Chapter nine

After getting to the garage, all twelve policemen who followed matthew to the garage had almost completely searched the entire place for any signs of chloe and Dawn or maybe, greg and andre. "Are you sure you saw something happen?" The question came as a puzzle to matthew realizing the fact that they had half an hour drive to the garage only to see no signs of anything or proof despite the fact andre's and Greg's cars were still outside. "I'm sure of what i saw. They took the ...." Matthew stopped talking after hearing a loud noise more like a air gushing out of a human-size windpipe. "See? There's something there" Matthew completed. "Upstairs now !" One policeman yelled. Every one of them sprinted upstairs, hands tightly gripped to their guns. On getting to the spot of the noise, they barged in with no second thought.

"Freeze !" two policemen hollered upon seeing the quad that has been missing. "I told you they kidnapped the girls" Matthew grinned, looking straight into andre's eyes, before observing they looked really dirty and blood stained them at some places. "Come baby. What have they done to you?" He asked, staring at both girls. The policemen then tried to grab andre and greg but the girls resisted. "They didn't kidnap us. They saved us. We wouldn't be alive if not for them being there" chloe explained, holding Greg's right hand. "How do you mean?" A policeman asked squarely. "I mean, They're innocent of whatsoever this dude said to you or told you" dawn smirked before she grabbed andre out of the big room, Chloe and greg following suit. "Aren't you gonna do anything??" Matthew yelled out, giving out the anger building in him realizing the police didn't follow the quad as they left the room. "The supposed victims said they're innocent, then theyre innocent. We have no valid reasons to arrest them. Now lets leave this place" the policeman explained, walking out.

Just as they got down, andre and dawn entered andre's car and the other two entered Greg's. The principal and Greg's mom who has been outside waiting, were shocked to see them together and really dirty and bloody but was relieved they were in one piece. "Well sir, I'll be on my way home. I'll meet him there" Greg's mom told the principal, then walked towards her own car.

* * * * * * * * * * *

"Wanna go out tonight? " greg asked chloe as they reached her house. "If you want that, no problems" she responded, looking away shyly. "Seven. I'll pick you by seven" he said, before she drew close to him and kissed him gently on his lips.