Plans For The Future

I was currently cooking some pasta as I was finalizing my decision on what organization I should join. As I was putting the cooked pasta into the sauce, I took out a small notebook from my pocket and started reading everything I write in it. I wrote down all the advantages and disadvantages of joining the world government. I took notes on the options I had as this would greatly impact my future so I needed to make sure I made the right decision.

World Government Disadvantages

- No normal recruitment ( Kidnaping seems to the only way to join cp-9 and cp-0 unknown)

- No freedom

- Take orders from World Nobles

- Corruption, how to get higher ranks ( no idea )

- Limited training ( I would most likely be trained as an assassin, nothing more )

World Government Advantages

- Assassination training ( No haki training )

- Information gathering training

- Access to hidden information

' Looks the disadvantages outweigh the few advantages of joining the World Government. If I join cp-9, my mind could also be molded into their liking of only being an assassin like they did with Lucci. So joining the World Government is not worth it.' I thought now that I went through every detail as I put a plate with the pasta on the table. I turned over the page to the next one which was for pirates.

Pirates Disadvantages

- Constantly being chased

- Life and death always

- Being hated by the civilians of the world

- Advantages

- So call "freedom"

'Yeah, being a pirate is pretty stupid. The show romanticized pirates but pretty much no one likes them. I mean who would, pirates are greedy, violent, and ruthless, willing to hurt anyone and destroy anything to gain what they want—be it treasure, power, or even personal amusement.'

'So being a pirate is also a big no-no. Not to mention after what they did to Albert and mom, there is a boiling rage inside me wanting to kill all of them.' I thought as I continued eating the pasta. I turned the page over which had all the information about the Marines.

Marines Advantages

- Better training

- More resources

- Better protection

- Access to hidden info ( if ranked high enough )

- Access to devil fruits

Marines Disadvantages

- Have to take orders from superiors

- May have to carry out questionable orders


" It looks like joining the Marines is the best option for me out of everything else. I could also meet Garp or Sengoku and learn under them by any chance like Aokiji. I also have the chance to kill pirates as much I want. I have the chance to influence some of the younger marines for my future plans." I said out loud to no one as I finished eating and brought the plate to the sink. As I started washing the plate and pots I used, I thought about my plans after I betray the Marines.

( Note: I'm not sure if Aokiji was directly under the command of Garp but he most likely receive some kind of training from Garp.

' I could start a revolutionary army before Dragon starts his own. Hmm, I guess Dragon is with the Marines or Garp right now. I could probably do something with him. We could work together in the future.' I thought as I was done with cleaning the appliances.

' But how to make Marineford want to recruit me is the problem. From what dad said to mom, the branches in the West Blue are corrupt to its core. and I don't wanna go through the experience. I might attack them if my superiors go too far. So joining the headquarter directly is my best choice. But how to get their attention is the problem.'

'O, I got it, I can become a bounty hunter and just collect the bounties of all the top pirates here in the West Blue. A 7-year-old with conqueror's haki being strong enough to take down all the pirates in the West Blue, the strongest blue sea should get their attention.' I hoped as I walked out of the house to get some training done. As I walked out towards the forest, I waved at some of the townspeople.

As I reached the forest, I asked the system to display the power ranking in my head a blue screen popped out in my head. I wanted to make I remembered the correct ranking so I don't make any mix up the ranking in a fight.


Blue Seas Pirates

Paradise Pirates

Yonko Crew Pirate

Quasi Yonko Commander

Yonko Commander- Low Tier ( Someone is who around Oven, Or Sasaki from the flying Six)

Yonko Commander - Mid Tier ( Someone whose around Snack level)

Yonko Commander- High Tier ( Someone who is around Jack, Doflamingo, Cracker level)

Yonko Commander- Top Tier ( Someone whose level is around King or Katakuri or Zoro)

Quasi Admiral- ( Someone whose level is around Marco, Gion, and Tokikake. They are powerhouses who can fight against admirals and even stalemate them but can hope to never defeat them in a one vs one fight)

Admiral- Low Tier ( Someone whose level is around old Rayleigh and current Luffy in the manga)

Admiral- Mid Tier ( Someone whose level is around oden and Fujitora)

Admiral- High Tier ( Someone whose level is around Kuzan, Kizaru, and Akainu) Admiral - Top Tier ( Someone whose level is around Sengoku or peak rayleigh)

Yonko- Top Tier ( I have all the prime yonkos on the same level without too much strength differences so shanks, kaido, big mom, and old whitebeard all on the same level and as for Blackbeard, I'm not sure where to place him about he's around the admiral top tier- yonko)

Beyond Yonko - Prime Roger, Prime Whitebeard, and Prime Garp

THE STRONGEST- Rocks and Imu ( we don't much about those two but since one almost changed the ruler of this world and the other one rules the world I have those two as the pinnacle in the world of one piece.

' I see, so it would take two high-tier admirals to maybe defeat a yonko level powerhouse and three of them to kill one. I don't know about Kaido tho but I'm sure he can be killed considering Luffy has to beat him somehow with his plot armor, and he has to be killed in Wano.' I thought as I started training.

I kept sending out black sword slashes which cut everything in its path. I was working on mastering Soru and Geppo as they are the easiest to me after I was done with my sword training and trying to find useful ways to use Morgan's ability. Besides that, I did exercises to increase my stamina and muscles. I wanted my body to be lean, not huge Bullet who is just pure muscles and skipped leg days.

Six Hours Later

I was currently taking a bath on the forest's only river as I was sweating a lot from the training I did. I did some swimming laps from one end of the river to where the river met with the ocean. I decided I would do one more month of training before I go bounty hunting since I wanted to make sure the townspeople could protect themselves without me.


If you liked the chapter, drop them power stones or just a comment on what I can improve on. If I made any mistakes do let me know as I do try to fix them. If it's a single word spelled wrong, just ignore it like it's a only single word, it's not gonna ruin the whole chapter. English isn't my first language.

The next chapter will be about the training he did and his increased strength. The reason he cares so much for the townspeople is well because he cares for them, well anyone should if they are a normal person. Second, the people take care of him when he was growing up and still do now. I just didn't write down everything in the chapters so far.