from other regions within the explorer universe hurried towards the Devil Soul Galaxy.

The demons in the explorer universe are known to be united, no kind of crisis can stand in the way of this union.

That's why all kinds of personal spaceships and collective space battleships from various galactic carriers could be seen transporting all kinds of demons here and there, of course, all of them were strong demons.

The weakest was at the level of the moon.


In the universe council, virtual images reappear in the dark hall of the council.

This time it was an urgent meeting as soon as news of the Fate eater's appearance in the Southern Region came out.

The main topics for discussion this time were:

First, stop the continuous beast rampage in the Demon Soul Galaxy at all costs, and lower the damage.

Tania reduces the chaos caused by the reappearance of the Destiny Eater, and calm the situation.

The second problem was left to the relevant experts within the Council.

As for the more important issue of the first order, the letter requesting support from the Southern Region was discussed, especially from the powerful council demons with large stakes within the council.

The message was short and clear, as follows:

Distinguished gentlemen and the three wise leaders of the council, we are asking for urgent support here in the southern region as soon as possible, destiny eater is in a crazy situation right now, we can't stop it on our own so we need the support of the council.

It was a direct and clear message without pleading or kneeling as if they were already sure that support would be quick.

Indeed, this is what happened. The application was quickly passed and approved by a sweeping percentage of more than 90%!

The council began to assemble a much larger coalition fleet from the first war, dozens of Great Saints were assembled as the main forces.

The second war on the apocalypse monster, Fate eater was about to begin.