End Of West Blue Arc (Part 4)

Had sort of an author block writing this chapter but I think Im fine now. Other than that I created a new discord server so check that out.


Hope you enjoy the chapter


Two Hours Later

(Drake's Pov)

I have been sailing for two hours straight towards where the devil fruit was at. It was on an island just before Hai Tac. A medium-size island appeared within my sight as I docked the ship near the shore of the island.

The island was pretty barren with no animals in sight. There were barely any plants on the island. As I followed the direction of the map, I soon find the paramecia devil fruit laying near a small tree.

The tree had a couple of branches with a fruit looking similar to peaches. The only thing setting them apart is that instead of the normal yellow-orange color, the fruit is dark purple. The devil fruit was purplish with whiteish-red dots all over the fruit. As I picked up the devil fruit, its exact name and ability appeared in my head.

[Lick-Lick Fruit: Paramecia-type]

[The Lick-Lick Fruit is a Paramecia-type devil fruit that allows the user to create and manipulate candy at will, making the user a Candy Human]

' Seems like I was right. Now what to do with this fruit? I can sell it or give it to someone else. Hmm, for now, I keep it for myself.'

'I probably give it to one of my subordinates in the future. After this fruit has the potential to be quite powerful with what Salih and Perospero accomplished.' I thought while going back towards the ship.

I put the devil fruit inside the ring as I jumped towards the ship's deck. I went inside the ship's control room where it had the steering wheel. The ship started moving towards Hai Tac at moderate speed.

One Hour Later

Hai Tac Island

As the ship got near the shore of the island, I started Gepping towards where my sword was. I found Morgan in all its glory stabbed into the ground near where I collapsed from exhaustion.

It was releasing a dark aura similar to the one it released when I first saw it. An aura filled with loneliness, sadness, and emptiness. But when it noticed me near it that aura it was releasing gradually dissipated.

" Sorry, it took me so long to come to get you," I said to Morgan as I picked it up. The sword's soul let it a humming sound in excitement causing the sword to vibrate in my hand for a few seconds.

" Now let's get you home." I took out Morgan's scabbard from my ring as I sheathed Morgan into it. I strapped the scabbard around my belt as Morgan doesn't want to get into the ring's inner space. I Geppo-ed back to the ship as I didn't feel like walking back.

' Now then towards home'

--------- Three Hours Later---------

>>>>> Dusk Island <<<<<

(3rd Person Pov)

( The home island of Drake. I wasn't sure if I gave it a name yet. Dusk is opposed to Dawn, by the way, might show up later. )

" Hey, is that a marine ship?" A fisherman asked one of his buddies as he saw a large ship coming towards the port. They just got back from fishing and docked their ship into the port. There were about 6 fishermen on the ship as they g

" Seems like it but what's it doing here?" Another fisherman said before one of them noticed a kid on the ship.

" Hey, isn't that Drake?" That one who noticed said to the rest of the group.

" Yeah that is him, go tell everyone else Drake is back. " One of them shouted as a few of them went to the town rushing to deliver the news.

An minutes later the marine ship docked next to the fisherman's ship which was about 3 times smaller than the standard marine ship on the port. Drake jumped down from the ship as their moved away from where Drake landed.

(Drake's Pov)

As I jumped down from the ship, I noticed several people walking towards the port.

' I guess they wanted to greet me back' I thought as I greeted some of the fishermen. Soon around thirty people appeared in the port to greet welcome me back. I talked to about them that battle and how I'm leaving for Marineford. We talked for a while before everyone decided we should have a party at night.

As I was walking towards my house, I sensed someone following me. As I turned around I saw Sokka behind me.

" What's the matter Sokka? I asked the four-year-old as I got him by surprise.

" Ugh Umm, Drake-san I been training since when you out to the sea."

" You told me if I was strong enough you take me with you," Sokka said to me as he tried to me show his muscles.

I did remember him telling me something like that but I didn't mean it seriously.

" Look Sokka, your still too young for me to take. But when your older I promise you I bring you with me." I said to the kid as it brightened up his mood.

" Does that mean I be a marine?" Sokka asked with a smile as the question caught me off guard.

" Hmm, I won't be a marine for long as I have to eventually leave them. Now then why don't you show me the results of your training." I said to Sakka as we arrived at my house.

" So are we going to spar?" Sokka asked as we entered the backyard of my house. I nodded at him as we cleared some of the stuff to give us enough for a fight.

" Don't worry I make sure I won't use all of my powers. I don't wanna accidentally injure you fatally. You can start the fight anytime you want " I said to him as he dashed at me.

He tried punching in the stomach but I dodged it with no effort. He spun around as he tried to kick in the livers.


I blocked it as I caught his leg throwing him to the ground making sure I didn't hurt him too much. He came right back at me but as he was about to punch me he threw some dirt he picked up right in my eyes blocking my sight.

" Very resourceful"

" Blocking the sight of someone above you in strength."

" Well done"

I said to the kid as I tried finding him with my senses. But he was making sure he didn't make any sound as he tried getting behind me.

" Cracking"

I heard him stepping on leave from behind me as I turned around blocking a punch to my back. For a brief moment, I saw an aura behind me allowing me to evade the attack. I took advantage of that as I punched him in the stomach. He managed to fight for three minutes. It's impressive for a four-year-old kid. He has potential.

" You should know when a fight is lost. Sometimes it better to just quit and ran away from your enemies." I said to Sokka as he stood up from the ground. He stumbled for a bit before I helped him up.

" Now get me some water would u, I can't see that much," I said to him as Sokka rushed to want inside to get some water.


Night Time

On the island, everyone was pretty partying. People were getting drunk, dancing, and eating. There was a huge buffet out in the middle of the town with every kind of food. On the menu, there was everything ranging from meats, noodles, sandwiches, rice, and drunks.

As I watched everything partying, I decided to head towards where Uncle Iroh was. He was sitting at one the very end of the tables we up where there wasn't much noise. There were barely any people as everyone was dancing or getting drunk.

I brought a plate filled with food along with some drinks. For uncle Iroh, I brought him some jasmine tea which was inside my ring as I couldn't hold everything.

" Ah, Drake my nephew what are you doing here, you should be out celebrating with everyone." Uncle Iroh said to me as I sat on the opposite end of the table.

" I had enough partying for tonight, I wanted to ask you some questions," I said to him as I put down everything on the table.

" Hahaha, my favorite jasmine tea."

I poured some of it into a cup which I handed to Uncle Iroh.

" Now what is bothering so much for to come to me?" Uncle Iroh asked me as I started talking about some of the things I saw as a bounty hunter.

( Note: Iroh sees every kid like his nephew on the island considering he was there for everyone and shit. And I think I called grandpa in the early chapters but this is the relationship between the mc and Iroh.)


1500 words

If you liked that chapter you can drop some power stones if you want

Join the discord, it will be fun you can ask me anything about the story or if you just wanna talk about one piece or anything else for the matter.

Again here's the link


If you can't copy-check the story's synopsis or the author's thoughts.