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2 tag team match up

At the Rena, the Nevadas pulled up in their cars, and got and walked inside of the arena. " ( the Nevadas just enter the arena, ow is that Nevada wife?) Asked. Tony, " ( know we the success of his victories Tony.) Said, Brandon, " hey Reno, you got a second. Asked, Leonard. They kissed each other and he rubs her stomach, Indeed Kari is heavily pregnant again with their fourth baby. " We go to the hospital after, boys go get ready for your match. They walk inside the locker room and got ready. " This for you. They put their Team N vest on. " Your father romance in the laundry room. Now we on baby four. " that room is a baby-making magnet mom, did your dad talk about have more? Asked. Vito, their music starts to play. " Not it is nice if we did instead of him getting me heavily pregnant again. Kari walked them down the ramp and the fans went nuts cheering for them. In the office, " how is your family? Asked, Leonard." family life is good, as you saw we are not sure there is a fourth son yet, but we find out soon. What you want to see me about Leonard, Asked. Reno. Back at the hotel, they were watching tv, " who is that, whoever she is swamping with man, asked. Frank, they made their way to the ring. " I got mom, you got raise the stalks bros, they stand the side and they hugged their mother and brother. And got into the ring, they take their vest off and toss them to their brother. " Oh my god, Kari, that is your sister, and she pregnant again, Said. Savanna, in the office. " You need to go over it with your sons too, American Bash is coming up, and Bubba Pyhco asks for a title match, he wants the international title, said. Leonard, their opponents walked out and down to the ring, they jump up on the ring and got in the ring the bell ring. " Why you and dad tell us that we had a sister, nephews, and a brother-in-law? Asked. Frank, " you know how your father is, he didn't want any part of her, when she told him that she didn't want to run the family business and that she moved up here, they circle each other, then they lock up. " come on Vinny get out off it. Said, Vincent. "Come on son you can do it, said. Kari, " okay he wants my title to get a match, what about my sons? Asked. Reno. His phone ringed, " Vincent has a match too, but no title shoutouts. Vinny and Vito have no matches on that day, they got up and he walked him out of the office. " Thanks, ( Nevada talk to me.) He walked down the ramp and over to his wife and son. the other wrestler put Vinny into an arm lock, " son get him off you now, come on Vinny. Said. Reno, "(Reno, his Kari with you?) Asked. Savannah, "(yes, don't you think you people hurt my wife enough. And no you can not talk to her, by.) He hangs up, on her. flips out of it and did a reverse armlock- on him, and tag his brother Vito in, they toss him at the ropes and fly close slam him. Vinny Will out of the ring. " that was your mother, I guess she here with them too, Vito picks him up and power slams him on the mat. " what she said? Asked. Frank, " her husband Rene, he doing right. Said, Savannah, "yeah, get him, Vito. How did she get your number? Asked. Kari, " I may give it to her, just in case. Said, Reno. She rubs his chest. he wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her stomach, He put him into a headlock, " that it son, do not let go. Said, Reno. " go, Vito! cheered out Kari, his phone ring again, she held out her hand. he handles to her, "(Nevada.) said, Kari. " (Kari please do not hang up,) said. Savannah, "(only if you say something hurtful, then I hang I'll hang up.) Said, Kari, flip Vito hard onto the mat. he is in pain, " come on V tag me in. said, Vinny. " my poor baby, said. Kari, " Vito on your feet boy! Vincent got the crowd to cheer out his name, he got to his feet the wrestler ran at him. he throws him over the ropes, he tags in Vinny and rolls out of the ring. they ran over to him, " you okay? Asked. Kari, " yeah mom your baby boy is stuff as nails. said, Vito. he got back in the ring. Vinny jumped kick him. " all four you a little pudgy in the mid-section. " Kari I know where you are going with this and do not even think about it, stay on him, Vinny. his father told him, he got up and he put him in figure eight. he tries to reach for his partner, Vito got up and on the side of the ring. "(i would like to see you, Kari,) said. Savannah, " (what is dad going to say about this?) all six of us need to train, my boys getting fat. Said, Kari, " from your cooking mom, don't change it. Vinny got clothesline, "come on Vinny! " hang in their son. Said, Reno, he got to his feet and put him into his finisher THe Nevada hurricane, he is out for the count. Vinny pinned, (1,2,3) they ringed the bell. He rolled out of the ring. They hugged him. " how about dinner out, said. Reno, " she wants to see me what she I say, asked. Kari, " tell her if she willing to try, meet us at the hospital to see if we with baby number four, those my boy's good Job Vinny and Vito. Said, Reno. "(Okay mom, meet us at our family hospital.) Said, Kari. " (we see you there, how excited baby number four.) They pulled up at the hospital at the same time, " you remember my husband Reno, our sons your grandsons, Vincent, Vinny, and Vito. " hi, all three said, Vito, is holding his back. " come here son let me see, said. Kari, "I am okay mom, let's get you in the hospital. " if you got hurt last night son we need to get your back check out as well. They walked into the door, " cry out loud Reno Nevada, again!? Said, Doctor Smith. " I can help, she looks sex as h*ll in the laundry room yesterday. First, could you check out his back for us, he may get hurt tonight. He walked him into the examination room to scan his back, " what are the V names? Asked. Frank, " legacy names V is for my legacy remain victorious, hey that is his name babe Victorious. " Viktor Vincent, Vinny, Vito, and Victorious, that is the perfect baby. They kissed each other, " there is a four nephew? Asked. Zera, they laughed. " she is carrying the four sons, said. Vincent, " please mom I begging you not to do this to us, Vito could be fine. " Viktor is my our dad, Viktor Reno Nevada, we are of is generation. " so what if it a girl? " when I am this heavy pregnant it a boy, I never been normal, Vincent what you think I talking about? Asked. Kari, " mom whenever you use the words pudgy or rusty, means you are already thinking of something, dad help. Begged Vinny. " Kari Madison Nevada this is your husband talking, we not pudgy or Rusty, we are pure muscle, and pack with skills, we love the women of the house, but she is torching her sons and husband. Said, Reno. " it a crime that I want to help you boys out Viktor, Vincent, Vinny, Vito, and Victorious, you four act like I an monster, tears start to come. " I just don't want my boys to get hurt by anyone, he hugged her. " mom,