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14 the first one

So with help, Mr. Tones clean everything out of his coves and refrigerator, Lily takes him to the store, they pulled up at the hotel and walked inside, the baby is fast asleep. As they eat they got to work. "(Viktor please, we are sorry, don't take the kids away from us. We can not bear that. Said, Savannah, Kari look at him. " (we would never do that to you, just give me space, please. That all I ask said. Reno, they return from the store, and she stores up his covers and refrigerator, " you are ready for your first healthy meal of the day, They pulled up at his house. She knocks on the door and he let them in his house, " we are going to learn how to bake chicken, cook rice and kale this is your dinner for tonight, and I going to show you how to make it one whole meal, so as she starts to prepare. She is explaining to him how to do the chicken, " okay so you don't use any type of seasoning on it, " a dash of lemon and parsley, the chicken is cooking on 250% the rice and kale is simmering. Reno, said, Kari. " while dinner is cooking what do you do to pass the time? Asked. Reno, " nothing really, said. Mr. Tones, " we are going to dance, babe turns the box on, this is the wife jam, she cut the music on, they are dancing around the kitchen, " what you say Vic huh, this also a great way to burn fat, and to have fun. Said, Reno, he starts laughing, she dancing in front of, Vincent turn his mother around, " I got this dad. Vinny bump in out of the way, " this is my cute Vin sat this one out, Vinny twirls her around on the floor and lift her up in the air. Victorious clapped his little hand and laughed, Vito, tap him on the shoulder to tell him to step back, " when you actually know to get the Nevada fever to let me know bro, but huh I take it from her. HE pumps her few times than dip her and lift her slowing, " run away with me and we can dirty dance all night long. Vito told her, " that sound great, but I don't know your name. Said, Kari, Reno walked and spin her around as she dances around him, " you got the moves son, but this is my woman, Reno told, there was a knocked at the door, " you expecting someone, asked. Reno, Kari cut off the music and went to check on his dinner, while he went to answer the door. Victorious start to cry, he is getting hungry. " you want to take them back to the hotel so they can eat. Said, Kari, " we wait for you in the car, let' s go boys. Vincent gets the box. He picks it up and they walked out of the house, " where they are going? Asked. Mr, Tones, Kari, make one whole complete meal out of chicken, kale, and rice, " get your water, dinner is ready. And we will be back in the morning, she finished cleaning up and putting what she used away. "see you tomorrow, and you be with my husband on your new treadmill doing conditioning, said. Kari, " in who are you? Asked. His brother. " treadmill? Said. Mr. Tones, " it is here when we get here, in joy, she walked out of the house, and they head back to the hotel, " I am tired, but was a great start. Said, Reno. they walked inside, " you know we have to go the house, they are their grandparents Reno. " and we are their parents, Madison, we are busy with the new studio hiring and opening, and new cross-client said. Reno, " we are packed this week mom, grandpa, and grandma will understand. Said, Vincent. " we can't derail just because they want to see VIC or us, said. Vinny, " word the studio and Mr. Tones come first mom everything just has to be put on the back burner, said. Vito, " whatever happened to mom you right? family values you five, Viktor, Vincent, Vinny, Vito, and VictoriousSaid, Kari. " whatever happens to we are here on business Madison, not a vacation? Asked. Reno, she looked at her husband, she knew that he is right. " okay you all right, a business first, the family later, we work too hard, to get up to this point, after we leave Mr. Tones place, it's the studio so we can get the power cut on and start to hire people, and Vincent and Vinny cross-advertising for more cross-clients, Vito and Reno cross-promotion to get people aware that we are open for business, me and victorious will hiring staff. Is everyone clear on what needs to be done tomorrow? Asked. Kari, " yes, and your mother is back boys, said. Reno, Kari went to give their son a bath, Reno cut the tv on while they eat their dinner, he got the baby shake ready for him when he gets done with his bath. The phone rings, he answered it. "(yeah talk to me,) said. Reno, " (son, we are sorry that you didn't like what we said, don't hold it against us. Please forgive us) Said, Jeremiah, " ( I do not care for Nikki or husband, why you brought them when all you had to bring is uncle Hank and Aunt Susan, but you didn't think about that did you? bring them in the room where my family is causing a rift in my marriage, but you don't care do you, I almost lost my entire family for what you did and brought with you, difficult Jeremiah all he cares about is his slut niece Nikki, and his doggish nephew in law Tom, that why I got the heck out off Maine I didn't want to have to be around any of you, we just fine without you Jeremiah.) Said, Reno, " ( don't hurt me like that, I love you and all, I was at your wedding, there when all four of your sons were born. give me a chance, we kick them out of our lives, you right they are not part of the N team, that was all of your mother words,) Cried. Jeremiah, " ( I have to think on it, give me a week,) said. Reno, Kari walked out of the bathroom. " Vito White the shower son, " mom humor me please I begging. Said, Vito. " okay V get in the shower, you still the baby, said. Kari, " bud you are a big brother, and but you the first youngest to, you got the best of both worlds. Said, Reno. " can you both just tell someone else to go first, please that what I like to see happen, he walked inside of the bathroom. " go to dad so he gives you your bottle, she handed him to Reno. and start to give him his bottle. " My wife," yes. My husband. Answered. Kari, " do we have any time or space on our schedule? Asked. Reno. tomorrow we have to be at Mr. Tones at 6:00 am, once we leave we be at the studio all day getting ready for the grand opening, what do you want to do my husband? " that was your father-in-law, I think he wants us to stop by, said. Reno, " does your father knows we are in Maine? " no, I think we should keep it that way. They kissed each other, " call them each day keep that bond with him after we are ready let them know after we open, said. Kari, after he finished giving Victorious a bottle, Reno put him in his cradle, so after they finished washing up, and eating dinner. They went to sleep. The sun is coming up and the sky and Victorious are awake with a wet diaper, he starts to cry. " Reno the baby is crying. " I feed him babe you do the diaper, said. Reno. " really, we take turns like always I change your feed, I feed you change, next time it is your turn, she got out of the bed and went to changed Victorious diaper, " mom. " it is too early to eat Vito, go back to sleep. Said, Kari. " it is not that, it's my back it hurts again, after she finished changing Victorious diaper, she put him back in his cradle, and walked over to her youngest, and start to message is back. She rubs some of the gel on his back that takes the pain away, " thanks mom. " you are welcome son. Team N up and get dressed we are due at Mr. Tones' place, meanwhile at Mr. Tones' house the treadmill has arrived. so he brings it inside. as they pulled up at his house, " morning it came. Said, Mr. Tones. " that is good boys help me set it up in his living room, said. Reno, they walk inside and start to take it out of the box, " I bet it was not easy finding what they want for Christmas. we have the basic food groups which are fruits and vegetables, which you need in your diet, bread and grain if you had to have bread make sure it is wheat or oats, no white or flour, oils or grease, butter or flour which is bad for you, and the meats which are fish, turkey, and chicken. no pork, or red meats, this is for you to have now, she stuck it up on his door. " we all use wheat everything noodles, bread, and rice, but get what is for you, yes, that one toy, clothes that we had to looked all over for. for breakfast, I going to show you how to make one meal out of an egg and bacon. She starts to cook, Lily sees that he want to ask a personal question, " the boss woman doesn't mind you asking her a personal question, watch. So Kari how many sons do you want to have? she looked at her, " I want a daughter but all I going to have is one, and the four I got is enough, see no oils or grease what I used is plain old water, said. Kari, " mom can we get something to eat before heading to the studio. Said, Vincents, " my child, I fixing everyone's breakfast here and why your father is conditioning Mr. Tones, you three go on a four-mile run, said. Kari, " mom cooking? I did I hear her right? Said. Vinny, " maybe the next one be a girl, " four is my limit, she helps everyone plates, " yes, Vinny do I always fix food for us, breakfast. They got up in sat down at the table and eat, " this is ready good, said. Mr. Tones, " I glade you like it is simple to make, said. Kari, after they finished their breakfast. Mr. Tones got on his new Treadmill, " let' s start slow by walking, said, Reno. And the boys are out running why Kari is doing the dishes when the business phone ring. It was his boss Leonard, " (hey Leonard, what' s up.) Said, Reno, " ( you got a title match with Leapo, ) said. Leonard, " ( awesome, we will be there, ) said. Reno, " you are doing great keep this paste going, babe. " yeah, answered, Kari. " that was Leonard. I got a title match, said. Reno. The boys walked in the door hot, sticky, smelly, and sweaty. " what a great run, I can definitely see him doing that tail, said. Vincent, " maybe not four-mile run, said, Vinny. " a four-mile walked, let's start him out walking first. Said, Vito. " hey boys, how was your run? Kari got done doing the dishes and they are done on the treadmill. "