3️⃣ time to relax

After a hard day of work and a great lunch, the dragon family is in their calming room and relaxing. Du Jain is fast asleep in his rocker, "This is the life. Said, Cao Jain. ¨ I told You if you, they will let us get married. Said, Sun Jain. in the Land of the Dragons, Song Chen called Yuan Jain. "(what do you want Song?) Asked. Yuan Jain, "(Ma, told me they had a baby what's her name?) Asked. Song Chen, " (why are you asking about my grandson?) Said? Yuan Jain. " (they had a boy? He is my grandkid too,) -(" no, he is our son-in-law, you discard him like trash. He. our grandson, not yours, I am his only grandmother he has.) She closed the screen on, in the kingdom of the Cats, the Cat family is in their aroma room. " man I love this room, said. Wen Bao, Xiang Bao smiles at him, and Geng Bao crawling around on the floor. On the mountain of Cats, Xiao Heng and Zhen Bao are on the screen talking. " (how are the new parents doing?) Asked. Zhen Bao, " (they are doing great. Can you believe that Geng is six months already.) Asked, Xiao Heng. " (i know Geng is growing up so quickly,) in the kingdom of the Bears, the Bear family is in their heat and oil room. " so relax what do you say Bai? Said. Liang Yun, she yawned. " I think she agrees with you Liang, said. Ding Yun, in the great woods of the Bears. Zhao Yun and Dai Guanyu are talking on the screen. " (Six months where is the day has gone to,) said. Dai Guanyu, "(tell me about it.) said, Zhao Yun. In the kingdom of the whales, the Whale family is in their candle room being taken by the lavender and sage aroma. " just let the aroma take you back Su, said. Zheng Yu, "I love this room. Said, Hong Yu. On the ocean floor of the Whales, Zhang Duyi and Cao Yu are talking on the Screen. " (can you believe that we have a granddaughter,) said. Cao Yu, "(thank you for your son, Cao.) Said, Zhang Duyi. In the kingdom of the Dragons, they walked out of the room, Du Jain is fast asleep. " go have a drink papa, and I put him down. Said, Sun Jain. " will you join me later momma? Asked. Cao Jain, in the kitchen, decides on what to fix for dinner. " how about soup, Said. He-Shi. " What type of soup? Asked. Zhu Shi, in the kingdom of the Cats, and walked out of the heat and oil room in their castle. they walked out of the castle, Wen Bao put on the riding saddle. and she put him and they turned into Cats and run out of the castle, in the kitchen, they discuss what is fixing for dinner. Asked, Xiang Shu. " how about Bayberry? Said, Gou Shu. In the kingdom of the Bears, inside of the castle they walked out of their calming room. " nothing like a room to get you to relax, said. Liang Yun, " how about a drink. You get the wine and I put her down for a nap. Said, Ding Yun, in the kitchen deciding on what to fix for dinner, " so what we fix for supper? Asked. Peng Yating, " how about we prepare fried rice with egg, said. Zhuan Wei, in the kingdom of the whales, walked out of their candle room. " I love that room so much, said. Hong Yu, " me too, said, Zheng Yu. they walked into the castle playroom, she put their daughter in the bounce and play. inside of the kitchen, Shao Kang and Shi Xai is deciding on what to fix for dinner. " how about we fix soup and main dish? Asked, Shi Xai. " like what you saying, in the kingdom of the dragons, Sun Jain just put Du Jain down for his nap, and walk inside the castle bar to join her husband Cao Jain. " what will it be my love? He asks her. " whatever you drinking, they ask about a third cook. Said, Sun Jain, in the kitchen, " Beef noodle soup, and for prince Du Cao baby beef noodle soup. Answered. He-Shi, so they got to work making the soups, in the castle kitchen. " what about prince Geng? Asked. Xiang Shu, " we could mesh the Bayberry into baby food. Said, Gou Shu, so they got to work on the baby food and fruit plates, the family is running down the valley, in the kingdom of the Bears, she lay Bai Yun in the basket, and she went to sleep, she walked out and inside the castle wine room. " your go, my queen. Said, Liang Yun, she takes the glass and drinks some of the rice beer, " they wondering about having another cook in the kitchen. Said, Ding Yun, inside of the kitchen. " that is good, but what about the princess? Asked. Pang Yating. " the same baby fried rice with baby egg, said. Zhaun Wei. They got to cooking, in the kingdom of the Whales, Su YU is having a ball bouncing up and down, " they want to know if we thought of having another cook to the kitchen. Said, Zheng Yu. inside of the kitchen, " what kind of soup? Asked, Shao Kang. " Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, and for princess Su baby Buddha Jumps Over The Wall. Said, Shi Xai. They got to cooking, the sun went down in the sky. And the evening sets in, and in the kingdom of the Dragons, the servants set the table for dinner, the soups are boiling on the burners. prince Du Cao Jain is fast asleep in his basket but about to wake for dinner, " what type of cook are we talking about first of all? Asked. Cao Jain, "A Grill cook, Answered. Sun Jain. " that would be awesome to have all three a main, a Sew cook, and a Grill cook, " so what you think my king? Asked. Sun Jain. " I thinking what you thinking let's get a grill cook, he kissed her on the lips. And Sun and Cao finished up their wine and walked out of the bar and into the kitchen. They looked at them, in the kingdom of the cats, they walked into the gates and inside of the castle. Into the kitchen," they want to know if we think of having another cook? Ding Yun, ¨ a third cook. Said, Liang Yun. In the kitchen they walked inside, they looked at them. In the kingdom of the whales in the playroom, " they wondering about another cook, Said. Zheng Yu. " what type of cook? Asked. Hong Yu, " a sulla cook, said. Zheng Yu, the screen pops up on the wall of the kitchen. In the kingdom of Dragons, inside of the kitchen. The soup is simmering on the burners, " that would be great a main sew and grill, said. Sun Jain, " who do you have in mind Zhu, and He? Asked. Cao Jain, in the kingdom of the Cat. " who do you have in mind for the Sushi Cook? Asked. Wen Bao, " Xiang and Gou. Said, Xiang Bao. In the kingdom of the Bears, inside of the kitchen, the food is still cooking on the burners, " you got our attention, a Sew cook would be a great addition to the kitchen, said. Liang Yun, " who do you have in mind? Asked. Ding Yun, in the kingdom of the Whales. in the playroom on the screen, " (we with you a sulla cook would be great,) Said. Hong Yu, "( who do you have in mind?) Asked. Zheng Yu, Mo Fu I showing Zhang Chuntao around the city. In the kingdom Dragons inside the kitchen. The soup is done. " A dear friend, he can work wonders with a grill, my queen, and my king. Said, He-Shi. " in the morning bring him to us to meet, said. Sun Jain, " tell him the spot is his if he wants it. Said, Cao Jain. Ben wong walked up to them, in the kingdom of the Cats. " my sister she is a work of art with the sulla, said. Xiang Shu, " a sulla good would be good, said. Wen Bao, " who do you have in mind? Asked. Xiang Bao, " my sister is a work of art with the sulla said. Xiang Shu, " bring her to us tomorrow in the morning, and tell her if she wants the spot it's hers. Said, Wen Bao. Deng Rong walked up to them. In the kingdom of the Bears, inside of the kitchen. " what do you have in mind for the sew chef? Asked. Liang Yun, " a buddy of mine, he knows his soups. Said, Peng Yating. " bring him to us in the morning, said. Ding Yun, " tell her if she wants it it's hers, said. Liang Yun, Mao Chao walked up to them, in the kingdom of the Whales in the playroom on the screen. "(we think a sushi chef be great here,) said. Hong Yu. " (who do you have in mind?) Asked. Zheng Yu, " my mother she can knock you off your feet with her talent. Said, Shi Xai. "(bring her to us tomorrow morning Shi,) said. Zheng Yu, "(tell her the spot is open if she wants it,) Said. Hong Yu. So as they went shopping, to shop. " So what you think of the Whale city. Asked, Mo Fu. " I like it here, like being under the water, now you have to see my city. Our queens and kings are friends, Said. Zhang Chuntao, in the kingdom of the Dragons they bring out the soup, and prince Du Cao is wake and hungry, " I get him. Said, Cao Jain, He walked into the Dragon nursery to get their son, Sun Jain sat down at the table. He walked out of the room with him, and set him in his chair, as they eat he begins to feed him. In the kingdom of the Cats, dinner is ready, they sat down at the table, and they start to eat and feeding him. In the kingdom of the Bears, dinner is ready and they walked out of the playroom with Bai and sat down at the table. And start to eat, and Liang Yun starts to feed her, in the kingdom of the Whales. " They sat down at the table and eat, and Zheng Yu start to feed Su her food. In the city, " you say all four are friends? Asked. Mo Fu, " yeah, the Dragon, the Cat, the Bear, and the Whale cool huh? Asked. Zhang Chuntao, In the kingdom of the Dragons. Inside of the castle, " my queen and my king it is time for prince Du physical. Said. Ben Wong, Sun Jain wipes his mouth, " okay, go with our doctor son. Said, Sun Jain. " momma and Papa be right here when you come back, said. Cao Jain, pick him up and takes him into the office. In the kingdom of the Cats, inside of the castle. It was time for the Princes and Princesses' Royal physical with the castle doctors, as they examined them to see if they are well and growing. As their parents sit and wait for the news. " we have to go to the island of the dragons tomorrow. Said, Sun Jain, " how far is it? Asked. Cao Jain, " not that far, my kingdom, we get there before we know it. Said, Sun Jain, Ben Wong walked up to them with the prince. " the prince is perfectly healthy, and happy, I like to add to his development. Said, Ben Wong. " how is your marriage my queen and my king, you still doing the candle dinner and talking? In the kingdom of the Cats, inside of the castle. " " you do know that we going to have to go to the mountain of Cats tomorrow, said. Xiang Bao, " another day way let's do it. Said, Wen Bao. Jin Ai walked up to them with the prince, after he examined him, " my queen and my king, you have one healthy and happy baby boy here, I like to add to his development. Said, Jin Ai. " and how is your marriage. In the kingdom of the Bears and the castle, Xiao Zhen is examined by princess Bai Ju. In the throne room, "