Devil Fruit

Basic mastery (L-H)

The user can use their devil fruit powers with basic techniques but taking huge up amounts of stamina to do so.

Intermediate mastery ( L-H)

The user can use a greater range of techniques with increased power and greater control of their devil fruit while using less stamina to do so.

Advance mastery (L-H)

The user now can fully control their devil fruits with more various techniques with more proficiency with taking little to no stamina when using moves unless it's all-out moves.

Grand Mastery Level ( L-H)

This is extremely rare where a user can awaken their devil fruits which greatly increase the capabilities of the devil fruit

Paramecia- An awakened Paramecia allows the user to spread their power beyond their own body and transform inorganic material around them to match the nature of their Devil Fruit power, as well as manipulate the transformed material in any way they desire. The transformation effect can be spread over a very wide area. In this stage, the user uses little to no stamina when using their various techniques.

Zoan- For Zoan-type powers, awakening grants far greater strength, speed, and durability than unawakened Zoan powers. This also includes faster recovery time, which functions involuntarily, even when the user is unconscious. ( I add more information as more information is presented.)

Logia- A awakened user can affect their surroundings to permanently change their whole environment. The user in this stage has access to a lot more power and techniques while using little to no stamina. ( we barely have any info on logia awakening so I update this regularly as more info is known.)