An Interesting Year II

{If you want to read ahead go to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Alexander Aevum)~~~

~~~(Location: Transfiguration Class, Hogwarts)~~~

~~~(Date: June 15th, 1992)~~~

~~~(Time: 10:41 AM)~~~

"The end of the year tests are concluded today, and results will be mailed out over the summer. Enjoy the last week of school, everyone. Now, off you go."

As McGonagall finishes her speech, everyone stands up and starts making their way to the exit. It's been ten days since I've been out of the hospital, and it's nice to be back to a regular schedule. Harry is also back in classes now that his injuries are healed.

"Mr. Aevum. A word?"

As I'm about to exit the classroom myself, the professor's voice grabs my attention. The moment I turn around, there is plain evidence on her face that I'll be having a long talk with her. What it's about, I don't know.

She wouldn't appreciate me looking into her mind, and that's a habit I've limited. It only takes a second for me to walk to her desk, and she takes off her glasses.

"You've cost your house plenty of points this year. The house cup is being awarded tomorrow, and several of your upperclassmen are complaining to me that your actions shouldn't be counted against the house."

In the end, I can't argue against that. Not that I want to in the first place. In essence, they're saying I'm not a Gryffindor in their eyes.

A long sigh escapes my lips, and I sit in the closest chair. Running a hand through my dark hair and pinching the bridge of my nose. I'm not stressed about points or my reputation. What I'm worried about is grudges.

Children my age and older have a tendency to remember things that piss them off. And next years, sixth and seventh years make it clear that I'm not on their list of friends. If I can't work with my house, it'll continue to have consequences.

"You already know my position, Professor. House points and a cup hold no value to me. There are more important things to worry about."

She squints her eyes ever-so-slightly.

"And, do tell, is that for a student, Mr. Aevum?"

I've been thinking about what I fought in that underground pathway when I went to find Harry. I've asked Albus what it was, and he's not given me any answers. But I've started to draw my own conclusions.

Whoever, or whatever that was, was after the sorcerer's stone, along with Harry Potter. There is only one person I can think of that would want any of these things.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle."

As the words leave my lips, McGonagall stiffens just a little and averts her gaze for a split second. Proving everything I've come to suspect is right.

"What I fought in the corridor that night... It was Tom, wasn't it..."

Her lack of confirmation is enough on its own.

"How do you know that name?"

Everyone else refers to Tom as Lord Voldemort or just Voldemort.

"Headmaster Dumbledore would talk about a student he knew... After a while, I put together that Voldemort and the person Dumbledore spoke about were the same person. Tom Riddle."

In truth, there were several books that leaked the true identity of Voldemort. However, never in name or direct confirmation. Only through Albus talking to me did I find out the undeniable truth. Such fear is inspired by Tom. You'd never think evil was once an innocent baby.

"Well, Mr. Aevum. You're intellect certainly never fails you. Though, in some cases, it's best for you not to know what you know."

She pulls out a paper and begins writing a letter. I take a peak, and it's a letter stating that all the points I've cost Gryffindor this year are to be null and void.


I'm genuinely curious as to why she's doing this.

"You're upperclassmen are right. While you're a gifted student, once in a generation, really. But you have no regard for others and their desire and goals. Never in the history of Hogwarts has a student cost their house more than 100 points."

And I've already broken the 200 mark.

"Next year, this won't happen again, Mr. Aevum. I expect you to play by the same rules everyone else plays by."

That's a nice way of saying there will be severe consequences if I do this again. Something I haven't actually faced since coming to Hogwarts. All I've had is points deducted, and that's not a punishment in my eyes.