Power Scale

Blue Seas Pirates

Paradise Pirates

Yonko Crew Pirate

Quasi Yonko Commander

Yonko Commander- Low Tier ( Someone is who around Oven, Or Sasaki from the flying Six)

Yonko Commander - Mid Tier ( Someone whose around Snack level)

Yonko Commander- High Tier ( Someone who is around Jack, Doflamingo, Cracker level)

Yonko Commander- Top Tier ( Someone whose level is around King or Katakuri or Zoro)

Quasi Admiral- ( Someone whose level is around Marco, Gion, and Tokikake. They are powerhouses who can fight against admirals and even stalemate them but can hope to never defeat them in a one vs one fight)

Admiral- Low Tier ( Someone whose level is around old Rayleigh and current Luffy in the manga)

Admiral- Mid Tier ( Someone whose level is around oden and Fujitora)

Admiral- High Tier ( Someone whose level is around Kuzan, Kizaru, and Akainu) Admiral - Top Tier ( Someone whose level is around Sengoku or peak rayleigh)

Yonko- Top Tier ( I have all the prime yonkos on the same level without too much strength differences so shanks, kaido, big mom, and old whitebeard all on the same level and as for Blackbeard, I'm not sure where to place him about he's around the admiral top tier- yonko)

Beyond Yonko - Prime Roger, Prime Whitebeard, and Prime Garp

THE STRONGEST- Rocks and Imu ( we don't much about those two but since one almost changed the ruler of this world and the other one rules the world I have those two as the pinnacle in the world of one piece.