Looking for Trouble

Marissa's black lynx, large enough to carry two people, soared through the sky with impressive speed. 

(Come on, Five! Stop burying your face in my back and take a good look at the city. Low-Levelers like you rarely get such a view!)

(I-I'm trying…) Alan managed to say through Party Chat.

The wind slapped his face the moment he dared to peek down at Londorus. The expansive city was a bustling blend of mansions, diverse establishments, stadiums, parks, and public training grounds, each spaced generously from the next.

According to my mentor, Earth's cities were packed like sardines a century ago. It's hard to imagine, but why would my mentor lie?

1,000,000… That's the Novus population. Even if only ten thousand people live here, it already feels full of life.

**** "Alan Warden…

Isabella had said before he entered the cryo-pod…

***** "It's time for you to learn what happened to the Santa María's crew…"

He also recalled the earlier scene: Amelia stretching out her hand to her sister, and Marissa rejecting the offer.

It's so comforting to see that the only conflicts you all know are regular problems like these. Disagreements are nothing compared to what humanity has already suffered. I relentlessly worked for eight months so that people like you could have adventures, eat delicious food, and be free to do whatever you want…

His mind was filled with the many hostile glances other guilders threw at him. His body trembled, recalling a fraction of the many painful deaths he experienced. And yet…

Alan shut his eyes, leaned his face against Marissa's back, and exhaled, thinking of his Guild Master. I want to keep this peace as long as I can.

(Five, are you smelling my hair?)

(Huh? Nooo…)

A little… Can't help it… She smells of cherries.

(Do I have to remind you what the rules of being my copilot were?)

('Don't grope, don't puke, don't fall', right?) he replied. (But I'm not—)

(Let's do a barrel roll. Just for the fun of it!)

(N-No thanks, I'm—waaaah!)

(Here we gooo!) Marissa maneuvered her flying feline beast in a spiral trajectory, forcing Alan to embrace her waist more tightly. (Did you like it, Five?) she laughed out loud, as Alan swallowed his vomit.

It's so weird to become 'friends' with the person who killed the only ally I have. Her laughter is like that of a child. Like an annoying little sis--

He suddenly shook his head to get rid of those thoughts and open his User Interface.








He glanced at Tamara, riding her own mount and keeping her distance. She was sitting with her legs crossed while finishing the rest of her ice cream.

(Can I ask you something, Marissa?)

(What is it now?)

(Why didn't you stay with the others last night? You know, when they were…)

(It didn't look fun to kill you over and over again. Remember Mathew, the healer? I preferred to spend my night making out with him.)

With everything that has happened lately, I forgot I haven't kissed a girl yet—I mean... Focus, Alan, focus!

(It didn't seem that way yesterday,) he continued, (And after what happened an hour ago, it's clear now. You stayed a 'Shooting Star' because you don't get along with Marco and his followers. Am I right?)

Marissa chuckled bitterly after remaining silent for a bit. (I'd love to answer, but we have arrived. So… Let's do a 'nosedive'!)

(Oh, come oooooon!)

As the lynx flew downward, Alan repeated Marissa's rules in his head. Don't grope, don't puke, don't fall! You really are a brat! An annoying little—

(You're not wrong though…) she said, ordering her lynx to open its wings and land safely at the last second. "We're here. You made it in one piece, Five."

Alan jumped down in a hurry and placed his forehead against the ground as if it was sacred. "Oh, thank god!"

"Did you enjoy the ride, baby boy?"

"OF COURSE NOT! I-I felt like I'd die at any moment and I almost peed my pants!"

"Is this the place?" Tamara asked ecstatically, landing calmly beside them. "I've never heard of this place but it looks like fun!" she beamed, clapping. "Shall we, Alan?" She turned to him, showing she was drooling.

As he stood up, his companions ordered their winged felines to disappear inside a jewel that they stored in their inventory absently.

Neat, he thought, before turning his gaze towards the three-story brick Tudor-style building. Located at the western edge of the city, with no other neighboring buildings within a 1500 feet radius, it looked as if it wanted to distance itself from Londorus itself.

And yet, it looks like it could fit everywhere in the city just fine.

(Listen, we're partners in crime on this, so keep Tamara busy while I look for someone. He surely knows where Marco is,) Marissa said privately as they crossed the lobby, decorated with dissected monster heads.

(Okay, I count on--) Alan glanced back, but the girl was nowhere to be found.

(And I would keep my head down for as long as possible if I were you. There must be a lot of Ex-Shooting Stars here. The ones that hate you.)

(You're telling me that now?!)

He halted at the sight of a place full of people. Just by looking at the nearest tables, he could recognize at least three guilders easily. (That's the guy that threw a weapon at me as a joke!)

(Calm down. They won't be able to read your level if they can't see your face. I could have lent you one of my cloaking artifacts, but your level it's too low to use them. So… It's time to prove that you can be a strong-willed First Officer! Good luck.)

A strong-will—Oh, for the love of…! Goddammit!

He instinctively covered his mouth with the collar of his jacket, but knew he would only gather attention.

"Oh, it's already crowded. But look, we can sit at the bar," Tamara said, leading the way, and Alan wished she was taller so he could hide behind her back.

It's not a bad idea…

He leaned forward, grabbed her by the shoulders and whispered in her ear. "Thanks for everything you've done for me today."

"No problem. I'm having fun. Besides, I've always wanted to know you."

"Really? Wow! Um…" His gaze locked on a napkin on the edge of a near table, which he snatched without someone noticing. He covered his nose and mouth with it. "Does that mean that Astrid used to talk about me all the time?"

"Now that I think about it, in the two years I've been in the guild, she barely mentioned you at all!"

(ARGH! C-critical hit to my heart! I-I don't need to glance at my HP to know that it dropped to 10%!)

(Ouch, that hurt…) Marissa commented. (But she's telling the truth. Tamara isn't trying to be mean. Five, she's just that honest…)

(How reassuring…)

Once they reached the bar, Alan was giving the back to almost fifty people. Even if not all of them are Ex-Shooting Stars, it only takes one of them to ruin everything. Is doing this even worth it?

His mind reminded him of Marco's wide smirk while walking out of the HQ.

Oh, right… He formed fists.

"What can I get you?" a human male bartender asked Tamara and squinted at Alan, who was covering his nose. "What's wrong with you?"

"Don't mind me, I just have a…" He thought of his excuse for a second. "Allergy…" he mumbled.

"A what now?" The bartender grimaced.

(There are no allergies in The Novus, Five…)

"What could have triggered it?" Tamara asked, pouting.

"Excuse me, Tamara, I-I'm going to the bathroom."

"Sure! I'll be right here."

"That way." The bartender pointed to his right, still staring at him.

(Nice getaway, Five. Why didn't you tell me you were great at stealth? Have you considered being a Rogue? I could teach you a thing or two.)

(Shut up.)

He passed by three other occupied tables, feeling hundreds of eyes examining his every move, but once he reached the pointed corridor, he relaxed his shoulders.

(This is harder than I thought! I'll go hide in the bathroom while you find Marco, okay?)

(Yeah, yeah, leave it to me.)

Alan followed the signs while still covering his nose with his left hand, and ignored the gaze of someone passing by him, wearing strawberry perfume.

Mmm… This smell is kind of familiar…

Five more steps and he would enter the restroom.

"Hold on," a woman said behind him while grabbing his right wrist. It was someone strong enough to stop him in his tracks and force him to turn around. A pair of amber eyes then scrutinized him for a second.

Of all people, the worst imaginable person had to find me first!

She pulled his other hand, revealing his face, and Alan found himself at a loss of words.

Saying nothing either, she wrinkled her nose and pulled Alan inside the women's restroom, where she pushed him towards the sinks.

"Amelia, please—!"

"There's not a single thing you could say that could justify you being here," she said in a controlled voice, although the gleam in her eyes was full of killing intent. She placed her hand on the door for a couple of seconds, before revealing that she had created a rustic black lock, out of thin air. "But I don't want you to think that I'm unreasonable." She chuckled. "So I'll give you ten seconds to explain yourself. Depending on your answer, I may even send you back to Londorus myself. Shooting Stars' HQ is still your last checkpoint, isn't it?"

That's the most terrifying smile I've ever seen!

"T-trust me, I wouldn't be here if I didn't have a good reason!"


"Hold on! I just want to talk to Marco! I mean, I need to talk to him about—!"

"Five…" she said, forming a ball of fire in her palm.

"Oh, come on! I heard he quit the guild, so this might be my only chance—"

"Two…" She took a step forward.

"I won't be able to move on if I don't speak to him!" He shut his eyes, ready to suffer the burning of his skin and bones, but Amelia did not throw her spell. She was staring at him with a troubled face.

"What does that even mean?"

"S-sorry, but I can't tell you…"

"I said no bullshit!" Her eyes were as fierce as those of a predator, which made Alan step back, remembering how ruthless she could be.

"I'm sorry, Amelia, I know you're his confidant, but this is something between—!" Alan's voice died as Amelia grabbed him by the neck and lifted him off the ground. His HP dropped considerably as her long nails drew blood.

"Is this all a joke to you?! I barely know you, Alan Warden, but I can already tell that you don't care about anything! You disgust me!"


"Look at your actions! After what happened to you last night, you come here looking for more?! And worse of all, even though you know you're useless, here you are, expecting Lord Marco to listen to your charade! If you want to make a clown out of yourself, fine, I don't care! But can you at least think of the consequences of your recklessness first?!"

"W-we're—immortals—here! T-there's—no—conse—!"

"That's what an amateur would say!" she cried, pushing him against the white-tiled wall. "Every time you die, your money gets cut in half. Amass a great capital and you'll start picking your fights more carefully. Without money, you can't gear yourself, can't buy a house, travel, or eat well. Make enemies out of anyone with that laid-back mind of yours, and people will start harassing you, making your stay here a complete nightmare! So I ask you again, why are you here?!"

"I can't tell—!"

She let him go. Alan collapsed, coughing and holding his neck.

"Every person that messed with you last night has already quit the guild, so what were you thinking?!" she continued. "Or what? Are you trying to impress your beloved Queen Astrid by sticking it to the man that upset her?"

"I-I'm not—cough—trying to…"

"You're so pathetic," she said, showing her canine teeth. "Your lack of self-respect is impressive. Do you think she would let you—" Amelia shut her mouth and shook her head as if she was reprimanding herself.

"I'm not doing this out of recklessness, I promise," he said, standing up. "But thanks for worrying about me…"

"What the hell are you talking about?! What makes you think I care about a loser like you?" she winced, prompting him to tilt his head to one side as if her statement was obvious.

"We wouldn't be here if that was the case." He folded his arms, regaining his confidence. "You brought me here to talk me out of this 'madness' of mine. Am I wrong?"

"Is that so?" she sneered. "Are you telling me you can tell all that just from my actions? What if I'm just luring you into a trap?"

"What kind of trap would this be? You can kill me just by blinking."

"Fine," she shrugged, smirking in a way that terrified him. "If I'm that easy to read to you, tell me what else your 'third eye' can see in me."

Oh, crap.

"I-I-I'm more concerned about what's to come once I find Marco, you know…"

He tried to create some space between them, but the enclosed room only allowed him to move to his right side.

Amelia followed him, like a cat cornering a mouse. "So little me isn't worth a tiny fraction of your time? I thought we were having fun chatting. Am I that insignificant to you? Or do you just hate me that much?"

"Actually… I don't…"

She quickly lifted her leg back. "Say something or I'll kick your balls so hard that—!"

A scene flashed before his eyes: The video of Amelia shielding Marco from Astrid's wrath.

"I don't think you're a bad person, Amelia!"

Amelia froze in her place. "HUH?!"

"Although you killed me several times, I don't hold a grudge against you!" he started blurting out. "You were doing it because of him, right? I could see it in your eyes. Every time you killed me you showed anger, yes, but just because you really thought I had stolen Marco's gold and Guild's position. I can't see you as an evil person if you care for others!"

"Is that all?!" she cried, still in a kicking stance. He only nodded, waiting for it, but she stepped back, grunting. "...Go."

He slowly opened his eyes. "Really?"

"Yes. I'm done with you. Whatever you say to Marco, I bet it'll be freaking entertaining." She snapped her fingers, making the lock on the door combust, but Alan was still in his place, staring at the exit.

"You won't tell anyone I'm here?"

"Honor your name and disappear from my sight, Ghost," she said, folding her arms.

(My sister is in a good mood, huh? Your puppy eyes really worked on her,) Marissa said through Party Chat. (By the way, I got your info. You can find Marco in the Sakura Room. I'll tell you how to get there.)

"Thanks, Amelia," Alan said, reaching the open door. "I owe you one."

"Whatever…" Amelia whispered as he stepped outside. After sighing, she opened her palm, and created a small orb of fire that quickly turned black and sprouted wings and insect-like legs. Taking flight, the little creature attached quietly to Alan's jacket.