Trust Issues

Although contacting an Administrator was one of his main goals, he did not let his excitement get the better of him. **The last time I talked to a stranger, she destroyed a fourth of a city.**

"Could you prove it?" Alan asked, frowning, back against the locked door.

The man scratched his short breath, sighing. "I'm the guy in charge of fixing any bug inside the system, you see, but I don't usually go out carrying a business card with me at all times. Let's see…" He turned to his User Interface and tapped on it, yawning. "Is knowing that you've been absent for more than 1200 Novus days enough proof to you? 1205 days to be precise. Your last known location was here, Unus Town. That day you were forced to log off at 9:45 am, after registering a new guild. 'Shooting Stars'… I recognize the name. Very famous. Oh, you quit it today…"

**For someone that looks like falling asleep at any second, he sure is chatty… And yet, something tells me I can't treat him lightly--Wait! He really has access to my data! So HE IS an Administrator!**

"Sorry for being cautious, Ricardo, but I needed to be sure. Anyway, I'm so glad you're here! Listen--!"

"Hold on. This is how we'll do it…" Ricardo interrupted, pointing at Alan's face. "I'll be the one speaking first, and you'll have your time later. First question: Did the System accidentally log you out, or was it done by someone from the outside?"

"Someone from the outside," Alan fast-talked. "By the Isabella AI."

Alan was beaming, excited about finally being able to proceed with his mission, but Ricardo's concerned expression made him frown.

"Isabella? Did something happen out there?"

"Yes… I spent eight months working outside because there was no else."

"W-what do you mean by that?" Ricardo asked, turning pale. "What happened to the Santa María's personnel?"

**Crap, I should have gone slower. But how should I reveal such information as smoothly as possible?**

Alan put both hands on his hips and spoke in a deep tone of voice. "Because they're all dead!"


Ricardo's mouth remained ajar. He was shaking and looked like collapsing. "Huh?! W-WHY?! What the hell happened?"

"Well…" Alan cleared his throat. "It seems that the Singular may have gotten into the ship, and…"

Ricardo shortened the distance between them to shake Alan by the shoulders. "Did you just say SINGULAR?! Is that thing here?! WAIT, what do you mean by 'MAY'?! You're NOT sure?!"

"The only proof I have is Isabella's word and some security footage she showed! I watched how the automatons aboard the ship attacked the Santa María's staff, and we know that's the Singular modus operandi, right? I said 'may' because, by the time I got disconnected, Isabella had already disposed of the bodies. But there are no reasons to question that it happened."

"So do you just blindly believe what Isabella said?! What if this was all her doing because she's infected?!"

"I don't think that's the case. If Isabella was truly compromised, she wouldn't have asked me to repair the ship's damage. We'd all be dead by now."

Ricardo tilted his head to one side, still holding Alan by the shoulders. "Did I hear that right? The Singular ran away? Where?! If it couldn't get past Isabella's firewall, where in hell would it--? Oh, no…"

"Yeah…" Alan grimaced. "The only place where Isabella can't go after it."

Ricardo's expression turned blank. He blindly returned to the bed and sat while slightly shaking his head. "Do you know why Isabella cannot interfere with The Novus?" he started muttering, eyes lost in thought. "That's because Professor Higazawa didn't trust either Isabella or even the Alvearium's Elizabeth, even though both were essential for this operation. How could he? Both are AIs… A necessary evil… That's the reason the good doctor made sure that neither of them could creep into The Novus in case they got infected… But he underestimated Isabella… And now the safeguard the doctor put in place has doomed us all…"

"That's not true. Both, Isabella and Doctor Higazawa saved us from a greater disaster," Alan said to an appalled Ricardo, who looked up at him on the brink of tears. "Isabella stopped the Singular from invading the ship and the Doctor prevented it from hacking the Novus. Just look at the facts. For you, three years have passed, but nothing bad has happened. Maybe the Singular's programming was not compatible with The Novus and has entered into hibernation since then."

After stating that, Alan bit his lower lip. **I want to punch myself for using that bastard's theory.**

"Are you saying we still have a chance to locate it?" Ricardo reflected on it for a moment. "Yes… We may still have time. During my three years here, I haven't detected something so crazy that I would immediately suspect an evil AI is here, messing with the system." Nodding, Ricardo's gaze started to gain shine. "Who else knows about this?"

Alan swallowed first. "One of my companions. Her name is Ashley."

"Ah, yes, the other person that also logged out," Ricardo muttered, attracting Alan's frowning gaze. "I only intended to speak to one of you two, you see. I chose you for being the first that got out, and you didn't disappoint." Ricardo rose and stared deeply into Alan's eyes, even though he looked uncomfortable maintaining eye contact. "That would be all for tonight. I… have a lot of thinking to do. Please keep the secret from everyone as of now. That'd include other Administrators if they ever contact you."

"Wait, what do you mean by that?"

Ricardo opened his User Interface and with quick fingers made a black portal appear in the wall in front of him.

"You strike me as a clever guy," Ricardo half-smiled, looking at him with drowsy eyes. "You know what I'm trying to say."

The portal closed, taking with it any sign of someone ever standing there. No trace of Ricardos Silva's existence remained, except for a Friend Request popping up inside Alan's field of vision.

"CRAP!" Alan's shout reverberated through the small room. "I forgot to ask him if he knew something about what happened today!"

**But if a man with seemingly infinite resources like him knew nothing about the danger lurking here, I don't think he'll know something about that white-haired woman or her motives.**

**So, there are three possibilities: Ricardo is lying, which didn't seem like it… The Singular has been dormant during these three years or is waiting to make its move… Or, Isabella made up the whole story.**

Even while taking a shower, Alan could not let his mind rest. Wondering if what Amelia implied had any merit. **There is no proof that the Londorus' incident has something to do with me. Heck, that whole mess may be unrelated, and that albino girl just took a liking to me for being a 'low-level freak'. She was calling me Little Mouse as if I was her future pet, after all, and since her dragon was already doing all the destruction, she just had the time to play around… But why did she act as if she knew who I was and what I have been up to, then?**

A beeping sound coming from a machine near the sink indicated that his clothes were already washed and dry. Naked, he stood in front of the mirror and stared at his reflection. Despite having enjoyed a warm shower, his face looked pale.

**And worse of all, Ricardo has practically confirmed what I've been suspecting all this time.** He gritted his teeth again, this time glaring at himself. His green eyes reflected a fear he had never experienced before.

**With all the security measures Doctor Higazawa and the people from the Alvearium Enterprise took in place to ensure the safety of this voyage... Of this last chance for humanity to escape total extinction… Only someone from the inside could have brought The Singular with us… But why?!**




Hours passed, and he could not sleep. Ricardo's words kept him alert and terrified.

**It's understandable that he suspects Isabella…**

**The Singular… Humanity's Destructor. An AI just like Isabella, the one in charge of The Santa María, and Elizabeth, who remained behind at Alvearium Enterprise.**

**We, The Tandem, 90% of this ship's population… My generation... The last legal children of Earth, now grown up into young adults.**

**Especially raised for this voyage…**

"And something tells me we may fuck up this mission…"

Images of Marco's men attacking him, hurting him, and mocking him invaded his mind once again. He could remember every one of their faces.

**And yet… I don't seek vengeance against any of them. For my mission far surpasses any grudge I may have. Even Marco is at the bottom of my priorities… Well, no, let's change that. Kicking Marco's ass in a fair fight is in the top five! The first one is finding what The Singular has been up to and reporting back to Isabella. The second one is… getting Astrid back?**

He sat at the edge of the bed and pulled his hair.

**No, no, no! I mustn't think about her! We are from completely different worlds right now! So don't try anything until you reach level 100, Alan! Then we'll see if she still…**

**Y-Yeah, let's focus on other things, like losing my virginity! That would surely boost my morale, Isabella. But wait… Losing my virginity? With who? I can't imagine having sex with another woman besides her…**

He grunted loudly, rolling on his bed.

**What did I just say?! Don't think about HER!**

**All right! Listen, Alan! Your main priority is locating The Singular, becoming stronger is in second place, third will be regaining Astrid's trust once again, and fourth is losing my virginity! Ohoho, watch out Marco, I'll deal with you once I complete the other fo--… Man, this list sucks!**

"Dammit, I'm thirsty."

He went out of his room, and the hallway's silence made him self-conscious of his every step. The inn's cafeteria was closed, and buying a coffee from a vending machine was out of his current possibilities. **Damn. I can't even afford a 5 gold coffee.**

He thought about selling his clothes for a second, before pinching his cheek for even considering it.

**At least walking is free…**

At that late hour, Alan expected to find Unus Town in complete silence, but people could still be seen walking around and buying midnight snacks.

He exhaled deeply, filling his lungs with chill air. After finally speaking with someone that knew about his dire situation, the inevitable stares of the townsfolk did not bother him at all.

Although he had been absent for eight months, he remembered where the Unus Town's checkpoint was. **Even though it has been changed for something completely… tacky.**

The statue of an angel reaching out to the heavens had been replaced by a proud woman stepping over a wyvern dragon. A plate said: ++'Clara Domínguez - Unus Mayor and Savior.'++

"I see…" he whispered, ignoring the statue's smirk and corroborating that he could still save there.

+++++Would you like to establish 'Unus Town's Mayor Monument' as your new Checkpoint? This action will overwrite your previously saved location: 'Shooting Stars' Headquarters'.

Yes - No ++++

He read the system's message three more times.

**Why am I even doubting?** he reprimanded himself as he tapped 'Yes'.

**Done. No turning back… For now.**

He shut his eyes and chuckled, as a sudden burst of regret and remorse tried to overwhelm his chest.

**Now that I think about it, I never said goodbye to Tamara. She was quite nice and gentle, wasn't she? And I can't believe I'm thinking this, but I'm going to miss that Laflamme brat, too. Marissa was also kinda fun to hang out with.**

Before his mind could remind him of the most important person he had left behind, a familiar squeak got his attention.

Alan looked down and found a slime between his feet, seemingly staring at him. "It's you, Slomiack. I mean… 'Sloocheen'…? Was that it?" He narrowed his eyes, trying to read the name above it, but someone suddenly bumped into him.

"Sorry, pal," the guy said without looking back.

"It's okay," Alan replied, barely paying him attention. "Let's see… Oh, right, Sloochie! That's your new name, huh? Bleh, I don't like it. Slomiack sounded more like a fierce warrior king." He suddenly frowned. "And it kinda sounds familiar."

"Hey, get off me, bitch!" someone suddenly cried a few feet apart.

"Sure, until you give back what you just stole."

**Stole?** Alan thought, turning around to find a young man getting lifted off the ground by an out-of-view woman.

"I stole nothing, you crazy—Woah! I-I'm sorry, okay?! Here!" the stranger cried, throwing a long metallic object in Alan's direction. "He's more broke than me, anyway!"

Alan cautiously approached that object, which barely gleamed due to its rust. **Wait, isn't this mine? Yes, it is! This is my bronze-tier sword! That dude pickpocketed it just a moment ago!**

"Come on, man! How could you?!" Alan yelled at the guy.

"Is that the only thing this scoundrel took from you, Alan?" the woman asked, prompting Alan to quickly check his inventory.

"Ah, y-yes. It seems so, yes."

"There, you heard him! Let me go, now!" the thief cried, getting a giggle from her.

"But of course, handsome! Sweet dreams…" the girl intoned, as the thief's entire body got incinerated in an instant, lighting the entire street for a couple of seconds. "Ah, that helped me relieve some stress. I hope you paid attention, eh, Sloochie?"

"Amelia..." Alan whispered as the slime ran towards its owner.

The redhead girl strolled toward him, glaring. "Look at you. Not even in this low-level town are you safe from being bullied."

"Does that surprise you? People around here are level 30 and above."

"Right..." she replied quietly, and an awkward silence briefly took place.

"Um... Thanks for getting my stuff back, and sorry for yelling at you earlier."

Amelia exhaled loudly. "I also think I was a little... brash. So I'll try to be more sensitive if the situation requires it. But I can't promise anything."

Their gazes met, and both were surprised to find themselves smiling at each other.

"Do you still want to know the truth, Amelia? The truth about outside?"

"I'm still hanging around here, aren't I?" she replied, half-smiling. "For some stupid reason..."

"It's not stupid. I promise you that there's nothing stupid about this," Alan said, staring deep into her eyes. "All right, Amelia Laflamme, I'll tell you everything."