Heroes (2)

Primaul (Pry-maul): An above average nephalem, much like his mother, he is a restless being who covers it with rage, while being a mean-spirited warrior. Although he was supposed to be a Sallmanuth God, he rejected the offer, leading him to be punished harshly before being cast out of GOM, although he found favor in Reihai.

Vanqusever (Van-ku-sever): Friend of Primaul, he is a Nero-Frost Nephalem that is convinced into his side. Powerful and confident with every move, but can be devilish or smug.

Koralli: Lurker of the sea, she safeguards anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in the midst of trouble. Although she is brave, she is soft, and easily disturbed by the most dire. Originally, she emerged from GOB, just that a majority of her family and Reihai agreed to allow them to descend to the ocean, leading into a vast population of Corrales Angels, crowning her as queen.

Angels: Benevolent since birth, they serve as servants, messengers, and carriers of blessings of Reihai. The greater they are, the more incomprehensible they may be, leading them to having to comfort humans when they gaze upon them.'

Archangels: Greater variants of angels, they serve as guardsmen and leashes of Reihai. They too have a much significant hierarchy of power and Aetri, alongside more fearsome forms of incomprehensibility, Example: Pistos, the admiral of the archangels with a mind tougher than the rest of the archangels, although it ranks vastly low compared to Thanatos.

Corrales Angels: Subspecies of angels, they dwell among the seas and borders, safeguarding and serving similar purposes of their original counterparts. However, they always strive against the Nero Nephalems who swim in the ocean too.

Humans: The first living things to be made alongside the animals and the Draconians, they dominate the Earth due to their great intelligence and technology. However, because of their susceptibility of hypocrisy and sin, due to being vulnerable to emotional overloads, they've been highly overlooked by higher races and species, in spite of them admiring their advancements over the years with technology.

Draconians: Alongside the humans, come the Draconians. They are mediocre in the realms of higher beings, and have many properties that obviously differ from humans, such as their body structure and their attributes. They rely more on sheer power than their technology, which makes them less advanced unlike humans. However, they're more adaptive than them, which can lead them to technologies greater than them, despite their style.

Sub-Draconians: Smaller, less known counterparts of the Draconians, these subspecies are often found in higher places, in a more tribe-like culture, but are demonstrated to have greater, more safe culture than them, and they have a hobby of making up legends, which some end up becoming prophecies, such as: "If one Sub-Draconian lasts for a hundred years, they can transform into a powerful wyvern stronger than both races combined, and they forever surpass them."

Chronomancers: Mundane dwellers of dark places, they possess the ability to bend time on a whim, in any shape or form. They are solitary, and they're culture is more unknowingly ambiguous than the rest.

Pnigiroses (P-NI-giro-ses): Newly discovered Draconic species forged from the accelerated adaptations of the Draconians, they are highly more territorial, and are more aggressive to newcomers. Because of the uninhabitability of Vrazo, they're pushed to the extremes, such as giving ability to reproduce quickly and asexually, extremely tough scales and muscle, growing into maturity in matter of minutes, etc.

Alexia: Sergeant of Fotovolos, she comes into battle whenever she is needed. She is calm and collected, although she's not always so due to her job, finances, and whenever everything goes left.

Kryo(Cry-o): Subspecies of the Corrales Angels, he fights the impure constantly, and has rivalry towards Verglas, while having companionship and trust towards those of GOB and allied to it. He can be considered a geek, as he is cold, but not villainously cold.

Jericho: Friend of Lighttin ever since High School, he serves as a side character to the hero cast. He has a touch of empathy alongside a good nature. He wields a katana forged of lightning-specific Aetri, while having other sorts of Aetri, due to his habit of making sure of having everything under his sleeves.

Fotovolos: An organization made revolving around Reihai (often referred to as "Mother"), it serves to protect the planet and fill anyone participating in it with truth, although it is no better than mere heresy and hypocrisy due to the fact they hid Thanatos' manmade identity. Its ranks go from this:

Trooper: Serves as the first phase for any sorts of threats, and the lowest of the hierarchy.

Trooper First-Class: Serves alongside the Troopers, except they're more valued.

Corporal: Serves as the 2nd phase, and are significantly more powerful than Troopers and Trooper First-Class combined.

Sergeant: Serves alongside with Corporals and as the 3rd phase, and are highly prized, even though they're not as much as the rest of the higher and lower ranks.

Vice-Admiral: Works in place with Admirals, and orders the fleets and equipment, alongside with fighting with the lower ranks.

Admiral: The highest rank of the hierarchy, they literally order the entire organization and fleets, and sometimes fight with them when a situation is the most dire.

Gi'mavros: Creator of Pangea, it serves as the dweller of Mortal's Domain, constantly reshaping the landscape whenever it moves below the Earth. It avoids confrontation, but whenever it is forced to, it will persist with bravery until it is over or until it is dead. As is it brave, so is it calm, although it will be enraged sometimes, when something wrong is that severe.