Nuke Dragon - Part 1

++++++10 minutes ago…+++++

To begin 'Operation Death from Above', the Titan Hunters guild and Shooting Stars gathered their last remaining priests and priestess, warlocks and witches, and Epic-tier Mounts.

The group of ten people whispered to each other as soon as they arrived at the appointed location, the rooftop of a five-story building one mile away from the stationary dragon.

"That thing has high magic resistance, right?" one warlock whispered to the others. "We're practically useless in this battle."

"All right, people, thanks for coming!" Tamara Morin pronounced as soon as the last witch descended from her Flying Mount. "Shooting Stars and Titan Hungers, listen to Benjamin, please! We'll all work together to exterminate that monster!"

Benjamin Woods, leader of Titan Hunters, looked like a giant beside the petite Tamara. He filled his lungs first before yelling: "Guilders! That dragon has already done enough damage to the city and the rest of our brothers in arms are in the red, so the following instructions will be brief! I need you to split into two groups! On my right, Dark Mages will form Group A, and on my left, priests will compose Group B. Do it now!"

Benjamin exhaled as he observed the group reluctantly do as they were told. The uncertainty in their eyes was hurtful to watch.

"It'll work," Tamara said in a low voice, after glancing at his tired eyes. "Trust me."

"Oh, I'm certain of it, Ms. Morin," Benjamin replied, massaging the bridge of his nose. "I just hope I can do my part."

"You looked determined just a few minutes ago." Tamara half-smiled, patting his arm. "Keep that feeling a little longer and everything will be fine."

"Yeah…" Benjamin whispered looking in the distance, not in the dragon's direction, but at a battle taking place 1.5 miles away, where buildings could be seen collapsing, followed by thick clouds of smog and fiery explosions.

**That must be Astrid Bradford,** he thought, wishing he had the 'Eagle Eye' Passive Skill like the Marksman Class have, so he could observe that fight.

**But I don't need it to see that her enemy must be as formidable as the dragon.**

A bitter chuckle escaped his lips. **Why am I doubting myself? Taking down gigantic monsters is what I do best.**

He remembered himself checking the ranking charts that morning after someone had pointed it out. Seeing Shooting's Stars way bottom on the list was surreal.

While some of his partners celebrated that they were now the best guild in the city, Benjamin took a deep breath and locked himself in his office.

**Can't you see that this will only mean more work for us? More pressure?**

He could handle it since his old Earth's job was way more stressful, but he also did not mind being second place.

Shooting Stars' spotlight was so bright that it practically obscured everything else on the stage called Londorus. The only guilds that could compete with them like Death Bringers, preferred moving to another city, and those who stayed, lived under Astrid Bradford's enormous shadow.

Benjamin checked the other ranked list, the one that the average population was so obsessed with: 'The 'Individual Power' ranking chart, where Astrid's name remained on the 7th spot like an unmovable iceberg.

Benjamin scrolled down the list until finding his own name in 67th place.

** "As long as my guild is the best at something… At taking down Giant Bosses… everything will be fine." **

He sighed, returning to the present. The newly formed groups stood in front of him, ready to fly.

**And now, here we are. Getting help from our rivals…**

"Guilders, the next order will be simple! Group A will throw curses and debuffs at the dragon's white head, and Group B will try to cleanse and purify the black head. A warning: Don't get too close to it, for the dragon releases a suicide-inducing gas that'll take you down easily! Just concentrate on doing this last job, and Tamara and I will take care of the rest!"

Benjamin spoke so fast, that he wondered if the instructions had been clear. But after observing the relief in their faces, he smiled.

"That's all?" one of them said aloud, chuckling.

"Count with us, boss!"

**That the simplicity of this plan doesn't take away its obvious effectiveness! Well done, Tamara.**

"But what if the dragon fires at us?" one of them asked aloud with childish innocence.

"Dodge." Benjamin smirked. "Now go and open a path for us so I can bring you the dragon's heart!"

The Flying Mounts took off immediately while Benjamin laughed out loud, watching his brothers and sisters in arms go to certain death.

"It's good to see you in good spirits," Tamara said, clapping.

"But of course! In a matter of minutes, I'll carve my name in history as Londorus' Savior! Ha-ha!"

"True, true." Tamara cleared her throat. "So… Shouldn't we part too? Like, right now?"

Benjamin snorted loudly before replying. "I don't have an Epic-tier Mount. You?"

She blinked repeatedly, mouth ajar. "B-But you're a Guild Master!"

"That's right," Benjamin said, folding his arms. "But I usually stay in the back lines, coordinating the raids. So whenever we get one, I give it to my best guilders to make sure they're always motivated."

"T-That's… admirable," Tamara whispered, lowering her eyes. "S-Sorry if I offend you."

He only chuckled. "No offense taken, Ms. Morin!"

Tamara quickly nodded, beaming. "Let me call my Mount then!" She stretched out her arm, bringing forth a feline-winged beast out of a summoning circle. "Would you like to take the reins, sir?"

"Nah. I'm afraid of heights. We would never take off."

Tamara's grin faded in an instant. "...Eh?"








**I don't feel intimidated by him anymore… nor impressed,** Tamara thought as she ordered her purple flying puma to ascend with Benjamin tightly holding her from the waist. **And here I was, thinking that he was kinda hot while we were planning out the attack…**

"We need to go above the clouds!" Benjamin said through Party Chat. ++"Oh, I can't believe I said that…"++

++"You're doing it great, sir. Just… don't open your eyes and everything will be fine!"++

Tamara glanced at their target below. The Dragon had shifted its focus towards the ones flying over its two heads. The laser beams constantly coming out of its maw stretched out towards the sky, illuminating it.

**The Epic Mounts are fast enough to dodge those attacks, but it will also depend on the rider. We have to do this fast.**

The sound of lightning made Benjamin jolt in his seat. The black, electrified clouds above looked like a thick ceiling, and Tamara wondered if they could pass through without issue. **Well, at least this guy won't notice my frizzy hair.**

Seconds later, the Puma emerged on the other side, finding a blue, endless sky. The Novus sun was still present, unable to bring life to the city below. **I'd forgotten that it was still daytime.**

"We've reached the top of the sky, sir," Tamara informed, while Benjamin buried his face on her back.

"Good. Let's hold our position for a little longer, Ms. Morin. We don't want that dragon to spot us."

"Understood," she said, changing communication channels. The rest of the guilders' voices suddenly screamed inside her head.

++"Don't tell me you've already run out of mana!"++

++"I-I can't see this working… It's Magic Resistance is too damn high!"++

++"No, no, no! We're supposed to target the black one, you stupid--!"++

++"I think I'm going to puke…"++


++"My god, the dragon killed Benny!"++

++"That bastard!"++

++"Why do I feel the sudden urge of stripping out? And… cursing myself? My whole body itches!"++

++"Veronika, did you breathe the gas? Hold on, let me cleanse you!"++

++"Hahaha! The Eclipse Festival is upon us! G-Grua--"++

++"Did you see that?! Veronika… With her staff…"++

++"This is not working, people! W-Why did I accept this crazy, suicide mission?! I'm holding close to 800,000 G, right now! I'm sorry guys, but I'll--!"++

++"Don't you dare quit, Jona!"++

++"Stop listening to that guy! The white head is acting strange! It's really working!"++

++"I'm seeing it too! What are you doing, Group A?! Stop bitching about and do your damn job!"++

++"Guys--I mean, Group A! Stop casting debuffs, it's useless! Stick to curses!"++

++"They took down one of the Shooting Stars. I don't know their name."++

++"Don't stop! We're finally affecting it. Keep going!"++

++"The black head looks dizzy. It worked!"++

"Sir!" Tamara cried at the man holding her fervently.

"Descend. We have a dragon to kill…"