3 going all night

they at each other, and the clock is almost at zero," (time is almost running out.) Said, Kaitlynn. " (he holds his own with him,) said. Mitchell, " (he land a punch before the clock strikes out.) said, Leonardo. "(he don had to, the first round is an easy round,) Said. Valentina, " (so he got this easy right?) Asked. Jason, "(maybe Jason, the first round is where anything goes. ) Said, Kaitlynn. "(usually anything goes,) said. Selina, "(a boost up to the second round. ) said, Mitchell. Taxes caught his leg and toss him to the ground, "I got your moves Taxes, they ran at each other and they start to fight when the bell ringed. " (that's it to the first round, the second all or nothing, Texas and Scottland pick your colors and power-ups, all bet are in now pick your country.) Said, Dexter. They walked over to the corners and their wives go in the ring. " we not going to get much bet tonight.) said, Scott. "(don't be too sure everyone was watching the fight, what color you pick?) Asked. Scorha," (you have to take him out,) "(you need to land a point now.) his wife told him. " (the first round is over, it's time for action,)Taxes told her. The bets are in 90% is on Taxes, 91% is on Scottland. Their wives got out of the ring. They stand up, Taxes eye turn yellow, he using color arts, " Taxes viper! He yelled out. He turned yellow. " impressive Taxes but not enough. his eyes turn green, " Scotland hammer! He yelled out, he turned green. The belled ring and they started to fight each other, " (hang in there Scott, Eygpt bet 120% on you, right?) Asked. Leonardo, Valentina shakes her head Yes, " (get it done Taxes Rome bet 200% on you.) Said, Rome. "(the f*CK, take him down S dog Mexico city got your back too, 300%.) Said, Mitchell, Selina crossed her legs. "(you got this Taxes, 400%) said. Africa, " (it's money in the bank, Scott knock him out. 500%) "(did you bet 500% chips?) Asked, Kaitlyn. " (yeah, is that okay, ) Asked. Jason, "(680% on Taxes, come on Taxes.) Said, China. " (690% on Scotland, what a fight you both are putting on.) Said, India. "(our wives do not think we should make that bet guys.) said, Jason. " (we understand that he is your friend, Jason.) Said, Kaitlynn. " (that you want to support him by betting on him.) Said, Selina. " ( but your wives aren't friends, ) said. Valentina, " (what is going to happen to each other when you four end up in the ring. There is no room for friends when you are competing for stock and a title shot,) said, Scorch. Finally, a blow has been landed and Taxes hit the ground, the ring lower back down to the floor. 10, 9,8, 7, 6, 5, he slowly got to his feet, " you okay Texas? Asked. Scott, " nice uppercut Scotland, Dexter stop the countdown, they start to fight again. "(we never were was friends. in the first place,) said. Valentina, " ( no one here is friends, only you four are,) said. Selina, " ( what if we want you four to be friends?) Asked. Mitchell, "(you kidding right, we are competing for the title and stock, maybe you need to focus on the same.) said, Kaitlyn. " (is going to kill you to be their friend, Kaitlyn? we have been best friends since the first grade.) said, Jason. " (you four lived far away, you don't see each other at all, let it go now!) said. Scorha. Scott hit the ropes and Dodge Texas flying kick, "(you saying to us that you four never wanted to be friends at all?) Asked, Scott. " (Scottland your husband and his friends are hard of hearing, I not going to repeat myself,) Valentina got up and left the floor, " (do you want to come or is it okay stay.)÷("Blackman get your tail up and follow her.) his father-in×law told him. "(you are not one of the boys you live in Egypt, the time you start acting like an Egyptian, and a vampire husband,) his mother-in-law told him. Leonardo got up and left, they walked into the room. " (you okay?) Asked. Leonardo, Valentina, looked at him and said, " (no, the sun is coming up. Taxes are going to win,) said. Valentina, Kaitlynn got up and in fact, everyone got up and went to their rooms. " ( Kaitlynn?)-(" Griffen get your American *ss up and go with your princess, this match is over and the sun is up.) Said, his father-in-law. " (did I did something wrong, that the reason why you got up?) -('" we are in the same match with them fighting each other Jason, I only see the title why don't you!?) snapped out Kaitlynn, in Eygpt's room. Leonardo and Valentina are in a storm of an argument, he doesn't see why she can just get along with his friend's wives. She does not see the point of it or him being friends with them. " (i need a drink and air,) said. Leonardo, Selina got up in walked into the room, "(Go with her Gonzales. )Said, His father-in-law. ¨ (this fight is over with, there is nothing to see.) Said, his mother-in-law, he walked inside of the room. in the American room, they are in a heated argument. " (we have been friends, I not ending my friendships with them!) said. Jason, "(they live in different parts of the world, size Griffin you do not have a choice in the matter. ) said, Kaitlyn. the match is over Texas won the match. Scott got out of the ring, " (where did everyone go?) Asked. Scott, " ( to bed, come on a nice fight.) said. Sorcha, " (i think I go for a ride, you three coming?) Valentina looked at him hard, " (he is my friend, and I not picking him over you. I will be out and a minute,) said. Leonardo, ¨ ( walked out if you want and don't bother coming back, itś either Eygpt and him. You better pick wisely, and before you even go out the door, ) said. Valentina, " (you going to leave me?) when her parents enter the room, inside America rooms, "(what is the big deal,) said. Jason, " (you walked out of the door do not come back at all.) Said, Kaitlyn. her parents walked into the room, inside of Mexico City room. "(you walked out to him it is over Gonzelues, you can go back to your boarding human life where I found you!) Selina yelled out, her parents walked into the room. " (when you going to grow up, you not a kid or teenager to go riding in the sunlight with the boys, I am tire of talking about. You always waste your time, my time on them, you never going to raise Scottland blood because you are never going to win against anyone, you act more like a human than a vampire, this marriages a hole, and you are a joke, go get yourself bun by the sun all you wanted. ) Sad, Scorha, she walked inside of their room. "(Leonardo Richard Blackman once you ask us for her to turn you and