Sometimes being a Reverend's daughter or a PK for this matter is an entire life on its own.

I rather feel like we are more disadvantaged as we somehow end up with double lives to keep on track. Most times, we are so focused on maintaining the family image that we forget we should have social lives too.

Anyway, enough of my family life. So, earlier today, I spoke to Aimy and she agreed to come with me home for the weekend. Or let's just say she didn't have much of a choice as the KINSEF winner's party is happening this weekend.

The tension I had earlier has somehow lessened with the knowledge that I'll have at least one person to get along with just incase the rest become too much.

Walking up the stairs to my bedroom, something by the closet door catches my attention. It is a fleece blanket. Dian gave it to me when he gave me a ride home. Everyday I come by the closet, I take one look at it and my eyes are all teary. Ever since that day, I never heard from him again. No text, no calls, or even emails. It really hurts especially with the fact that he knows my place. Any disconnection and lack of communication between us is entirely his fault because he is the one who never reach out.

Dian is a total ghost. Tried looking him up on social media platforms but came up with nothing.

He never left me his personal contacts so it is definite that he is ignoring me.

Well, Hope, that's what happens when you connect and bond with strangers on the first day.

But why does it always have to be like this? And why on earth is it bothering me so much!!

Slumming myself on the bed, I choose another trail of thoughts away from Dian and slowly sleep creeps in with the pop music in the background.


Blue View City is a beautiful city. Relatively quiet apart from the hooting of vehicles from time to time. The people here are always minding their business so no human noise pollution, an attribute that led me to setting my head offices in the middle of this city.

By my office window, I get the view of the great Nariana airport. A view that always distract me from my so busy life. Most times, I stand by the window and watch as travelers take off while others land. Most times, I find myself wondering why those landing chose Blue View. And every time, I come up with one answer, IT IS A GREAT CITY.!

The airport acts as a border between the Blue View City and its outskirts. Every second I spend on that window; it becomes to my soul a new found strength. Most times, I walk to the window tired and worked up but the view decorates my entire day with so many flights of fancy.

It always has this glitter of moving people brilliant with colors moving from the check-in desks to the cafes and through the desks, each one of them heading to their destination.

This has always been my distraction. Lately, it has not been working. My weeks have turned to be slow, longer working hours than needed just to keep myself distracted.

I take my phone and scroll down to my gallery. She looks so beautiful. Her midnight-black hair flowing over her shoulders, with some strands on her face. My soul keeps screaming her name. My entire self yearns for her cheerful personality, the demure that comes along with it and her sense of humor. I stare at the girl snuggled in my fleece blanket deep asleep and my heart race a thousand times faster.

The feeling of wanting to pick up my phone and call her engulf me, but the memory of that dark haired man walking into her house stop me. Maybe, she was better off without me. The reason as to why she called another man over while she would have simply asked me to stay is what I never understand. Maybe she just wanted me away from her.

AARRGGHH!!!! Smashing my fist on my desk, I throw the phone across the room and walk out in anger.

"Hey, Dian, are you okay? I heard some noise."

Melissa, my assistant tries to stop me but I don't bother stopping.

It's lunch hour so I decide to take a break and drive to the FAVAD delicacies for a meal.

Parking my BMW8 next to a Volvo, I walk into the diner.

"Mr. Amazah????"

"Yes, do I know you?"

"Not really, I'm just a waiter, how would you. Welcome to FAVAD delicacies, what can I get you?"

This waiter knowing me is not a surprise as am known almost all over the state but him being so familiar, is what bothers me. As he walks away to get my order, I recognize the familiar dark hair and similar walking style. Where had I seen him before?

With no luck of memory, I focus on my meal and scroll down my phone to check my following day's schedule.

"Hey Hope, what's up, I'm at work."

"Sure, you can come by and take my Volvo. No problem."

The waiter is on his phone as he collects my bill and his words catch my attention.

If I heard right, I heard him mention a Hope. It then dawns on me why he seemed so familiar.

I feel a ton of anger but my interaction with him before makes me believe he is a good guy so I restrain myself from overreacting.


I am nearby FAVAD so when it starts drizzling and lightning tore the sky, I decide to pass by and borrow Vins his Volvo. Earlier today, I took my car to be serviced so that explains why I have no car to get home. Normally, I would take a bus, but with the sudden weather change I better not risk travelling with public means.

The drizzling is increasing and with no umbrella, I pull my leather jacket over my head and run across the street to FAVAD.

Just when am about to enter and uncover my head, I bump into something hard and loose balance.

Embarrassment keeps following me so am not even surprised. I feel my legs trip but before I reach the ground, strong arms grab me by the waist rescuing me.

I am relieved for not falling but totally embarrassed for running into a stranger who happens to save me.

Looking up to utter some "thank you for saving me," I'm met by the last face I wanted to see today.

Dian stands in the middle of the door way gazing down at me and tears well up in my eyes.

Shedding a tear is the last thing I want to do. Composing myself, I utter the only words running through my mind. "Thank you."

"You welcome."

With that, Dian walks out with not another word. I watch him walk to the parking and into a BMW and the tears am trying so hard to fight all stream down without control.

Did he not remember me? Was that it? I was just a stranger to him.

"Here you are girl, I was beginning to wonder how far were you when you said you are in the neighborhood."

I avoid eye contact with Vins and ask him for the car keys.

"I'm not feeling very well, just assist me with the car keys."

Luckily, a customer walks in diverting his attention so he hands me the keys and walks away to the customer.

Inside the Volvo, I feel my heart crush. It is like everything comes to a stand still and the only thing happening is the shuttering of my feelings and the whimpering of my sobs.

Coming into terms with the fact that I had strange feelings for Dian was hard, but now it was worse. I had to come into terms with what I had feared most, he had forgotten about me.

Despite the tight knot of pain in my chest, I still have to drive myself home. The roads are now alive with more splashes than my teary eyes can appreciate. The rain keeps up my entire ride home and with each drop I hear the sounds of my unsettled mind.

I can vividly recall my previous heart break and if you would have told me it was all about to replay again, I would have screamed a vivid NO. For one, I don't have a boyfriend and neither did I have one when I woke up so telling me about another heartbreak would have made no sense.

Heartbreaks are not all about being left by someone you have known for so long, or rather dated for as long as you can remember. It can also be the disappointment you get from the people who had made you feel so comfortable around them only to disappoint within a span of a second.

I now realize that. Lying in bed, grief engulf me in waves, grueling and stealing my sleep. It is a shard in my guts that never leaves, though perhaps in time the edges will dull. The rain drops are not soothing anymore, they just irritate me to a point of chocking the breath out of my body and short circuits my mind. What I had once considered a possible dream is now shattered; the peace I had gained over the past few days is now a void that keeps torturing my heart.

I am not even sure I will be able to go home. This is a wrecking I had not seen coming. No red flags, no notice, it just took me by surprise. Screaming into my pillow, I give way to the sobs and whimpers in my throat and sudden thunder and lightning tear the sky as if to agree with my grief.

The lightning keeps bringing shadows of light through my bedroom window and I don't bother drawing the curtains. If only I had known not to trust strangers so easily.

"Baby, where are you?"

Adam is such a nice guy; I never really understand why I had to be blessed with him.

If I was given a choice, to take back time, I would take it back and make us meet way earlier than we had.

He has been my boyfriend ever since my second semester of my first year in college. How we met is still a misery but I thank God that we did. Dating him for the past two and a half years have been the favorite part of my life. If my life was a series, the two and a half years would be my favorite episodes.

"Baby, am in the shower. Just a minute."

I shout back at him, before grabbing my towel and walking into my bedroom.

"Did you have lunch today?"

Adam asks as I walk down the stairs to join him in the dining area.

"Not really, just had coffee and a snack."

"Come on babe, told you to try and eat something more nutritious."

"Yeah, I know…. I just didn't have enough time for lunch."

"Okay, grab a warm hoodie, we are having diner out. You better not try to argue."

I'm out of words and trying to say No would be in vain so I grab a sweater and we head out.

"Adam NO, there is a truck ahead…"

Before am even done, we crush into something solid and everything blurs out. The sirens and distant voices of people disturb my peace and I sit up in fright only to find myself in the safety of my bedroom.

The rain has lessened by now and drawing my window curtains, I go back to bed and fall asleep.